Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C464 Baji Snake

C464 Baji Snake

0The earth cracked and the entire Fuji Mountain trembled. A terrifying aura spread everywhere from where Ban Zang stood.    


Rumble …    


Under Ban Zang's feet, the skin of the snake began to swell like a group of demons, turning into a giant monster.    


The spectators in the distance were shocked.    


"Is that a snake?"    


"There is such a monster!"    


"As expected of the Supermartial Age, what else is hidden in our human world?"    


"In the legends of Sun State, there was once a Divine Beast called the Orochi Gaint Snake that appeared. That Divine Beast was later killed miserably, and following a change in history, the Orochi Gaint Snake was bestowed with a legend. I never thought that the Orochi Gaint Snake actually existed!"    


What people saw, was the Orochi Gaint Snake.    


Eight heads, one tail, and eyes as red as blood. Green moss and trees covered his back, and his body was as large as nine mountains. His presence was domineering, especially when the eight mouths opened and roared, and his voice seemed to pierce through the clouds and summon the world.    


Following the appearance of the Orochi Gaint Snake, the moss and trees on its back started to transform, revealing its true serpent skin.    


"This is the Orochi Gaint Snake, they call it the Divine Beast from the Sun State." Zhang Haorann thought, "Orochi Gaint Snake with four abilities cannot be underestimated."    


The Orochi Gaint Snake appeared and stood upright, carrying Ban Zang high up. Opposite Ban Zang was Zhang Haorann, who had stepped on his sword and soared.    


"What are you going to use to fight me?" Ban Zang was disdainful.    


Zhang Haorann did not say anything and turned around to look at the clouds.    


A huge black figure emerged from the clouds.    


The unfurled wings were like prehistoric beasts that covered the sky and blotted out the sun. The pitch-black wings in the sky flickered with a black flowing light that caused one's heart to palpitate.    


Double head, four eyes.    


It was the Double-headed Tiger Eagle!    


"ROAR ~"    


The Double-headed Tiger Eagle released a loud cry, its voice spreading out in all directions. It was on par with the Orochi Gaint Snake, and not only did it not lose to the Orochi Gaint Snake in terms of momentum, it even gained the upper hand because of his advantage in flying.    


Double-headed Tiger Eagle floated behind Zhang Haorann.    


"I've long heard that Master Zhang has an extraordinary Vicious Beast. I can tell it's only so-so today." Ban Zang said indifferently, "My Orochi Gaint Snake has four types of abilities, but your Vicious Beast can't even be compared to the Orochi Gaint Snake."    


Zhang Haorann said, "Really? My Double-headed Tiger Eagle came here today to eat your Orochi Gaint Snake. "    


With that, Zhang Haorann rubbed the Double-headed Tiger Eagle's forehead and said solemnly: "I promised, that I would make you transform into a Three-headed Tiger Eagle, today is the best chance, I will kill Ban Zang, and I will kill the Orochi Gaint Snake and take away its Beast Core."    


With the Orochi Gaint Snake, Zhang Haorann could concoct pills and give it to the Double-headed Tiger Eagle to transform.    


"Eat it!" Ban Zang said angrily.    


The eight heads of the Orochi Gaint Snake all stared at Zhang Haorann.    


The eight giant mouths opened, and eight rays of light shot out, completely sealing off the surrounding space between Zhang Haorann and the Double-headed Tiger Eagle.    


Zhang Haorann noticed that these eight rays of light were as powerful as the tip of a sharp knife. They could cut through anything and everything. If they touched these rays of light, it was very possible that they would be severely injured.    


"This is the Orochi Gaint Snake's first ability, 'Giant Qi Wave'. It is an extremely strong wave formed from Essence and looks like a ray of light, but it is actually not. You are merely a Second Grade Half-immortal, to dare touch the Giant Qi Wave is equivalent to courting death." Ban Zang said coldly, "Next, Orochi Gaint Snake will use the second ability, Snake Transformation. I'll let you know what fear and nightmare are!"    


Ban Zang gave the order.    


A strange scene was happening at the Orochi Gaint Snake. The eight heads all struggled and turned into eight giant snakes, rushing towards Zhang Haorann in the midst of the huge wave of energy.    


