Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C278 The Legend be True

C278 The Legend be True

0Pei Xiaoyuan was very interested and quickly got together with everyone.    


Minn Yi didn't order any dishes, but was studying the brown mule.    


"This is used to store earth origin energy." Zhang Haorann explained.    


"How do you know?" Minn Yi was surprised. He had been researching for a long time and still couldn't figure out what this brown mule did.    


After asking this question, Minn Yi regretted it immediately. Who was Zhang Haorann? It was normal for him to know.    


"There's nothing much to research on, the mysterious man brought a brown mule, it's nothing more than storing earth power, it's easy to use it in times of need, after all, Immortal Cultivation Tao Body s are limited." Zhang Haorann explained. He did not care about Pei Xiaoyuan's presence, nor did he care about Bai Xuan and the others.    


After the incident in the cave, Bai Xuan and the other two found out from Minn Yi that other than the Martial Arts Faction, there was also a mystical power that far surpassed humans. Universe Vital Energy existed in every corner of the world, but there were very few who could use Universe Vital Energy.    


However, when Bai Xuan and the other two heard Zhang Haorann personally mention the knowledge of Immortal Cultivation, they still found it hard to believe.    


"In the thousands of years of history in China, there are so many legends. Could they all be true?" Bai Xuan couldn't help but ask.    


"It's true."    


Zhang Haorann nodded.    


"The Flame Emperor striking a rock to make fire, the Divine Farmer testing a hundred plants, the Elite Guards filling the sea, the Heaven Punisher Wu Gan, the Raging Touch of the Zhou Mountains and the Shooting of the Sun … all of these are all true. These can be done with Universe Vital Energy s."    


"Of course, some of them are fictitious and are based on legends. For example, Pan Gu created the world, the Emperor fought Chi You, and so on."    


Bai Xuan and the other two were enlightened.    


When Zhang Haorann told them that it was true, they only felt that their view of the world was completely overturned by Zhang Haorann.    


"It'll take a while before the dishes are served. Why don't you tell us more about it?" Bai Xuan asked curiously.    


Other than Zhang Haorann, the rest were envious eyes. Even Minn Yi was the same. However, Minn Yi did not know if Zhang Haorann's mythical story was true or not.    


Zhang Haorann said:    


"Then I'll just say it casually."    


"For example, the Flame Emperor striking a stone to create a fire. When humans first used fire, they all used natural fire, and some people thought that humans couldn't always rely on natural fire, so they decided to create a way to take the fire themselves. During a hunt, he accidentally hit the stone spear onto the prey, but he discovered that sparks were produced by the javelins and the stones on the ground, so he picked up a lot of stones to experiment with. In the end, he succeeded in obtaining the fire, and because he discovered a way to take the fire, all the tribes unanimously embraced him as king.    


Zhang Haorann was very familiar with the story of the Flame Emperor. In his previous life, when he was still cultivating, he saw the Flame Emperor in the cultivation world, and later on when Zhang Haorann became Tao Ancestor, he became unrivalled in the wilderness. The Flame Emperor and countless other people personally sent gifts to Zhang Haorann.    


This matter had become a beautiful topic in the cultivation world.    


"Let's talk about Shen Nong's test of the Hundred Herbs. Shen Nong felt that he had the responsibility of protecting others, so he searched the entire Divine Great Land to find the herbs used to treat the patients. After finding it, he personally poisoned it to verify whether it was poisonous, and in the process, Shen Nong traversed the mountains and rivers, and luckily consumed the herbs that would allow him to become a Immortal Cultivation Tao Body. "    


In his previous life, Zhang Haorann had never met Shen Nong. However, when the Flame Emperor was chatting with him about family matters, he mentioned Shen Nong. It was said that he was a very old-fashioned and serious person.    


"The elite guard in the story of the elite guard filling in the sea is the daughter of the Flame Emperor. When she grew up, she finally saw the sea. Just as she was about to head towards the sea, the sea also swept away the huge waves and rushed towards the elite guards, who left the world, only then did she realize what had happened. Because she was the Flame Emperor's daughter and had a special physique, she turned into a blue bird after she died. Later on, after the Flame Emperor broke through the Void Space to become an immortal, he allowed his daughter to once again become a human. "    


Zhang Haorann couldn't help but reveal a look of helplessness when he mentioned the elite guard. This elite guard couldn't be treated in the same way as an ordinary person.    


In his previous life, when Flame Emperor saw Zhang Haorann, he mentioned his daughter, the guard, intentionally or unintentionally. At that time, the guard was fighting against the current on a certain planet, so the Flame Emperor was unable to change the personality of the guard, so he begged Zhang Haorann to help him.    


A waiter came in to serve the meal.    


"Let's stop here, we'll talk about it in the future when we have the chance." Zhang Haorann knocked on the table as the others listened intently.    


The few of them were jolted awake. Cai Chao seemed to be deep in thought while Qiu Bing was inwardly surprised. Bai Xuan felt awkward and embarrassed.    


Pei Xiaoyuan was still pondering.    


Everyone ate.    


"Pei Xiaoyuan, when you return to the Xiangzhou City in a few days, I will tell you some of the important points of cultivation. You must carefully memorize them and work hard to learn them." Zhang Haorann instructed.    


Pei Xiaoyuan was beaming with joy. Zhang Haorann had always let him comprehend the Universe Vital Energy, and had never taught him proper martial arts and feng shui. Now that Zhang Haorann finally suggested it, Pei Xiaoyuan was obviously happy.    


