Pill Sovereign Reborn

C696 Wings Race

C696 Wings Race

0"Young Lord, run!"    


Somewhere in the Star Field, two enormous warships stopped in front of each other.    


One of the warships was already on fire, and completely collapsed.    


A middle-aged man in golden armor, holding a golden Longsword in his hand, was protecting a young man who was not more than twenty-five years old.    


This young man had long purple hair and wore a purple armor. A pair of purple wings grew on his back.    


He was handsome and had an outstanding temperament. Even though his entire body was bathed in blood, it was difficult to conceal his noble aura.    


Similarly, the cultivation of the young man was extremely powerful as well.    


Facing the terrifying monsters, he slashed with his sword, each slash containing an unstoppable force.    


"How can I abandon you?"    


The purple-haired youth said with a determined expression.    


The Longsword in his hand shook and transformed into tens of thousands of shapes. Streaks of sword light shot out like water.    


As the sword shadows shot out, countless monsters all turned into dust and disappeared into the vast universe's starry sky.    


"Young Lord, the Ancient Purple Star is right in front of you. You must arrive there. If you can't get the help of the Divine Master, the people of Wing Race will be wiped out!    


Young Lord, leave quickly. Don't let down the efforts of the patriarch and the others!"    


The golden-armored middle-aged man shouted.    


His entire body was blazing with golden light, and he unleashed a terrifying aura.    


Wherever the golden light passed, all the Dark Monster would disappear without a trace.    


However, in the darkness, even more Dark Monster were like locusts as they continuously attacked.    


"Flee? No one can escape from me, Dark Holy Envoy!"    


A cold voice was heard.    


In the darkness, a huge Devil God like existence suddenly appeared.    


The moment this Devil God appeared, a terrifying demonic might enveloped a part of the world.    


That demonic might caused the expression of the golden-armored warrior to change. At the same time, it also caused the purple-haired young man's expression to become extremely grave.    


"Young Lord, don't hesitate anymore!"    


The golden-armored middle-aged man said decisively.    


In his hand, he took out a Token and struck the purple-haired youth's body.    


The Token revolved, forming a massive transmission light array.    


The purple-haired youth's figure disappeared the moment the light array appeared.    


In the dark universe, only the divine golden-armored warrior, the mighty Devil God Dark Holy Envoy, as well as countless Dark Monster remained.    


"It seems like you are determined to die. Since that is the case, this Saint Envoy will fulfill your wish!"    


The dark Devil God stared coldly at the golden-armored middle-aged man. With a thought, a vast devil aura surged towards the golden-armored middle-aged man.    


The golden-armored middle-aged man wanted to resist, but the strength of the dark Devil God was too powerful. It was so powerful that it was not something an existence like him could easily resist.    


He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


His body flew backwards.    


In the next second, he was once again tightly grabbed by the dark Devil God. He was directly crushed into minced meat by the other party.    


"The remaining one, chase after it for me. I, the Saint Envoy, must obtain the divine ring of the Wing Race!"    


The dark Devil God said in a deep voice.    


In the dark universe, countless Dark Monster turned into dark clouds and clouds, rapidly chasing in the direction where the light array had disappeared.    


"Has the power furnace been repaired?"    


Within the Star Warship, Ye Lan brought a few Broken Sky Gang members who were proficient in forging and smelting to the power furnace room of the battleship.    


"It will take some time. The power output is too long. This power furnace won't be able to last for too long. Fortunately, we are not too far away from Ancient Purple Star."    


One of the Broken Sky Gang members replied.    


"Is there anything you need?"    


Ye Lan asked.    


"I have everything I need. I just need some time."    


"Sect Master, a light formation has appeared in the star region ahead of us."    


Ye Lan and the others were busy working in the power furnace room. A member of the Broken Sky Gang who was responsible for guarding quickly came to Ye Lan's side and said respectfully.    


“ Oh?"    


Ye Lan was stunned. He quickly followed the Broken Sky Gang member to the front cabin of the battleship.    


Sure enough, he saw a huge light formation forming a huge wormhole in the distance.    


A figure dashed out from the light formation with a swoosh.    


The light array then disappeared. In the dark universe, there was only a figure wearing purple armor floating in the boundless dark universe, unconscious and sleeping.    


"That is... the Wing Race?"    


Many members of the Broken Sky Gang were gathered on the deck of the front cabin. They had learned a lot of the language of the Extraterritorial Clan, as well as the history and past of the Extraterritorial Clan.    


Their horizons had broadened a lot.    


Therefore, they could recognize with a single glance that in the boundless dark universe far away, there was a man who had fallen into a coma and was in deep sleep. He was a member of the Wing Race.    


Only the people of the Wing Race had wings on their back. They were different from ordinary people.    


"You guys stay here. I'll go and save them."    


Ye Lan ordered.    


He stepped out and shattered the void. Not long after that, he appeared in front of the unconscious Wing Race clansman. After that, he rolled up the sleeve and returned to the cabin along with the Wing Race clansman.    


