Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C440 Angry Hou Qingjia

C440 Angry Hou Qingjia

0Zhang Penglan felt like he had just eaten a bitter gourd and felt extremely awkward.    


Those who thought that Zhang Xianhu was going to leave Beijing felt their faces hurt even more.    


No matter what, Xu Rongsheng had come all the way from Xihu Province. It was indisputable that the Patriarch of Suen Family, Suen Hsingpu, had presented the top-grade Medicine Pill and Seven-blood Vermilion Pill, and the sect had given them such a generous gift.    


Zhang Penglan, Cheng Zhi and Hou Qingjia were at the same table.    


Yuv Huan's family also sat at the same table as Cheng Zhi due to their relationship with Hou Qingjia.    


"Director Cheng, right now, the Zhang Family is collapsing, there must be a lot of people thinking about leaving the Zhang Family together with Zhang Xianhu. What should I do, let's just let this matter go?" Zhang Penglan held his breath, unable to release his anger. His heart ached as he spoke.    


As matters stood, Zhang Penglan no longer addressed Zhang Xianhu as his father. He was very clear that regardless of success or failure, he and Zhang Xianhu were separated.    


I was surprised when the Fang family supported Zhang Xianhu. The Suen Family's movement and the appearance of the Dao Gate later on showed that these people already knew that Master Zhang came from the Zhang Family and had a deep relationship with Zhang Haorann. "    


Zhang Penglan was frightened by what Cheng Zhi said, "Director Cheng, could it be that you want to stand by Zhang Xianhu's side?"    


"How is this possible?" Cheng Zhi shook his head, "Suen Hsingpu and I are at loggerheads today. On the surface, I support you. Everyone has seen it."    


"Does CEO Cheng regret it?"    


"Do you believe me when I say I regret it?" The faint smile on his face gave Zhang Penglan goosebumps. Luckily, Zhang Penglan quickly calmed down, because even if Cheng Zhi regretted, it would be useless.    


"Director Cheng." The one who spoke was Hou Qingjia.    


"Go ahead."    


Hou Qingjia said, "Only Zhang Haorann knows that Master Zhang came from Zhang Family, which means that he must have deliberately concealed this matter from the Zhang Family people. I think Director Zhang can completely grasp this matter and summon back the hearts of those Zhang Family people."    


Zhang Penglan raised his thumb, Hou Qingjia's words hit the nail on the head.    


Cheng Zhi shook his head.    


"The victor is the king and the loser is the thief. There is no reason for the loser to be. Just the words Master Zhang is enough to cause the hearts of people with Zhang Family to float to Zhang Xianhu's side. "    


"This Zhang Family birthday banquet, we have truly miscalculated."    


Zhang Penglan was silent. Now that Zhang Xianhu had gained momentum, he did not need this Zhang Family anymore. Zhang Xianhu had Xu Rongsheng's support in Xihu Province, and with the Fang family and Suen Family backing in Yan Jing, Zhang Xianhu could still thrive like the wind and water.    


Even if he had another set of Zhang Family, it would still be an easy task.    


Cheng Zhi continued:    


"Zhang Haorann and Xu Qing's engagement is going to be held in the next few days. It will definitely be held in the Zhang Family palace. Zhang Penglan, at that time, prepare a generous gift to congratulate them."    


Zhang Penglan raised his eyebrows, "Director Cheng, if I really do that, what will Zhang Family people think?"    


Cheng Zhi looked at Zhang Penglan deeply, "The Zhang Family people will think that you are wrong and correct them. They will choose to continue to trust you, and as for the shares of the Zhang Family companies in the port trade, I'll just give them up."    


The Fang family and Suen Family supporting Zhang Xianhu meant that they would not be on the same boat as Cheng Zhi. Liu Tie had no enmity with the Fang family and Suen Family, and he would not put himself in a disadvantageous position because of Zhang Penglan. Thus, he might as well step back a step to broaden his horizons, and give Zhang Penglan a chance, and give himself a chance.    


"That's the only way." Zhang Penglan had no choice but to agree to Cheng Zhi's suggestion. This was a good plan. Besides this, Zhang Penglan had no other choice.    


"Zhang Haorann is so lucky to know Master Zhang." They chatted quietly around the dining table.    


"Why didn't I notice it before?"    


"If it wasn't for Zhang Haorann, Zhang Xianhu definitely wouldn't have been able to hold this birthday banquet."    


The two brothers' discussions reached Hou Qingjia's ears in an exceptionally ear-piercing manner.    


"Are you done talking?" Hou Qingjia said in annoyance.    


Especially since he didn't say anything else, he was afraid of incurring Hou Qingjia's wrath.    


Hou Qingjia didn't feel good about this meal.    


On the other side, Xu Qing came to Zhang Haorann's side. The person at the table was Zhang Yilin and the others.    


These people were full of smiles.    


"Haoran, I didn't think that you would know Master Zhang. You really hid your strength well." Zhang Yilin joked.    


"That's right. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. I worried a lot about Haoran's situation." Zhang Xia beamed.    


Zhang Rui whispered to Zhang Haigang.    


"Your little brother is so amazing, as your big brother, how could you not know?"    


"I know." Zhang Haigang nodded honestly.    


"Then why didn't you tell me?"    


"You didn't ask me."    


Zhang Rui was speechless. He stopped talking to Zhang Haigang and went to eat.    


During Zhang Family's birthday banquet, Zhang Xianhu told everyone that the engagement ceremony between Zhang Haorann and Xu Qing would be held on the seventh of February. After the seventh day, Zhang Xianhu would leave the Zhang Family and head towards the Xihu Province.    


If they had supported Zhang Xianhu earlier, they would have been able to enjoy the prosperity together with Zhang Xianhu, and wouldn't have to suffer all kinds of pressure from the Zhang Family.    


