Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C649 I'm Gonna Kill You

C649 I'm Gonna Kill You

0Master Zhang?    


The two behind Dunne didn't look too good. They were familiar with the name 'Master Zhang'.    


Xu Qing said, "Dunne, I'm not interested in you at all. Please don't be like this in the future."    


Dunne smiled and didn't say anything. Why would you agree to something that I want to do?    


"What's going on?" Zhang Haorann asked.    


Luo Shang said, "This person is called Dunne, Holy Angel of Heaven Bead Cult. He came here this time to force Xu Qing to marry him. Luo Mann is not here, so his words are too disrespectful."    


In the entire coastal Patrol Team, only Luo Shang could call Luo Mann by her name. This was at the request of Luo Mann, and other people in the Patrol Team had to call her Angel Luo.    


Zhang Haorann frowned. Dunne wanted Xu Qing to forcefully marry him? Was his brain flooded?    


Zhang Haorann said, "There is something wrong with Xu Qing's body. I am responsible for helping her refine pills. Without my permission, she cannot have any contact with anyone other than Patrol Team."    


"Yes!" Master Zhang came to Heaven Bead Cult under Luo Mann's instruction to treat Xu Qing. " Luo Shang hurriedly said.    


Dunne sneered. The reason was too lousy. Did he think that I would believe him?    


"Xu Qing, come with me right now." Dunne ignored them and walked towards Xu Qing, trying to forcefully take her away.    


Zhang Haorann's black eyes flashed and killing intent instantly burst out.    


"She is my patient. No one can take her away without my permission." Zhang Haorann's tone turned cold. Making a move on Xu Qing in front of me, you're courting death!    


Dunne snorted: "Master Zhang, this is Heaven Bead Cult, not Yun Perfecture and Lin Prefecture."    


Then he looked at Xu Qing. Dunne said in a gentle tone, "Come with me. I finally have a way to recall your memories these few days."    


Dunne was confident that he could bring Xu Qing away this time.    




Xu Qing's expression changed slightly. She clearly knew that she had lost her memory. After so many years, she couldn't remember what exactly she had forgotten. In her memories, she seemed to have forgotten someone very important.    


Xu Qing's consciousness told her that she couldn't agree to Dunne's invitation at this time.    


Xu Qing shook her head and refused. "Thank you for your kind intentions. I'm willing to use my own methods to retrieve my memories."    


He thought that the mention of Dunne's' memories' would be able to change Xu Qing's mind. Unexpectedly, Xu Qing rejected him and made him lose face.    


"Xu Qing, are you really his patient?" Dunne said angrily.    


Somehow, Xu Qing nodded instinctively. Her subconscious told her that she couldn't be taken away by Dunne. It would be better to trust Master Zhang rather than Dunne.    


Dunne panicked. He was sure that Xu Qing had lost her memory and could not have known Master Zhang, much less become someone's patient.    


In Heaven Bead Cult, there were many who liked Xu Qing's beauty. Dunne had devoted his heart and soul to Xu Qing for decades, but had not attracted Xu Qing's attention in the slightest. The only thing that made Dunne feel slightly better was that Xu Qing had never been in contact with the other angels or people who cultivated in Heaven Bead Cult.    


But now, Xu Qing agreed that she was a patient of Master Zhang.    


Dunne was unable to accept this.    


"Master Zhang, I don't care why you appeared in Heaven Bead Cult, there is something that I must tell you." "After Xu Qing and Luo Mann descended onto the Ancient Pleasure Star, they asked the Heaven Bead Cult to hand over the person. I took the initiative to go along with the other Holy Angel s and Great Angle to help Sect Master calm the rest of the protests. Otherwise, Xu Qing definitely wouldn't be in the Heaven Bead Cult, she would have been captured by the Kunlun Sect long ago."    


"This is the favor Xu Qing owes me. It's a matter between her and me. Stop interrupting!"    


He was not afraid of Master Zhang. This was the Heaven Bead Cult, and the Angels were more united than the cultivators, if there was any conflict between Zhang Haorann and Dunne here, the Angels of Heaven Bead Cult would come together to support Dunne.    


Zhang Haorann said lazily, "Are you done talking?"    


Dunne nodded. He was waiting for Zhang Haorann's reply.    


"Scram after you say that!"    


