Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C232 Ant with Jade Roof and Wind-chasing

C232 Ant with Jade Roof and Wind-chasing

0Beside the Blood Devouring Talisman, the soil began to loosen up. Something seemed to want to break out of the earth and dig itself out.    


"The Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant is about to be unearthed." Zhang Haorann squinted and saw an ant-like monster the size of a human forearm drilled out from the ground. Its two small black eyes spied on Zhang Haorann, giving off a very playful feeling.    


Zhang Haorann activated his Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique and his Essence wrapped around the tip of his finger. The Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant was overjoyed and immediately crawled to Zhang Haorann's side. It ran around the tip of Zhang Haorann's finger without stopping, looking extremely happy.    


Quan Zihao broke out in a cold sweat, "Master Zhang, isn't this Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant too big? It's as thick as your forearm, and each of them is so big.    


Luckily, the Venomous Insect below the surface was not as dangerous as they had imagined. After meeting Zhang Haorann, the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant became very docile.    


"Master Zhang, how many Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant s do you need?" Quan Zihao asked.    


"One is not enough." Zhang Haorann said, "At least a hundred."    


Quan Zihao smacked his lips. Hundreds? That number is way too scary.    


"Step back." Zhang Haorann said.    


Quan Zihao immediately retreated.    


Zhang Haorann let out a heavy palm, his palm facing the ground, his power was tremendous. What he delivered was not Universe Vital Energy, but the death aura of the Yin Yang Eye!    




The puddle of grey water in the Yin Yang Eye began to bubble and release a deathly aura. It condensed in Zhang Haorann's palm and spread to the surface.    


After that, Quan Zihao felt as if he had felt an earthquake. In this small area, the ground was uneven and the ground was constantly undulating. It was as if some monster was struggling to come out.    


Quan Zihao immediately left and ran to a safe location.    


Zhang Haorann remained indifferent and continued to let the aura of death spread.    


After dozens of seconds, Zhang Haorann finally stopped delivering the death aura to the ground.    


At the same time, there were a few muffled "honglong" sounds. In front of Zhang Haorann, there was an open space that was caved in and dust flew everywhere.    


After the dust cleared, a deep pit appeared in front of Zhang Haorann. Quan Zihao, who was at a distance, couldn't help but to get closer.    


In the deep pit, there was a scene that could move anyone!    


The nearly five meter long bow and arrows were lying in the deep pit. Some parts of the bow and arrows were damaged and lost their luster.    


There were a few rows of words engraved on the bow and arrows. Zhang Haorann looked over and his heart skipped a beat.    


"Just as I thought, the bow underneath the ground is the Sumeru Arrow!"    


When Zhang Haorann saw the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant, the Yin Yang Eye pierced through the inner part of the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant.    


On the belly of the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant, there was a piece of white colored special substance. This special substance contained the important materials needed to repair the wall of the Fire Away Gold Furnace.    


Zhang Haorann's mind suddenly opened up and everything became clear.    


This Sumeru Arrow was left here by a cultivator.    


There were bloodstains on the bow and arrows, and they had not disappeared for many years. All of these proved that this Sumeru Arrow had killed Vicious Beast before, and was tainted with the aura of death and beast blood. As a result, Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant that drilled into the surface of the ground loved Sumeru Arrow. As time passed, Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant would devour a small portion of the Sumeru Arrow, and they would naturally possess some of the Sumeru Arrow's characteristics. For example, the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant's body, could be used to repair the wall of the Fire Away Gold Furnace.    


Zhang Haorann grabbed one of the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant and crushed their stomachs. A few drops of white liquid flowed out.    


"This liquid is the key material used to make Sumeru Arrow in the cultivation world!"    


Zhang Haorann smiled slightly. The reason why the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant chose the location of the Sumeru Arrow as their lair was to devour the Sumeru Arrow over the years. They were especially fond of blood and death aura, and this was the reason why the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant could come out from the Blood Drinking Talisman.    


Luckily, Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant did not have the habit of intentionally hurting people, otherwise, this thing would definitely go berserk and become a danger.    


Zhang Haorann called Quan Zihao over.    


Quan Zihao was very careful and placed himself among the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant. At first it was very scary, but later he calmed down. With Master Zhang around, there was no need to make people panic.    


"Master Zhang, these Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant are very obedient to you." Quan Zihao said excitedly, "As a result, Master Zhang's mission to Qingjiang Stockaded Village is completed. According to my previous investigation, if it wasn't for the Gu Clan Gathering, the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant would normally be locked up and only released on this day. The Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant likes corrosive things, so they definitely would like to come to the vicinity of the village to search for food."    


Zhang Haorann nodded.    


"That's right."    


"However, you have seen quite a few Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant s, and quite a few of them were not only raised by Qingjiang Stockaded Village. Venomous Insect are not only insects, they are also known as Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant s. They have a certain level of intelligence, so they are born here, and are not restricted by the rules of Qingjiang Stockaded Village.    


Zhang Haorann's explanation made Quan Zihao secretly marvel that this thing would still think for its descendants. Venomous Insect were indeed Venomous Insect s, they couldn't be understood by ordinary people.    


"Master Zhang, there are four to five hundred Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant here, how many are we taking? How do I take them away? " Quan Zihao asked.    


