Pill Sovereign Reborn

C368 Call

C368 Call



The arcane soul and the dozen or so experts of the Hall of Surgery were startled when they saw Ye Lan summoning an extremely powerful and terrifying Demonic Beast, which was no weaker than the devil they had summoned. Their faces were filled with disbelief.    


After a long time, the arcane soul finally recovered from its shock. Staring at Ye Lan and the huge and terrifying Black Blade Beast, it couldn't help but let out a cold snort, "The Demonic Beast you summoned is indeed powerful, but it is definitely not a match for this evil devil from the Hall of Surgery!"    


Roar ~    


The stronger the Demonic Beast was, the stronger its intelligence would be.    


The Black Blade Beast that Ye Lan had summoned was at the Seventh Layer of Breaking Embryo Stage, so its intelligence was naturally much stronger than the Black Blade Beast that Ye Lan had summoned in the past.    


Therefore, this Black Blade Beast could understand the words of the soul, and it could also tell that the soul was mocking and looking down on it.    


Immediately, the Black Blade Beast threw its head back and let out a furious roar. The sound waves rolled and shook the heavens.    


After the roar, its huge body flashed. In the void, a black blade light that was several thousand feet long appeared and disappeared.    


The moment the black blade beam disappeared, both arms of the huge evil demon were severed, and blood gushed out from its body.    


After that, before it could let out a painful howl, the Black Blade Beast that Ye Lan had summoned disappeared in a flash. The black blade light flashed, and the huge head of the evil devil was chopped off. Its neck was broken, and blood gushed out like a fountain, flowing like a river. It had almost submerged half of the West City.    


Two slashes!    


The Black Blade Beast summoned by Ye Lan had easily killed the terrifying devils summoned by the Hall of Surgery with just two slashes.    


At this moment, the world was dead silent.    


Looking at the dead bodies of the evil devils lying in the ruins, the soul skill, and the dozen or so experts of the Hall of Surgery, their eyes were filled with shock and fear.    


Especially the arcane soul, the expression on his face was especially fascinating.    


He had just announced that the Black Blade Beast that Ye Lan had summoned was absolutely no match for this devil, but who knew that his arcane soul would be slapped in the face in the blink of an eye.    


And the one who slapped his face wasn't Ye Lan, but the terrifying and powerful Black Blade Beast.    


To put it bluntly, his arcane soul was slapped in the face by a Demonic Beast. It was a painful slap!    


"Hmph! I thought that the devil summoned by the Hall of Surgery would be pretty good at fighting. But now, it seems like my expectations are too high!"    


Ye Lan looked at the people in front of him and coldly harrumphed. After that, he ridiculed them again.    


The expressions of the people in front of him became even gloomier and uglier.    


However, there was no way to refute the words of the people in front of him.    


Right now, they were only thinking of one thing, and that was to escape as soon as possible so as to avoid being killed by the Black Blade Beast.    


Unfortunately, the Black Blade Beast seemed to know what they were thinking. It didn't give them any time or opportunity to escape. In the void... A black blade light flashed, and a dozen experts from the Hall of Surgery, including Shu Hun, appeared. They couldn't be any more dead.    


They had killed the devils and killed the experts of the ___.    


The Black Blade Beast was ordered by Ye Lan to assist Murong Dan and the other soldiers of the Fire Lotus Army, as well as Dragon Abyss Cultivator and the soldiers who were guarding the West City. All of them were rushing to kill the warriors of the Langxu Country and the Corpse Puppet and experts of the Corpse Hall.    


It was not until late in the morning that the fierce battle finally came to an end.    


After the Black Blade Beast helped Murong Dan and the other soldiers in defending the city drive and kill the soldiers of the Langxu Country and the Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall, it went to block the broken city wall. It turned into a huge wall filled with black steel blades, in case the men from the Langxu Country and Corpse Hall came. Once again, they gathered their forces and charged into the Hengduan City through the entrance of the broken city wall.    


"Young Master Ye, it's all thanks to your help this time!"    


On the city wall, Murong Dan, Zuo Ge, Tang Lei and the others were beside Ye Lan. They looked at the city wall that was repaired by the Black Blade Beast and couldn't help but express their gratitude.    


"It's still too early to thank you. Right now, we have only temporarily repelled the first wave of attacks from the Langxu Country and Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall. The best thing to do is to strengthen our defenses. I think that the Langxu Country and the Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall will continue to prepare for tomorrow.    


Besides, the people from the Hall of Surgery have also arrived. The battle tomorrow will be even more intense than today. "    


Ye Lan gazed into the distant horizon. After casting the Eye of Crimson, he could clearly see that a large number of troops from Langxu Country, as well as the Corpse Puppet and many experts of Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall were gathered in the distant horizon.    


More importantly, the Langxu Country and the Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall had invaded the West City today. Not only had they slaughtered a large number of soldiers and cultivators from the Dragon Abyss Side, they had also seized a lot of military supplies from the West City. For example, many powerful warships, war chariots, and weapons.    