"Zhang Haorann, we can only run towards the back." The Double-headed Tiger Eagle said, "This thing's abilities are too disgusting, it purposely sealed our space and did not let us escape. Those eight smelly snakes, they definitely want to trap you, then possess your body, every single smelly snake will be extremely difficult to deal with, if it's only one of them, I can still fight them, after all, the amount of energy stored in each smelly snake is equivalent to the level of Third Grade Half-immortal."    


"However, in this sort of space, if we were to take care of one stinky snake, we won't be able to do anything else. The snake's flexibility can be displayed to its fullest. We're in trouble."    


The Double-headed Tiger Eagle normally would not even look at the other Vicious Beast, however, encountering the Orochi Gaint Snake's abilities "Giant Qi Wave" and "Snake Transformation" made the Double-headed Tiger Eagle feel very unhappy.    


"Since it wants to possess us, let it possess us." Zhang Haorann smiled faintly: "Tiger Hawk, you are a Vicious Beast, your feelings towards Orochi Gaint Snake are deeper than me. Tell me, if you eat these eight snakes, will it be of help to you?"    


The Double-headed Tiger Eagle nodded, "Great help! This is an excellent supplement. "    


"That's good." "Keep your distance from me, I'll deal with them!"    


"What are you …" Zhang Haorann interrupted the Double-headed Tiger Eagle before it could finish its sentence.    


"These snakes are merely at the level of Third Grade Half-immortal. What they are most afraid of is not the amount of energy in their bodies, but the abilities they possess." Zhang Haorann said calmly, "If you want to take over my body, seize my consciousness, and try to finish me off once and for all, you can't do it without any ability."    


With that, Zhang Haorann's hands floated up. There were no Earth Pole True Fire s, no Netherworld Sword s, but rather Yin Yang Power s that flickered with red and yellow flames.    


"This is the Yin Yang True Fire!" When the Double-headed Tiger Eagle saw the Yin Yang True Fire, it immediately retreated, maintaining a safe distance from Zhang Haorann.    


In the sealed space, eight long snakes twisted their bodies and swiftly attacked.    


Zhang Haorann did not leave. This scene was broadcasted live through the camera to the big screen below Mount Fuji and to the entire world.    


The people of the world thought that Master Zhang had given up on his own accord and was powerless to resist.    


Some people had some expectations for Zhang Haorann and thought that Master Zhang would definitely take action. However, they didn't expect him to do nothing at all.    


The eight giant snakes wrapped around Zhang Haorann like whirlpools of death.    


Ban Zang smiled confidently.    


"Under the attack of the Orochi Gaint Snake's sacred art 'entering the master', how is Zhang Haorann going to defend himself? That is the ability of the Orochi Gaint Snake. "    


Ban Zang was already waiting for the Orochi Gaint Snake to devour Zhang Haorann's body and absorb his memory to see if Zhang Haorann had any other secrets.    




The eight snakes surrounded Zhang Haorann tightly. This cruel scene, made many of the people watching the battle on the big screen feel like they couldn't bear to look at it directly.    


Someone covered his eyes.    


Someone lowered their head.    


Some of them even cried.    


The people from Sun State were all jubilant. The more miserable Master Zhang was, the more pleased they were with themselves. It was Master Zhang who dared to oppose Navy of the Sun Country. Now it was time for retribution.    


Within the elemental energy wave, the Double-headed Tiger Eagle was still maintaining a distance from Zhang Haorann. It did not panic as it looked at Zhang Haorann who was wrapped by the big snake.    


Just when everyone thought that Zhang Haorann's life was hanging by a thread and that he had become the food of the big snake, a blood-red flame suddenly appeared and erupted. It extended from one big snake to the other, and in an instant, all eight big snakes were ignited by the blood-red flame.    


In the distant helicopter, a reporter holding a video camera nervously locked onto the scene.    


Many people were puzzled. Where did this flame come from? What's the effect? It was too strange to see that the snake didn't even show the slightest bit of an uncomfortable reaction.    


More and more people shouted that Ban Zang had won.    


Was that really the case?    


Ban Zang frowned.    


"Strange, what kind of flame is this?"    


Ban Zang quickly thought of Heaven Yang Treasure Flame, but denied it. Although he wasn't at the peak of the fire dao body, he still knew what Heaven Yang Treasure Flame looked like. He had never seen the blood-red flame before.    


