The Ancient Sovereign



0It was unknown if Han Yan was really lucky, or if the heavens were merciful towards him, but on the way back, he actually encountered that Deep Sea Black Turtle that was about to die. Han Yan listened to the Xiao Hui's suggestion and did not make a move. Instead, he waited there for three days. It was only until the Xuanwu turtle died that they managed to get their hands on the turtle shell. In order to prevent the turtle shell from melting, Han Yan used another two days to completely seal the turtle shell.    


Hearing Han Yan's words, Qin Rouer sobbed, "From now on, don't leave me, okay?"    


Just as Han Yan wanted to answer, a light flashed on the compass, and Qin Xiong and Chen Yue walked out. When they saw the two of them embracing, they were slightly stunned. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he saw a kitten on Han Yan's shoulder. Chen Yue recognized the Xiao Hui with a single glance and immediately widened his eyes.    


The Nine-clawed dragon cat drooped its head and was a little depressed: "Now that you see me, it seems like my position in your hearts is not as good as Boss's! If only I had known that I was going to the Murlocs, I might have even gotten some Murloc beauties as wives! " Murlocs was a half human, half demon race. There were those who married humans, and there were also those who married Demonic Beast. For example, the Nine-clawed dragon cat Clan had once married a woman from the Murlocs.    


Qin Xiong's face revealed an awkward expression, he cupped his fists and said: "Senior Dragon Cat, if you wish to find a Murlocs woman for marriage, I can introduce you to one." As he spoke, he gave a meaningful glance to Chen Yue who was beside him.    


How could Chen Yue not understand the meaning behind his eyes, but he pretended as if he did not see it. He wasn't an idiot, he could tell that the Xiao Hui was just Han Yan's pet with a glance. What future did he have if his daughter married a strong pet? Even if he did not marry Han Yan and stayed in the clan for the rest of his life, he would still be responsible for his daughter and allow her to marry a Demonic Beast.    


Qin Xiong saw that Chen Yue did not say anything, and he understood what he was thinking. He continued to speak: "Senior Dragon Cat, if you like clan women, you can follow me to the compass to take a look. If you see anyone, just say it out loud. He was very smart. After the Murlocs returned to the Ten Directions Continent, there were many things he needed to do. As long as the Xiao Hui was given some benefits, when the Murlocs was in trouble, they would definitely not stand idly by.    


The Xiao Hui waved its claws, and said disapprovingly: "Forget it, your clan's number one beauty has already been taken by Boss, no matter how beautiful she is, how beautiful can she be?" As he spoke, he glanced at Qin Rouer who was in Han Yan's embrace.    


Qin Rouer blushed as she raised her head to stare at the Nine-clawed dragon cat. She wanted to say something, but no words came out. The relationship between her and Han Yan was not very deep. Not only was the Xiao Hui powerful, she was also Han Yan's pet. For a time, she felt wronged, but she didn't know whether to say it or not.    


Seeing Qin Rouer's expression, Han Yan also felt that the words of the Xiao Hui were a little excessive and said: "Xiao Hui, don't speak carelessly …"    


The Xiao Hui stuck its tongue out mischievously, and said: "If you don't want to say it, then don't. Can't I go to sleep?" After he finished speaking, he landed on Han Yan's shoulder in a flash, ran to a corner of the compass, and fell into a deep sleep.    


The atmosphere became awkward, no one knew what to say. After a long while, Qin Xiong finally asked: "Fellow Daoist Han, how much longer until we reach Ten Directions Continent?" According to the records of the Murlocs, it would take at least a month to get a low level compass, and with the high level compass's incredible speed, he did not know how long it would take.    


Qin Rouer took out the jade slip. Just as he was about to look at the map, Han Yan said, "There's still half a day before we reach the East Sea Cloud."    


"So fast …" Qin Xiong gasped, his eyes filled with excitement.    


