The Ancient Sovereign



0The gazes of the two once again fell on the monolith, but they did not know how to make a move.    


Time passed by slowly. Unknowingly, two hours had passed. A line of words on the stone tablet caused Han Yan to ponder deeply. He looked at Xiao Yuyao who was beside him and said: "Since this place is the cave of the Ancient Cultivator, there must be a internal cavity. If we can find the internal cavity, will we be able to undo the formation here?"    


Xiao Yuyao's eyes lit up, and he said: "That's right, since this place is a cultivator's cave, there must be a internal cavity." She looked at the valley and said, "Wait for me here. I will go and search the valley." With that, she turned into a streak of light and charged towards the west of the valley.    


After Xiao Yuyao left, Han Yan continued to look at the stone monument, he could even recite the words on the stone monument backwards by reciting them, yet he still could not think of a way to leave. His divine sense couldn't touch it, and his body couldn't touch the stone tablet. Han Yan used his hand to touch the stone tablet, but the moment he touched it, a powerful force came out from the stone tablet and struck his body away. If not for Han Yan's quick reaction, he would have been severely injured.    


Since it was like that, Han Yan did not dare to rashly touch the stone tablet. One after another, ideas quickly flashed through his mind, but all of them were rejected by him.    


Time flew by, and when the sun had set only the last rays of sunlight left on the ground, Xiao Yuyao had returned from the west side of the valley. She landed in front of Han Yan, and before Han Yan could say anything, she said with a wry smile: "The formation around the valley seems to be self-contained, there are no loopholes at all, we can't even find the array stone that maintain the formation."    


Hearing the two words "array stone," Han Yan's heart tightened, and said: "Maintaining the operation of the formation, aside from the array stone, some other magical equipment that can store spirit energy can also be substituted, right?"    


Xiao Yuyao did not understand the meaning behind Han Yan's words, and nodded: "That's right, magic treasures and tools can be used as substitutes for arrays. However, in this gorge before us, aside from rocks, we can't even see a single plant, let alone a treasure capable of maintaining a formation. "    


Han Yan glanced at the stone tablet in front of him, and said: "Isn't this stone tablet an array formation?"    


Xiao Yuyao was startled for a moment, then bitterly laughed and said: "The treasure and the array stone are hidden inside the array, why would they appear here?"    


Han Yan did not agree with her idea and analyzed: "Don't forget, this is where the Ancient Cultivator lives. Their cultivation methods are different from ours, are their methods of setting up arrays the same?" After saying that, he saw that Xiao Yuyao did not refute him and gave him a look to continue talking. He continued: "Master Ancestor said just now, that the formation around the valley does not have any loopholes. There are only two ways to go about it. One is that the arrays are extremely meticulous and can't be broken through with our cultivation, and two is that the array stone and the treasures are not placed inside the arrays at all. Instead, they are inside this arrays. "    


Xiao Yuyao had a puzzled look on his face as he said, "If that's really the case, then isn't Ancient Cultivator stupid? If someone were to forcefully enter the formation and break the Formation Aperture, wouldn't the entire formation collapse? "    


Han Yan said: "You and I do not think that this is an array eye, but a normal stone tablet, other people would think that it is? Furthermore, if it is truly a normal stone tablet, will it contain a huge amount of energy? "    


Xiao Yuyao corrected him: "The stone tablet does not contain energy, but the power of the formation."    


Han Yan said: "No matter what kind of energy it is, I feel that after breaking the stone tablet, even if it cannot break the formation outside the valley, I can still find a way out."    


Hearing this, Xiao Yuyao laughed bitterly, "We can only do this for now. There is no better way anyway."    


Don't look at how Han Yan analyzed the stone tablet, it was just a talk on paper, he could not come up with a solution to the problem.    


At that moment, the sun withdrew its last rays of light, and darkness enveloped the earth. The moon rose high in the sky, illuminating the valley. Han Yan and Xiao Yuyao's figures were lengthened by the moonlight. The two of them did not notice that the moonlight shone on the stone monument, causing it to slightly fluctuate.    


As time passed, more and more moonlight shone on the stone monolith, and a faint light appeared on the stone monolith. The light was very dim, and if one did not look closely at it, they would not be able to feel it at all. Han Yan and Xiao Yuyao were both cultivators, so they could naturally feel the subtle changes in the stone tablet. Surprise leaked out of their eyes at the same time.    


Han Yan stared at the stone tablet and asked: "Can the stone tablet change at night?"    


Xiao Yuyao said with uncertainty, "Wait for a while longer! Perhaps this is the way to leave. "    


The two of them stared at the stone tablet. What made them disappointed was that the light on the stone tablet was increasing very slowly. After waiting for an entire night, the stone tablet did not change at all. When the morning sun shined on the stone monument, many specks of light flew out and disappeared in the air at an extremely fast speed.    


Han Yan's heart tensed up, he immediately set up an array formation around the stone tablet. Once the array formation appeared, the spot of light that had disappeared from the stone tablet stopped. After a while, the light continued to dissipate, but at a much slower rate than before. Xiao Yuyao took out a few array stone s from the storage bag and placed them around him. Then, he started to channel one technique after another into the array stone.    


After the array was formed, Xiao Yuyao continued to take out array stone s and threw them at Han Yan: "Quickly, set up the array together, gather more."    


Han Yan understood and quickly set up the array. Although the array he set up was not as clever as Xiao Yuyao's, it was laid out very quickly, and in the blink of an eye it had already been set up. On this day, the two of them did not know how many array formations were laid down. The array around the stone tablet was densely packed, layer after layer. Because there were too many array formations, the light finally stopped dissipating.    


