I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C601 The Restrictions on the Mystic Realm Have Been Lifted

C601 The Restrictions on the Mystic Realm Have Been Lifted

0Just now, Shen Jun had controlled all the energy in this area at the entrance of the mountain.    


After all, the power of the fifth heavenly tribulation was too strong. If even a little bit of it leaked out, it would be enough to destroy several of the mountains of the Shen Royal Sect.    


In order to protect his own forces, Shen Jun had set up the rule force a little more strictly.    


But now that the heavenly tribulation had ended, Shen Jun had brought Xie Qilan back to the Wasteland Small World.    


The binding force that filled the entire world had also disappeared.    


In Shen Jun's opinion, since the heavenly tribulation had ended, there was naturally no energy left to be controlled.    


But just as he released his grip...    


An invisible force suddenly covered the entire Upper Realm!    


It was not some kind of attack, nor was it some kind of strange curse or something.    


It was a message.    


A message that came from somewhere and was sent to the entire Upper Realm.    


In just an instant, it was transmitted into the minds of everyone who held the secret realm jade card.    


The content of the message was also very simple.    


"The restrictions of the secret realm have been lifted."    


The upper limit of the various secret realms in the Upper Realm had all been greatly increased. Some of them even had no upper limit at all.    


The number of people, methods, and realms that could enter had all been greatly increased.    


"What's going on? The secret realm originally only allowed Emperor Stage cultivators to enter, but now even False Immortals can enter! What am I supposed to do?"    


"Then what about you? My secret realm is useless even without a secret realm jade card. Anyone can enter it. This is a treasure that I spent a lot of money to buy yesterday!"    


"Hahaha, I have never bought a jade card before. If I don't buy it, I will be earning!"    


"It seems that all the secret realms in the Upper Realm have undergone a huge change. This, this, this... What is going on?"    


"Explosive news! Not only those small secret realms, even the upper limit of the Reincarnation Secret Realm has been canceled! Now, as long as it's a person, regardless of whether or not they have a jade card, regardless of their cultivation level, they can enter!"    


"The Reincarnation Secret Realm has no limit?! This, this, this is too exciting."    


The news of the Reincarnation Secret Realm's upper limit being canceled instantly ignited the greed of the entire Upper Realm.    


When they confirmed that this news was accurate, not to mention others.    


Even many hidden aristocratic families, and even those truly extraordinary and enormous beings, immediately began to prepare.    


Those old monsters who were hidden in the depths of the sects also woke up one after another.    


The Reincarnation Secret Realm had always been the biggest treasure in the Upper Realm.    


But not to mention taking it away, no one could really see the true appearance of this treasure.    


It was only allowed for people at the Emperor and the Ancestor Realm to enter. It didn't matter if they were high or low.    


However, the difficulty of the Reincarnation Secret Realm was simply too high.    


Not to mention Emperor and the Ancestor Realm, even a False Immortal might not be able to retreat unscathed.    


Even if they sent the most elite geniuses of their sect into the Reincarnation Secret Realm, they would only be able to see a corner of the treasure mountain. They would have to risk their lives.    


But it was different now!    


The realm restriction was canceled, and the number of people was canceled.    


Could the old monsters in the sect not handle the mechanisms that the younger generation could not?    


The treasures in the Reincarnation Secret Realm were widely known in the Upper Realm.    


If they could obtain some Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures that could increase their lifespan... then they would be rich!    


While the entire Upper Realm was crazily discussing the changes to the Reincarnation Secret Realm, Shen Jun and Xie Qi Lan had already returned to the ninth floor of the Time White Tower and started to consolidate their cultivation bases. At the same time, they were digesting the sea of lightning energy.    


After breaking through to the False Immortal, the five of them had received a great increase in strength. However, it would still take some time for them to adapt to this new strength.    


Outside the Time White Tower, the control of the Shen Royal Sect had become extremely smooth.    


After the battle with the Violet Heavenly Palace, the two million disciples of the Shen Royal Sect were completely convinced.    


They had defeated ten thousand elites of the Violet Heavenly Palace and killed the Violet Heavenly Palace Master, Tang Zhisheng.    


They had also recaptured the two great True Immortal Experts, Heifeng and the Horned Demon King.    


They had safely passed through the unheard-of fifth heavenly tribulation.    


In just a day, they had created three miracles that no one had even dared to imagine.    


With such a leader, how could the disciples be unconvinced?    


The original disciples of the Nine Palace Immortal Land were now proud to wear the Shen Royal Sect's disciples' badges.    


With such a huge change in their hearts, Shen Jun's power of faith also began to increase crazily.    


In the outside world, Yang Yushan and Sun Wufan had fought for three days and three nights. The aftermath of their battle almost destroyed a third-rate faction that had just been established.    


The two of them were on par with each other in terms of cultivation, so it was natural that they could not determine who was stronger.    


In the end, the two of them ran back to the ninth floor of the Time White Tower, resting and cultivating at the same time.    



At this time, although the master of the Shen Royal Sect was nowhere to be seen, with Shen Jun's awe-inspiring presence, no one dared to act rashly.    


With the original foundation of the Nine Palace Immortal Land, everything was developing in a good direction.    


And what about the Upper Realm?    


After all the secret realms in the Upper Realm were unlocked, everyone's attitude was different.    


For those large forces with abundant resources and manpower, this was naturally a good thing.    


They had sufficient manpower to send to various secret realms to plunder. This was a good opportunity to make a fortune.    


Especially the Reincarnation Secret Realm.    


As the largest treasure mountain in the Upper Realm, due to the strict realm restriction, no one had ever truly touched its core area.    


After countless years of exploration, they had only wandered around the tip of the iceberg.    


And more than 90% of the regions had never been stepped foot on before.    


Whoever could enter first would definitely obtain the greatest benefits!    


At this moment, there was still half a year until the secret realm opened. Many forces had already started to gather their manpower and make their preparations.    


A few days later, another explosive piece of news shocked the entire Upper Realm.    


The top-notch force of the Upper Realm, the Violet Heaven Palace, had their Son of Saint captured by a force called the Shen Royal Sect. As a result, the Violet Heaven Palace Master flew into a rage and personally led a team to suppress the Shen Royal Sect.    


This matter had already spread throughout the entire Upper Realm.    


Originally, they thought that they would hear the news of the Shen Royal Sect's destruction in a few days.    


At the very least, they should have executed a few of the upper echelons.    


But who would have thought?    


The young sect master of the Shen Royal Sect not only killed the Son of Saint Su Yu in front of the Palace Master, but he also killed all of the ten thousand elites sent out by the Violet Heaven Palace and the Palace Master himself!    


A top-notch force of the Upper Realm was directly reduced to an ordinary A-grade force.    


This unexpected result made everyone feel that it was a little unbelievable.    


However, the source of this news was reliable.    


Dozens of B-grade forces and seven or eight A-grade forces had witnessed it with their own eyes.    


Even the Violet Heaven Palace itself did not make any response to this.    


If they did not respond, it meant that they had tacitly agreed.    


In a few short days, the Shen Royal Sect, which had originally been treated as a joke, suddenly became a famous force in the Upper Realm!    


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