Han Yan nodded, and said: All of you enter the compass! The tsunami of the East China Sea was extremely powerful. Once they encountered it, it would be very difficult to escape. "Remember, no matter what happens later, don't come out."    


Qin Xiong and Chen Yue looked at each other, but did not say anything.    


Qin Rouer hesitated for a moment, but did not enter the compass, and instead asked: "Han Yan, can I stay behind to accompany you?"    


Han Yan shook his head, and said in an irrefutable tone: "No, you must go in."    


Disappointment flashed past Qin Rouer's eyes, and he opened his mouth: "But … I want to stay with you. "    


Seeing her unhappy expression, Han Yan's brows twitched, and he immediately explained, "Rou Er, you can't even imagine the tsunami in the East Sea. Even if I was swept up in it, I wouldn't have absolute confidence in being able to escape. "If there really is a tsunami later, I will have to take care of you. It will be even more dangerous then."    


Qin Rouer was not an unreasonable person, after hearing this, he nodded and said: "Alright! "I'll wait for you inside the compass, you must be careful …"    


Han Yan nodded her head, with a move of her wrist, she released a burst of Spirit Qi which wrapped Qin Rouer inside and sent her into the compass.    


Just as Qin Rouer left, the Xiao Hui opened its eyes and flew onto Han Yan's shoulder, laughing mischievously: "Boss, this girl is not bad, she's even more intelligent than Lin Xianer. How did you get her?"    


Han Yan glared at him but did not reply.    


The Xiao Hui obviously wanted to get to the bottom of this, and did not hesitate to ask, and continued to speak: "Boss, you still haven't told me, have you gotten the Murloc's tears yet?"    


"Got it." Han Yan only said three words, before he fully focused on controlling the flying discs.    


The Xiao Hui heaved a sigh of relief and said: "Sister-in-law..." In his heart, there was only one elder sister-in-law and that was Han Yan's first woman, Xiao Yuyao. Regardless if Han Yan still had a woman in the future, the Xiao Hui would never call her sister-in-law, even Qin Rouer who had saved Han Yan's life.    


Han Yan knew that if he did not clarify today, the Xiao Hui would not have kept his mouth shut. After explaining what had happened, he coldly snorted and said, "Is there anything else you want to ask? I told you. "    


The Xiao Hui waved its claws and laughed: "No more, I'm going to continue sleeping."    


Half a day later, Han Yan controlled the compass and arrived at the fog array.    


Just as they arrived at the edges of the fog array, they encountered a tsunami. A huge vortex appeared, sucking the compass in. Han Yan patted the storage bag on his waist and summoned it. It then turned into a god, blocking the attractive force that was spinning inside, and then used all his power to control the compass, increasing his speed and flying out of the whirlpool.    


The compass was astonishingly fast. It transformed into a streak of light, and flew out of the vortex. If a cultivator were to see this, their eyes would definitely be wide open. The vortex had an amazing suction force that no one below the Spirit Severing stage could resist. Not only did Han Yan accomplish it by himself, he did it very easily.    


After flying out of the vortex, the compass flew straight into the clouds. Its speed was unimaginably fast. In the blink of an eye, it had already flown into the clouds. The clouds and mist seemed endless, but in truth, they had their limits. This was already the third time Han Yan had been here. Although it couldn't be said that he had an extremely deep understanding of this cloud, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to fly out.    


In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, the compass flew out from the cloud.    


Han Yan stood on top of the compass, listened to the sound of the ocean waves, breathed in the sober air, and looked at the faintly discernible mountain peak in the distance. After leaving for so long, he had finally returned. He didn't know how Han Fei was doing, and he didn't know if his master had transformed into an immortal, but how many people on this continent still remembered him?    


Han Yan let out a heavy sigh, and then called Qin Xiong and the others out.    


When Qin Xiong and the others came out, they saw that they were already out of the clouds, their faces were filled with excitement, wishing that they could return to the place where they used to live.    


