I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C330 Another Dark Horse

C330 Another Dark Horse

0Everyone was looking around for Shen Jun.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


After three dull thuds, another three figures rose into the air and heavily smashed onto the ground.    


Without exception, they all vomited blood and fainted from serious injuries.    


It was that white-clothed brat's handiwork!    


Everyone hurriedly looked over.    


They saw Shen Jun standing at the place where the three of them had just stood. His expression was still that of a smile that was not a smile.    


At this moment, the expressions in the eyes of all the contestants instantly changed.    






And full of hostility!    


Who was this youth? A hidden trump card of the Heavenly South Arena?    


There was clearly such an expert, so why didn't he just put him in the first three groups for the elimination round, and had to come and cause trouble in the free-for-all battle of the preliminaries?    


Wasn't this superfluous!?    


Apart from the lucky survivors on the arena, the main force and the higher ups of the other three arenas were also frowning as they stared at Shen Jun who was on the arena.    


They also couldn't figure out what the Heavenly South Arena was planning.    


However, Shen Jun's strength had really shocked everyone.    


And his sudden appearance of tough flesh and blood also changed the structure of the arena in an instant.    


The remaining dozen or so competitors did not fight each other, but looked at each other.    


With just one glance, the remaining contestants reached a consensus.    


Let's get rid of this kid first!    


"Mountain Splitting Palm!"    


"Ascending Cloud Chasing Wave Kick!"    


"Take my attack!"    


In an instant, more than ten divine abilities turned into rays of light and shot towards Shen Jun.    


There were all kinds of fist prints and kicks.    


Seeing this scene, the audience who had just gotten interested couldn't help but sigh.    


They had witnessed white clothed youth's strength with their own eyes.    


However, his brain didn't seem to be working properly.    


This wasn't a fight, this was a chaotic battle between more than a dozen people!    


If he revealed his strength prematurely, he would naturally attract the pursuit of everyone else.    


Such a high-profile appearance seemed to be cool, yet it was actually unbelievably stupid!    


He'd first hide himself and wait for these people to wear each other down before making a move. Wouldn't that be a guaranteed victory?    


Alright now, I'll force you to act.    


A dozen or so people surrounded and attacked you.    


There were all kinds of magical abilities and spells coming from all directions, there wasn't even a chance to dodge.    


Let's see how you are going to deal with it!    


Shen Jun was in the center of the arena, and as he looked at the divine abilities and spells raining down from all directions, he didn't even raise his eyelids.    


In the blink of an eye, the first fist had arrived in front of him.    


Shen Jun took half a step back with his right foot and slightly tilted his body.    


Wu Jiang!    


With just a slight turn of his body, the fist mark brushed past Shen Jun's face.    


It seemed dangerous, but Shen Jun's movements were calm and composed.    


But before he could return to his original position, the second claw mark whistled and attacked him again.    


This time, Shen Jun still did not use any divine abilities or magic to defend himself.    


He turned sideways and lowered his head.    




He managed to dodge the attack without any danger.    


He bent down, turned sideways, and took a step forward...    


Shen Jun used his magical movement technique to easily dodge the seemingly airtight divine ability spell.    


Any insignificant movement could be a wonderful foreshadowing.    


Just as he was taking this step, Shen Jun also began to gradually approach his opponents.    


For some reason, no one could feel the Demonic Power.    


However, with every step Shen Jun took, he would always be able to cross dozens of feet, or even dozens of feet!    


The divine abilities that blotted out the sky and covered the earth exploded into countless holes on the arena.    


However, these terrifying explosions were also thrown behind Shen Jun one by one.    


Without exception!    


Under everyone's shocked eyes, Shen Jun dodged and rushed in front of one of the contestants.    


This time, everyone finally saw how he attacked.    


It was nothing special.    


But it was extremely fierce!    


He raised his arm and threw a punch.    




When the punch landed, it actually caused a sonic boom!    


The boy that he had targeted naturally could not block it and instantly lost consciousness.    


"I really don't believe it. How much strength can a thin monkey have!"    


One! He turned into his true form and rushed towards Shen Jun like a huge rhinoceros.    


Shen Jun didn't even bother to dodge.    


He stood at attention, raised his butt, and kicked.    


In one go.    


Shen Jun was only 1.8 meters tall after his half-beast form.    


As for the huge rhinoceros, it was seven or eight meters tall.    


The hard surface of its armor was filled with explosive muscles. It was like a heavy tank.    


Compared to this huge rhinoceros, Shen Jun's thigh was no different from a chopstick.    


Using a chopstick to shake the tank?    


Or if he didn't use the Demonic Power?    


This was simply shocking.    


But in the next second...    




"Ah! "    


A muffled sound followed by a miserable scream.    


A huge shadow streaked across the sky and heavily crashed outside the arena.    


The huge rhinoceros Demonic Beast that was charging at full speed was actually kicked away by Shen Jun with a single kick!    




The audience on the stage, as well as the audience on the stage, were all stunned by this shocking scene.    


What was barbarism?    


This was what was called barbarism!    


Without using even a single Demonic Power, he relied entirely on his solid and powerful physical strength to fight.    


How was this a Demonic Beast?    


It was clearly a wild beast!    


Moreover, it was the most savage and unreasonable kind of wild beast!    


What was going on with the Nine Heavens Peak Competition this year?    


They had never seen an Early Period of Emperor Sovereign warrior in more than ten years, but two of them came out in one breath.    


And they were both ridiculously strong!    


The audience had more or less seen Newcomer King's match in Yama Arena.    


Shen Jun's first show had undoubtedly left a deep impression on everyone.    


At this moment, many people had unconsciously compared the two of them in their minds.    


Who was stronger and who was weaker?    


For a moment, no one could explain why.    


Although everyone was still optimistic about the newcomer from the Yama Arena.    


But they had to admit that this Shen Jun from Heavenly South Arena was indeed outrageously strong!    



It would be hard to tell who was stronger and who was weaker without a fight.    


The following process of this chaotic battle was very simple.    


It was a one-sided slaughter by Shen Jun.    


Every time a ghostly figure appeared, it would be accompanied by the miserable cry of the enemy.    


In less than two minutes, the battlefield was cleared out.    


Only a man in white clothes was still standing at the spot where he had been standing at the beginning.    


Looking at the whole place, no one was able to withstand a single strike from Shen Jun!    


No matter who it was, it would be an instant kill.    


Under the shocked gazes of countless people, Shen Jun did not even bother to wait for the referee to announce the result. He walked down the arena as if there was no one else around.    


After returning to the resting area, Shen Jun was immediately surrounded by a few people.    


"Brother, I misunderstood you! I will remember this favor. If you need any help in the future, brother, just say it!"    


"Thank you, brother, for showing mercy. I will remember what happened today!"    


"Big brother! You are too arrogant! You have swept away all the contestants in the three great arenas by yourself!"    


The few people that came forward were naturally the four teammates that were thrown out of the arena by Shen Jun in the beginning.    


In the chaotic battle, they were indeed teammates, but at the same time, they were also opponents.    


It was already very good for them that Shen Jun had "quietly" eliminated them.    


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