Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C488 This Angel Is Ridiculously Powerful

C488 This Angel Is Ridiculously Powerful



In Lisbon, where the winter was cold and gloomy, the people were glad that the battlefield was far from them, that they didn't have to suffer from the war, and that within a few days the news had come out that a huge crater had appeared in Lisbon's cross altar, and that something had flown out of it and remained motionless in the sky.    


People are too sensitive.    


The appearance of the mysterious presence in gold armor in Lisbon made the winter in Lisbon even colder than usual.    


Angel appeared!    


Someone had already fled from the city.    


Someone had come from outside, because the angels really did exist!    


There were also those who worshipped the angels and worshipped the gods.    


"Do gods really exist?" The people of the Supermartial Age understood more about cultivation than they had ever understood before. Some people had deciphered the floating angels that appeared on the cross altar, and some had even used scientific instruments to carefully test the angels in various aspects.    


The answer was beyond one's imagination. The instrument had detected that there was a powerful energy hidden within the body of an angel. This energy was not the origin energy, but it was not any weaker than it.    


The world was shocked.    


What is an angel?    


Where did it come from?    


Hiding on Earth, what was his goal?    


There were too many questions until the people in Lisbon saw Zhang Haorann's arrival.    


Angel slowly opened his eyes. This was a woman with a charming face. Her golden armor made her look incomparably heroic.    


The ten golden wings on his back glittered, turning from mottled to bright.    


Without a doubt, this angel had a beauty that could easily give rise to good impressions. Her gradually reviving spirit was radiating a dazzling brilliance.    


The woman slowly opened her mouth and said:    


"My name is Luo Mann, Ten Winged Angel."    


Zhang Haorann looked at Luo Mann.    


Luo Mann also looked at him.    


"Very strong!" Zhang Haorann's gaze darkened. The frightening pressure that came from Luo Mann's body was even stronger than Gai Yinn and Wizard Ancestor.    


Zhang Haorann did not know much about Angel Clan. In his previous life, he wholeheartedly focused on cultivation, so he had no interest in Angel Clan at all. In any case, Angel Clan could not affect him in any way.    


It was different now.    


Luo Mann resurrected, the brand-new ten-winged angel appeared in front of Zhang Haorann, if it's not a friend, then it's an enemy!    


"The Ten Winged Angel is comparable to a True Immortal. Although Luo Mann was revived as a Ten Winged Angel, her strength is much weaker than a Ten Winged Angel. In other words, the current Luo Mann's strength is equivalent to the peak of Fifth Grade Half-immortal."    


Zhang Haorann had a rough understanding of Luo Mann's strength and did not let down his guard. Instead, he was even more serious than before.    


However, he had a weakness, and that was that if he relied too much on magic, he would definitely consume the elemental energy in his body. If the elemental energy in his body was insufficient, Huo Hwa's strength would plummet.    


Luo Mann and Huo Hwa were different.    


Luo Mann, who was known as the Ten Winged Angel, cultivated in the Holy Light. She could block the attacks of the Fifth Grade Half-immortal simply by relying on her body.    


"Luo Mann's real strength is only stronger than Wu Tie's!" Zhang Haorann's attention was all on Luo Mann.    


"Master Zhang, someone resurrected me and told me to kill you. That way, he could send me back to Luo King Realm." Luo Mann's eyes were cloudy as she looked at Zhang Haorann, whose eyes were shining brightly. "Honestly speaking, it's hard to imagine that you could kill warriors like Gai Yinn and Wizard Ancestor and Huo Hwa consecutively at such a young age. They died at the hands of a single Fourth Grade Half-immortal."    


"If it weren't for the fact that I want to return to the Luo King Realm, I would really be reluctant to kill you."    


The corner of Luo Mann's mouth burst into laughter.    


"What is it? I think you don't want to kill me? " Luo Mann's expression was frivolous. She had a curvy figure and a sharp visual impact, especially when wearing golden armor with ten wings on her back. Her entire body seemed to say, "Come and conquer me, little handsome brother!"    


