The Ancient Sovereign



0To Zhou Qiguang's astonishment, he discovered that as soon as the flames he controlled flew past Han Yan's body, they transformed into the purest of Strength Of Yang and flew into Han Yan's storage bag. Based on his years of cultivation, he could conclude that Han Yan's storage bag had a peerless treasure, a Archaic Dharma treasure of the seventh rank or higher. The moment this thought appeared, Zhou Qiguang's body uncontrollably trembled. As the Valley Lord, he knew better than anyone else how powerful the ancient techniques were.    


Archaic Dharma treasure s were different in terms of magical equipment now, they did not have a very strong ranking system. As long as one was a cultivator, no matter how high their cultivation was, they could be controlled. However, the low cultivation could only simply use it and was unable to unleash the magical equipment's abilities. Of course, this was not absolute. After all, magic treasures had a consciousness, and some Archaic Dharma treasure could activate it on their own under special circumstances.    


The treasures in Han Yan's storage was this type, without using it, it would be able to decompose its own technique, and then forcibly convert it into Strength Of Yang, absorbing the spiritual energy inside. What kind of magic treasure was this? It could actually activate such a divine ability on its own? The more Zhou Qiguang thought about it, the more frightened he felt. He didn't want to accept this fact and angrily roared, "Go to hell!"    


Under Zhou Qiguang's control, the sea of flames around Han Yan suddenly pounced towards him.    


Sensing the wave of heat that was assaulting him, Han Yan's brows twitched. Without hesitation, he took out the Golden Crow Copper Mirror s from the storage bag s and then raised the mirror. He shone it onto the surrounding sea of flames and the sea of flames instantly turned into a pure Strength Of Yang, which was sucked into the mirror. Originally, Han Yan did not plan to use his Golden Crow Copper Mirror, but the scene in front of him had exceeded his expectations. In order to stay safe for a period of time, he had to use the copper mirror to deal with the sea of flames in front of him.    


Seeing the Golden Crow Copper Mirror, Zhou Qiguang opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. He cried out involuntarily: "Golden Crow Divine Mirror, who exactly are you?"    


The surrounding disciples were all dumbfounded by his words. All of them stared blankly into their eyes, as if they had lost their souls.    


What is a Golden Crow Copper Mirror? To the cultivators of Golden Crow Continent, there was no one who did not know. The Golden Crow Copper Mirror was a symbol of the Golden Crow Continent and also the guardian treasure of the Golden Crow Pavilion. How could such a treasure appear in the hands of a nonnative cultivator? Many disciples didn't know what was going on.    


Zhou Qiguang was also stupefied, he could not figure out the reason either. Firstly, Han Yan was a nonnative cultivator. How could he possibly possess the Golden Crow Pavilion's treasure to guard the sect? Furthermore, the other party was obviously not a disciple of the Golden Crow Pavilion. Even if he had been to the Golden Crow Pavilion before, or perhaps had a deep relationship with the Golden Crow Pavilion, it was impossible for him to lend the Golden Crow Divine Mirror to him. Furthermore, even if the Golden Crow Pavilion had given him the Golden Crow Divine Mirror, why would he come to the Artifact Forging Valley?    


Zhou Qiguang did not believe that, the other party had come for the refining manuals in the valley.    


In the Golden Crow Continent, although there weren't many sects that forged equipment, there were at least five sects like the Artifact Forging Valley. Even the last ranked of the five sects, the Treasure Refining Pavilion, was much stronger than the Artifact Forging Valley in terms of overall strength. Zhou Qiguang didn't doubt that the Golden Crow Divine Mirror in Han Yan's hands was a copy. He had been refining for so many years, and even though he couldn't refine any peerless magical equipment, he could still differentiate between genuine and fake.    