Zhang Haorann pondered for a few seconds and said:    


"Give Ning Shaokun a call, the three of them aren't far from Qingjiang Stockaded Village."    


"I see." Quan Zihao's eyes lit up, and he asked those few people to bring the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant out.    


Quan Zihao immediately gave Ning Shaokun a call.    


After a while, Ning Shaokun, Ye Que, and Chi Yong rushed over. When the three of them saw the densely packed Venomous Insect, their bodies trembled, and they almost forced themselves to come in. They moved carefully, afraid that if they stepped on the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant, they would be bitten by it.    


"Master Zhang, what's this?" Ning Shaokun looked at the Venomous Insect that was circling around Liu Tie. These things were not small, and looked like big sized ants.    


"They are called Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant s, which is one of the reasons I came to Qingjiang Stockaded Village." Zhang Haorann said seriously, "The four of you will be responsible for taking the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant out. Remember, before leaving, remember to contact Qingwu Town's Zuo Mong and Yue Fann. Tell them to immediately send a private car to receive them no matter what plan they come up with."    


"Understood!" Ning Shaokun said embarrassedly, "There are so many Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant, I can't just carry them out right? Master Zhang, I'm afraid they might take a bite."    


Zhang Haorann thought for a moment and a Netherworld Sword appeared.    


"Close your ears." Zhang Haorann said.    


Ning Shaokun and the others ran far away and covered their ears.    



"The first form of the Netherworld, Falling Star!"    


The Netherworld Sword shook, the ear-piercing and low-pitched sound rushed towards the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant, these Venomous Insect were not small, and all of them immediately fainted.    


In just a few seconds, all of the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant fainted, and did not move at all.    


Ning Shaokun and the rest rushed over and felt relieved.    


"The Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant will be unconscious for at least a day. Don't tell me that one day's time isn't enough for you to bring these Venomous Insect to the Qingwu Town, right?" Zhang Haorann said with a faint smile.    


Ning Shaokun said seriously, "Don't worry, Master Zhang! I will definitely bring the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant to the Qingwu Town, if it's not convenient for Yue Fann to take action, even if I have to run, I will also bring the Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant there. "    


This was the arrangement Master Zhang had given them. Jade Top Wind-chasing Ant were extremely important to Master Zhang, and if they could complete this mission, then their position in front of Master Zhang would be completely different in the future.    


"Quan Zihao, help them more." Wu Tie said.    


Quan Zihao understood tacitly. He was the Feng Shui Master and could perfectly fit Ning Shaokun and the others.    


Quan Zihao took out a yellow paper and pen. With a few strokes, it became a Light Strength Talisman.    


"This is a Light Force Talisman."    


"This is a Sticky Talisman."    


"This is the Swift Steps Symbol."    


Zhang Haorann said: "I'll leave the rest to you guys. I'm going to the Qingjiang Stockaded Village Chamber."    


"Ah, Master Zhang still wants to go!" Ning Shaokun exclaimed. Didn't they finish the mission? If they go to that place now, it's easy for them to be in danger.    


"If we don't kill them, they won't let this go." Zhang Haorann said indifferently, his killing intent made Ning Shaokun and the others feel cold.    




Ye Que said from the side, "Master Zhang, when we were waiting for you outside, we noticed a plane flying past and then jumped off from it. I just happened to see him walk in the direction of Qiao Yuan, could that be the Dragon Guard that Qiao Yuan mentioned?"    


Zhang Haorann silently agreed.    


"It really is a Dragon Guard." Ye Que and the other two were shocked. Qingjiang Stockaded Village was so attractive that even Dragon Guard came.    


"So you're saying that it's Qiao Soongquan." Quan Zihao muttered to himself, "Qiao Soongquan is Zhou Tie's father. This person is very protective of his son, Master Zhang. How about we go to the Qingjiang Stockaded Village Hall another day. Wang Changlin and Qiao Soongquan are both here, I'm afraid of you."    


Quan Zihao was still very worried about Zhang Haorann.    


"It doesn't matter who comes."    


Zhang Haorann turned around and left.    


Ning Shaokun and the rest sighed silently. They couldn't change Master Zhang's mind and could only wish him a smooth journey.    


After Zhang Haorann left.    


Ning Shaokun asked: "Quan Zihao, is Dragon Guard Qiao Soongquan strong?"    


The entire Xingfeng Square has been destroyed. Ding Wennbai's strength is greater than Young Master Long's, but facing the Dragon Guard Qiao Soongquan, Ding Wennbai does not necessarily have the advantage. The Dragon Guard's strength is greater than what you can imagine. "    


Ning Shaokun was drenched in cold sweat. Master Zhang was facing Dragon Guard, Qiao Soongquan, and even Wang Changlin, whose strength was not inferior to Ding Wennbai.    


This trip was difficult.    


A series of booms came from the four of them as a helicopter circled high up in the sky. Above the helicopter, the words "Panda Panda Spa" were written.    


This was a commercial helicopter hired by the Panda Panda Spa. It was responsible for aerial photography and promotion.    


At the cabin door, there was a person with a camera on his shoulder, pointing straight at Qingjiang Stockaded Village.    


At the same time.    


On the large screen of Qingwu Town, a real-time image of the Qingjiang Stockaded Village appeared.    


The heads and heads of Qingwu Town were all looking at the big screen.    


Everyone was clear that something big was going to happen in the Qingjiang Stockaded Village.    


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