I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C99 Pill Mist!

C99 Pill Mist!



Holy shit, this young man actually knows how to draw arrays?!    


The weakest person present was also a Great Sage.    


Their gazes never left this young man.    


They dared to guarantee that the formation in front of them was not summoned at the last minute with some sort of magic artifact.    


It was personally set up by the young man!    


A person who was proficient in both array formation and pill refinement at the same time?    


This was simply inconceivable!    


Everyone's eyes were filled with shock, especially Peng Hu.    


The path of cultivation was about walking to the dark.    


If one cultivated two paths at the same time, the loss outweighed the gain.    


In history, there was no lack of talented people with outstanding talent, conceited enough to want to cultivate both paths at the same time.    


But without exception, they all failed.    


Not to mention the complex and dull Dao of alchemy, which could not tolerate any interference.    


Everyone continued to pour their entire bodies into the young man's pill refinement.    


And right after the array formation rose, the medicinal effects of the purified medicinal liquid were firmly locked and did not dissipate in the slightest.    


Such a strange thing caused everyone to click their tongues again.    


Immediately after, the young man's hand moved swiftly, merging the refined medicinal liquid in sequence.    


No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be careless at this step.    


The young man's movements were as fast as lightning. Several tens of drops of medicinal liquid fused together at lightning speed. In a short moment of pouring tea, he had already completed half of it.    


Such precise control.    


Such a decisive judgment.    


And this talent of multitasking.    


Everyone present was extremely envious.    


They were all apothecaries, and their ranks were much higher than this young man's.    


However, he was still inferior to the other party!    


Ten minutes later, all the medicinal liquids were fused together, forming a crimson water ball.    


Everyone held their breaths.    


At this point, the pill refinement without a furnace was already 90% completed.    


Next was the final and most crucial step.    


Pill Formation!    


Condensing these medicinal liquids into a complete pill!    


If this step was completed, it would be considered a success.    


And condensing the pill was also the most difficult step in the pill refinement process.    


One needed to continuously use the flame to roast this ball of red water until the pill was formed.    


During this period of time, the size of the fire, the distance from pill liquid, and the degree of uniform heat absorption had to be accurately controlled.    


If he had the assistance of the alchemy furnace, all of this would be much more convenient.    


But if there wasn't, just the temperature of the fire alone would be difficult to kill 99% of the people.    


Everyone was waiting for this young man's next move.    


The young man waved his hand, and another three wisps of black fire appeared.    




The youth formed a hand seal and slapped the middle strand of black fire.    


After devouring the Spiritual Force his master had lost to him, the black flame turned into a long black snake and shot out, swallowing the red medicinal liquid in a single gulp. Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht...    




Shen Jun frowned.    


When everyone saw him like this, they couldn't help but sigh.    


Needless to say, the temperature of the flame must have been too high. It must have burned away the medicinal liquid that they had spent so much effort to form.    


They had just witnessed the power of this black flame with their own eyes.    


Some sneered, some gloated, and some sighed.    


However, no matter what kind of mentality they had, there was one thing they couldn't deny.    


This mysterious youth was definitely an extreme genius!    


Even Peng Hu couldn't help but sigh.    


What a pity.    


If this youth could be a little more calm during the final coagulation and grasp the temperature of the flame, then this pill would be completed.    


He was probably too young and had been too hasty.    


At this moment, most of the people had already retracted their gazes and continued to think of a method to refine pills without a furnace.    


Although it failed, this young man's operation was still very worth learning.    


At the very least, he could copy the first few steps of the other party.    


Some people even got up and wanted to ask this young man about his experience.    


At this moment.    


"Wait, isn't this youth finished yet?!"    


An exclamation of surprise rang out as everyone turned their heads to look at him.    


"It really isn't over yet! He's still condensing his core! "    


"What the f * ck?! Just how did he do it?!"    


Most of the people present had puzzled looks on their faces.    


The medicinal liquid had already been burnt to a crisp, so what was the point of condensing a pill?    


Under everyone's gaze, the young man was calm and composed as he formed another hand seal.    


"Let's go!"    


The youth's voice wasn't loud.    


However, it was enough to shock the entire audience!    


The other two wisps of black flames turned into fire snakes and shot out!    


With the help of these two streams of flames, the firepower instantly increased by several times!    


In just a breath's time, the youth waved his sleeve again, scattering all the flames.    




A pitch black mud ball landed on the ground.    




An extremely small snicker came from the corner of the field.    


Immediately following that, mocking laughter rang out one after another.    


A wisp of flame had been burnt to a crisp, yet he still increased the firepower?    


It was already a cause for celebration that there was still a mud ball.    


But soon, no one could laugh.    




One. Crack!    


"How is this possible!"    


Someone exclaimed.    


The "mud ball" that had fallen to the ground began to crack, and a thick pill fragrance shot out from the crack.    


As the crack grew bigger and bigger, the pill fragrance also became thicker and thicker.    


When the black shell was completely peeled off, the dense pill fragrance actually formed a small white fog!    


"This... This is pill mist!!"    


"It's really Pill Mist! It really is the legendary Pill Mist!"    


"It really formed a pill?! And there was even a Pill Mist! "    


"I always thought that something like a pill mist only existed in legends!"    


Everyone in the hall screamed.    


Peng Hu could not sit still anymore. He jumped off the platform and pushed aside the crowd. He rushed in front of Shen Jun.    


Looking at the Energy Recovery Pill rolling on the ground, Peng Hu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.    




It was f * cking god!    


The first time he concocted pills without a furnace, not only did he succeed, he even managed to produce a pill mist?!    


If he was given a top-grade pill furnace, then what would happen? !!    


At this moment, even if Peng Hu was unwilling, he had to admit it.    


This youth's talent in alchemy was definitely the strongest he had ever seen in his life!    



Even the number one master in the world might not be able to defeat this young man.    


As for Shen Jun himself, he was first stunned, then a smile appeared on his face.    


Today's pill had truly exceeded his expectations.    


The cultivation speed that the system rewarded him with was 20 times faster than usual, and it actually had an enormous increase in pill refinement!    


Although it did not reach 20 times of the exaggerated speed, it was still at least 10 times.    


This was truly a huge cheat.    


Ten times pill refinement, what did this mean?    


The other party needed a hundred days to concoct a batch of top grade pill.    


He would be fine in ten days!    


How could others play with this?    


Peng Hu picked up the Energy Recovery Pill and placed it in his hand to carefully observe it.    


Immediately after, he gave Shen Jun a deep look, cupped his fists and politely said, "Young master, can you find a place to talk?"    


"Lead the way." Shen Jun smiled and strode forward in front of countless admiring, envious, and jealous eyes.    


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