Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C472 Witch Association

C472 Witch Association

0"Guild Leader, Zhang Haorann should be back in Hua Xia by now. Should the guild leader go to China to kill him?" Lin Changqing asked.    


The eyes of the people from Azure Dragon Society were fervent. They hoped that Zhou Kundong would go to Huaxia and kill Zhang Haorann right now.    


Unexpectedly, Zhou Kundong looked at the letter and seemed to be thinking about something.    


"Guild leader?" Zhou Kundong asked.    


"Let's not kill him for now." Zhou Kundong shook his head.    


His words shocked everyone.    


The members of Azure Dragon Society looked at each other, why aren't they killing Zhang Haorann anymore?    


Zhou Kundong said:    


"This letter was written by Hua Xia's Xiao Changgong. In the letter, he said that Zhang Haorann's life is temporarily not taken away, and after the matter of Kunlun Divine Palace has been settled, we can decide for ourselves."    


He ended it on his own?    


Lin Changqing frowned, "President, on what basis does this Xiao Changgong request this of you just because he has a deep background in Huaxia Dragon Group? In my opinion, he should be the one acting out of respect for the President. "    


The rest of the Azure Dragon Society all nodded.    


"Yeah, Xiao Changgong dares to ask our president not to kill Zhang Haorann, on what basis is he?"    


"As far as I know, Xiao Changgong belongs to Huaxia Dragon Group. When did this dragon group start meddling with our Azure Dragon Society?"    


"Who the hell is he!?"    


"What's his relationship with Zhang Haorann? Why do we have to protect him?"    


Zhou Kundong told everyone to be quiet.    


"Thirty years ago, when I was still not at the Fifth Grade Half-immortal, I saw China's nine claps of thunder, which meant that China was born with Fifth Grade Half-immortal. That person is Xiao Changgong."    


The people from Azure Dragon Society exclaimed in admiration, there was actually someone who became a Fifth Grade Half-immortal even earlier than the president.    


"So many years have passed, I don't know how strong Xiao Changgong has become." Zhou Kundong shook his head and said lightly, "His strength is unfathomable. He should be above me."    


"Of course, I didn't kill Zhang Haorann, not only because of Xiao Changgong's letter, but also because the Kunlun Divine Palace is within the borders of China. In order to travel the Kunlun Divine Palace smoothly, you might as well do as Xiao Changgong had said and spare Zhang Haorann's life.    


As a Fifth Grade Half-immortal, Zhou Kundong looked at problems from a different angle than others. In his opinion, the only one who could be stronger than him was Xiao Changgong, a mere Zhang Haorann, who was definitely going to die.    


"The president's words make sense. On March 20th, when China's Kunlun Divine Palace opened, the president and Xiao Changgong had a conflict before he even went to China. It really isn't beneficial for the president's actions." Lin Changqing analyzed, "There is another reason. Many powers in the world will follow the president. When we go to Kunlun Divine Palace, those people will definitely follow the president."    


This time, everyone in Azure Dragon Society understood why Zhou Kundong would temporarily bypass Zhang Haorann's life, all for Kunlun Divine Palace.    


"But, what if Zhang Haorann continues to behead the forces that seek refuge in Azure Dragon Society?" Some members of the Azure Dragon Society asked.    


"It can't be. Besides me, the person who received this letter also received it." Zhou Kundong said.    


It dawned on everyone that Xiao Changgong was using two letters to temporarily prevent a direct confrontation between Zhang Haorann and the president.    


The news of Zhou Kundong changing his plan aroused some guesses in the world. People who admired the Azure Dragon Society said that Master Zhang would get a rare time to rest, and it was better for him to enjoy the rest of his days.    


The people who liked the Dao said that it was because of the Azure Dragon Society that made them afraid to face Master Zhang head on.    


A door.    


"What?" With this letter, Xiao Changgong didn't want Master Zhang to make a move against the forces that rely on Azure Dragon Society? "Isn't this nonsense? Since when did Xiao Changgong interfere in the matters of the sect?" Minn Yan said in a flustered manner while holding the letter in the main hall.    


"What do we do? Tell Master Zhang?" Minn Yi said, "Right now, Master Zhang is heading to the Witch Association of Australia, preparing to make a move against the Witch Association. The Witch Association and the Azure Dragon Society stand together, Master Zhang will definitely not show mercy."    


"Notify Master Zhang!" Minn Yan shouted.    


Minn Yi immediately dialed Zhang Haorann's number and told him the contents of the letter.    


Above the Pacific Ocean, Zhang Haorann stopped on his sword.    


"Xiao Changgong's letter?"    


Zhang Haorann frowned.    


The Tiger Hawk asked: "What's wrong?"    


"Xiao Changgong sent separate letters to the Dao Gate and Azure Dragon Society. He told Zhou Kundong and I not to fight for the time being and that we would discuss the matter of Kunlun Divine Palace after the dust settled."    


"Hmph, it's just Xiao Changgong. I'll go to China and kill him now!" It was a Three-headed Tiger Eagle, and with its five abilities, it had an advantage in Fifth Grade Half-immortal, so it was not afraid.    


Zhang Haorann had just beheaded Amanda, so there was no need to be afraid.    


The Fifth Grade Half-immortal had once stood above Zhang Haorann's head like a mountain, and now, it no longer gave Zhang Haorann this feeling.    


"To the continent of Australia."    


Zhang Haorann flew across the sky with the Tiger Hawk following closely behind.    


