Pill Sovereign Reborn

C457 The Method to Exchange Blood

C457 The Method to Exchange Blood

0Cihua Palace.    


This was Empress Dowager's daily residence.    


Ye Lan followed the old man into the Imperial Palace. Under the lead of a palace maid, they went straight to Cihua Palace.    


At this moment, there were many Imperial Physicians gathered in Cihua Palace. There were also many top tier alchemist that came from the Alchemy Guild. Even president of Alchemist’s Guild and Murong Yu were present.    


Apart from that, Dragon Abyss Emperor and many other princes and princesses were also gathered in Cihua Palace.    


Everyone's expression was solemn as they looked at the old woman who was sleeping on a soft couch in the palace.    


The old woman had a kind look on her face. Although she looked old, the outline of her face showed that she was a peerless beauty when she was young.    


The old woman was none other than Dragon Abyss Emperor's mother, Empress Dowager.    


"President Murong, what poison is the poison in my mother's body? Even you are helpless. "    


Dragon Abyss Emperor shifted his gaze from the unconscious Empress Dowager to Murong Yu and asked.    


"Your Majesty, the poison Empress Dowager was poisoned with is a rare and unusual poison.    


As for what kind of poison it is? This official was not too sure.    


He only knew that this poison was similar to the Three Corpse Three Gu Poison of the Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall, but it was even more overbearing than the Three Corpse Three Gu Poison of the Corpse Hall.    


Even with my abilities, I can't completely get rid of this poison and cure it."    


Murong Yu replied with a solemn expression.    


He only knew one thing about the poison in Empress Dowager's body. It was similar to the Three Corpse Three Gu Poison, but it was even more overbearing than the Three Corpse Three Gu Poison.    


Apart from that, Murong Yu had no idea about the poison in Empress Dowager's body. He also had no idea about the composition of the poison, which made him helpless.    


He could only use the Spirit Pill to suppress the strange poison in Empress Dowager's body. However, at the moment, it was only treating the symptoms and not the root!    


Only by knowing the composition of the poison could he find the corresponding formula to refine the Spirit Pill and cure the strange poison in Empress Dowager's body.    


When he heard Murong Yu say this, Dragon Abyss Emperor's expression became incomparably solemn.    


If even Murong Yu was helpless, then within the Dragon Abyss, who could cure this poison?    


Could it be that his mother was going to die in the palace like this?    


The dignified Empress Dowager was poisoned to death in the heavily guarded palace. If this news were to spread out, his imperial family would lose all face and would become a joke in the eyes of the other empires!    


Now, Dragon Abyss Emperor was not only worried about how to get rid of his mother's poison, he was even more furious. Who on earth dared to poison his mother in secret?    


"President Murong, if even you are helpless, then who in Dragon Abyss can cure it?"    


After a long time, Dragon Abyss Emperor asked in a deep voice.    


"There is one person who might be able to do it."    


Murong Yu smiled.    




Dragon Abyss Emperor asked hastily.    


At the same time, in the palace, the elders of Alchemy Guild, the imperial physicians and ministers of the royal family... The princes and princesses of the royal family looked at Murong Yu. One must know that the person Murong Yu mentioned was the one who could cure Empress Dowager's poison. Who was it?    


"In a moment, Your Majesty will know. This official has already ordered people to bring him into the Palace to diagnose and treat Empress Dowager."    


Murong Yu smiled and said.    


Just as he finished speaking, outside Cihua Palace, there was a eunuch who shouted at the top of his voice, "Your majesty, Lord Yan and Ye Lan request to see you!"    


"He's here."    


When Murong Yu heard this, the smile on his face became even wider.    


Dragon Abyss Emperor, on the other hand, was filled with doubt.    


Could it be that the person Murong Yu mentioned who could cure his mother's poison was Ye Lan?    


How was this possible?    


Although he had heard that Ye Lan had an extremely high talent in Pill Dao, and that he had helped Dongfang Ming get rid of the Three Corpse Three Gu Poison in Thunder Cloud Sect,    


but today, the poison in his mother's body was an unusual poison. It was a poison that even Murong Yu was helpless against. How could Ye Lan have a skill that was even better than Murong Yu when it came to alchemy at such a young age?    


"Invite him into the Palace."    


Although he was puzzled in his heart, Dragon Abyss Emperor did not refuse to meet Ye Lan.    


After all, he thought highly of Ye Lan.    


At the same time, he was also praying in his heart, hoping that Ye Lan was truly worthy of his attention, and that he would be able to find a way to expel the poison from his mother's body.    


Outside the palace, when the eunuch heard Dragon Abyss Emperor's decree, he immediately opened the doors of Cihua Palace, and invited Ye Lan and the elder of Alchemy Guild to enter Cihua Palace together.    


At this moment, in Cihua Palace, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Lan in unison, guessing in their hearts. Could it be that the person Murong Yu mentioned to be able to cure Empress Dowager of the strange poison was Ye Lan?    


How was this possible?    


Ye Lan was so young, it was impossible for him to have the ability to surpass Murong Yu in the path of Pill Dao.    