"Minn Yi, come with me to Yunshui City tomorrow." Zhang Haorann said.    


Minn Yi understood tacitly. He knew about the conflict between Zhang Haorann and Yunshui City, and he had also heard that Zhang Haorann was going to Yunshui City for the past few days to eliminate them.    


"Bai Xuan, you should have seen everything that happened in the school, including the cave of the medical academy. If anyone tries to take you away, just say that I don't agree. If there's anything you want to know, ask me directly." Zhang Haorann said, "If they don't listen, they will still forcefully take you away. If they interrogate you, quickly send me a message."    


The "them" Zhang Haorann was referring to the people from Huaxia Dragon Group.    


The Special Operations Office of the Dragon Group inside the Donghai Province must know the relationship between Bai Xuan's group and Zhang Haorann's roommates, and would not rashly take them away to interrogate them.    


"Alright." Bai Xuan understood that Zhang Haorann was referring to "them" on another level, which was very different from ordinary people.    


Cai Chao and Qiu Bing also took Zhang Haorann's words to heart.    


After dinner, Bai Xuan and the other two went back to their room to get their lunch break.    


Minn Yi also went to Room 307, saying that he wanted to continue his divination to detect the movements of that mysterious expert. The moment there was any movement, he would inform Zhang Haorann immediately.    


Pei Xiaoyuan and Zhang Haorann went together to a private warehouse outside the school.    


Several rows of security guards stood outside the warehouse. These security guards were invited by East Sea Museum to protect the valuable items inside the warehouse.    


Seeing Zhang Haorann's arrival, the security guards all stepped aside.    


Zhang Haorann opened the door of the warehouse.    


"Wow, I can finally see the cloud and dragon carved throne of rosewood up close!" Pei Xiaoyuan shouted happily.    


Beside the cloud and dragon carved throne made of rosewood, there was the Primordial Azure Flower Gui Guzi of the down mountain Drawing Jar. The two items were arranged in order and they were well protected.    


"In the future, you will sit on this rosewood carved dragon cloud throne and comprehend Universe Vital Energy. With what I have told you, within three months, you will succeed in comprehending Universe Vital Energy."    


Zhang Haorann said as he took out a book from his bag.    



The contents in the book were exactly what Zhang Haorann wrote about. For Pei Xiaoyuan, it was the most important gift he had received so far in his life.    


"Thank you, Master!" Pei Xiaoyuan held the book excitedly and couldn't wait to flip through. However, what he saw was a blank space.    


This is a wordless book.    


"Don't be impatient." Zhang Haorann asked Pei Xiaoyuan to place his finger on the title page of the book where there were three circles stacked on top of each other.    


Pei Xiaoyuan did as he was told and stuck his fingertips onto it.    


Zhang Haorann sent a stream of Essence to Pei Xiaoyuan's finger and saw that the three layers of circle started to spin like a whirlpool. Then, it slowly turned into a series of marks.    


"This is your fingerprint imprint. If you want to read this book in the future, you must use your fingerprint to open it. Under normal circumstances, the content of the book is blank." After you open it with your fingerprint, the contents of the book will appear again. After you finish reading it, just close it with your fingerprint. If anyone steals this thing, it's impossible to know what's in the book. "    


"Master is indeed thoughtful." Pei Xiaoyuan was unwilling to let go and carefully held the book as if it was a treasure.    


"I call this book the 'Great Ceremony of the Way'. I will slowly supplement the content in the future. There are two books. One is with you, and the other is with Quan Zihao." Zhang Haorann laughed, "You are my only disciple so far. I have given you the Cloud Dragon Tattoo for the Profound Moon Chain and the rosewood carving, so you better not disappoint my good intentions."    


"Don't worry, Master!" Pei Xiaoyuan checked his fingerprint and the contents of the book appeared again.    


On the title page, two lines appeared.    


The first line was the Absolute Martial Arts.    


The second line was "Mystical Mysteries".    


The absolute art of martial arts was a martial skill that Pei Xiaoyuan could learn at the moment, it would not exceed the range that he could bear.    


If Pei Xiaoyuan was able to understand Universe Vital Energy, then he would be able to improve rapidly by using Universe Vital Energy to learn Talisman Seal.    


Zhang Haorann said:    


"The Universe Vital Energy is constantly changing your body, and the current you, can directly train in the absolute arts of martial arts. When your body is strong enough and has comprehended the Universe Vital Energy at the same time, you can then train in the profound mysteries of martial arts. Not only are your martial arts powerful, you can even become a first class Feng Shui Master."    


Pei Xiaoyuan was overjoyed. If he worked hard and managed to comprehend the Universe Vital Energy within three months, he would be able to become a first class Feng Shui Master.    


In the past, Pei Xiaoyuan had learned from Luo Jing that level one Feng Shui Master was extremely rare. From ordinary people to level one Feng Shui Master, this process would take at least ten years, unless one was a genius, which could be achieved in just a few short years.    


For example, Luo Jing, who was already a first class Feng Shui Master before reaching thirty years of age, was already very powerful. Even so, Luo Jing still spent half a year to reach this step.    


And Pei Xiaoyuan only needed three months, it was unheard-of to tell anyone about it.    


In his previous life, Tao Ancestor and Zhang Haorann had met countless people, and they were only two disciples. These two disciples later became Zhang Haorann's strongest generals.    


This was the great benefit of being Zhang Haorann's disciple.    


Pei Xiaoyuan's gratitude towards Zhang Haorann was buried deep in his heart. He swore to himself that he would never betray his master in the future.    


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