"What a serious injury!"    


Looking at the unconscious purple-haired youth on the ground, many Broken Sky Gang members had solemn expressions on their faces.    


"It seems like he has just survived a great battle and escaped to this place."    


"The people of the Wing Race are all powerful. Among the billions of races in the universe, they are considered brave fighters. In their race, there are as many powerful warriors as the clouds, and many geniuses are born.    


I never thought that such a powerful race would end up in such a miserable state. "    


Some of the members of the Broken Sky Gang sighed with emotion.    


"I wonder who did it?"    


A member of the Broken Sky Gang asked curiously while treating the purple-haired youth's injuries.    


"It's the Dark Race."    


"Dark Race? Sect Master, are you talking about that evil clan?"    


"That's right. The injuries on this young man's body faintly emits the aura of the Dark Race. I'm very familiar with this aura."    


Ye Lan replied.    


"According to the rumors, wasn't the Dark Race sealed by Godly Lord of Light in the Ancient Purple Star? Wasn't it suppressed in the White Feather Star forever, and was guarded by the people of the Wing Race?    


Why are there people from the Dark Race here?"    


A member of the Broken Sky Gang asked curiously.    


"We'll understand once we save him!"    


Ye Lan said.    


The member of Broken Sky Gang nodded and started to treat the purple-haired youth's injuries.    


After a long time, the purple-haired youth finally woke up.    


The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was that he had appeared in a strange place.    


Immediately, the purple-haired youth's expression turned cold. He suddenly exploded and tightly gripped the Longsword in his hand.    


A pair of dazzling purple eyes stared coldly at Ye Lan and the others on the warship.    


His expression was filled with vigilance and vigilance.    


"Who are you?"    


The purple-haired youth spoke the Wing Race language.    


"People of Dragon Abyss."    


Ye Lan replied in the Wing Race's language.    


"Dragon Abyss? Are you a subordinate of the Dark Race?"    


The purple-haired youth said coldly.    


"Don't be so agitated and nervous. Can you relax? Let's sit down and chat while eating. We'll talk slowly."    


Ye Lan said with a smile.    


"Don't try to fool me. You are the lackeys of the Dark Race!    


Today, I will perish together with you!"    


The purple-haired youth roared furiously.    


His aura erupted.    


Unfortunately, the injuries on his body were too severe. As soon as his aura erupted, the wounds that had been healed by the explosion collapsed once again, causing blood to gush out.    


The purple-haired youth also gasped from the pain. He staggered and fell to the ground, unable to muster up even the slightest bit of strength from his body.    


"I told you not to be so agitated. Now that you've recovered, your injuries have relapsed."    


Ye Lan smiled bitterly.    


A member of the Broken Sky Gang stepped forward once again. He used the few remaining spirit herbs to treat the purple-haired youth's injuries.    


"I don't need you to save me. You are the lackeys of the Dark Race."    



"Don't talk about the lackeys of the Dark Race. Don't talk about the lackeys of the Dark Race.    


If we really want to harm you, do you think you will still be alive? "    


Ye Lan shook his head and smiled bitterly.    


The purple-haired youth was silent. After thinking about it, he felt that what Ye Lan said made sense.    


"Then who are you all? Why did you save me?"    


The purple-haired youth's expression eased up a lot. He looked at Ye Lan and the others and asked.    


"I told you, we are all from the Dragon Abyss. As for why I saved you, I just happened to run into you."    


Ye Lan said with a smile.    


"Thank you."    


The purple-haired youth was silent for a long time. Just now, he used the Wing Race's way of greeting to express his gratitude to Ye Lan and the others.    


"I'm quite curious. How did the people of the Dark Race escape?    


Didn't they say that a thousand years ago, Godly Lord of Light from the Ancient Purple Star had sealed all the people of the Dark Race in the White Feather Star and was guarded by the people of the Wing Race for generations, never to be seen again?"    


"I'm ashamed to say that. It was all because of the betrayal of the Wing Race. They were bewitched by the people of the Dark Race and accidentally removed the seal.    


Now, my White Feather Star has completely fallen, and my Wing Race has been annihilated. Under the protection of numerous guards, I managed to escape to this place. I only wanted to go to the Ancient Purple Star and seek Godly Lord of Light. "    


The purple-haired young man explained.    


He discovered that Ye Lan and the rest did not possess the evil aura of the Dark Race. It was likely that they were trustworthy people.    


He simply told Ye Lan and the others everything he knew.    


"So, you are going to the Ancient Purple Star?"    


"What? You too?"    


"That's right. It just so happens that we'll be going together. I'm still worried... How should we enter the Ancient Purple Star? After all, that is Godly Lord of Light's territory. We don't have a pass. We can't enter the Ancient Purple Star as we wish.    


With you here, it shouldn't be difficult to enter the Ancient Purple Star! "    


Ye Lan said.    


"Why are you heading to the Ancient Purple Star?"    


"I'm looking for an old friend who has left."    


"I see."    


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