Zhang Haorann didn't take Xiao Changgong's letter seriously at all. He continued to carry it out according to plan.    


continent of Australia, Gold Coast.    


The Gold Coast is an Australian holiday resort located on the east coast of Australia. There were bright sunshine, white sand beaches, clear blue water, romantic palm trees, parachute diving, surfing, and many other outdoor projects. This was the Surfer's Paradise.    


It was winter in China, and it was summer in Australia.    


The sunlight that shone through the gaps between the clouds lightly swayed in the still warm sea water, spraying foam onto the beach.    


In the evening at Gold Coast, the sea breeze blew up into a light wave, swaying the shadows of the trees.    


The location of Witch Association, was precisely at the Gold Coast.    



"There are so many beauties that I feel like floating on the surface of the sea." The three heads of the Tiger Hawk shook non-stop, as if it couldn't wait to go down right now.    


"Don't be impatient." Zhang Haorann smiled slightly, "The Witch Association appears every night at six o'clock in the evening to practice magic. We just need to wait for them to appear."    


Speaking of which, the reason why a Magus dared to cast spells in front of the public had something to do with Zhang Haorann.    


If it weren't for the fact that the War of Half-immortals had caused a change in the world's structure, changing times, and coming to the Supermartial Age, these magicians who had hidden themselves in the world wouldn't have used the Supermartial Age to display their abilities to the world.    


"What is a Magus?" The Tiger Hawk asked curiously, "I only know of cultivators."    


Zhang Haorann explained:    


"In the simplest form of witchcraft, witchcraft is a magic that controls the forces and minds of nature. In the cave murals of the Neolithic Age, there were already paintings of half-human and half-beast sorcerers, summoning the work of the forest god. In ancient Greece, people believed in wizards, and they just called for some of the more neutral gods and demons between heaven and earth. "    


"In the Middle Ages, under the influence of some sects, the great witch hunt began. Countless witches were buried in the sea of fire, or died under arrows and guillotine. From then on, witches became even more evil. But in the Renaissance, things changed dramatically, and the wizard became a scholar, a master alchemist, a doctor, and so on. Some even believe that these people's knowledge was obtained from supernatural sources, and many nobles and bishops fought to be the first to study witchcraft. "    


"Wizards have always existed and never disappeared. Magic is the simplest kind of sorcery and it also has the properties of a show. The spells of foreign countries are not much different from those of Huaxia. They are all made up of different forms of elemental energy. "    


"I just mentioned that the demon gods of foreign legends are actually us True Immortals of China. These are all real existences. Compared to the Sorcerer God of Witch Association, the Half Immortals are all stronger existences. "    


The Tiger Hawk nodded.    


"I understand now. So Magi are Taoists of China, while the Sorcerer is a Half Immortal."    


Zhang Haorann said: "That's right, that's what Witch Association is called internally."    


"Does that Witch Association have a Sorcerer?"    


"I don't know." Zhang Haorann said lightly, "It doesn't matter, so let's just kill him."    


The sun was setting in the west, and the summer breeze was blowing on the shore. The tourists were gathering in groups of three to five, and no one knew who it was that had appeared, causing a huge commotion among the tourists.    


"The Magi of Witch Association have appeared. They are practicing their spells." Zhang Haorann's gaze swept across the area and saw two wizards controlling magic on the shore of the Gold Coast. They seemed to be the idols of the tourists.    


"Let's go!"    


Zhang Haorann stepped on his sword and flew down.    


Gold Coast.    


Lily and Bu Loong were practicing magic on the shore. Under their control, the gravel on the shore formed various patterns. The park visitors took out their phones to take pictures.    


If it was before, these scenes would not appear, but for Supermartial Age, this was normal.    


"Bu Loong, perform the Salon Scroll you practiced last time!"    


"Yes, that salon is so domineering, can I see it again?"    


"I remember that Lily's water gun is also very powerful."    


"I've seen Lily's water gun magic. It gave me a fright. I thought it was a bullet fired by someone!"    


The park visitors discussed animatedly.    


"Bu Loong, they asked you to perform at Salon roll." Lily laughed.    


Bu Loong said helplessly: "Alright, for the sake of the Witch Association's image, I will use the salon scroll."    


Bu Loong formed a seal with his hands. At a place where the seawater was connected to the shore, the gravel moved without wind, fluttering up and down, forming a tornado that was spinning very fast.    




Under Bu Loong's control, the sandstone tornado gradually grew taller until it reached twenty meters in height. Then, Bu Loong pushed the tornado outwards.    


As they passed through the surface of the sea, the tornado brought forth bursts of water currents. The yellow color of the tornado instantly turned into a blue tornado of water.    


This unbelievable strength caused the park visitors to loudly shout.    


The applause was unceasing.    


Bu Loong accepted the praises. At this moment, Bu Loong's expression changed. He seemed to feel that something was wrong as he stared at the water tornado.    


"There's someone inside!" Bu Loong felt like he was suffocating. Who wouldn't want to die? To dare to be in his water tornado, he exclaimed, "There's obviously no one there."    


Lily said confused, "Bu Loong, what nonsense are you talking about? Where is everyone? A water tornado? "    


Lily looked over. The water tornado was normal.    


"No, there's someone inside. It's always been inside the water tornado." Just as Bu Loong finished his sentence, the water dragon rolled away.    


One man, one sword, standing at Void Space.    


The park visitors were all flabbergasted.    


Fear appeared on the faces of Lily and Bu Loong.    


Master Zhang is here!    


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