The night descended once more, and the moon hovered in the sky.    


Maybe because of the formation around the monument, the moonlight could not reach it, so Xiao Yuyao immediately used a logarithmic spell to seal the formation. Han Yan was the same, when all the formations were sealed, the stone tablet once again condensed with moonlight. However, the speed at which the moonlight condensed was too slow. If it were at this speed, it would take thousands of years for the stone tablet to change.    


Xiao Yuyao was silent for a moment, then flew to high school and quickly laid down an extremely large array, which took a few hours to complete. The formation was very strange. It was like a funnel. When the formation was complete, moonlight shined on the formation and quickly gathered on the stone tablet.    


The speed at which the moonlight condensed on the stone tablet became faster. In addition, the light from the previous day's worth of light had not disappeared yet. It was now emitting a faint light.    


During the day, the two of them would activate the array and close it at night.    


This cycle repeated itself, doing the same thing every day.    


As time passed, the two of them felt that their days had gone by in boredom. They wanted to cultivate, but had no time to do so, and there was nothing they could do even if they did not cultivate.    


On this morning, after the formation had been activated, Xiao Yuyao said to Han Yan: "Regarding the common sense of cultivation, if there's anything you don't understand, you can ask me."    


Han Yan indeed had many things he did not understand and wanted to ask Xiao Yuyao, because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, so he said: "Senior, do Foundation Establishment cultivators have Cultivation Methods?"    


Xiao Yuyao smiled slightly and said: "Only the Qi Refining Stage Cultivator has a ten level cultivation technique, after you have reached the Foundation Establishment stage, you will not need it anymore. When the spirit energy in your body has condensed to a certain degree, you will be able to break through the bottleneck and enter the next level. Oh right, you should still not be clear about the realm of Taoist, right? " She saw Han Yan nod his head and continued: "For example, if you are currently in the Foundation Establishment stage, you will be in the Foundation Establishment stage. Within this realm, there are four levels, which are the early, middle, late and grand completion stages of the Foundation Establishment stage."    


"After reaching the great circle of perfection, I'll be able to break through the last bottleneck of that level." Xiao Yuyao was afraid that Han Yan did not understand and explained in detail, "It is much more difficult to break through the bottleneck of the realm than it is to break through the bottleneck of the realm, because even if the latter were to fail, he would not lose anything. However, the former is different. If we fail, the result would be unimaginable.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed with a look of astonishment, and he said: "Die?"    


Xiao Yuyao nodded his head, and said: "The moment you met me, I failed to break through the bottleneck. If you had not saved me, my cultivation would have definitely plummeted." She revealed a grateful smile to Han Yan before continuing, "As for failure in breaking through bottlenecks, there are very few cases of deaths. Only when attacked or distracted will they appear. "    


After Han Yan heard about the situation of the Foundation Establishment, he said: "Senior, I wonder if you can refine magic treasures."    


Xiao Yuyao smiled slightly and said: "Of course I will, every single Cultivator In Golden Pill Stage must refine a treasure of their own. Other people's treasures may be good, but they do not belong to them. Refining magical equipment is very simple. As long as you have the refining method of magical equipment, you can continue to refine according to that method. "    


Speaking till here, Xiao Yuyao suddenly thought of something, and said to Han Yan: "Did you refine that green small sword yourself?"    


Han Yan did not hide it and said: "I refined it."    


Surprise flashed across Xiao Yuyao's eyes no longer. She practically knew all of the secrets that Han Yan was hiding. Perhaps one person was much more surprised by the other, and even if something much more surprising happened, it would still make sense. The current Xiao Yuyao, was like this. No matter how shocked he was, he believed it was normal.    


Xiao Yuyao smiled and reminded him: "If you can completely refine a treasure and use the same blood refining technique, the level of consciousness would be comparable or even surpass that of the treasure you have refined." After saying this, she changed the subject and said, "However, for an ordinary cultivator, blood refinement is simple, but refining it is difficult. Even I don't have the time to refine a magical treasure."    


Han Yan revealed a puzzled face, and said: "Can the effects of Blood Refinement and Refinement superimpose on each other?"    


Xiao Yuyao explained: "It can stack, but there must be a difference in the order. After being refined, the magic treasure can be blood-refined, but after being blood-refined, the magic treasure cannot be refined.    


Han Yan nodded his head: "Is the blood refining technique something only Cultivator In Golden Pill Stage can use?"    


Xiao Yuyao shook his head: "The cultivation world is ever-changing, many things are not absolute. Theoretically, one must reach the golden core stage before being able to use the Blood Refinement Art. However, if you have a secret method that is refined by blood and feed it with blood essence, you would also be able to achieve the same effect. It's just that this method consumes too much of your lifespan and normal cultivation would not choose this method. "    


"Right." Xiao Yuyao seemed to have thought of something, and said: "I have seen that copper mirror of yours on the bodies of the disciples in the sect, it can't be that you killed him, right?"    


Han Yan's face sank as he looked at Xiao Yuyao warily.    


Xiao Yuyao waved his hands and gave Han Yan a look that he did not need to worry about, as he slowly said, "The two of us might not be able to leave this place for the rest of our lives, so I will not kill you. To be honest, before I left the valley, I had no mood to cultivate. When I thought about how I would be unable to leave even if I cultivated to a higher realm, I might as well find a way to leave first! "    



Han Yan did not think so and said: "If your cultivation is high, isn't breaking the array easy?"    


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