Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C917 Cold Eye

C917 Cold Eye

0Zhang Haorann's arrival caused an uproar in the Du Family people. There was no lack of Du Family experts present.    


For example, other than Du Huahua, there were two other Earth Immortals with Du Family s.    


Du Da, Du Jun.    


The two of them looked at each other, Du Da's handsome face carried a trace of contempt, and the beauty Du Jun directly ignored Zhang Haorann.    


"He's not from Du Family, he dares to enter the Du Family Hall, he must be dead." Du Jun mocked.    


The other Du Family people were also very against it.    


"Du Wenyuan." Zhang Haorann said.    


When these words came out, the people from the Du Family were infuriated. They were just an outsider, yet in the Du Family Hall, they directly called out the name of the current Patriarch.    


"Zhang Haorann, you're here." Du Wenyuan's tone was complicated. He thought that Zhang Haorann would leave the Yunguishan Mountain and head towards the Louvre Hole Heaven, but he didn't expect Zhang Haorann to directly come to the Du Family.    


"The reason I'm here, is to help Du Family, and also to help me, because we have a common enemy, Yin Family." "Yin Family are great enemies of mine. This time in Louvre Hole Heaven, I will definitely eliminate Yin Family."    


Du Wenyuan did not believe it and excitedly said: "You really came to help Du Family?"    


"That's right." Zhang Haorann nodded, "Just by myself, it would be hard for me to contend with the Yin Family right now. If I were to meticulously lay out a plan, it would take me many years, I don't want to wait that long, so cooperating with the Du Family is the best way to eliminate the Yin Family. I think that Du Family's goal is the same as me, to launch a desperate counterattack before the Spirit Tree blooms."    


Du Wenyuan was happy, Zhang Haorann had hit the nail on the head.    


Yin Family had called upon other clans to form an alliance, wanting to settle Du Family before the Spirit Tree blossoms. However, he didn't think that Du Family wouldn't take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Yin Family as well, only that it would become a deathmatch. Du Wenyuan was still worried about whether Du Family could stop the enemy's scheme.    


For Du Wenyuan, with the active participation of Zhang Haorann, everything was settled.    


"That's great, that's really great." Du Wenyuan sighed again and again. The stone he was suppressing in his heart finally fell.    


Right now, the only person who could help Du Family was Zhang Haorann.    


The leader of the Dao Gate was unknown to others, but the fact that no one knew about his Du Family did not mean that Du Wenyuan did not.    


When Zhang Haorann was still at Purple Mansion True Immortal, Du Wenyuan had known Zhang Haorann. For so many years, Zhang Haorann's every improvement had made Du Wenyuan unable to believe that there was such a peerless genius in the world that could overcome difficulties and create miracles.    


The more he read, the deeper Du Wenyuan got into the experience. Even before Zhang Haorann joined Great War of the Immortals and fought against Shi Yang, Du Wenyuan had already told him in his heart that the one who wins would definitely be Zhang Haorann.    


It's not a guess.    


It was instinct.    


Sure enough, Zhang Haorann had turned the tides in the Great War of the Immortals and was invincible.    


Du Wenyuan had worked in Immortal Courtyard for many years, so what kind of people had he not seen before? Only a peerless genius like Zhang Haorann could give Du Wenyuan an illusion:    


The world's laws were unsurpassable, and only Zhang Haorann could break it.    


This made Du Wenyuan have an unimaginable trust in Zhang Haorann.    


"Zhang Haorann, you have already helped Du Family once, you don't owe it anything. If you cooperate with Du Family, wouldn't that be taking advantage of your glory, so you can ask for it, and Du Family will definitely agree to it." Du Wenyuan said seriously.    


The Du Family people in the Du Family Hall were all taken aback. What was all this, why was the Patriarch speaking so inappropriately to a degenerate deity from the lower realms? Even if this lower realm deity did create some miracles and his name shook the lower realms, that was only the lower realms.    


