I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C504 Complete Annihilation of the Small Fry!

C504 Complete Annihilation of the Small Fry!

0After being praised by Sun Wufan, the monkey fur instantly rushed all over the place.    




What new technique was this?    


The disciples behind him were all dumbfounded.    


"Wufan, what are you doing? Why did you pull out the fur? It's not hot at all on the beach." Yang Yushan teased with a smile.    


"What the hell do you know? This is a new divine ability that I have just comprehended!" Sun Wufan threw the Ruyi Jingu Bang on his shoulder and laughed proudly, "Look carefully."    


A new divine ability?    


This time, Shen Jun and the other disciples were even more confused.    


What kind of divine ability could a monkey's fur be used for?    


Could it be that he had to inject Spiritual Force into each of the monkey's fur and use it as a flying needle?    


It was the same as grabbing a handful of sand on the ground and pulling out some wild grass.    


Why did he have to go against his own monkey fur?    


The disciples were confused. Shen Jun, as the master, suddenly had a bright idea.    


The others might not recognize this technique, but could he not recognize it?    


A single monkey's fur could be divided into ten thousand clones.    


This was the signature divine ability of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!    


Little monkey, you can do it! You actually even learned this ability.    


When the monkey's fur completely scattered.    


There were countless muffled sounds.    


Countless clones of Sun Wufan instantly appeared in the arena!    


With a rough glance, there were at least ten thousand of them!    


Each clone was exactly the same as the real Sun Wufan, and they were all holding the golden Ruyi Jingu Bang.    


Not only that, when Sun Wufan pulled the fur and blew it out, he had even used a bit of Spiritual Force to send the monkey fur as far as possible.    


Now that the clones had suddenly appeared, they were practically riding on the faces of those Western powerhouses.    


He smashed down with a rod!    


"What kind of trick is this!"    


"Formation contraction! Hurry up and form the formation!"    


"Save me, save me!"    


Tens of thousands of enemies whose strength far surpassed theirs had instantly arrived in front of them. Moreover, they were unable to react in time. What kind of feeling was that?    


In an instant, countless miserable screams resounded endlessly. The formation of the Western army was instantly shattered.    


Even the dozen or so Ancient God successors had faces full of shock.    


This was not an illusion, but tens of thousands of clones!    


It was fine if the number was large, but the strength of the clones could not be underestimated.    


Those Western powerhouses who were treated as the vanguard by them could not even take a single hit from those clones!    


The tens of thousands of monkey fur clones were like war gods, and they charged into the formation of the Western powerhouses like hot knife through butter.    


They had already taken the initiative to attack, and in addition to that, they were completely overwhelmed in terms of strength.    


In less than three minutes, half of the tens of thousands of Western powerhouses had died!    


As for the remaining half, everyone was injured. Some of them even jumped into the sea to escape for their lives.    


Looking around, the huge beach was littered with corpses. Even the seawater had been dyed red.    


The ground was littered with broken bodies. Some of them were seriously injured, but they were still groaning weakly as if they were about to die.    


Everything happened too quickly.    


Not to mention the ordinary people in Hang Shui City.    


Even Shen Jun's other disciples were scared out of their wits by this one-sided massacre.    


This divine ability … was too unreasonable!    


Just a handful of monkey hair could actually create thousands of clones?    


Moreover, wasn't the combat strength of these clones a little too exaggerated?    


With a single strike, even the western shield warrior, who was the best at defense, was smashed into minced meat!    


With just one person, he could defeat ten thousand people.    


After today, the entire world would have to change their attitude towards Huaxia.    


"Junior Brother Wufan, this divine ability of yours is too ruthless! It's not just ridiculous, it's simply ridiculous!"    


"That's right, I was just stunned for a moment, and these people were all taken care of by you. Isn't it a little too exaggerated?"    


"Just a handful of monkey hair can create countless clones. I was stunned by this technique."    