How could he possibly solve the strange poison that even Murong Yu could not solve?    


"Kid, Ye Lan greets Your Majesty."    


Ye Lan and the elder of Alchemy Guild entered Cihua Palace. When they saw Dragon Abyss Emperor in the palace, they all went forward to pay their respects.    


"No need for formalities. Both of you, please take a seat."    


Dragon Abyss Emperor greeted them with a smile.    


"Ye Lan, according to President Mu Rong, you can cure my mother's strange poison. I wonder, do you have that ability?"    


In the end, Dragon Abyss Emperor asked again.    


"Your Majesty, can you let me have a look?"    


Ye Lan asked.    




Dragon Abyss Emperor nodded and then ordered a palace maid to bring Ye Lan into the inner pavilion to investigate the unconscious Empress Dowager on the bed.    


Arriving at the side of the bed, Ye Lan first took Empress Dowager's pulse, then used the Eye of Crimson to check Empress Dowager's body.    


He discovered that Empress Dowager's vitality was no doubt that of a normal person, to the extent that her vitality was even stronger than an ordinary young man.    


However, Empress Dowager just fell into a coma and did not know what to do.    


"How is it?"    


Dragon Abyss Emperor, Murong Yu and the rest also entered the Inner Cabinet and came to the side of the bed. They only asked after seeing Ye Lan treat and examine Empress Dowager.    


"Don't worry Your Majesty. I can cure this poison!"    


Ye Lan smiled.    




Dragon Abyss Emperor was happy to hear that, but he still had some doubts in his heart.    


"Of course. How dare this kid lie to the king?"    


Ye Lan smiled.    


Then, he took out a dagger from his pocket and ordered someone to bring him a silver basin. There were several tubes that were as small as meridians, some cloth, some medicine powder, and some stitches that were used to suture muscles and blood vessels.    


These things were common in the royal family.    


When he saw Ye Lan, he asked for these things.    


Not to mention Dragon Abyss Emperor and the others did not know what Ye Lan was going to do. Even Murong Yu and the other top grade alchemist from the Alchemy Guild had puzzled expressions on their faces.    


Similarly, many of the top Imperial Physicians cultivated by the royal family also revealed thoughtful expressions.    


Each and every one of them stared fixedly at Ye Lan, wanting to see how Ye Lan would remove the poison for Empress Dowager.    


Ignoring the curious expressions of Dragon Abyss Emperor and the others, Ye Lan urged the Fighting Soul of Black Flame to wrap around the dagger in his hand and quickly disinfect it.    


Immediately after, the knife in his hand fell, and he cut Empress Dowager's left wrist and right wrist two times.    


"How dare you!"    


When they saw that Ye Lan dared to casually cut Empress Dowager's golden body with a knife, many of the rank 1 officials who saw this scene, as well as many princes and grandsons of the royal family, all became anxious and shouted angrily.    


"All of you shut up for Zhen!"    


Dragon Abyss Emperor shouted in a deep voice.    


Those rank one officials who scolded Ye Lan for his boldness, as well as the many princes and grandsons, were all shocked and shrank their necks, not daring to say anything.    


"President Mu Rong, Ye Lan, what are you doing?"    


After Dragon Abyss Emperor scolded those ministers and grandsons, he looked at Murong Yu and asked in a low voice.    


"Reporting to me, this is the method to change blood!"    


Murong Yu replied with a smile.    


He looked at Ye Lan with admiration and respect.    


Not everyone could easily change blood.    


Even he, Murong Yu, might not be able to do it so easily.    


After all, blood was the most important part of the human body. Once a person bled too much, he or she would die.    


The method of changing blood was to extract all the blood in the human body and then wash it before sending it back to the human body.    


This method was very dangerous.    


Not only did it test the Perceptual Capability and the powerful divine sense, it also tested the cultivator's precise control. Especially at the moment when the blood was sucked dry, if the patient's life was not stabilized in time... It was time to recover the blood. Then, the patient would die instantly.    


It could be said that Murong Yu also knew how to change blood, but he was not familiar with it.    


Because he rarely used the blood exchange method to treat other people.    


However, Ye Lan was different. Murong Yu could easily tell that Ye Lan was very familiar with the Blood Changing Technique.    


The moment he cut off Empress Dowager's wrists, he quickly sealed them with Soul Force. He connected the small tube that was as small as meridians to the opening of her wrists. Then, she drew blood and injected it into the two silver basins.    


After Ye Lan started drawing blood, he didn't dare relax at all. The Eye of Crimson was unleashed to its limit, and the Spirit Concentration Technique was circulating crazily. His Perceptual Capability had been raised to an extremely terrifying level, and he was constantly paying attention to the condition of Empress Dowager's blood.    


At the same time, Ye Lan took out another Spirit Pill.    



It was the Divine Origin Pill, a pill that could temporarily stabilize the Yuan Shen of a dying person and prevent it from dying immediately. It was something Ye Lan had obtained from the underground palace in Eternal Frozen Tomb.    


He had never used it. He never thought that it would come in handy today.    


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