"Chief, are you really going to let Zhang Haorann help us?" Du Jun's expression did not look too good. She was one of the five Nascent Infant Period immortals and had quite a high position. She had the right to speak directly with the Patriarch.    


"Zhang Haorann can help us." Du Wenyuan said.    


"I don't believe it." Du Jun said.    


Du Wenyuan said, "The problem that once troubled the Du Family people was solved by Zhang Haorann for us. If it wasn't for Zhang Haorann, the descendants of our Du Family would not have had the white tiger imprint and could not be assigned to the descendants of the white tiger. In this Louvre Hole Heaven, if we did not use our Yin Family to deal with us, we would have died on our own.    


Du Jun said:    


"Patriarch, I told you before that the White Tiger Seal's ability to aid Du Family is even more so a type of injury. Furthermore, right now, our Du Family s can only command the descendants of the White Tiger clan to only be ten descendants of the White Tiger. Furthermore, our opponents, excluding the fact that our Yin Family s have nearly twenty Nascent Infant Period immortals, are able to control thousands of Vicious Beast s, even if their Vicious Beast s are weaker than the White Tiger clan, their overall strength is not necessarily weaker than us. "    


What Du Jun said was reasonable, Du Family can order ten White Tiger descendants, while Du Family can order over a thousand Vicious Beast; Du Family has five Earth Immortals and Du Family has twenty Earth Immortals. Now that the Patriarch does not want to settle this issue, he placed his hopes on one of the 'lower realm deities'.    


Du Wenyuan's expression changed, and said: "Du Jun, could it be that you are questioning the choice of the Du Family Ancestor? The white tiger of the four spirits trusted their ancestor and left a white tiger imprint on the body of the person from Du Family. The white tiger trusted Du Family, so leaving a white tiger imprint was not so that the Du Family could dominate the way it travelled, but so that the Du Family could have the ability to protect itself. The reason the Du Family was able to obtain the fortune they had today could be said to be completely due to the benefits of the white tiger imprint, if not, the Louvre Hole Heaven would have disappeared a long time ago! "    


In terms of strength, he was far inferior to Du Jun. However, in terms of position, he was far above Du Jun. Even if Du Jun was a Nascent Infant Period Immortal, she still had to obediently listen to Du Wenyuan.    


Zhang Haorann said, "Du Wenyuan, there's no need to treat our clansmen this way. I believe they will understand your intentions."    


Du Jun glared fiercely at Zhang Haorann. She felt that Zhang Haorann said that on purpose, just to make fun of her.    


Zhang Haorann said indifferently: "I once again affirm that the reason why I came to Du Family is to fight against Yin Family. If anyone is displeased, they can leave the Du Family."    


"With a lack of upbringing like you, don't even think about getting involved with Du Family!" This person repeatedly said that he could help Du Family. He was merely a deity from the lower realms, and yet he dared to act so wildly with his Du Family when he had just become an Earth Immortal from the Nascent Infant Period?    


Zhang Haorann frowned.    


No home tutor?    


Zhang Haorann's expression was cold:    


"If not for your identity as a Du Family individual, you would have already become a ghost under my sword!"    


"The reason why I didn't kill you was only because you received the protection of the Spirit Tree and discovered the secrets of the Celestial Method.    


Du Jun lost all face with a few words.    


Many people from the Du Family rejoiced at the misfortune of the people. This deity from the lower realms really had great courage; it was his first time coming to the Du Family, and he angered Du Jun.    


Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Du Huahua spoke out: "Sister Jun, don't be angry, this is Zhang Haorann's personality. I believe that his arrival at Du Family is sincerely to help Du Family."    


Du Jun shook her head. "There's no me, there's me, there's Du Family."    


It was getting out of hand.    



Du Family people did not expect things to turn out like this. They looked at Du Wenyuan, wanting to know what the Patriarch would do.    


Du Wenyuan said sternly: "Du Jun, if you continue to be this willful, get out of the Du Family!"    