Zhou Fei's eyes were also wide open as he was the most shocked, and thought to himself: "Who exactly is he? Why does he possess the Golden Crow Divine Mirror? Could he have found it in the boundless lava? " Thinking about it here, he felt that something was amiss. Everyone on the continent knew about the Golden Crow Divine Mirror. There was only one Golden Crow Copper Mirror on the continent, how could there be two? Even mortals who didn't know any spells knew this.    


As everyone was in shock, Han Yan's consciousness moved, the large hand of spirit energy returned to his side, and a few bottles of Pill s landed in his hands. Han Yan did not hesitate either. He tapped on the bottle cap and a red Pill appeared in front of him. The bronze Pill Mirror was fiery red in color, and it contained a huge amount of Strength Of Yang. There were four to five ripples on the surface of the Pill. It was obviously the same as the Ten Directions Continent, where the ranks of Pill were separated by the lines on the Pill.    


Han Yan grabbed onto the Pill and swallowed it. The spirit energy in his body was quickly recovering and in the blink of an eye, he recovered ten percent. Although this recovery rate was not as good as the spirit liquid, it was still much faster than the average Pill. At this rate, he would be able to fully recover in a few breaths' time. The Strength Of Yang contained within this Pill was extremely huge, and the rest could still be stored in the blood to change one's physique.    


After Han Yan swallowed the Pill, Zhou Qiguang also recovered from his astonishment. He stared at Han Yan and asked: "Who exactly are you?" He saw the eyes of the nine golden crows on top of the Golden Crow Divine Mirror light up, and they no longer had the desire to fight. According to the legends, once the eyes of the nine golden crows began to glow, it would prove that the copper mirror contained an astonishing amount of energy, and thus, met the minimum requirement to unleash divine abilities.    


It was said that the energy stored was different, and the divine abilities used were also different. If one could store all the energy between heaven and earth in the copper mirror, then the attack they used would be able to destroy the world. Of course, this was only a legend, and no one knew whether or not the Golden Crow Divine Mirror was really that strong. The only thing that he could be certain of was that the weakest divine ability in the Golden Crow Divine Mirror was enough to kill Cultivator In Golden Pill Stage millions of times.    


Seeing everyone's expression, Han Yan frowned and started to ponder. This continent was called Golden Crow Continent, the energy of the world was also called Strength Of Yang, the largest sect was also called Golden Crow Pavilion, Zhou Qiguang's magical equipment was also a copy of the Golden Crow Copper Mirror. All of these explained one thing, the Golden Crow Copper Mirror was closely related to this continent.    


If that was truly the case, it would be extremely troublesome. Since they had already seen it, they could either kill them all or use them for their own purposes. Han Yan hesitated for a moment and chose the latter. Although he had killed a lot of people over the years, he had to kill every single one of them. In this situation, even if he killed everyone, there was not much point in it. With Han Yan's current cultivation level, he could definitely erase the memories of these disciples. As for the Tang Qiguang in front of him, he had already thought of a way to deal with him.    


Thinking about it here, Han Yan raised the Golden Crow Copper Mirror up and pointed the mirror at Tang QI Guang, then said coldly: "Who I am is not important, you only need to know that I can kill you." As he finished speaking, his divine sense moved, and the eyes of the nine golden crows in the copper mirror suddenly flashed. They transformed into a streak of blue light, congealing in the mirror. His voice was cold and merciless, with an irrefutable tone.    


At this moment, did Zhou Qiguang have any choice?    


The answer was yes, he had no choice but to submit. If he resisted, he would die on the spot. Although he did not believe that Han Yan's own strength could kill him, he believed that the Golden Crow Copper Mirror could still destroy his soul. The blue light inside the mirror was a blue light that was created by training the flames to an extremely high level. Let alone killing him, even if Expert of Elemental Infant Stage encountered the energy contained within the blue colored flame, he would be seriously injured or even die on the spot.    


Although Zhou Qiguang was not willing to give up his Artifact Forging Valley and become another slave, he had no choice. The only thing that made him happy was that Han Yan was only a foundation-building stage cultivator, if Han Yan's cultivation level waited for him to be equal, then he could easily erase his memories. Zhou Qiguang knew in his heart that the other party would not kill him because he still had use for them.    


