I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C101 Three Pill Recipes

C101 Three Pill Recipes

0"If you can really get a discount." Shen Jun chuckled and said with some embarrassment, "Then I really do have some things that I want the Pill Pavilion to help me search for."    


"Young Master Shen, just say it! If it was any other place, I wouldn't dare to say it, but the Central State is a vast place, and there are all kinds of Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures that I don't have. "    


"Give me a list. As long as it's not something too rare, I'll give it to you from my own pocket!" Peng Hu waved his hand, and it was called domineering.    


But soon, he regretted it.    


"If that's the case, I won't stand on ceremony." Shen Jun revealed a joyful expression and opened his mouth to say a long list of names. "Treasure Phoenix Branch, Divine Sun Water, Cloth Deer Gold, Army Breaker Wood, Yin Sky Flower, Water Fire Near-Life Spring..."    


Hearing Shen Jun recite the names like he was reciting a book, Peng Hu's face changed from a smile to a bitter melon.    


The things that came out of Shen Jun's mouth were not cheap.    


Even most of them were top treasures that were priceless. It was not excessive to say that they were priceless!    


Even if this was the Central State with the most abundant resources in the world, it was not an easy task to find all of them.    


However, what puzzled Peng Hu the most was why did Shen Jun need these Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures?    


The other party was also an alchemist. He could only ask for so many herbs in one go for the sake of concocting pills.    


But... But to use so many Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures in one go, what grade of pill formula would that be?!    


At this moment, Peng Hu suddenly thought of something.    


After chatting with this little brother for so long, he only knew that this little brother had extraordinary talent.    


But what rank of alchemist was the other party?    


I seem to have never asked him about it from start to finish.    


"Young Master Shen, there's something I want to ask you." Peng Hu rubbed his hands, looking a little nervous.    


"Go ahead!" Looking at this unlucky guy, Shen Jun was in a good mood.    


"May I ask... what rank of alchemist is young master?" Peng Hu asked.    


"Hmm... It can be considered a Rank-3. " Shen Jun thought for a while and replied.    




Peng Hu froze on the chair.    


It could be considered a Rank-3 for the time being?!    


It should be at least a Peak Rank-4. He should be about to enter the Rank-3, right?    


F * ck!    


Wouldn't that mean that he was about to catch up to him?!    


Peng Hu saw that Shen Jun was only at the first level of the Great Sage realm, and he also saw that Shen Jun was so young. He had always thought that Shen Jun was only a tier seven or tier six alchemist.    


He was actually a tier 4 or even a tier 3 alchemist?!    


Peng Hu's first reaction was disbelief.    


A First Grade Great Saint. Such a grade was truly unbelievable.    


However, this idea was quickly rejected by Peng Hu.    


Putting aside the fact that his opponent's talent was beyond his imagination.    


Peng Hu was a true Tier 3 alchemist, and the other party had no reason to lie and boast.    


A Third Grade Great Saint Alchemist!    


Had such a genius really appeared in this world?    


I don't think I have witnessed history!    


Peng Hu was overwhelmed with emotions. He felt that the Primordial Dragon Pill Pavilion had a successor.    


At that moment, he even thought about how many years it would take for Shen Jun to surpass his master and become Pavilion Lord of the Pill Pavilion.    


If he knew the true meaning of the words "Third Grade" that Shen Jun said,    


He was afraid that Peng Hu would go crazy with fear on the spot.    


Shen Jun's original grade was Third grade.    


If he used a special technique, it would only be higher.    


Now, he had ten times the speed of concocting pills, as well as the mysterious black fire of the Devil God Bone.    


Grade three?    


Even if he tied his hands and legs together and covered his eyes, Shen Jun might not only be a grade three alchemist!    


"Do these Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures exist in the Pill Pavilion?" Shen Jun asked.    


"Yes, yes. I just don't know if Brother Shen..." After learning about Shen Jun's grade, Peng Hu changed the way he addressed him.    


Both of them were of the same grade or similar. Those two were of the same generation.    


Considering ___'s age and cultivation base...    


Peng Hu almost wanted to call him Master Shen.    