It could be said that although the Dragon Abyss Side had stopped the invasion of the Langxu Country and Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall, they had also suffered heavy losses. If the Dragon Abyss Side didn't have any new reinforcements, they would have to face a tough battle tomorrow.    


Especially the people of the Hall of Surgery. Ye Lan had no idea what those people would do for the time being.    


Upon hearing this, Murong Dan and the others nodded their heads in agreement. They were also worried about the bitter battle that might happen tomorrow.    


"I wonder, how is Marshal Sima?"    


Suddenly, Ye Lan asked.    


"The Marshal suffered a serious injury from his battle with Lin Tianheng. He is currently recuperating.    


However, it will take at least two days. If Langxu Country and Myriad Devil Cult launch an attack tomorrow, I'm afraid Marshal won't be able to personally command and fight. "    


Murong Dan replied truthfully.    


"How are the casualties?"    


Ye Lan asked again.    


"Not fully calculated. The number of casualties of the soldiers guarding the West City is 36,888.    


As for the experts and disciples who came to help, more than 50,000 have died.    


The number of casualties is close to 70,000."    


Murong Dan gave a simple and concise reply.    


"What are the arrangements for the deceased?"    


Ye Lan asked.    



"They have already cremated their corpses and sent them back to Imperial City. Your Majesty gave the order to bury them, while the experts and disciples of the other sects were brought back to be buried by the people of their sects. On the next day, Marshal Sima will ask Your Majesty to give those sects and families the rewards they deserve!"    


Murong Dan said.    


Ye Lan nodded and looked at the distant horizon once again. He looked at the Langxu Country and Myriad Devil Cult Corpse Hall's armies and reminded Zuo Ge, Tang Lei, and the rest of the Fire Lotus Army's soldiers. He asked Murong Dan to take him to check on the wounded after he was on full alert.    


"In this war of West City, there are nearly seventy thousand casualties amongst the soldiers and practitioners. This is a huge number.    


I wonder, how many alchemist are there in the army? "    


Ye Lan asked Murong Dan as he walked towards a certain place in West City.    


"Less than a thousand people. I'm afraid those alchemist can't take care of so many wounded people.    


More importantly, the stock of all kinds of spirit herbs in the army is scarce. It's extremely difficult to refine such a large amount of healing pill. "    


Murong Dan's expression was incomparably solemn.    


"Does the other sects have any alchemist to help them?"    


Ye Lan asked.    


He remembered that the Thunder Cloud Sect had sent Elder Yan, Yangchen, and the other top alchemist in the Thunder Cloud Sect.    


As for the other sects and families, Ye Lan didn't know if they had also sent their top alchemist, but he still had to ask. After all, at this critical moment, the more alchemist there were, the better.    


With this, the 70,000 wounded would be treated with the best treatment in the shortest time possible. It would also be convenient for them to deal with the intense battle that might happen tomorrow.    


There was no other way. Currently, the Hengduan City lacked combat strength.    


Ye Lan wouldn't waste the 70,000 soldiers, and he wouldn't have the time to let them rest in peace.    


"I'm not sure for now. Young Master Ye, do you need me to send someone to investigate and gather them?"    


Murong Dan asked in a low voice.    


"Shen Shi, gather all the alchemist sent by the various sects and families to the central square of West City. I have something to say!"    


Ye Lan ordered.    




Murong Dan received the order. Immediately, he ordered many soldiers from the Fire Lotus Army to carry out the task given by Ye Lan.    


At the same time, in the central square of West City.    


Ye Lan stood quietly on the tall platform, accompanied by Murong Dan and a few other soldiers of Fire Lotus Army.    


Around the square, there were powerful Fire Lotus Army soldiers guarding the square.    


In the square, there were many alchemist that were gathered from the various sects and aristocratic families.    


Ye Lan saw some familiar faces among the alchemist.    


For example, there were a few top tier alchemist, Yan Soong and Yangchen from the Thunder Cloud Sect. In addition, there was also Patriarch Su.    


At this moment, these people were looking at Ye Lan, who was standing on the tall platform. They were quietly waiting for Ye Lan to speak.    


Although Ye Lan was young, he was much younger than all of them.    


However, none of the alchemist present dared to look down on Ye Lan's means and ability, as well as his overly powerful strength and terrifying talent.    


In the past, Yangchen wanted to stand up for his disciple, Zhao Yu, and avenge his disciple. But now, he had no choice but to keep a low profile in front of Ye Lan, not daring to offend him.    


All of this was because Ye Lan's strength had long surpassed his. His means and terrifying combat strength were absolutely not something Yangchen could compare with.    


Yangchen knew very well in his heart that Ye Lan's current combat strength and means were not any weaker than those elders of the Sect Guarding Elder, or even higher level figures of the Thunder Cloud Sect!    


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