Pill Sovereign Reborn

C370 There Was No Suspense

C370 There Was No Suspense

0"How is it? Can I make this decision now?"    


Ye Lan looked at Yangchen and asked.    


"I did it, I did it!"    


Although Yangchen was unwilling, he could only nod in agreement.    


"Elder Yan, please forgive this disciple for messing around?"    


Finally, Ye Lan looked at Yan Soong and asked.    


"I don't worry about what you are doing. Why are you messing around?"    


Yan Soong waved his hand. He naturally knew that the reason Ye Lan suddenly stood up to compete with Yangchen in alchemy was to protect him.    


Of course, why would Yan Soong blame Ye Lan?    


Now, he really wanted to see how much Ye Lan, a genius in alchemy, had grown to, and whether he had the skill in alchemy that could surpass Yangchen.    


Hearing this, Ye Lan smiled and took out a Pill Furnace, sitting side by side with Yangchen.    


"Elder Yang, may I know how we are going to compete in alchemy?"    


Ye Lan smiled.    


"Is it possible for me to ask a question?"    


Yangchen smiled coldly.    


"Up to you."    


Ye Lan replied.    


"Then, how about refining the profound rank high-grade Spirit Pill - Essence Solidarity Pill?"    


Yangchen said.    


Many alchemist in the surroundings frowned when they heard this.    


A profound rank high-grade Spirit Pill required an Eighth Layer of Raw Infant Stage and above cultivator to concoct it.    


In addition, Essence Solidarity Pill was the rarest and most difficult type of profound rank high-grade Spirit Pill to refine. Refining this pill required a total of 1800 kinds of rare spirit herbs. Every single spirit herbs had to be purified to a purity of over 90%.    


At the same time, the ratio of the various medicinal liquids that were purified fused together was extremely detailed. The difference of one cubic centimeter or even one cubic centimeter would cause the Essence Solidarity Pill to fail, and even cause the Essence Solidarity Pill's effect to be unable to be displayed even better.    


After all, this Essence Solidarity Pill was a miraculous spirit pill that could help Breaking Embryo Stage cultivators instantly recover from their injuries, and it could even allow their cultivation to advance further.    


Naturally, if one wanted to refine an Essence Solidarity Pill, and it was a perfect refinement, it would be a test of one's alchemist's experience, technique, and powerful Perceptual Capability and Soul Force.    


"Yangchen, aren't you too old and too young?"    


On the side, Yan Soong, who was refining an Essence Solidarity Pill, heard that Yangchen wanted to compete with Ye Lan to refine an Essence Solidarity Pill. Immediately, his face darkened, and he said with some dissatisfaction.    


He was clearly aware that the Essence Solidarity Pill was extremely difficult to concoct. Even if it was Yan Soong, he only had a 50% chance of successfully concocting the Essence Solidarity Pill, and he did not dare guarantee that it would be 100% successful.    


Moreover, the most important thing in refining this Essence Solidarity Pill was experience. Coincidentally, Yan Soong knew that Yangchen had refined Essence Solidarity Pill for many years, and had already gained a set of extremely mature experience.    


It could be said that with Yangchen's strength, he was able to attack the enemy's weakness.    


The opponent he attacked was only a seventeen year old youth like Ye Lan.    


Of course, in Yan Soong's eyes, Yangchen was obviously bullying Ye Lan.    


"Ye Lan already said that he would follow this old man to ask questions, why are you talking so much?"    


Yangchen glanced at Yan Soong indifferently and responded rudely.    


Yan Soong narrowed his eyes. Deep in his eyes, there was a flash of coldness.    


However, it wasn't good for him to attack Yangchen, and he couldn't interfere too much in the competition between Yangchen and Ye Lan.    


Now, he could only choose to believe in Ye Lan, and believe that Ye Lan had the ability to defeat Yangchen.    


"Since you proposed to refine the Essence Solidarity Pill, can I also make a condition?"    


Ye Lan looked at Yangchen and smiled.    


"What condition?"    


Yangchen's face was full of vigilance. Although he didn't have much contact with Ye Lan, he knew that Ye Lan was very cunning. If he wasn't careful, he might fall into Ye Lan's trap.    


"The competition between the two of us can only take half an incense stick of time to refine the Essence Solidarity Pill. How about it?"    


Ye Lan said with a smile.    


Hiss ~    


In the surroundings, many alchemist who were refining medicinal pills sucked in a breath of cold air when they heard Ye Lan's words.    


The Essence Solidarity Pill was a profound rank high-grade Spirit Pill, and it was the hardest type of profound rank high-grade Spirit Pill to refine. Within the Longyuan Empire, even president of Alchemist’s Guild could not guarantee that he would be able to refine such a medicinal pill within half an incense stick of time.    


However, Ye Lan actually dared to ask Yangchen for such a condition. How could they not be shocked?    


"Are you sure?"    


