I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C550 Captain Please!!

C550 Captain Please!!

0"Captain! My Captain!"    


The little servant who was in charge of guarding the arena cried out as he snot and tears. When he rushed into the door, he almost knocked over the wooden door.    


"Captain, quickly go and take a look. Something big has happened in the Ascension Square!"    


"Why are you so panicked?" The captain of guards, who was drinking tea, frowned and shouted coldly, "Tidy up your tongue before you speak. Who can understand if you are crying?"    


The captain scolded angrily. The demon servant shivered in fear and quickly stood up to calm his breathing. However, he could not stop his excitement. "Captain, a human newcomer suddenly appeared in the Ascension Square. His strength is outrageous. Our brothers were almost beaten to death by him alone!"    


Hearing the servant's words, the dozen or so law enforcement team members in the room all frowned.    


"A human actually ascended to our demon's territory? This is really a strange thing."    


"Didn't the Newcomer King ascend not long ago?"    


"How dare you!" The captain of guards slapped the table and scolded loudly, "With Lord Shen's status, how dare you mention him?!"    


Seeing that the captain had scolded him, the member who spoke shrunk his neck in fear and immediately shut his mouth.    


The others did not dare to make a sound. They all picked up their weapons and prepared to go to the Ascension Square to see what was going on.    


"Wait a moment."    


The captain called out to the team members who were about to leave, and at the same time, he slowly stood up, "I'll go with you to take a look."    


The dozen or so team members looked at each other in disbelief.    


The guards were the backbone of the Heavenly South Arena, and they were all cultivators of the Peak of Emperor.    


As the leader, this captain of guards was a Peak of Emperor.    


Because of the newcomer who had appeared out of nowhere and won the championship in the Nine Heavens Peak Competition, the Vice President Hai of the Heavenly South Arena had personally given him a lot of treasures.    


With these treasures, it was estimated that it wouldn't be long before this captain would become a true False Immortal Stage.    


After reaching this level, he would have the qualifications to be promoted to the upper echelons of the Heavenly South Arena.    


This was not just a one-step ascension.    


It was a one-step ascension to the heavens!    


Moreover, the real president was not here, and Vice President Hai was in charge of the Heavenly South Arena.    


As the big shot beside the vice president, the captain of guards could be said to be above tens of thousands of people.    


"What are you still standing there for? Quickly lead the way!" The captain of guards glared at his lackeys and said snappily.    


Ever since he had experienced the incident with Shen Jun, the captain of guards had developed a good habit of doing things himself.    


It was indeed the Heavenly Dao rewarding the diligent!    


If he had been lazy the last time Shen Jun ascended, he would not have personally gone to inspect.    


Then he would not be the first person to have contact with Lord Shen.    


Similarly, he would not be the first person to resolve the crisis and bring Lord Shen to Vice President Hai.    


Naturally, he would not have any benefits from this.    


After tasting the sweetness, the captain of guards naturally worked even harder.    


Just as everyone set off, the captain of guards seemed to have thought of something and suddenly looked at the servant and asked, "Did this human who flew up on the wrong path say anything to you?"    


Hearing the captain's question, the servant, who was already in a daze, was immediately startled.    


After patting his head and thinking for a long time, he finally remembered something.    


"Yes, yes."    


"That human seemed to have said something... Call your captain of guards over."    


Hearing this, the captain of guards was even more confused.    


It was a rare sight for a human to ascend to the territory of the demon race.    


Furthermore, a newcomer who had just ascended actually knew him?    


The captain of guards was naturally more intelligent than these low-level servants.    


He immediately thought of the possibility that someone he knew in the Upper Realm had gone to the Lower Realm to do something, and when he returned, he accidentally came to his territory.    


But... he had been in the Heavenly South Arena for many years and had never left the territory of the demon race.    


He did not even know a few humans.    


Who could it be?    


Forget it, forget it. If he were to see it with his own eyes, he would know everything.    


The captain of guards did not think too much about it and only sped up his pace.    


Along the way, he had asked the other servants for more information.    


However, the little demon was already dizzy and had stars in his eyes from Shen Jun's beating.    


How could he remember the details? Naturally, he did not know anything.    


Not to mention the height of the newcomer, he did not even have the time to see the other party's cultivation level.    


Soon, they arrived near the Ascension Square.    



Before they even walked in, they could hear weak moans coming from inside.    


The captain of guards' face changed.    


On the territory of my Heavenly South Arena, he beat up all of my people?!    


He was quite bold!    


If he allowed them to leave safely, where would the Heavenly South Arena put its face?    


With a cold snort, the captain of guards kicked open the door and rushed in with the others.    


The appearance of the Ascension Square was even more miserable than they had imagined.    


Dozens of servants were beaten up until they were no longer demons. They were lying on the ground groaning in pain.    


The decorations and cages around them were all smashed into pieces. The demons who were supposed to be sent to the arena as warriors were nowhere to be seen.    


How could they endure this!    


"Where are they?! Where did that human go?!"    


"Get someone to come over! Seal this area up. Even if we have to flip over the ground, we have to catch that brat!"    


"If we let this brat run away like this, then our guards will not be staying in the Heavenly South Arena any longer. We will just disband here!"    


The Heavenly South Arena could be considered to be well-trained.    


More than a dozen guards rushed forward, and they very professionally controlled every corner of the Heavenly South Arena.    


However, after using the Divine Sense to search carefully twice or thrice, they did not find any traces of a human's aura at all.    


In the eyes of these guards, the brat who had just ascended probably knew that he had provoked trouble, so after beating up the people, he hurriedly fled.    


While everyone was angry, the captain of guards could not help but frown.    


He felt that today's matter was too strange and familiar.    


A strange newcomer.    


And he was very arrogant.    


He attacked people as soon as he came up?    


This plot... It seemed that he had experienced it before.    


Could it be?!    


Just as the captain of guards was enlightened, a familiar warm voice rang out.    


"My Lord Captain, you came much slower this time than last time."    


"If someone had come to cause trouble and smash the place today, I'm afraid that he would have already run away."    


"Luckily, you met me and even waited here for you."    


The voice was warm and familiar, and it also carried a hint of laughter.    


After that, a white figure descended from the sky like an immortal.    


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