Be the Deliveryman in Overall World

C682 Are All the Demons' Aesthetic Standards This Weird?

C682 Are All the Demons' Aesthetic Standards This Weird?

0After Chu Feng kicked, he immediately felt refreshed and let out a long breath.    


Without this fat woman, the world felt much quieter.    


"That was close! My virginity was almost taken advantage of." Chu Feng had an expression of lingering fear.    


As for the monster that was chasing the fat woman, it couldn't help but stop and look at Chu Feng in shock.    


He had thought that Chu Feng would save him and then ask for a hero's beauty or something?    


However …    


It was one thing for Chu Feng to not save the beauty, but what kind of logic was that?    


The demon roared angrily after being stunned for a moment.    


"Damn humans, you people are full of ugly women. It was not easy to find a peerless beauty, so I wanted to grab her and eat her, but you kicked her. If I ruin her peerless beauty, how are you going to compensate me?"    


Chu Feng's mouth twitched as he looked at the demon in disbelief.    


Were all the demons of today so unique in terms of their aesthetics?    


That fat old lady did indeed have a peerless appearance. However, this was the complete opposite. She was so ugly that it caused one's hair to stand on end. Even his own advantages were almost taken away by her.    


Thinking about the scene just now, Chu Feng couldn't help but shiver.    


Then, Chu Feng looked at the demon in front of him and said with a serious expression.    


"Don't worry, I'm helping her fix her face. Believe me, this foot of mine might help her become more beautiful."    


The demon was stunned for a moment before crying out angrily.    


"Damn human, do you think I'm easy to deceive? Do you take me for a fool?" "I've cultivated for hundreds of years already, yet you, this brat Kid, still wants to lie to me. You really don't know the meaning of this."    


"Everyone, we found a delicious human here, let's eat him together."    


The moment the demons' words were spoken, demons charged out from their surroundings. They were densely packed and there was a rough estimate of nearly a hundred demons.    


"Hee hee …"    


"I didn't expect there would be a human here. No, I didn't expect one of them to faint. Now I have something to eat."    


"Do you only know what to eat? Look at that unconscious human girl, she is simply a peerless beauty, we must catch her to have fun, all of you want to eat her all the time, can't you just treat her as a glutton? "    


"Waa, your words seem to make quite a bit of sense. This human woman is simply a Heavenly Immortal. Directly eating her is too wasteful."    


"Hehe, all of you have no experience. Don't listen to how beautiful those humans are when they play the fairy. It's actually just a bit ugly. Compared to this beauty who fainted, it's like comparing heaven and earth. Today, we've really met some good stuff."    


The demons began discussing.    


Hearing the discussions of the demons, Chu Feng's mouth twitched.    


Chu Feng thought that the demon just now had a unique sense of beauty. But now, it seems that their demon's sense of aesthetics were very special.    


"Let's not talk about that, let's deal with this human first. Although he's not a cultivator, I feel that his body contains a powerful energy. If we take a bite, I feel like it can raise our cultivation experience by dozens of years."    


"Really? With such a reminder, I can truly feel boundless power from his body. He's simply a great tonic. Our luck is really too good."    


At this moment, the demon that called them out began to regret. Just now, he was in a hurry and did not observe carefully. But now, after their reminder, he realized that Chu Feng was extraordinary.    


If he ate Chu Feng whole, he would probably gain hundreds of years of cultivation experience.    


However …    


Now that there were nearly a hundred demons gathered here, it was already impressive that he had managed to snatch a bite to eat. If he was unlucky, he might not even be able to get a single bite.    


While he was secretly regretting, Chu Feng also sneered.    


"Do you all think I'm Monk Tang's meat? But this also depends on whether you all can eat me or not."    


Hearing Chu Feng's words, the surrounding demons laughed in unison.    


"Hee hee …"    


"You're just a normal human without any cultivation experience. Although we don't know where your energy came from, you can only become our food."    


"Human, die!"    


Immediately, nearly a hundred demons pounced towards Chu Feng and opened their bloody mouths.    


Seeing that, there was no trace of fear on Chu Feng's face. He only laughed coldly.    


"With merely you all and even me, you all simply do not know what it means to write the word 'die'. Do you know how to write the word 'die'?"    


As he said that, Chu Feng reached out with his right hand and a long spear appeared in his hand.    


This was Nezha's Firepoint!    


The moment the spear appeared, the air instantly emitted a wave of hot heat.    


The flame on the spear was meant to counter fiendish demons!    


The demons that were charging towards Chu Feng stopped after they felt the blazing flames from the spear.    


That was because they all felt a fatal threat from the flame on Chu Feng's spear.    


"Not good, this human is strange. We were tricked, hurry up and leave."    


"Damn human, this human is so cunning, he actually tricked us, this is outrageous."    


"Run! Hurry up and run! I don't want to die yet!"    



"No, before I run, I have to take away the unconscious beauty on the ground. I've never played with her before."    


The demons dispersed in all directions. Seeing that something was amiss, they immediately fled.    


However, how could Chu Feng let them go so easily? He gripped the gun in his hand and swung it forward.    


The tip of the spear shot out with raging flames. Instantly, it transformed into a flaming dragon that charged at the demons.    




"Ah! What's with this fire? This is Demon Annihilation Fire!"    


"We were deceived by this cunning human, damn human!"    


The moment the fire dragons appeared, the group of demons did not have any ability to retaliate. Accompanied by cries of pain, they turned into ashes that scattered into the air.    


Of course, the demons on the field didn't all die, there was still one left. However, it wasn't Chu Feng's fault, it was intentional.    


After all, he still had some questions that he wanted to ask. This place was completely lifeless, and apart from the fat old woman that he knocked out, it would be extremely difficult for him to find anyone else.    


Since he couldn't get answers from anyone, he could only find a demon and ask.    


At this moment, Chu Feng looked at the group of black fog in the air with a smile that was not a smile as he held the sharp spear in his hand.    


"I advise you not to think about running. If you dare to move recklessly, you will immediately turn into ashes like your compatriots."    


The demon that had survived was the one that had chased after the fat woman.    


But now, the demon didn't dare to act as arrogantly as it did before.    


If Chu Feng was unhappy, he would turn to dust.    


As for escaping, it was just a dream. With Chu Feng's power just now, if a lesser demon like him dared to act rashly, he would instantly turn to dust.    


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