Yangchen frowned slightly.    


Refining Essence Solidarity Pill was his specialty. Although he might not be able to complete it within half an incense stick of time, if he used all his strength, there was still hope.    


"Of course. Otherwise, why would I mention this condition?"    



Ye Lan smiled confidently.    


"If that's the case, I will agree to it."    


Yangchen smiled coldly and ignored Ye Lan.    


As for Ye Lan, he ordered his men to light up the fragrance. After that, he began to compete with Yangchen in alchemy.    


"Stinking brat, competing with this old man to refine Essence Solidarity Pill, you are still too inexperienced!"    


Yangchen sneered in his heart. He sized up the 1800 types of spirit herbs that were prepared in front of him.    


Yangchen quickly ignited the Pill Furnace in front of him. After that, he fully released his Perceptual Capability. It wrapped around numerous spirit herbs and continuously sent them into the Pill Furnace to refine and purify them.    


His rhythm was very stable, and his technique was also very skillful. It made people gasp in amazement.    


One had to admit that Yangchen had some ability to become one of the biggest alchemist in the Thunder Cloud Sect.    


It could be seen with the naked eye that under Yangchen's rapid refinement, those spirit herbs were continuously refined and purified. After that, Yangchen took them into the Jade Bottle and stored them, preparing to use them to condense the spirit herbs.    


On the other side, Yangchen began to rapidly refine the spirit herbs.    


On the other side, Ye Lan also released the Eye of Crimson and Spirit Concentration Technique, raising his Perceptual Capability to an extremely powerful level.    


After releasing the Fighting Soul of Black Flame, Ye Lan waved his hand and sent the black flames into the Pill Furnace.    


After that, he wrapped his mental energy around the spirit herbs and quickly sent them into the Pill Furnace.    


Ye Lan's current cultivation was very strong, and the Fighting Soul of Black Flame's ability was also much stronger than Ye Lan's own.    


After all, the current Fighting Soul of Black Flame was a Heart of Thunder Fire that had fused with the Divine Devil Pagoda Thunder Fire Layer.    


Naturally, Yangchen could only refine three or five different types of spirit herbs at a time. Ye Lan, on the other hand, was able to refine ten or even twenty of them in one go. Moreover, the purity of the medicinal liquid was many times better than the purity that Yangchen had purified!    


This caused many of the surrounding alchemist, who were refining medicinal pills, to be stunned. Their faces were filled with disbelief, and some of them did not dare believe what they had just seen.    


Even Yan Soong's eyes were filled with shock after seeing Ye Lan's purification technique.    


He was clearly aware that the one thousand eight hundred types of spirit herbs refining the Essence Solidarity Pill were all rare spirit herbs, and every single one of them was extremely difficult to refine.    


Ordinary alchemist could only be refined one by one. Once two of them were refined at the same time, it would be very difficult to truly refine and refine the spirit herbs.    


And if one wanted to refine three or five spirit herbs at the same time like Yangchen did, then one would need an extremely powerful alchemy technique, a profound cultivation base, and a powerful Perceptual Capability.    


In addition, there was also an indispensable condition, and that was to have sufficient and rich experience.    


If one wanted to purify ten or even twenty spirit herbs at the same time like Ye Lan, it was not something that Yan Soong could imagine. What kind of conditions and abilities did one need?    


"This... is impossible!"    


Yangchen, who was in the middle of refining, glanced at Ye Lan who was not far away. He found out that ___ was purifying ten or even twenty spirit herbs at the same time at an extremely fast speed. His technique was so skillful that it was impossible for him to be more familiar with it, and the concentration of the ___ was extremely high.    


Shock and shock immediately appeared on his face. He couldn't believe what he had just seen, and wondered if he was dreaming.    


However, everything clearly told him that this was not a dream, but a fact!    


What a joke! At the beginning, he had even secretly ridiculed Ye Lan for daring to compete with him in refining Essence Solidarity Pill. He was still too inexperienced.    


Now, it looked like Yangchen had completely misjudged him!    


"No, I can't lose. I am a dignified alchemist elder of the Thunder Cloud Sect. How can I lose to a mere disciple of the Inner Sect in public?    


If I lose, how can I maintain my foothold in the sect in the future?"    


Yangchen quickly stabilized the mind, then continued to refine the spirit herbs in an orderly manner. Under his control, the over 1,800 types of spirit herbs were being refined and purified crazily.    


It was only after the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn that Yangchen finally finished purifying the spirit herbs.    


However, at this moment, Ye Lan, who was not far away, had already started the process of condensing the Pill Furnace. Moreover, waves of intoxicating pill fragrance were drifting out from within the Pill Furnace.    


The moment he smelled the pill fragrance, Yangchen's face turned ashen. His years of experience told him that he had lost in this competition. He had lost miserably, without any suspense. He had lost without the slightest bit of temper.    


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