Luo Mann laughed like a silver bell as her gaze changed, "Master Zhang, you are really rude, to actually make the first move. You really don't put me in your eyes."    


Luo Mann was not mistaken, Zhang Haorann was the first to attack.    


Earth Pole True Fire ignited on top of the's third type Fire Spirit, causing Zhang Haorann to be split into two.    


The man and the Fire Spirit, as well as the Vicious Beast flying in the sky, were all staring at Luo Mann.    


Zhang Haorann and the Fire Spirit rushed towards Luo Mann. When they were almost there, the Earth Pole True Fire's surging flames turned into a ferocious fire dragon and arrived beside Luo Mann before Zhang Haorann.    


"Hmph." Luo Mann chuckled. Her arm, which looked no different from an ordinary person's, moved horizontally to block the incoming fire dragon's attack.    


Zhang Haorann and the Fire Spirit beside him held onto their Netherworld Sword s and quickly approached.    


"Profound Yin Swordsmanship, Fast Four Swords!"    


The two Netherworld Sword s attacked at the same time, and the sound of eight longsword s tearing through the air came from all four directions.    


The result was that the Netherworld Sword's attack actually hit Luo Mann's body, but it was easily blocked by Luo Mann's body. Especially the armor that Luo Mann was wearing, it was unknown what metal was used to make it, but even the might of the Fast Four Swords did not affect Luo Mann at all.    


"What a strong defense!" Zhang Haorann was the first to make the first move. He didn't have the advantage and immediately retreated far away from Luo Mannla.    


"Master Zhang, you said run? You're looking down on me too much. " Just as Zhang Haorann was about to turn around and leave, Luo Mann gently grabbed onto his arm with lightning speed and pulled him towards her.    


"This …"    


Zhang Haorann was shocked.    


Luo Mann's speed, strength, and control were all above his!    


Even the Earth Pole True Fire's fire dragon did not affect Luo Mann at all.    


The strength of this ten-winged angel, because she was revived on Earth, carried the title of a ten-winged angel, but her strength was at the same level as Wizard Ancestor and Huo Hwa. Even so, Luo Mann's defense was completely superior to Huo Hwa's!    


Zhang Haorann had already used the Red Son's three moves, but he couldn't do anything about Luo Mann.    


Luo Mann was ridiculously strong!    


"Master Zhang, you must have come here to kill me." When I revived, I had already communicated with the Luo King Realm that was closest to Earth. If you really killed me, they would immediately rush to Earth, whether it be by using the teleportation of Magical Formation or the interstellar route, you would definitely die today. "    


"Let's give it a try!" Zhang Haorann harrumphed coldly. His eyes were pitch-black as the Yin Yang Eye stared at Luo Mann closely.    


Luo Mann looked into Zhang Haorann's eyes and was shocked. That was …    


"Yin Yang Power!"    


Flames spouted out of Zhang Haorann's eyes, and blue and red Yin Yang Power sprayed out one after another.    


With the Yin Yang Power, Zhang Haorann's strength suddenly increased by a level, causing his Fourth Grade Half-immortal to erupt with a strength comparable to his Fifth Grade Half-immortal. Although he was still not as strong as Luo Mann, it was enough to make Luo Mann be cautious.    


"Flaming Sky!"    


It was still a fire dragon, but a fire dragon that was filled with Yin Yang Power s.    


Luo Mann frowned and let go of Zhang Haorann's arm.    


"What happened to your eyes?" Luo Mann asked.    


Zhang Haorann ignored it and charged straight at Luo Mann.    


Luo Mann looked around. There were people constantly recording and photographing the cross. Luo Mann turned around and flew away.    


"So fast!" Zhang Haorann was surprised. Luo Mann's Void Space flying only relied on the ten wings on her back to be as fast as his Netherworld Sword.    