Chen Yue pointed in the direction of the Ming Empire, and said: "That's right, this is the place. It's exactly the same as the records, that's the Sky Pillar Peak, the tallest mountain in the eastern part of the Great Zhou Empire."    


"The Great Zhou Empire?" Han Yan's brows twitched, and said, "Senior, we are no longer in the ancient times, and the eastern part of the continent is now the Ming Empire. That mountain peak is no longer called Heaven Pillar Peak. It's called Heaven's Daylight Peak. " As he said that, he patted the storage bag at his waist and took out a jade slip, handing it over to Chen Yue: "This is the situation that Ten Directions Continent was in a hundred years ago. I wonder if it will still be the same now."    


"Although there are some changes in a hundred years, they won't change too much," Qin said with a serious expression. As he said that, he looked towards Han Yan and continued, "Fellow Daoist Han, we are currently looking for a place to stay. Are you going with us, or …?"    


Han Yan did not even think about it, and said: "I still have some things to do, you guys go ahead!"    


"When can you come back?" Qin Xiong said, "When we are opening the treasure deposit, should we call for you?"    


Han Yan was silent for a bit, then said: "I suggest that you all not open the treasure right now. Ten Directions Continent is in a mess, after I clean up a few people, I'll go look for you guys.    


"That's fine too." Qin Xiong took out a jade slip and gave it to Han Yan, "This is the place the Murlocs lived during the Middle Ancient Era. After you're done with your work, go find us there!"    


Han Yan accepted the jade slip, looked at Qin Rouer, and said: "Are you coming with me, or …"    


Qin Rouer seemed to have already thought about it, and said: "I'll go with you!" Then he added, "Can you tell me where you're going?"    


"Killing." Han Yan's eyes flashed with killing intent, he clenched his hands tightly, and a huge killing intent burst out from his body.    


Everyone was startled when they felt the murderous intent. They truly could not imagine just how deep the hatred he had for him to release such a huge amount of killing intent.    


Qin Rouer was not an idiot. In the blink of an eye, he already knew that Han Yan releasing such a huge killing intent was definitely related to his beloved woman. That being the case, the cultivation level of the people Han Yan offended was not low, even if he went, he might not be able to help. Thinking up to here, Qin Rouer changed the thought from before and said: "I won't go with you. If you're done, come find me in Murlocs."    


Han Yan did not speak, he nodded his head once, transformed into a burst of grandeur, and pierced through the air.    


The Xiao Hui laughed and chased after him in a flash. In the blink of an eye, it had landed on Han Yan's shoulder.    



There were only three people left on the compass. Qin Xiong was puzzled: "Rou Er, why didn't you go with him? This is a great time to cultivate our relationship."    


Qin Rouer laughed bitterly, then said something that even she herself could not understand, "Since the heart is not here, what's the use?" With that, he looked in the direction of the Ten Directions Continent, and changed the topic: "Father, Uncle Chen, you guys do not need to say anymore, I have my own plans, let us quickly find the place where the Murlocs lives!"    


Qin Xiong secretly sighed, and did not say anymore, and said: "Let's go!"    


Han Yan's speed was extremely fast, and in a flash, he arrived at Ming Empire.    


Compared to a hundred years ago, there weren't many changes here. Familiar mountains, familiar trees, and familiar rivers passed by in his line of sight. Han Yan took a step forward, and with the sound of thunder, his body shot out like an arrow, appearing hundreds of miles away.    


After walking a few more steps, Han Yan arrived in front of a mountain range.    


Looking at the small mountain village at the side of the mountain range, Han Yan subconsciously touched the storage bag, and muttered: "Father, Mother, we're back, can you hear us?"    


The storage bag moved a little, as if they had really heard their son's words.    


Han Yan closed his eyes and took a deep breath of cool air. With a flash, he arrived at the village. When he saw the house that he had lived in that year turn into a mess, his face sank. He clenched both his hands tightly as his fingernails dug into his palm. Blood kept flowing out. He angrily shouted, "Who did this?"    


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