Could it be one of the fifteen different types of precious flames?    


Ban Zang looked at the flames and felt that it was not dangerous, but he still gave Ban Zang a strange feeling.    


"A minute has passed. The Orochi Gaint Snake's sacred art must have taken effect." Ban Zang calmed down a bit of restlessness in his heart, and the Orochi Gaint Snake that had lost its head carried Ban Zang, and headed towards Zhang Haorann's position.    


The giant wave that sealed Zhang Haorann and the Double-headed Tiger Eagle disappeared.    


The eight giant snakes coiled together.    


Ban Zang waved his hand and the eight snakes untied themselves, revealing Zhang Haorann's body.    


"It seems like the sacred art has already taken effect. What Master Zhang, he's only so-so."    


Ban Zang smiled, as if he was mocking himself for thinking too highly of Zhang Haorann.    


"Come back."    


The eight large snakes fused into the severed parts of the head and started to transform, gradually returning to its original appearance as a Orochi Gaint Snake.    


The Orochi Gaint Snake was mysterious and left a deep impression on everyone who saw it.    


"When I find out Zhang Haorann's secret, his Vicious Beast will be killed by me sooner or later." Wu Tie laughed crazily. Not far from him, Zhang Haorann was standing on his sword with his eyes closed, not moving at all.    


Ban Zang stood on the Orochi Gaint Snake and approached Zhang Haorann.    


At the foot of Mount Fuji.    


Regardless of whether they were worshippers of Zhang Haorann or admirers of the strong Ban Zang, all of them fell into silence.    


They knew that the famed Master Zhang was finished with just that, and that Vicious Beast of his, was even less powerful.    


Many people even started to worry about the future of the sect. Without Master Zhang, the hundreds of Half Immortals in the sect would have no leader.    


"Zhang Haorann, tell me your secret." Ban Zang's voice was like thunder piercing his ears as he asked Zhang Haorann with a questioning tone.    


Zhang Haorann said, "Soon."    


"What?" Ban Zang was stunned.    


"I said soon." Zhang Haorann opened his eyes. His pitch-black pupils flickered with blood-red sparks.    


Its eyes spewed fire, it was not a normal flame, much less a Earth Pole True Fire.    


"What's going on? How can the Orochi Gaint Snake's sacred art not have any effect on you? " Ban Zang said worriedly.    


Zhang Haorann summoned his Tiger Hawk and landed on it.    


Ban Zang was not the only one who did not know what had happened, everyone watching through the live broadcast could not help but burst into an uproar.    


Zhang Haorann smiled.    


"Ban Zang, I should thank you."    


Originally, I wanted to use this opportunity to get rid of your Orochi Gaint Snake and obtain its Beast Core. But from the looks of it now, I do not need to do that, because the Orochi Gaint Snake will be obediently given to you. "    


Zhang Haorann's words made Ban Zang angry from embarrassment.    


"Kill him!" Ban Zang only wanted Zhang Haorann dead.    


Unexpectedly, the Orochi Gaint Snake under his command remained unmoved.    


Zhang Haorann's smile became more and more brilliant.    


"Ban Zang, for you to be able to summon Orochi Gaint Snake's spiritual will to possess the snake skin, it shows that you truly have some ability. However, this move does not have any effect on me."    


"In the Sun State myths, the Orochi Gaint Snake was killed by a strong man called Xu Zhi. I have seen this Xu Zhi before."    


His words shocked everyone.    



In his previous life, as Tao Ancestor, Zhang Haorann indeed had a strong man called Zhu Zhi who came to pay his respects and was eager to follow Zhang Haorann. For this reason, the man was full of sincerity and introduced himself by saying that he and Zhang Haorann both came from Earth.    


In the introduction, the man mentioned the heroic scene of him killing the Vicious Beast, which saved the lives of humans. He also said that before killing the Orochi Gaint Snake, he planted a curse inside the Orochi Gaint Snake's body, named 'Snake Soul'.    


In his previous life, Zhang Haorann had coincidentally seen this spell called Snake Soul, so the threat that Orochi Gaint Snake posed to Zhang Haorann was gone.    


With this spell, the Orochi Gaint Snake would obediently listen to Zhang Haorann.    


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