The most important thing was that the people from the Zhang Family were still facing the bloodline curse, and some of the people from the Zhang Family would still suffer from gradually freezing human disease. This was a terminal illness, and even more so the heart demon that plagued the people from the Zhang Family.    


"If Suen Family is not supporting the old man, but Zhang Penglan, then our Zhang Family can rely on our relationship with the Suen Family to obtain the help of Suen Family and cure our terminal illness." Many people from the Zhang Family sighed with emotion. Losing an opportunity was bound to be the greatest pain of their lives.    


After Zhang Family's birthday banquet, the guests had left one by one.    


Zhang Penglan also followed along and quietly left. As long as Zhang Xianhu was still in Zhang Family, Zhang Penglan wouldn't have the face to come back.    


Cheng Family.    



A dispute broke out.    


"You must think of a way to deal with that Zhang Haorann. I don't care if he knows someone who doesn't know that Master Zhang. As long as I don't personally witness Master Zhang's appearance, I will not believe that Master Zhang is a person with Zhang Family!" Hou Qingjia paced back and forth angrily in the Cheng Family Hall, beside him were the higher ups of the Cheng Family.    


Cheng Zhi was also there.    


Beside Cheng Zhi was a mysterious person of unknown origin. This person was completely covered in black and his face couldn't be seen. Only a pair of calm eyes could be seen.    


"Hou Qingjia, what's wrong with you? You got angry the moment you came back." Cheng Zhi asked.    


"How could I not be angry? That Xu Qing was supposed to be my woman, but I was just about to get her. What happened?" The more Hou Qingjia thought about it, the angrier he got, "Look at that Zhang Penglan's performance. He's simply a piece of trash, even trash like Zhang Xianhu and Zhang Pengde are unable to put up a fair fight."    


"It's not that you didn't see what happened at Zhang Family birthday banquet. It's completely out of our expectations, so you can't blame Zhang Penglan." Cheng Zhi comforted Hou Qingjia's mood.    


"I don't care!"    


Hou Qingjia waved his hand and said, "I must get Xu Qing. I want their engagement ceremony to become Zhang Haorann's nightmare!"    


Cheng Zhi had a troubled expression. Hou Qingjia was not someone from the Cheng Family, but he had always been treated as a person from the Cheng Family.    


Hou Qingjia's position in Cheng Family was far more important than anyone could imagine, and Cheng Zhi still valued this genius.    


"Director Cheng, I don't know what you're afraid of." "The Cheng Family comes from the Taoist bloodline, and you are all of the Artifact Forging Aristocratic Family. This is also a priority for me to cooperate with the Cheng Family, however, on Zhang Haorann's matter, CEO Cheng has been hesitating. Could it be that Boss Cheng thinks that Master Zhang can fight head on with the Cheng Family for Zhang Haorann?"    


"Or could it be that Cheng Family is scared of Master Zhang?"    


Hou Qingjia's words caused the atmosphere in the Cheng Family Hall to freeze. Many people from Cheng Family looked at Hou Qingjia in displeasure.    


Cheng Zhi said calmly: "Of course Cheng Family is not afraid of Master Zhang. There was one thing you should not forget, Wei Sanlin was about to gather the four underworld clans and head towards Kunlun Divine Palace. The reason you are able to receive the appreciation of the Cheng Family is all because of them. You need them to create the conditions for your field of study, and you also need them to help you in the exploration of the Kunlun Divine Palace. "    


"Now is our chance. If there is a conflict between us and Master Zhang at this time, once Master Zhang attacks and weakens our strength, will you take responsibility then? Fortunately, regarding the exploration of Kunlun Divine Palace, the people from Suen Family were the same as us. I think this is also the reason why Suen Hsingpu is trying to ingratiate himself with Zhang Haorann and Zhang Xianhu. It is to avoid offending Master Zhang. "    


"Hou Qingjia, think twice before acting. You must learn to endure. Don't lose yourself for a mere woman."    


Cheng Zhi's words lingered in the hall as the Cheng Family people nodded in agreement.    


Some cauldrons had special effects and were used to make divination through the stars. Cheng Family had developed astronomical equipment based on this point, but Cheng Family was a Artifact Forging Aristocratic Family after all, so it lacked geniuses in the field of Artifact Forging Aristocratic Family.    


Thus, for many years, he had been secretly recruiting geniuses.    


Among these geniuses, Hou Qingjia was the most dazzling.    


As a genius in astronomy, Hou Qingjia was regarded very highly by Cheng Family. After cooperation and communication between both parties, he had established a great reputation in the field of astronomy, especially Hou Qingjia, who had obtained more wealth and fame than one could imagine.    


It was just that in these few years, Hou Qingjia's focus of work in the Cheng Family had changed, and he began to coordinate with the artifacts refined from the Cheng Family to mix and reform them.    


For so many years, the four underworld clans had always wanted to once again enter the Kunlun Divine Palace.    


This was also the reason why Hou Qingjia was able to scold Zhang Penglan for his incompetence in front of Cheng Zhi. Cheng Zhi also had to be patient with him.    


"Director Cheng, I don't care. I have to get Xu Qing, or else I won't be able to work for Cheng Family." Hou Qingjia drank a mouthful of water and his expression became calm.    


"You must do this?" A hint of anger appeared on Cheng Zhi's face, especially from Cheng Ningjun, who had a murderous look in his eyes.    


"That's what I want." Hou Qingjia said honestly.    


Cheng Zhi snorted, since when did my Cheng Family have to be repeatedly bullied by an outsider? Just as Cheng Zhi was about to speak, the mysterious person who stood not far away and was completely covered in black laughed.    


"There's no need to be angry."    


"Since he wants Xu Qing, we might as well help him."    


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