Zhou Qiguang let out a bitter laugh, let out a long sigh, and could only resign himself to fate. From this moment on, his life would not belong to him, but to this young master in front of him. Zhou Qiguang raised his head, and just as he was about to pat his forehead, Zhou Yueyang's voice came from behind, "Father, you cannot submit to him."    


Zhou Qiguang turned around, glared at him, and said in a stern voice: "Bastard, give me your soul."    


Hearing his father's words, Zhou Yueyang was stunned, he then shook his head and said: "No, I will not become his servant. Even if I die, I will not …." He was going to kill himself.    


Han Yan's figure moved, quickly appearing behind him like a ghost. His right hand pressed onto his forehead, and an enormous amount of spirit energy entered it, sealing the Strength Of Yang in his body.    


Instantly losing his cultivation and turning into a mortal, Zhou Yueyang staggered and almost fell to the ground. After he steadied his body, he glared at Han Yan and roared in anger, "Why didn't you kill me?"    


"Killing you means nothing to me." Han Yan took off the Mountain River Fan in Zhou Yueyang's hands and said coldly. Then, he walked step by step towards Zhou Qiguang, and said indifferently, "You decide your life and death yourself."    


Zhou Yueyang was his only son. If his son died, he would choose to commit suicide as well. He did not expect Han Yan to see through his thoughts and take action first, sealing his son's cultivation. Thus, his son's fate was in his hands. He didn't even have the courage to commit suicide. At that moment, Zhou Qiguang could not help but admire Han Yan's methods. His cultivation was higher than Han Yan's, and with a glance, he could tell that Han Yan was not even fifty years old.    


At such a young age, yet his shrewdness was comparable to a thousand year old cultivator, Zhou Qiguang felt afraid just thinking about it. He inhaled a deep breath of cool air, gritted his teeth, and opened his mouth. A grey streak of light flew out, straight towards Han Yan. Han Yan scanned his soul with his Divine Sense. After confirming that there were no problems, he opened his mouth and sucked the soul in. Although it was called a soul, it wasn't actually Zhou Yueyang's soul. It was a primary soul within the Three Souls and Seven Souls.    


Whether it was humans or cultivators, they all had to have three souls and seven souls. If he lacked three souls, he would be like a fool who didn't remember anything. If he lacked seven souls, his body would not be able to move even though his mind was clear. When a mortal spoke of being possessed by evil spirits and was unable to wake up while lying in bed, they had actually lost their seven souls. Those born retarded lost three souls for some reason when they were born.    


Of course, there was a small difference between mortals and cultivators. Cultivators could split their soul into three parts. As long as one part and one part remained, they wouldn't die. Mortals, on the other hand, were different. Even if they lost one soul, their intelligence would be greatly reduced. If he lost one of his soul, his movements would become sluggish. If he lost one soul, then he would look like a walking beast.    


Han Yan had Zhou Qiguang's primary soul, so the other party's life and death depended entirely on him. With just a thought, he could decide Zhou Qiguang's life and death. Aside from that, as long as he was 5,000 kilometers away, no matter where Zhou Qiguang hid, Han Yan would be able to find his hiding place and issue an order through the relationship between the primary soul and the soul.    


This was the first time Han Yan received another primary soul. In order to confirm if it was as miraculous as the secret manual said, he gave a command to Zhou Qiguang with his Spiritual Sense, "Wipe out all the memories of the disciples here. If there is one person's memory that has not been wiped away, or if you have ulterior motives, then I don't need to say the result!"    


Zhou Qiguang's body trembled, he cupped his hands and said stiffly: "As you command, Master... "Master." After being a Valley Lord for so many years, this was the first time he had addressed others like this.    


Han Yan's gaze swept across them, and landed on the nearby Zhou Fei, and said: "Come over here."    


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