Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C3 Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique! 

C3 Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique! 

0Even the inattentive students had taken off their headphones due to the ruckus. When they heard Xu Qing's voice, they all exchanged confused glances before staring at the scene transpiring in front of them.    


"Doesn't she like him? Why is she yelling?"    


"The girl's jealous! That's why!"    


"Oooh, it's getting interesting! Do you think the apocalypse is starting? That's why they're in a rush?"    


"You think we're in a movie or something?"    


"Everyone, be quiet!" This time, Zhang Haoran raised his hands to indicate that he was talking to the crowd. His eyes were still narrowed as he analyzed the young woman lying in front of him.    


Everyone kept silent, not wanting to anger him any further.    


Xiao Weiwei was actually a sensible woman. Other than her father, she had never allowed anyone to touch her like this. Hell, no one would dare! Besides, even if she did, she and Zhang Haoran weren't close enough for him to do something like this!    


But, she kept her cool–at least for a while. After all, she knew what type of guy he was. He wasn't the type to take advantage of others, especially not in front of their classmates. The thought didn't stop her cheeks from flushing in embarrassment.    


Suddenly, she felt a cold sensation trailing against her skin and her eyes widened. Something flashed across her face as she saw what was happening. His fingers were caressing her abdomen as if searching for something.    


What the hell?    


What was he doing?    


She never had a boyfriend before! And here she was, lying under a man who's holding her waist as if he wanted to feel her up! She struggled under his grip, trying to pry his fingers away.    


"Zhang Haoran, what the hell–" she was just about to curse him to the heavens when a piercing pain racked her system. Xiao Weiwei immediately doubled over, and her face lost all sense of color. "Ah!" She clutched her stomach, suddenly feeling the strong urge to vomit.    


What was going on?    


Only then did the students realize that something really was wrong with their classmate.    


"Weiwei, what happened?"    


"Are you sick?"    


"Hurry! Call the ambulance!"    


"But we're in a highway!"    


Another classmate struggled to see what was going on. "Is Zhang Haoran treating her or something?"    


"Everyone, please be quiet." Faang Mingjie finally had enough of the noise as she turned around. Everyone soon followed, not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side. Instead, all of them were gathered around the young woman, wanting to see if she'd be okay.    


Xiao Weiwei was already writhing on the platform. Her forehead had already creased from the pain, and her back was bent over. It's as if her body was already calling quits on her.    


"Zhang Haoran, tell us, what happened to her?" Finally, the older woman found the voice to speak. Her heart was racing in her chest as she stared at the bent-over girl. Luckily, Zhang Haoran had found out the problem ahead of time. Otherwise, the consequences would've been even more serious.    


"Xiao Weiwei seems to have suffered from acute appendicitis. I've been observing her this car ride because she already seemed pale for a while. Sadly, I was right."    


He was practically making up excuses on the whim. Right now, all he was worried about was finding a solution for this.    


"Her body is weak, so it's normal for her vital energy to have decreased over the years. That's what makes her more susceptible to suffering from appendicitis. If I can transfer a bit of my energy to might derail the symptoms."    


"The only thing I can use right now is the Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique. I just don't know if I can hold on if I use the Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique now. "    


The Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique was a practice that could condense one's vital energy and transfer it to another person. Basically, it drains the user, while filling up the patient. While it may not be a permanent fix, it could get them to the hospital in time.    


In actuality, everyone had vital energy. After all, everything we do–from our movements to our health chart–characterized our vital energy stats. It's just that we didn't know how to use them, hell, some of us, don't even know much about them.    


It was really the only thing he could do right now. Regardless of whether or not his body was capable enough to endure this technique, it was his only option now if he wanted to save her.    


Zhang Haoran placed his right hand on top of her abdomen, pressing all of her acupuncture points. At the same time, he used his left hand to rub the center of her abdomen, pushing all the energy from his hands into her system. A few minutes had passed, and his forehead started to glisten with sweat. His breathing had started to become even heavier. At this point, he was practically forcing himself to press on her stomach.    


On the other hand, Xiao Weiwei's body was already straightening up. The creases on her forehead slowly disappeared, and she couldn't help but sigh in relief. Her hands fell to her sides as if she was finally relaxing from the unbearable pain.    


If it wasn't for the fact that they were seeing it with their own eyes, no one would've believed what was happening.    


Xu Qing had been watching the scene nervously at the back. Her hands were clenched. At this point, she knew that he really wasn't fooling around.    


"If you had just said it directly, I wouldn't have misunderstood you," she murmured under her breath. She wanted to say more, but she held her tongue. Her dream had always been to become a surgeon, and one of the most important things she knew was that to never disturb the doctor. The patient was far more important than anything.    


Even then, she couldn't help but be a little curious about how he was treating her appendicitis. If simply just massaging the stomach could work wonders, then wouldn't that mean that the world didn't need any doctors?    


That was a question for another day. At least, his unorthodox method was working for now.    


"Look, she's getting better!" Ling Huan jumped in surprise. "When did you learn this, Haozi? Who knew you could cure someone with your bare hands."    


"Shut it, man." This time, Zhang Haoran finally turned around, showing off his deathly pale face.    


"Quickly! Let him drink some water," Xu Qing yelled out.    


"I've prepared some hot water back in the campsite for our trip. You should drink it while it's hot." One of the girls in the front seat handed him her thermos. He didn't even bother to say anything as he grabbed it and drank it all in one gulp.    


"You should drink more slowly." Xu Qing wanted to say, but she stopped herself. There were just far too many people here for her to warn him like that. Her cheeks flushed slightly.    


He rested for a while.    


Activating his vital energy and using the technique had already drained him totally.    


While it wouldn't be able to stop her condition totally, it could assist her in holding on. That was the best he could do for now. He stared at her lying body before shaking his head. He hoped that she'll be able to hold on.    


The Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique was actually the lowest level technique, with its purpose of being able to condense one's vital energy and to increase their resistance to any virus. Being a Tao Ancestor in his past life, he never really bothered to look at such a weak technique.    


Yet, it seemed that this technique had done him some good.    


However, as he had just awakened his vital energy, he wasn't as strong as he had been back then. Now, all he needed was rest.    


"Zhang Haoran," Xiao Weiwei whispered, her tone apologetic and thankful. "Thank you."    


His surrounding classmates sighed in relief. While some of them weren't as close to the teenager, even they couldn't help but wince in fear upon hearing her painful cries.    



"It's nothing–"    


However, just as he had finished speaking, Xiao Weiwei suddenly screamed in pain once more. Her face lost all color as she tossed and turned onto the walkway, writhing uncontrollably.    


His face darkened. The technique had already lost its effect that fast?    


This was just too troublesome!    


Her breathing had become ragged as she pointed at her lower abdomen.    


"Here! It hurts here!"    


She whimpered. " me. I–I don't want to die."    


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