Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C2 Stop The Bus! 

C2 Stop The Bus! 

0At the front seat of the bus, there was a girl staring straight out of the window with her headphones placed around her head, she bobbed her head to the beat, looking far too immersed in the rhythm.    


She immediately jolted when another boy poked her on the arm. "Huh?" She blinked in surprise.    


"Weiwei, someone's calling for you."    


"Who?" Taking off her headphones, she looked around to see that most of the students were already awake. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion from the brief pandemonium that was happening all around her.    


"Zhang Haoran," Faang Mingjie, the homeroom teacher, was actually not far away from her seat. Confused, she raised her eyebrows to ask him, "Why are you calling for her?"    


However, the boy didn't offer a coherent reply. His teacher's words faded to the back of his mind as he regarded the teen sitting in front of him.    


Although Xiao Weiwei was not as pretty as how Xu Qing looked, she was more outstanding than the most of the girls. She looked so untouchable and ephemeral that would make any boy drool over her. Some had even called her by 'Ms. Xiao' because she was just on another level!    


However, her face was now sickly white. Her usually glistening eyes looked tired and haggard. There were dark circles drawn around them, making it look as if she hadn't slept in years.    


The more Zhang Haoran stared, the more surprised he became.    


She looked exactly the same as she did in his previous life.    


Zhang Haoran remembered that on the way back to Xiangzhou City, Xiao Weiwei suffered from acute appendicitis. The time that happened was around 2:35 PM.    


When she had gotten sick, they were still half an hour away from the nearest highway exit. No matter how fast they had driven, it was still no use. Her condition worsened, and her appendix formed festering peritonitis, causing her to go in shock. It was after half an hour did they finally call the police for help, and she was immediately sent to the hospital.    


After she had been saved, her family had even sent a banner to the doctor to express their gratitude. He sighed at the thought. Even then, it still wasn't enough to bring Xiao Weiwei back to her formal self and her family didn't know about the truth about her body condition. Her body had been greatly damaged, and her life expectancy had crippled. If it hadn't been for what happened...perhaps she'd have an even happier life.    


Saving her now should be his first priority!    


Then the only thing he could do was to find the nearest hospital before she'd go into shock. That way, he'd be able to stop her system from deteriorating.    


That would've been a great idea if they weren't on a highway! No hospital could be found here.    


Zhang Haoran clenched his jaw. When he had ascended to become the Tao Ancestor of Void Refining Dao Integration Stage in his previous life, he had abandoned all personal feelings. Because of this, all his wishes came true, and his regenerative abilities were at their peak. He could fix a broken arm and leg with just a flick of his wrist. Appendicitis, to him, was just a piece of cake back then.    


However, that was then. Now, he was no longer the Tao Ancestor, but rather an ordinary high school student. There wasn't really much he can do besides yelling like an idiot.    


Sweat trickled down his neck. Did that mean he should just stand by and watch history repeat itself?    


Was there really no other way? His heart thumped in his chest.    


Was she really fated to be like this?    


Suddenly, his hands clenched into fists and he shook his head    


No way in hell!    


He didn't go against the heavens to be useless in this life!    


If he had the power to resist the gods themselves, then that meant he could resist this little twist of faith. He nodded in agreement, narrowing his eyes at Xiao Weiwei, who seemed none the wiser to his thoughts.    


Xiao Weiwei had always been so well-liked by the class. While many would generally be intimidated by her beauty, she tried to make the world not spin around her. Instead, she used her influence to help the people around her, and she even had a good personality to top it off. Why would the heavens hate her enough to decrease her lifespan?    


Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.    


"Ms. Faang," he said urgently. "Ask the driver to stop in the emergency lane. The one on the right!"    


Faang Mingjie almost dropped her thermos.    


"What do you mean? Mr. Zhang, we're on a highway! We can't just stop!"    


Even the students were confused. Had he gone crazy?    


Faang Mingjie furrowed her eyebrows. This was the first time he had made such an unreasonable request. Even if he was her favorite student, she couldn't tolerate him just like that!    


"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have agreed to this event!" she murmured to herself. "Even a good kid could change overnight."    


"Please, Ms. Faang, just ask the driver to stop the bus." Even then, he didn't stop pleading, "We only have no more than five minutes left, please! I'm doing this for the love of human life, just..."    


Even then, the older woman didn't believe him. Why would he want to stop the bus for no reason at all?    


At that time, however, the bus finally slowed down and approached the emergency lane on the right side of the highway. All the students tilted their heads in attention. What was happening?    


"Mr. Liu, you're really going to stop the bus?" Faang MIngjie asked the bus driver.     


Driver Liu was a bulky man with an honest face. He had around thirty years of driving experience.    


"Why don't we try what the kid has said? It wouldn't be any trouble for us anyway." After he said that, he turned on the bus's headlights and got out of the bus lane. It was the best he could do.    


"Zhang Haoran is making no scene, and you're all accommodating for him." Faang Mingjie rubbed her forehead as she sighed in disbelief. This was the first time she had ever since such atrocity! She had no way to help and the other students wouldn't even dare look her in the eye.    


Xu Qing exchanged places with the girl sitting beside her and leaned over to Ling Huan. "Hey, what's up with him?"    


He shrugged. "I don't know. You can ask him personally when we get back to school."    


She blushed. She was the one who had a crush on Zhang Haoran, not the other way around. It wasn't like she could stand up and ask him directly.    


"Me? Ask him?" She snorted. "He just called out Xiao Weiwei's name. It's obvious that he likes another girl."    


At that time, Zhang Haoran had already reached the front lines of the bus. There weren't a lot of people there, but he couldn't care any less. His gaze was only trained to Xiao Weiwei.    


"All of you, move away!"    


Before anyone could say another word, he wrapped his arms around Xiao Weiwei and placed her on the aisle of the bus. "Don't move," he whispered as he placed her in a half-lying position.    


Everyone gasped. For someone who didn't know what was happening, the scene was quite intimate.    


This time, Xu Qing couldn't take it anymore.    


"Hey! Zhang Haoran, you're acting like a creep!" She slammed her fists on the seat. "You think I won't call the police to have you arrested?"    


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