The Wealthy Son-in-law Is Back

C444 335 He Walked Right into the Trap

C444 335 He Walked Right into the Trap

0The Abominable of the Middle East, leader of the Satan Society, Latour's eyes sparkled.    


The leader of the Death God Society, the Rakshasa Mercenary Group, and the others did not speak.    


They wandered the edge of death, plotting, assassinating, and all sorts of despicable methods were their favorite.    


Could this be a plot of the Northgard?    


They wouldn't easily send out their own men, because if one of them died, their power would be weakened by a little.    


On the contrary, these foreign powers had more or less some conflicts with each other. Not only did they have to guard against the Northgard, but they also had to guard against each other!    


Soon, Chief Maodun and Golden Khan made their decision.    


Gerzen led ten thousand cavalry troops and ambushed the Wolf Cavalry Battalion in Ghost Gate Gorge.    


Behind them, ten thousand men led five thousand cavalry troops and ambushed the camp.    


Xiongnu's right general Hunxie led five thousand cavalry to ambush the assault unit. Hou Jin led ten thousand men and Baleg ambushed the Fearless Battalion!    


Twenty thousand cavalry could definitely catch them off guard!    


Compared to Northgard, their biggest advantage was that they were born on horseback and grew on horseback.    


Almost every person from Hou Jin or the Xiongnu would be good at controlling the bowstring when they became adults.    


This was also why the two major tribes were able to pull out two million troops.    


During the battle, all of them were soldiers, and they were harmless pastoralists.    


Two million was about a third of the population of the two tribes. Almost two people needed to raise a soldier. If they did not take down Northgard this time, they would be finished!    


Chief Maodun and Golden Khan did not have any other thoughts about these foreign powers. They did not ask for their help.    


To the two of them, foreign powers were foolish and rich. They only needed to provide them with an endless supply of resources.    


As long as they had resources, they could insist on fighting the Northgard to the end!    


"Let's go!"    


The two leaders ordered at almost the same time.    


No matter what they did afterwards, at least for now, they were on the same boat.    


If they wanted to break the situation in front of them, the two of them had to cooperate sincerely!    


It was also good for Chief Maodun. Whether it was Golden Khan or not, they all understood.    




The cold wind howled at night in Northgard, and the temperature dropped to 40 degrees Celsius!    


In such a harsh environment, there were very few people who could survive here, unless they were wild animals.    


Four groups of people took advantage of the moonlight to set out.    


Gerzen, who was leading the group, was under a lot of pressure. If this battle failed, Gerzen's tribe would definitely be killed by Dan Yu. This was something he couldn't accept.    


In his life, he had experienced hundreds of big and small battles. It was his keen intuition and ability that allowed him to survive.    


Gerzen had a feeling that this was a trap. If they went in, something big would definitely happen.    


Unfortunately, it was difficult to disobey a king's order. Whether it was Hua Xia or Xiongnu, they all had this saying. The duty of a soldier was to listen to orders. Even if there was a sea of swords and a sea of fire ahead, they still had to charge in.    


The Ghost Gate Gorge was located in the southwest direction of Dragon City. The gorge was deep, and below it was a branch of the Beiliang River, the Ghost River!    


In ancient mythology, this river was a resting place for ghosts and gods.    


The Xiongnu once produced an indomitable hero, but because of the witch's persecutions, they finally led their family and jumped into the Ghost River.    


Therefore, this place was also called the River of Heroes!    


Below the Ghost Gate Gorge, there was a path. It was the Silk Road of ancient times. They should be planning to secretly take a detour from this Silk Road to the back of Dragon City.    


Then they will send troops to disturb them, attracting their attention!    


It had to be said that this was a really good idea!    


They were also improving in the struggle against the Northgard over the past thousands of years. If they did not advance, they would have been eliminated long ago.    


Gerzen shook his head and thought to himself, No matter what, this time, we have to severely dampen the morale of the Northgard. It would be best to eliminate all of them.    


Soon, Gerzen arrived at the entrance of the Ghost Gate Gorge. This place was like the mouth of a pot, and it was definitely a place that was easy to defend and hard to attack. As long as they occupied this place, they would be invincible!    


Without saying anything, Gerzen made a hand gesture, and everyone stopped in their tracks.    


They were afraid of making noise, and they even wrapped their hooves with beast skins!    


After hiding their figures, they used the leather covers that opened their mouths to cover the mouths of the horses. This way, under the double insurance, they could ensure that nothing would go wrong.    


Time passed bit by bit. Lying in the snow, the people wearing white sheepskin clothing blended in with the surrounding snow.    


But no matter how good the disguise was, the body had to be able to withstand it.    


Cold, bone-chilling cold!    


It was truly too cold!    