"It's good that you have it!" Shen Jun was overjoyed and slammed the table. "Please prepare ten points for me. The price is negotiable!"    


"What is it? Ten sets?!" Peng Hu smiled bitterly. "Brother Shen, aren't you making things difficult for me?"    


" The Central State Continent is indeed rich, but the materials you want, no matter how rich the place is, he will still... "    


Shen Jun was not surprised by this answer.    


The materials he wanted were indeed very rare.    


If there weren't that many, then he would take less.    


"Then... Eight portions?" Shen Jun tried to lower the requirement a little.    


Peng Hu shook his head firmly.    


"Four portions?" Shen Jun gave another discount.    


Peng Hu still looked troubled.    


"Three portions!" Shen Jun slammed the table, showing the manner of an aunty haggling over the price. "We can't let it be any less! Such a high-level pill formula, you have to give me two chances to fail, right?"    


Peng Hu hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and said, "Alright! Three times, then three times!"    


"If it's this amount, my Primordial Dragon Pill Pavilion can still make it."    


"But..." Peng Hu gave a coy laugh and asked, "It's just that there are so many Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, what price is Brother Shen planning to pay?"    


After all, he had boasted about it previously. Now that he asked this question, Peng Hu himself felt a little awkward.    


But even if it was awkward, he still had to ask!    


So many Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, that was an astronomical figure.    


No matter how rich the Primordial Dragon Pill Pavilion was, it was impossible to give them away for free!    


"I really didn't bring much Spirit Stone, can I exchange it for something?" Shen Jun asked.    


"Of course." Peng Hu nodded.    


It was very common for alchemists to exchange items for items.    


After all, many Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures were too rare, and it was difficult to use Spirit Stone to set the price. This kind of primitive method of trading was more suitable for alchemists, which was a special group of people.    


Shen Jun nodded his head. With a thought, three yellowed beast skins appeared on the table.    


Shen Jun said with a smile, "These three pill recipes should be enough."    


Peng Hu only used the Divine Sense to glance at them.    


His face turned pale.    


How could this be the price of three portions?    


Even thirty portions couldn't be exchanged!    


First piece: Eight Directional Soul Convergence Pill, Tier 2 pill formula.    


The second one: Firmament Underworld Convergence Pill, Tier 3 pill formula.    


The last one was even more incredible.    


Black Jade Sun Continuing Pill, Tier 3 pill formula!    


There was still a market selling Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures. No matter how precious it was, it was still something with a price.    


But this pill formula was a true priceless treasure!    


Furthermore, they were all pill formulas of such a high grade!    


It was not an exaggeration to say that these three pill formulas that Shen Jun took out, any random one thrown out to the outside world would cause countless experts to disregard their lives to fight over them!    


Especially the last Black Jade Sun Rejuvenating Pill.    


This was a precious pill that could extend the lifespan!    


Right now, the entire Fey race was looking for a treasure!    


It was just a pity that this was a Tier 3 pill formula.    


If it was a Tier 2 pill formula... That would be invincible.    


Peng Hu swallowed his saliva and suppressed the greed in his heart. He was ready to refuse Shen Jun's offer.    


This price was too expensive, he couldn't accept it.    


However, Shen Jun seemed to have seen through his thoughts. He said with a smile, "No need to decline. Just accept it. Just treat it as for the Primordial Dragon Pill Pavilion."    


"Since I have also passed the trial, I will be a family sooner or later. Why should I care about this?"    


That's right. Sooner or later, we will be a family.    


It's just that I'm your grandfather's generation.    


Shen Jun thought.    


Peng Hu, who didn't know what Shen Jun was thinking, couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he heard this.    


This young man not only had extraordinary talent, but also had such an honest heart. He really didn't misjudge him!    


When he became the disciple of his master, he would definitely take good care of this little junior brother.    



Peng Hu made up his mind and nodded heavily at the same time. "Don't worry! I will definitely gather all the materials Brother Shen needs as soon as possible."    


Shen Jun also smiled and nodded in response.    


After looking at these three pill formulas, Peng Hu also knew the reason why Shen Jun had gathered so many Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures formulas.    


It was precisely for the sake of refining that Black Jade Sun Rejuvenating Pill!    


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