Super Treasure Bag

C184 Only the Lines of Tears

C184 Only the Lines of Tears

0It was also the same night that Yi Hong did not sleep.    


Ah Taohong's face didn't look too good. Although it seemed like it was only slightly different compared to normal people, but for the world's number one genius doctor, such a subtle change in complexion was enough to explain a lot of problems.    


Perhaps his wife's body had undergone some changes.    


He still wasn't sure what this change was, but it definitely wasn't good news.    


Because of that incident, his wife suffered from this strange poison. It could be said that if her husband wasn't Yi Hong, everything would be over.    


Therefore, Yi Hong had been very careful all these years, but tonight, the sudden change in his wife's expression gave him a strong sense of unease.    


"You sit here."    


Yi Hong had already taken out the silver needles that he carried with him.    


Such an action, coupled with such a serious expression, also caused Ah Taohong's expression to change slightly.    


"Is there a problem?"    


"What do you think? Do you feel any discomfort? "    


Yi Hong lowered his voice and tried his best to calm himself down. He knew that his excessive reaction would only lead to an increased risk to Ah Taohong.    


"No, I'm just a bit irritated."    


As Ah Taohong answered her husband's question seriously, she started to get nervous.    


"Take another pill."    


Taking a deep breath, Yi Hong's face became completely serious after stopping for more than ten seconds. At the same time, his right hand left his wife's wrist.    




"Now is the time!"    


Ah Taohong obviously didn't have any preparation. As for the pill in Yi Hong's mouth, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that... To Ah Taohong, that was something that could only be used in times of life or death.    


After Yi Hong had discovered his wife's strange illness, he had decided to take Ah Taohong and leave the mortal world. He had also used all of his wealth and strength to exchange Ah Taohong for a medicinal ingredient called "White-headed Li". The "White-headed Li" was mixed with other precious medicinal ingredients and Yi Hong had made three life-saving pills.    


According to Yi Hong, as long as the three pills were still there, Ah Taohong would still be alive.    


In fact, the reason they had come here at that time was also to find the white-haired man.    


It couldn't be helped. That thing was really too rare. It could even be said to be incomparably precious. At least, as the Best Doctor In The World, Yi Hong had only seen that one and it was ultimately made into a pill.    


After all these years of seclusion, there were only one pill out of the three left. The first two had saved Ah Taohong's life in times of danger!    


That was exactly the case, so Ah Taohong was obviously surprised and confused by the sudden request to take a pill.    


However, Ah Taohong had no doubts about her husband, so she chose to consume the last pill.    


Seeing this scene, Yi Hong felt slightly relieved. He believed in the power of the pills, and this was his last hope.    


The oil lamp in the room throbbed slowly. It was already late in the night.    


The couple didn't have any intention of sleeping. They stared at each other and felt like they wanted to say something, but they just didn't know what to say or where to start.    


"If I leave, you will live well."    


In the end, Ah Taohong looked at Yi Hong and spoke softly. As she finished her sentence, tears were already streaming down her face.    


"Nonsense, I'm the Best Doctor In The World. How did you get into trouble?"    


Yi Hong smiled, but his eyes were red. After saying that sentence, he also started crying.    


In a person's life, there were some people who couldn't let go of their worries. It was even the only thing in this world that mattered.    


Therefore, Yi Hong couldn't imagine how his wife would survive if she really left, and what was the meaning of this life?    


"Yes, you're the Best Doctor In The World, but you can't make the Yang Spring Noodle, so you forgot that you didn't blow the oil lamp at night …"    


Seeing Yi Hong act like this, Ah Taohong felt as if a knife was being twisted into her heart. She tried hard to be happy and didn't want Yi Hong to be like this.    


However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Behind him, an even more terrifying sight occurred. A purplish green light could be seen spreading out from Ah Taohong's forehead, and in a short amount of time, her face had already turned deathly pale. At the same time, her four limbs had turned ice-cold and her entire body had collapsed to the ground.    


It's here!    


Yi Hong instantly stood up without any panic. He knew that the day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden, especially since his wife had already taken the life-saving pill.    


However, the eighteen silver needles appeared in his hands in an instant. They were as fast as lightning and had already pierced through eighteen of Ah Taohong's different acupoints.    


These 18 positions were very strange. However, Yi Hong finished all of them in one go without stopping at all.    


When the 18 silver needles entered Yi Hong's body, he instead hesitated and struggled. He didn't know whether he should make that decision or not.    


With the Yi family's medical skills at this point, it was possible that it would end with Yi Hong.    


As the inheritor of generations of medical skills, Yi Hong had a golden needle on him.    


This golden needle was called the Resurrection Needle. This needle had to start from a person's Zhongtan Acupuncture Point and use a special technique to pass through all 32 acupoints in his body to receive the needle at the Baihui Acupuncture Point.    


If everything went smoothly, it would have the effect of reviving the dead.    


But at the same time, if he failed … From then on, the patient no longer had any hope, he would die without a doubt!    


At the end, looking at Ah Taohong's tightly shut eyes, Yi Hong's hesitation turned into resolution. Then, borrowing the oil lamp beside him, his golden needle started to jump.    


Ten minutes, half an hour … Yi Hong didn't know how much time had passed.    



He only knew that when the golden needles were retracted, his wife opened her eyes. However, within those eyes … However, it was filled with an aura of death.    


The faint light of dawn shone through the paper windows and onto the two of them.    


"I'm sorry..."    


Yi Hong's hands were trembling as he said to Ah Taohong.    


He failed. The final needle still failed to save his wife from death's door. At this moment, Yi Hong felt like the sky had fallen.    


"Someone who should say sorry … It's me. "    


However, Ah Taohong's hand gently caressed Yi Hong's face as she spoke softly. Her tone was full of bitterness.    


She could also feel that she had reached the end of her life.    


The only thing they could do was cry. This was obviously the last time they would ever be able to see each other again.    


However, he was always caught off guard when something unexpected happened.    


Suddenly, a loud voice came from outside.    


"Get out of the way!" Ancestor... Get down quickly! "    


Yi Hong and Ah Taohong were both stunned as they never expected such a commotion to occur.    


The next moment, who knows what it was. It was as if a meteorite had fallen from the sky and completely destroyed their thatched cottage. When the smoke and dust rose, Yi Hong and his wife were almost crushed to death.    


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