Some people were lying on the snow, shivering from the cold. These were the tribe's small leaders. The ordinary tribe soldiers were also wearing very thin clothes.    


Their hands and feet were numb from the cold, and they almost lost consciousness.    


In such a situation, not to mention fighting, even standing up was a difficult problem.    


Some people were even frostbitten. If they did not recover their core temperature in time, they would definitely freeze to death!    


At this time, a deputy general crawled over and said to Gerzen, "General Zuo, if we keep guarding like this, our brothers will not be able to hold on much longer."    


Gerzen also did not have a good time!    


He was wearing four or five beast skins that could keep him warm and resist the cold. At this moment, he was lying in the snow. His face was red and purple from the cold, and he could not help but tremble.    


"No... No, I have to keep watch!"    


Gerzen was also helpless. It was their fault for being afraid of making a mistake. They had rushed over so early.    


He even suspected that he would freeze to death before the enemy of Northgard arrived.    


"Why don't we let our brothers drink some milk wine to defend against the cold?"    


The deputy general said with a bitter face, "The weather is too cold, even the warhorses can't stand it."    


"No, we've waited for so long. We can't let anything go wrong at the critical moment!"    


Gerzen calculated the time. No matter how slow the people of Northgard were, they should have entered the Ghost Gate Gorge by now.    


The deputy general had no choice but to go back. He had to calm the hearts of the people!    


There was no other way. In the Xiongnu, the words of the superiors were like an imperial edict. If anyone dared to disobey, they would be killed on the spot!    


Especially during the war period, the words of the general were absolutely not to be disobeyed.    


"Vice general, it's not good. Someone has fainted here."    


"Let's retreat. I really can't stand the cold anymore. My hands, feet, and face are completely numb."    


In the extreme north, his hands and feet had been frozen. If he couldn't recover in time, there was no other option other than amputation.    


Moreover, their amputation was very brutal. They used ropes to tightly wrap around the frostbitten hands and feet, then used a large knife or an axe to directly cut them off.    


If they applied medicinal herbs on them, whether they could survive or not would be up to fate!    


Fortunately, these few years, the two tribes had more and more contact with foreign forces, and the mortality rate also fell from fifty-fifty to quite a bit.    


However, there were many people who died from frostbite every year.    


The deputy general gritted his teeth. "Whoever is long-winded, behead them directly!"    


Military orders were as heavy as a mountain. frostbite was better than having one's head chopped off, right?    


Instantly, tens of thousands of people fell silent.    


"Drip, drip!"    


At this moment, a drop of water splashed onto their faces, and a look of shock appeared on their faces!    


"It's freezing?"    


"Why would a freezing rain fall at this time?"    


Everyone was stunned.    


It was really a rainy night when the house was exposed, and the boat was late when the wind started blowing!    


They were already half frozen to death. If the freezing rain fell now, they would really die.    


"General Zuo, take shelter from the rain!"    


The deputy stepped forward, his tone full of pleading!    


Gerzen sighed. He took off his gloves and wiped the water on his forehead. He was stunned by the greasy water.    


No, it was not freezing rain!    


He put it under his nose and sniffed again. His face changed dramatically.    


"Not good, it's gasoline. Everyone, spread out quickly!"    


He shouted loudly. With this shout, everyone was thrown into disorder. Immediately, people were thrown off their feet. Those people whose hands and feet were frozen stiff could not even move.    


At this moment, several hundred streams of star fire descended from the sky!    


The reflection of the sparks in Gerzen's retina became brighter and brighter. "Not good, it's a rocket!"    


"Everyone, get out of the way!"    




The fire arrows had killed quite a number of people, but what was even more terrifying was the spread of the fire in an instant!    


They had been drenched for so long, and their bodies were already covered with gasoline. In addition, they were lying on the ground very closely, so it was difficult for them not to light up!    


This time, Gerzen understood. He completely understood. This was a complete and utter conspiracy!    


It was hateful that he was foolish enough to crawl in!    


"No... bastards from Northgard, get the hell out here and fight to the death!"    


Gerzen roared helplessly. He was afraid that the fire would implicate him, so he quickly took off his coat and hat and stood far away.    


"Ah... Save me, save me..."    



"I don't want to die. Ah..."    


Miserable screams resounded through the night sky. The flames lit up the Ghost Gate Gorge. The blood on the ground, mixed with melted blood, flowed into the frozen Ghost River!    


" No... mongrels, get the hell out here! Get the hell out here! "    


Gerzen's eyes were red. Less than ten people had escaped from that place. In addition, the horses were frightened by the flames. Tens of thousands of horses instantly rushed forward. Even if there was no fire, they were still trampled into meat paste by the mad horses!    




"Swish, swish, swish!"    


The only response they received was the incessant sound of bowstrings being drawn!    


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