Du Da, who was at the side, got anxious after hearing this, "Patriarch, please think twice before acting!"    


There were also other Du Family people who came out to help speak.    


Zhang Haorann also spoke.    


"There's no need for that. Taking advantage of the fact that there's another immortal who is able to pry into the mysteries of the Celestial Method, to be able to protect it while it's still possible is already very fortunate." Zhang Haorann changed the topic of conversation and said, "How to help Du Family is my problem. I won't explain. In addition, I will not stay in the Du Family for long. I will go to the three great institutions later on, so Du Wenyuan will help me settle this matter. "    


Zhang Haorann was not interested in staying in the Du Family. There were still five hundred years until the Spirit Tree blossoms, and during this period, the Du Family would always be protected by the Spirit Tree. Only when the Spirit Tree blooms for another hundred years, would the protection of the Spirit Tree disappear.    


In the middle of the four hundred years, with the protection of the Spirit Tree, he could use the Tao technique that contained the secrets of the Celestial Method.    


From Zhang Haorann's point of view, Du Family people's performance was rude, but Zhang Haorann was too lazy to take it to heart, because Du Family was something that had existed for three thousand years.    


"You want to go to the Third University?" Du Wenyuan was surprised. The three great institutions were able to help immortals cultivate, and there were quite a few Nascent Infant Period Immortals there. With Zhang Haorann's ability, Du Wenyuan felt that there was no difference even if he didn't go to the three great institutions.    


"It's time for Zhang Lingfeng to hone his skills." Wu Tie said.    


Du Wenyuan nodded, "Leave the matters of identity to me."    


After the conversation, Zhang Haorann decided to stay at Du Family. A few days later, after Du Wenyuan had arranged for Zhang Lingfeng to go to the Third University to study, Zhang Haorann decided to leave Du Family.    


During this time, Du Huahua found Zhang Haorann, hoping that Zhang Haorann could remain in Du Family. However, he was rejected by Zhang Haorann.    


In any case, the other families do not dare to challenge the authority of the Du Family at this time, so in the next few hundred years, I will be at the three great institutions. The information channels there circulate, and it will be beneficial to me.    


In the end, Du Huahua understood Zhang Haorann's request. However, she put forward an unexpected condition: she wanted to study with Zhang Haorann.    


"What's wrong? Are you afraid I'll run away?" On the way to Luohou Institution of Learning, Zhang Haorann had a helpless expression, Du Huahua actually wanted to go to Luohou Institution of Learning with him.    


Du Huahua had served in the Immortal Courtyard before, so when it came to background and identity, Du Huahua going to Luohou Institution of Learning was meaningless.    


"Why can't I go to the Luohou Institution of Learning?" Du Huahua explained, "Right now, I am only at the small success stage of Nascent Infant Period. Before the Spirit Tree blooms, I will cultivate properly in Luohou Institution of Learning."    


The three great institutions could let the Core Transformation Period Immortal and the Nascent Infant Period immortals learn from them. Because it was directly under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Courtyard, the three great institutions had outstanding cultivation resources, so there was no need to worry about the problem of cultivation.    


"If you were to return with a cultivation treasure, you would definitely give it to him. What can the three great institutions give you? Teach you to cultivate? I'm afraid you aren't even as rich as the benefits your Immortal Courtyard have given you. " Zhang Haorann shook his head. Du Huahua was trying to find excuses.    


Du Huahua simply remained silent and did not reply.    


They were almost at the Luohou Institution of Learning.    


"Right, Big Brother Du Bing is also at Luohou Institution of Learning." Lily said.    


Zhang Haorann's heart skipped a beat. He had heard of this name before.    


Du Family currently had five Nascent Infant Period immortals, and Du Bing was one of them. Other than him, there was Du Huahua, Du Jun, Du Da, and Du Kun.    


This Du Bing, was a Great Completion Earth Immortal of the Nascent Infant Period cultivator.    


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