I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C502 This Is too Weak!

C502 This Is too Weak!





A dull thud that sounded like thunder came from afar.    


Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and was stunned by the spectacular scene before them.    


On the distant sea, a huge wave that was a hundred meters tall was rushing towards the shore at an astonishing speed!    


Wherever this terrifying wave passed, ships would be smashed into pieces, and even the defensive structures on the sea were instantly smashed into pieces.    


This astonishing scene naturally fell into the eyes of the citizens of Hang Shui City.    


"Oh my god... It's a tsunami! A tsunami is coming!"    


"Are you crazy? The entire month has been calm and quiet. Where did the tsunami come from? Besides, those defensive structures on the sea are for nothing... F**k! It's really a tsunami! How can there be such a huge tsunami?"    


"I've stayed in Hang Shui City for half my life, but I've never seen such a terrifying tsunami."    


"This kind of impact... I wonder if the energy shield can withstand it."    


"Do you still have time to think about this? Hurry up and run! The further away you are from the shore, the better. Find a high place to stay!"    


The citizens behind them were so scared that their souls left their bodies.    


Even Shen Jun and the others were slightly surprised.    


The strength of the inheritor of the Sea God was clearly not enough to stir such a terrifying natural power.    


The power of the Ancient God was indeed exquisite.    


The attack method of the tsunami was not very useful for a one-on-one battle between experts.    


However, if it was a one versus many situation, it was both cool and useful.    


"Huaxia people, I'll give you one last warning!" The Sea God's Inheritor scolded coldly, "If you don't back off, I will not show any mercy!"    


"Even if you can withstand this tsunami, what about the Hang Shui City behind you? Do you really dare to ignore the lives of these ordinary people?!"    


The Sea God's Inheritor revealed a sinister smile.    


Of course, he knew that this tsunami attack was not very effective against top experts.    


Even if it was not the other Ancient God Inheritors, any expert who could fly would be completely immune to it.    


Therefore, his initial target was not Shen Jun and the others.    


There was a saying in Huaxia, 'If you can escape the monk, you can't escape the temple.'    


If you could escape the few of you, could the Hang Shui City behind you escape as well?    


As an Ancient God Inheritor of Huaxia, he did not care about the commoners of the entire city.    


Once the hat was placed on them, what kind of believers would they still have?    


Killing people was not scary, but killing their hearts was scary.    


Especially for Ancient God Inheritors like them who needed the support of the people. Once they fell into this kind of moral conundrum, they would not be able to turn over even if they died!    


"Yuanlong," Shen Jun ordered lightly, "I'll leave this guy to you."    


"Master, can you kill him?" Yao Yuanlong immediately took a step forward.    


"Anything is fine."    


"Yes! Disciple will obey Master's orders!"    


After bowing his hands, Yao Yuanlong instantly soared into the air and flew to the center of the battlefield.    


Seeing that the other party had actually sent someone to fight, the dozen or so Ancient God successors on the other side all revealed a look of surprise.    


They really dared to fight?    


This was simply laughable!    


No matter what kind of fight you guys could fight, you guys were bound to take the blame for ignoring the lives of the commoners!    


At that time, if they lost the people’s hearts, we would then join forces with the various governments to create public pressure.    


Humph humph.    


Let's see how you guys can turn the tables!    


"Hey, that guy playing with water." Yao Yuanlong stood in midair, glanced at the Sea God Successor below him, and said with a face that did not conceal his disdain.    


"My master told me to deal with you. Hurry up and make your move. Don't waste everyone's time."    


"Good, good, good! You Huaxia Successor, you really have guts!" The Sea God Successor was angered by Yao Yuanlong's casual attitude and shouted angrily, "People of Huaxia, listen carefully!"    


"Your lives were abandoned by your own Ancient God Successor!"    


After saying that, the Sea God Successor waved the trident in his hand fiercely again.    


The power surged, and the tsunami, which was already huge, instantly boiled even more fiercely!    




The huge waves surged into the sky, and even the huge rocks on the coast were smashed into pieces.    


The terrifying might of nature frightened the countless citizens of Huaxia.    



They only hoped that the energy shield of the city would be able to block this monstrous wave.    


Otherwise, many people would die today!    


At the same time.    


A scarlet shadow suddenly flashed out.    


It was a red ribbon.    


In front of the huge wave that was a hundred meters tall, the Seven-foot-long Sky Veil was so small that it could not even be considered an ant.    


However, this ribbon that was only as tall as a person.    


Yao Yuanlong held it in his hand and shook it fiercely.    




After an explosive sound, everyone was stunned speechless and could not say a word for a long time.    


However, the Seven-foot-long Sky Veil tore apart the huge wave that was a hundred meters tall and a thousand meters long with just one strike!    




Yao Yuanlong shouted in a low voice as he swung the Sky Veil in his hand upwards.    


The huge wave that was countless cubic meters in size actually flew straight up into the sky!    


If the Sea God was able to control the waves with the might of nature, then Yao Yuanlong was able to control nature with pure human strength!    


At this moment, the heir of the Sea God was completely stunned.    


The attack that he had used his full strength to break through was easily broken through, and he could not even see the opponent's technique!    


He only knew that the moment the red ribbon appeared, he lost control of the wave.    


His own power was cut off.    


But... But how could this be possible?!    


He was the Sea God's inheritor.    


As long as there was water, he would be the most advantageous home ground.    


Moreover, this terrifying tsunami was difficult to control even for him. How could a Huaxia inheritor who had just awakened for a few days be able to control it so easily?    


Damn it, I don't care anymore.    


So what if the control of this tsunami was taken away? At most, I will summon another one!    


Seeing the other party's unconvinced expression, Shen Jun could not help but sneer.    


The one who chose Yao Yuanlong was Nezha the Third's inheritance.    


Playing with the Third Prince?    


Are you crazy?    


Back then, the Third Prince took the Chaos Heavenly Silk to bathe in the sea, and it caused the entire Dragon Palace to be in chaos.    


Later on, when the Dragon Palace's prince came over, he was even skinned and pulled out his tendons.    


Even the Dragon King could not do anything to him. How could a Sea God's inheritor like you deal with him?    


Sure enough.    


When this Sea God's inheritor mustered all his strength and wanted to fight to the death.    


Yao Yuanlong directly shook the Chaos Heavenly Silk, and the red silk turned into a long whip and fiercely lashed out.    


The trident fell to the ground.    


"Cling the Chaos Heavenly Silk."    


With another clear shout, the Chaos Heavenly Silk flew out of his hand and instantly tied the Sea God's inheritor into a dumpling and threw him to Shen Jun like trash.    


"Master, this guy is too weak." Yao Yuanlong pouted and flew back to Shen Jun's side while retracting his Spiritual Force.    


After withdrawing the Spiritual Force, the huge tsunami that had been swept into the air also immediately lost its support.    


A million tons of seawater fell from a few hundred meters in the sky.    


This time, the target of the tsunami was no longer Hang Shui City.    


It was the army of western powerhouses below that numbered tens of thousands!    


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