When Zhang Haorann's voice entered Dunne's ears, it was so ear-piercing that it made Dunne explode.    


"Master Zhang, you brought this upon yourself! I will kill you here and pass your Earth Pill to the Nebula Royal Family! " Dunne became angry from embarrassment, while the two Wu steelers behind him smiled disdainfully. Master Zhang showing off in other places was his ability, but to show off in Heaven Bead Cult, he had to pay a price.    


Just as Dunne finished his sentence, ten wings appeared behind his back. The brilliant golden light sparkled and on the back of the wings, there was an illusory shadow with ten arms and a round face.    


Holy Angel's Qi Training True Immortal was comparable to the ten-winged angel's, but he possessed an additional ability: Dharma Idol.    


Every Holy Angel had their own unique appearance and possessed different abilities.    


Dunne's Dharma Idol was the 'Fury Appearance', which allowed the Holy Light Technique to possess a type of True Fire power.    


Qin Yiyang was very knowledgeable and immediately transmitted his voice.    


"Master Zhang, this Holy Angel called Dunne has an 'angry look', and can allow the Holy Light Technique to carry the power of True Fire. At the same time, it can also carry the will of Fire. This person is very strong, so Master Zhang must be careful!"    


The Seven Legendary Primordial Fires were just like the Luo King Treasure Qi, cultivators and angels. They only used various methods to give themselves the chance to release these powers.    


True Fire could not only be used by cultivators, but also by Angels. However, in the current Luo King Realm, there were many experts who used True Fire to refine their True Fire, but very few of them could actually use True Fire to fight.    


If he were to be careless in controlling the primordial flames, he would be devoured by the primordial flames. After his death, not even dregs would remain.    


Dunne's strength was so strong that when he displayed his' angry 'attitude, all of the coastal Patrol Team members, led by Luo Shang, retreated one after another with fear written all over their faces.    


"Dunne, you are truly a disgrace." Zhang Haorann wasn't scared by Dunne's attitude, but mocked him, "Look who's outside the door."    


Dunne looked towards the door and exclaimed, "Hierarchy!"    


The person who had appeared in everyone's eyes was the Heaven Bead Cult Cult Master, Buddy.    


From the beginning, Zhang Haorann wasn't worried at all, because he knew that Sect Leader Buddy had been using the Divine Sense to size him up from afar while he was refining the Astrology Stone.    


Therefore, Zhang Haorann knew very well that if he came to the Discipline Hall, Buddy would definitely know about it.    



"Hierarchy." Great Angle, the two men behind Dunne, said respectfully.    


Buddy's position was high and he was deeply trusted by the Heaven Bead Cult and Angels. He wore a black robe, and his face was old. A cold glint flashed in his eyes, and his entire being seemed calm. In front of Great Angle, who was also the same as Great Angle, Buddy seemed to be born with a noble aura.    


"Master Zhang, why didn't you let Luo Mann notify me when you came to Heaven Bead Cult. Towards a young genius like you, I dream all day. You are a member of my Heaven Bead Cult." With a face full of smiles, Buddy said in a single sentence.    


Zhang Haorann smiled. Buddy knew his true identity.    


"Hierarch, my visit to the Catholic Church was an accident. Of course, having the chance to become a member of Heaven Bead Cult is my honor. "However, I can't do it now. I still have a few things that I have to do." Zhang Haorann had given Sect Leader Buddy face. In these dozens of years, without Buddy supporting them from behind the scenes, Zhang Haorann's family had long been captured by Kunlun Sect.    


"Haha, I'm looking forward to it." Buddy chuckled.    


On the side, Dunne was anxious. From the looks of the Sect Leader's attitude towards Zhang Haorann, he seemed to admire Dunne a lot. This way, Dunne wouldn't be able to say anything in front of Buddy.    


"Sect Leader, I'll be leaving first." Dunne said.    


Before Buddy could open his mouth, it was Zhang Haorann who spoke.    


"Dunne, Xu Qing is my patient. If you want to forcefully take her away, then come and leave as you please. If I wasn't here today, would you have succeeded?"    


Zhang Haorann looked at Dunne with a smile that was not a smile. The look in his eyes made Dunne's scalp tingle as if he had been seen through.    


"What are you afraid of!" I am the Holy Angel! " Dunne knew that Zhang Haorann was powerful, but he himself was not weak either.    


