I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices



0Hearing Shen Jun's question, the eight Immortal Lords were startled at first, and then they all lowered their heads in shame.    


Everyone was staying in the Wasteland Small World, and they all had the right to use the Time White Tower.    


Naturally, they had also met Heifeng quite a few times.    


After the battle with the Luo King Immortal Lord, this True Immortal Expert, who had been tricked to death by the few of them, had been cultivating in the ninth floor of the Time White Tower for almost a thousand years.    


He had almost never come out.    


According to the 1:2000 time flow in the ninth floor, he had already been in seclusion for more than a thousand years.    


As the only pillar of support of the Tiansha Sect, Heifeng's aptitude was extremely high. In addition to the help of the Time White Tower and Shen Jun's occasional guidance.    


Now, Heifeng had almost broken through to the middle stage of the True Immortal Stage.    


His strength had almost doubled.    


Not to mention the eight of them, even if they were to reenact the battle that year, they would probably not be able to do anything to him.    


"Lord Shen, you must be joking. That bastard Luo King, what right does he have to be on the same level as Brother Heifeng?"    


"That's right, that's right. If Brother Heifeng were to attack with all his strength, that bastard Luo King would definitely have no choice but to kneel and beg for mercy."    


"Although they are both at the True Immortal Stage, Brother Heifeng is much more senior than that bastard. There is no comparison at all."    


The eight Immortal Lords were indeed living creatures. They immediately started to laugh.    


They even called him "Big Brother Heifeng", and they called him so affectionately.    


Those who did not know would probably think that Heifeng was one of them.    


Although this was a rhetoric to ease the awkwardness, it was also what the eight Immortal Lords thought in their hearts.    


In their eyes, even if Immortal Lord Luo Wang had really become a True Immortal, he would definitely not be a match for Heifeng.    


Hearing their answer, Shen Jun also poured cold water on them without hesitation.    


"Stop dreaming. If we only talk about strength, Heifeng might be able to beat Immortal Lord Luo Wang by half a point."    


"But the other party's schemes are not something that ten Heifengs can compare to."    


"If it really is a life-and-death battle... Immortal Lord Luo Wang has a higher chance of winning."    


As he spoke, Shen Jun also frowned slightly.    


Although he had not interacted much with Immortal Lord Luo Wang, his intuition told him that he was on the brink of death.    


The other party was definitely not a good person, and he was definitely not someone easy to deal with.    


Whether it was when Heifeng, who had just become a True Immortal, was surrounded and killed by the nine Immortal Lords.    


Or the collective death of the eight Immortal Lords a while ago.    


Even now, when the Nine Palace Immortal Land merged into one, it seemed that Immortal Lord Luo Wang had already planned everything.    


Even his appearance did not seem to be a trouble to him, but a help to accelerate the progress of the plan.    


After he briefly explained his thoughts to the Immortal Lords, their expressions gradually darkened.    


Indeed, before the destruction of the Snow Immortal Palace, they had been overly trusting of Immortal Lord Luo Wang.    


The Nine Palace Immortal Land was connected to each other. Although there were occasional conflicts, it could be said that they were all united.    


At the very least, in front of major decisions and disputes, everyone was unanimous.    


But now, when they thought back to the various actions of Immortal Lord Luo Wang...    


It was truly terrifying.    


"Thank you, Lord Shen Jun, for your advice. The eight of us will listen to your arrangements."    


"As long as you can make us kill that damned traitor, the eight of us are willing to be your frontliners!"    


"Our great revenge is all counting on you!"    


The eight Immortal Lords all knelt down on the ground and cupped their fists respectfully.    


This time, their eyes were filled with sincerity.    


Shen Jun smiled slightly and released a gentle Spiritual Force to help the eight of them up.    


Although he could use the special privileges of the Wasteland Small World to control these few people.    


But using force was not as reliable as them being willing to come.    


Moreover, Shen Jun had great use for these people in the future. Even if they did not betray him and used some underhanded methods, it would still be disgusting.    


But now, Shen Jun did not have such concerns anymore.    


"Let's go. Isn't your Big Brother Luo Wang recruiting soldiers and buying horses?" Shen Jun looked in the direction of the Snow Immortal Palace and said with a wicked smile, "There are eight False Immortal Stage here, and with me, he probably won't be able to refuse such a powerful force, right?"    


Eight False Immortal Stage Experts, and Shen Jun himself.    


This combat strength was enough to destroy a normal Second Grade Faction.    


The eight Immortal Lords were stunned again.    


Hearing Lord Shen's meaning... he wanted them to pretend to be his subordinates and sneak into the Luo King Immortal Palace.    


The plan was indeed a good plan.    



But it was difficult to implement.    


"Sir..." One of the Immortal Lords said carefully, "Luo King that bastard has known us for many years, and we know each other too well."    


"Even if we can use a secret technique to change our aura, we might not be able to hide from that old fox Luo King."    


"Moreover, he is already at the True Immortal Stage. We... I'm afraid we won't be able to escape his senses."    


The eight Immortal Lords had a troubled look on their faces.    


If they were to deal with others, this plan might be of some use.    


But the Luo King Immortal Lord was different.    


The nine of them had known each other for more than a hundred thousand years. Not to mention hiding their auras, they could even recognize each other even if they were to turn into ashes!    


Shen Jun did not answer the concerns of the eight Immortal Lords. He just laughed and waved his sleeve.    


Create the Great Dao, activate!    


As the special Spiritual Force landed on the eight Immortal Lords, their appearances, bones, and even the aura of their souls all underwent a tremendous change!    


The eight of them looked at the changes in their bodies with expressions of disbelief.    


They were extremely shocked in their hearts!    


This was not some kind of trickery, nor was it some kind of secret art.    


This... This was a genuine rebirth!    


The aura of the soul, or rather, the aura.    


It was a special fluctuation that a person was born with. As a person's cultivation level increased, this fluctuation would also become stronger and stronger.    


The eight Immortal Lords were considered to be very knowledgeable, but could they really change a person's aura from the roots?    


This was simply unimaginable!    


"From now on, I am the young master of the Lu Family, Lu Xi. Do you understand?" Shen Jun ignored the shock of the eight Immortal Lords and instructed them indifferently.    


"Yes, yes, yes! We have met Young Master Lu before!"    


At this point, the eight Immortal Lords were completely convinced.    


This Lord Shen Jun would always be able to come up with unexpected moves.    


They could not beat him.    


They could not even scheme against him.    


Then, they also thought it through.    


Since the big boss was willing to take them with him, why wouldn't they?    


They just had to obediently listen to his orders and do things.    


Just like that, the nine people who had completely changed their faces started to speed towards the direction of the Nine Palace Immortal Land.    


Along the way, Shen Jun also stopped several times, and planted some teleportation coordinates in various places of the Upper Realm.    


If the plan did not go smoothly and they encountered unexpected dangers, they could also escape.    


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