Zhang Haorann did not hesitate as he rode his Netherworld Sword. Beside him was the flying Fire Dragon and its target was Luo Mann.    


This chase lasted for nearly half an hour.    


They flew from Lisbon's altar of the cross to the sea outside Portugal.    


The sky was blue and cloudless.    


He saw two people flying by at a distance of more than ten meters from the sea. The strong wind they created swept up the huge waves on both sides of them.    


Luo Mann's speed slowed down.    


"Master Zhang, please tell me, what's with your eyes?" Luo Mann asked again.    


"I'll tell you when you're dead." Zhang Haorann continued his attack, not giving Luo Mann a chance to catch her breath.    


"I'm angry!" Luo Mann's face was sullen and angry at Zhang Haorann's ignorance. "I'll let you see my true strength!"    


Luo Mann also flew towards Zhang Haorann. With just her body, she resisted the fire dragons and Netherworld Sword that had Yin Yang Power s.    




The fire dragons wrapped around Luo Mann's lower body, Yin Yang Power s continuously corroded Luo Mann's body. Zhang Haorann held onto the Netherworld Sword, and in just a few seconds, hundreds of fights had already happened between him and Luo Mann!    


Dazzling, every time they fought, it was only within a hair's breadth. Zhang Haorann's side, relying on the powerful Yin Yang Power's power, was evenly matched with Luo Mann.    


Luo Mann had only relied on her body to forcefully defend against the Netherworld Sword's sword qi attack.    


The more Zhang Haorann fought, the more shocked he got.    


When Luo Mann was attacked by the fire dragons and Yin Yang Power, she was even able to fight Zhang Haorann to a standstill.    


Furthermore, Luo Mann had already gained the upper hand because Zhang Haorann's Netherworld Sword did not pose a real threat to Luo Mann.    




Zhang Haorann was a step too slow. Luo Mann's fist landed on Zhang Haorann's chest. The powerful force knocked Zhang Haorann down from the air.    


Zhang Haorann kept rolling above the sea, causing waves.    


Only after reaching a hundred meters did he stop.    


Zhang Haorann held onto his chest as he struggled to stand on the surface of the sea. At this moment, his blood was boiling as it was in turmoil. Luo Mann's punch just now did not hold back at all.    


It could be imagined how rare it was for Zhang Haorann to be able to stand up after receiving an attack from a Fifth Grade Half-immortal rank master.    


Luo Mann frowned, "You can still stand up? I thought you were useless. Master Zhang, I have already shown mercy. As long as you tell me your background, I won't kill you."    


Luo Mann mentioning the Yin Yang Eye was Zhang Haorann's secret.    


"Let's talk after you defeat me thoroughly if you have the ability!"    


Zhang Haorann dove into the sea.    


"Hiding is nothing. He's really a coward." Luo Mann was disappointed. "It's such a shame that such a person could own a Yin Yang Eye."    


Luo Mann, the ten-winged angel, floated on the surface of the sea as she sized up the sea below.    


"Over there."    


Luo Mann dove into the sea.    


The underwater cave. This was the best hiding place that Zhang Haorann had already found when he was fighting Luo Mann.    



At this moment, Qingliu Hall appeared in this cave.    


Zhang Haorann entered the Qingliu Hall, looked at the remaining five Divine Sword Imprint that were still glowing purple, and couldn't help but frown.    


Luo Mann was so powerful that even if Zhang Haorann saw the Divine Sword Imprint, he did not have the confidence to kill Luo Mann.    


Zhang Haorann had activated three Divine Sword Imprint!    


No matter what, he had to kill Luo Mann!    


If Luo Mann didn't die, Zhang Haorann definitely wouldn't be able to leave this place alive today.    


Thinking about Luo Mann's ability, Zhang Haorann cursed Yang Hui in his heart.    


At this moment, Zhang Haorann looked up. Outside the dark blue seawater, a dazzling golden figure was quickly approaching.    


"She's here!"    


Luo Mann was quickly approaching.    


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