I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C499 He Was Really Anxious!

C499 He Was Really Anxious!

0The rise of China was too sudden and too powerful.    


The various western powers finally realized the severity of the situation and joined forces to declare.    


“The declaration of the ancient god of China is an unprecedented century-long scam! You have deceived the entire world. Please stop your conspiracy immediately!”    


“Your actions have already seriously threatened the safety of the world. If you do not take any action within 24 hours, we will have no choice but to use force to protect the world’s safety!”    


They called it a scam and called it the safety of the world.    


All kinds of accusations were thrown at the head of the ancient god of China.    


The tens of western powers that had been in conflict with each other were united as one for the first time.    


The reason they were so anxious and uneasy was very simple.    


If they had lost the market of China, they might not have done this.    


However, with the temptation of the Innate Chaos Crystals, even the believers who had originally believed in their gods had betrayed them and flew to China!    


To the ancient god’s inheritors, the power of faith was the only source of strength.    


They could ignore it if they lost a few hundred believers.    


They could also laugh it off if they lost a thousand or two thousand.    


But what about ten thousand or twenty thousand?    


How about a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand?    


The western population was already small, and there were even fewer people who were qualified to become believers.    


China was so powerful, they couldn’t stand it!    


If they continued to allow the Shrines of China to be arrogant, in less than a month, they would be left with only an empty shell.    


A Shrine without believers was at most an ordinary civilian organization.    


There was no status to speak of.    


Even the strength of the inheritors themselves would disappear along with the believers!    


However, facing the threat of these Western inheritance forces, the Huaxia side was as blind as a bat.    


Not to mention taking any measures, they didn’t even respond.    


They directly ignored it.    


The Shrines that should be built continued to be built, and the things that should be promoted continued to be promoted.    


The Primordial Chaos Crystals were distributed without any problem, and they even relaxed the entry policy, welcoming more overseas friends to join the Shrines of China.    


They simply treated the words of the Western Shrines as fart.    




Huaxia people, you guys are very good!    


You really don’t want to give people a way out, right? Then, don’t blame us for being merciless!    


The Western inheritance forces that were ignored were completely enraged.    


Those inheritors who had the protection of the Ancient Gods gathered their own experts and boarded the cruise ship to Huaxia.    


They agreed to meet at a secret beach in the East China Sea.    


Based on the current situation, there were five inheritors of the Ancient Gods on the surface, and three of them were very likely to be fake.    


None of the western successors believed that within a week, five successors would appear in the four thousand years that had passed since the ancient gods appeared.    


Taking ten thousand steps back.    


Even if the five successors were real, so what?    


The entire world would be affected by your bullshit benefits.    


The number of ancient god successors that had come this time was as many as eighteen!    


In terms of numbers, it was three times more than yours.    


I want to see how you guys are going to resist!    


The western successors were all secretly sneaking into China.    


As the culprit, Shen Jun was extremely free these few days.    


The inheritance items in the capital had all been awakened, and the first batch of low-grade Spirit Stones had also been sent to the country.    


The construction and management of the shrine would be handled by professionals.    


Shen Jun could also be completely left to his own devices.    


In these few days, if he wanted to be lively, he would bring Xie Qilan to the city center to shop. He would buy her some bags and shoes, and tell her about the history of this ancient country.    


If he wanted to be quiet, he would run out of the city and find a beautiful place to drink tea and admire the scenery.    


As a master, he was so free, let alone those disciples.    


These little girls and boys were all seeing such an interesting world for the first time.    


Some of them were addicted to games.    



Some of them were dancing in nightclubs every day.    


Yang Yushan, this kid, had even participated in a national martial arts competition. He said that he wanted to learn some martial arts from the other world.    


Of course, Shen Jun did not neglect the collection of the Power of Faith.    


[Current Power of Faith: 6,511,000.]    


[Required Power of Faith to upgrade Wasteland Small World: 60,000,000.]    


[Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching the requirements to upgrade. Would you like to upgrade now?]    




Shen Jun's expression did not change as he casually replied in his heart. Then, he continued to enjoy the beautiful sunset in front of him.    


He did not even remember how many times he had upgraded the binding area of the Wasteland Small World.    


As for the Power of Faith that he had spent... 100 million or 200 million?    


He could not remember.    


Ever since he announced that he had Innate Chaos Origin Crystals in the live broadcast seven days ago, the Power of Faith had started to increase without stop.    


When he left the Cherry Blossom Country, his Power of Faith was only a million.    


Now, he needed 60 million to upgrade once!    


"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully leveling up the Wasteland Small World's binding area."    


[Current binding area: 1,000,000 square kilometers.]    


Hearing the system's feedback report, Shen Jun nodded his head in satisfaction.    


1,000,000 square kilometers was almost enough to include all of the land in the Cherry Blossom Country.    


If he upgraded again, he would probably be able to expand the territory to the vicinity of China.    


At that time, he would not have to worry about it anymore.    


"System, how much Power of Faith do I need to upgrade the binding area next time?"    


"Reply to host: Unlocking the binding area of the lower level requires a hundred and ten million points of Faith."    




I knew that your dog coin system would never be generous.    


Now that he needed a hundred and ten million points of Faith to level up once, even if he recruited all the people on Earth to become his believers, he wouldn't be able to last more than a few times.    


Alas, forget it.    


He didn't expect to cover the entire Earth. As long as he could cover China, he would be satisfied.    


"Right, System, have you bound Azure Wood Continent yet? How much more do you need?"    


Shen Jun had not forgotten about the matter of binding Azure Wood Continent. This was the only thing he could rely on when he returned to the Upper Realm.    


"70% of the Azure Wood Continent has been bound."    


This speed was still okay.    


At most, he would be able to return to Azure Wood Continent in a week.    


With the connection of the Wasteland Small World, a space channel would be established between Earth and Azure Wood Continent.    


At that time, whether it was to go to Azure Wood Continent or Earth, it would be a matter of one thought.    


Thinking about it, Shen Jun took out the two inherited items he had obtained from the Shanghai Museum.    


A hairpin and a thing that looked like a rubber band.    


These days, as long as Shen Jun had time, he would take out these two inherited items and guess their real names.    


However, after calling them for two to three hundred times, they still didn't have any reaction.    


Aiya... He had been causing trouble every day, and it was so exciting.    


Now that he had suddenly become a recluse, he was a little unaccustomed to it.    


After drinking the tea in his cup, Shen Jun's stomach began to rumble again.    


I have already done this much. You Westerners, how can you still be so calm?    


Can you hurry up and find trouble with me?    


If you don't come over, don't blame me for continuing to use ruthless methods.    


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