In the Angels, aside from power, one also had to pay attention to one's lineage.    


The Heaven Bead Cult had ten major bloodlines. Angels who had these bloodlines could increase the speed at which they trained the Holy Light Technique by several times. Each and every one of these precious bloodlines represented an extremely high status.    


For example, Dunne was one of the top ten people in the Heaven Bead Cult, the 'Royal Bloodline'. There were very few members of the Royal Bloodline, and in all of the Yang Prefecture, there were only a few tens of people. That's why Dunne's position in the Heaven Bead Cult was so special.    


"Master Zhang, since you don't like me, what can I do to calm you down?" Dunne said. He decided to retreat in order to advance forward. He didn't want to talk to Zhang Haorann at this time.    


"As long as you're dead." Zhang Haorann had a smile on his face, as if Dunne's life was not worth mentioning in front of him. Taking Xu Qing away from me, you still want to leave here alive?    


You're thinking too much.    


"Arrogant!" Wu Tie was furious. Even the two Great Angle behind him had killing intent in their eyes. Although the two of them were Great Angle, they yearned to be on good terms with the Royal Angel lineage. This was because the Royal Bloodline once gave birth to a 'Angel'!    


Divine Angels were comparable to Purple Mansion True Immortal!    


"Sect Leader, this person is too presumptuous in the Discipline Hall and does not even put Heaven Bead Cult in his eyes. I now understand why the Nebula Royal Family would view him as a thorn." Great Angle said with a tone that suggested he couldn't wait for Zhang Haorann to die.    


"How about we just kill him right here!" The other one, Great Angle, didn't want to save Zhang Haorann at all.    


"I don't agree." Sect Master Buddy said calmly, "Master Zhang is my guest when he comes to my Heaven Bead Cult. As the host, we should take good care of Master Zhang. "Dunne, you are of royal lineage, you should understand that royal lineage values' humility ',' freedom ',' peace ', you should let go of the anger in your heart and learn how to calm down."    


"I …" Dunne felt as if he had broken a tooth and swallowed it down. The Hierarch didn't even speak up for Angel because of Master Zhang.    


How could Dunne know that Buddy's respect for Zhang Haorann far surpassed Dunne's royal blood.    


From Buddy's point of view, Zhang Haorann possessed a Yin Yang Eye that could lead the Angel Family to search for the legendary Dead Sea Land. According to legend, that place was the final destination for Angels.    


"Sect Leader, Dunne tried to hurt my patient, I cannot let him go." Zhang Haorann gave a carefree smile, "The biggest problem for me is that I'm a coward, Dunne must die. Of course, in order to let him die peacefully, I wonder what methods the Sect Leader has to give me the right to kill Dunne? "    


Zhang Haorann's words were like a stone thrown into a pond, causing ripples.    


The members of the Patrol Team did not expect Zhang Haorann to ask such an unreasonable question.    


Dunne was flustered and exasperated. What was Zhang Haorann pretending for!    


As for the other two Great Angle, they exchanged glances and ignored Zhang Haorann's words.    


Only Qin Yiyang was faintly excited. He had seen Zhang Haorann's reaction from the beginning till the end. He finally experienced what Master Zhang's insolence looked like.    


To act so arrogantly in someone else's territory, you are awesome!    


However, to everyone's surprise, Hierarch Buddy's words were like a slap to Dunne's face.    


"If you want to fight properly, there's a way to do it!"    


The two Great Angle were stunned.    


Buddy saying this, wasn't it to support Zhang Haorann and Dunne's duel, when did the Sect Leader see Master Zhang as more important than the royal bloodline?    


Dunne was dumbfounded, feeling that he had been abandoned by the Sect Leader. He subconsciously looked at Zhang Haorann, that smile that made Dunne go crazy was like a god from high above, playing with Holy Angel Dunne in his cage.    


"I agree to fight with Master Zhang!" He was a Holy Angel, and his Qi Training True Immortal was comparable to that of an ordinary True Immortal.    


Although Dunne had heard that Zhang Haorann had killed Three Grottoes True Immortal, Dunne was confident that by relying on one of the Holy Angel's Appearance Mantra's' Rage 'and the royal bloodline of the Angels, he could kill Master Zhang!    


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