"Junior Brother Wufan, you are too much! I was killed by you, so who should I kill? You should at least leave a few hundred for me!"    


After recovering from the shock, the disciples gathered around Sun Wufan and scolded him with laughter.    


Sun Wufan only smiled in embarrassment at his brothers and sisters’ praise.    


"This divine ability of mine is not as powerful as you think."    


"This amount of power is already my limit. Moreover, this technique consumes too much soul power, so I can't maintain it for too long."    


"I can only use it as a final move."    


Hearing that, the disciples nodded in realization.    


That was more like it.    


If these External Incarnations could appear at will, and there was no time or quantity limit.    


Then... Then they wouldn't dare to challenge Sun Wufan anymore.    


"Not only is the time and quantity limit extremely large, even the strength of the clones is vastly different from the main body." Sun Wufan continued to explain, "With my current strength, the clones I create are at most at the Great Sage level."    


"It's okay to deal with trash, but if I really meet an expert, it's a useless skill."    


"Alright, the matter is not over yet. It's not the time for you to chat idly." Shen Jun interrupted the disciples' discussion and pointed to the distance. "Clean up the trash. We can't let the leaders go."    


"Disciple will follow the orders!"    


The disciples replied in unison.    


Sun Wufan's clones had already defeated all the Western powerhouses. Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they were now deserters.    


However, the remaining fifteen Western ancient god successors were still standing there.    


"Run! Hurry up and run!"    


"These Huaxia people are devils! They are the emissaries of Satan!"    


"My divine palace knights! My holy hall guards! Sob, sob, sob!"    


"Why are you crying? If you don't run now, we'll all die here!"    


Although in the western camp, the fifteen descendants of the Ancient Gods were still in their best condition, they still had the advantage in numbers.    


But now, they couldn't even think of fighting at all.    


All they could think of was one thing.    


I have to run for my life!    


At the beginning, when the Sea God was captured, they didn't take it seriously. They only thought that the opponent's god was coincidentally restraining him.    


After the War God was defeated, they were still calm.    


After all, there were still tens of thousands of troops behind them, and they felt very safe.    


But after witnessing the other party's massacre with their own eyes, these western descendants' mentality completely collapsed.    


What did I do wrong to deserve to come to this damned place to seek death!    




Run with all their might.    


As long as they could leave this damned place, they wouldn't step into China even if they were beaten to death, no, they wouldn't even take a step into the East!    


But unfortunately.    


There was no medicine for regret in this world, and Shen Jun wouldn't let them go either.    


Since the Sea God was captured, Lee Hongyu had set up a formation around him.    


He formed a seal with both hands and sent out a spell. Countless array runes instantly rose and enveloped the entire beach.    


You want to run after offending your master?    


Not to mention you guys.    


Go and ask the eight Immortal Lords of the Upper Realm. Do you think they can run?    


Looking at the few remaining meatballs, Shen Jun's disciples rubbed their fists and walked over with evil smiles on their faces.    


A few minutes later.    


Under Shen Jun's instructions, Yao Yuanlong sprinkled out a ball of flames and burned the tens of thousands of corpses on the beach into ashes.    


The seventeen Ancient God successors were also destroyed by their disciples, their bodies and souls shattered.    


They would never be able to regain their consciousness.    


At this point.    


The main forces of the seventeen Western Churches were all destroyed.    


Looking back at Hang Shui City, he saw countless civilians standing beside the energy shield.    


Shen Jun's expression was indifferent as he announced loudly.    



"Huaxia will never be humiliated!"    


Countless Huaxia civilians suddenly felt a wave of hot blood rushing straight to their heads. They all used all their strength to shout at the top of their lungs.    


"Huaxia! Never be humiliated!"    


"Huaxia! Never be humiliated! "    


Their shouts resounded through the clouds.    


At the same time, a system notification rang out in Shen Jun's mind.    


"System Notification: The Wasteland Small World has successfully bound Azure Wood Continent."    


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