Super Treasure Bag

C576 On Board

C576 On Board

0It was about to begin!    


After two days of preparation, the most critical moment had come. Shi Dali still felt nervous for some reason.    


Of course, this was all because of the final result of their mission. It would determine the safety of Wenn Xiaotian and Tian Xiaoyu.    


"Where shall we meet?"    


Shi Dali asked Leng Feng again.    


"I have placed a special communication device at the front desk of the hotel. Each of you should keep one in your ears and communicate with each other at any time."    


Even Shi Dali was surprised by Leng Feng's voice.    


After all, this fellow had not mentioned anything about the communicator in the past. He hadn't expected that it would be prepared now.    


"Understood, we'll board the ship directly?"    


"That's right, just like you're tourists, it's fine as long as you board the ship. The rest of the things I can't help you with, you must remember to stop the ship at the lighthouse."    


Leng Feng was still worried about this, so he gave an order.    


After hanging up the phone, Shi Dali looked at Huo Lang and Ren Haoran.    


"This is a battle to the death!"    


The three of them understood the meaning behind his words, so they didn't have much to say to each other. Following their plans, they began to dress up like Qiao Chuan and left the hotel ten minutes later.    


Of course, before leaving, they also got the communication device that Leng Feng talked about.    


Even Ren Haoran had never seen such a new technology. Of course, this had something to do with the fact that Ren Haoran had been out of the martial arts world for many years.    


After careful calculation, it happened to be just an hour and a half's drive away, so they arrived at the port.    


Teacher Shi, who was watching the beautiful ship from afar, could not help but gasp in surprise.    


This was the first time he had come to such a place, the endless sea of docks, the cruise ship was like a giant dragon that was about to rush into the sea, it was eye-catching and dazzling.    


"Let's go, I think they're already on the boat."    


Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali glanced at the sea. From this position, he could not see the lighthouse. What he was worried about in his heart was still Wenn Xiaotian and Tian Xiaoyu …    




The three of them boarded the ship just like the other guests. At the same time, they carefully observed their surroundings, especially the boat's staff. They worked hard to remember everyone's status and responsibilities.    


After all, this information was a part of their plan, and a very important one at that.    


The captain's name is Malfoy, and his office is in the front section of the third floor, close to the command room. The highest specification travel card we want is on him, so if you want to enter the power system below the ship, you have to get his travel card.    


Through the communication device in their ears, Shi Dali and the others communicated with each other. At the same time, they reiterated the first part of their plan.    


During this process, everyone else's eyes looked as if Shi Dali was mumbling to himself and naturally wouldn't attract too much attention.    


"Don't worry, I've already seen Malfoy. He really does look like a pig …"    


Ren Haoran's voice sounded. The kind of confidence that was revealed during this kind of relaxation made people feel an indescribable sense of relaxation.    


At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Fatty who was smoking on the other side. Fatty was wearing a big hat and had a hairy yellow beard. At this moment, he was leaning against the railing and laughing heartily.    


"I'll be waiting for your news. My gun will fire at any time."    


After Leng Feng said this, he stopped talking.    


As a good sniper, he had been observing the lighthouse for twelve hours.    


Yes, he had been here for the past twelve hours.    


The reason for this was because he needed to understand the route the ship would take, the sunlight, the angle of view, and, most importantly, the sea breeze … He needed to master all of the factors.    


For other snipers, this would take a lot of time, but for him, it was enough now.    


"Everyone listen carefully, every cabin has a special horn. No matter what happens, we will inform you through the speaker, so without any special reason, try not to come out of the cabin unless you receive our notice! There's one more thing, the area for guests to go to is the fifth and sixth floors. If you go further down, you don't have the rights to enter, do you understand? "    


At the entrance of the ship, the crew members were repeating the rules loudly in English and Chinese.    


The guests did not have any special reactions. Most of them had chosen this cruise ship to America in order to enjoy the sea, so it was certain that the upper floors were the most scenic and the most suitable place for them to stay. There was no need to waste time and energy running down there.    


Besides, the area below was filled with goods, and the environment was terrible. There was absolutely nothing attractive about it.    


Shi Dali's eyes, on the other hand, kept looking down when he heard these words.    


Because he knew that the power system was right below him, and it was just an intuition. Teacher Shi felt that Wenn Xiaotian and her companion were probably at the bottom position.    


Since the entire cruise ship belonged to the Sunn's Exchange, they would definitely hide the people in the safest place possible.    


Obviously, it was safest down there.    


Of course, Teacher Shi's expression did not change at all when these thoughts raced in his mind.    


They obediently boarded the boat and entered their own cabin.    


And since the tickets were of the highest standard, these staff were all very polite. This made Teacher Shi sigh again. Money was indeed a good thing.    


However, the moment they entered the cabin, Shi Dali and the others started moving.    


According to the time, the ship was about two hours away from departure.    


It seemed like enough time, but the truth was that no one could handle a second of delay, because no one knew what would happen next. The scariest thing was that they could change their original plan at any time!    


It was very simple. For example, when Ren Haoran had already planned his route and passed by Malfoy on the boat, something fell out of Shi Dali's pocket as he leaned against the bed.    



When Teacher Shi saw the thing in front of him, his entire body tensed up. At the same time, he leaned forward with a face full of vigilance.    


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