Pill Sovereign Reborn

C954 The past of Shen Wu

C954 The past of Shen Wu

0"The Devil Star is very dangerous. This time, it would be best if we don't enter the Devil Star. Otherwise, we will surely be killed in body and soul."    


Spirit Turtle Guard looked at Ye Lan and the other two men and said with a solemn expression.    


"Besides that, before that, I have to tell you about the situation in Devil Cave of Life and Death.    


According to the information provided by the Celestial Turtle Clan, there are three major races guarding the Devil Cave of Life and Death.    


Those three major races are the Giant Clan, the Beast Clan, and the Flood Dragon Clan!    


These three major races are not weaker than the Xuan Clan!    


A rough estimate showed that there were hundreds of thousands of experts guarding the Devil Cave of Life and Death!    


The top experts were at the Sixth Layer and Ninth Layer respectively!    


The middle level warriors were at the Yin Yang Stage and Nether Reaching Stage.    


In addition, there were two Patriarch guarding the Chi You Race, and their cultivation base was at the False God Stage!    


This force can't be underestimated."    


Spirit Turtle Guard explained.    


"The Giant Clan was once under the command of the ancient Berserker God Clan. Ever since the ancient Berserker God Clan was destroyed, they have pledged their allegiance to the Chi You Race and became a powerful branch of the Chi You Race.    


Their combat strength is extraordinary. Their physical strength is only second to the Chi You Race. Among the three major races, they are the strongest!    


It's best to be careful when encountering the Giant Clan!    


After that, it was the Beast Clan. This so-called Beast Clan didn't just refer to them as Demonic Beast. Instead, it was this race that specialized in absorbing Demonic Beast, Blood Essence, and divine souls to cultivate. As time passed, they possessed all sorts of powerful abilities, as well as all sorts of strange and bizarre abilities. Even there were many experts in the Celestial Turtle Clan who were hard to defend against, and they had once suffered a loss at his hands!    


Lastly, the Flood Dragon Clan is a race that is rumored to have inherited the power of the Ancient Divine Dragon Bloodline. They are born with dragon power, and their physical body and combat strength are extremely terrifying! "    


Spirit Turtle Guard said in detail.    


"According to what you said, if the few of us go to the Devil Cave of Life and Death, won't we die?"    


Heavenly Devil Sovereign was surprised.    


When he recalled what Spirit Turtle Guard said, the power of the three major races, and the fact that there were two False God Stage Patriarch from the Chiyou tribe guarding the Devil Cave of Life and Death, his heart trembled for no reason, and he couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.    


False God Stage!    


In this world, he could be considered a god-like existence!    


A True God who could easily destroy cultivator of Nirvana Stage with just a raise of his hand!    


In this mortal world, he was revered as a 'saint'!    


"More or less!"    


Spirit Turtle Guard nodded.    


"What do you mean more or less? Please, can you rely on some tricks?"    


Heavenly Devil Sovereign said angrily.    


"You are right. The few of us are going to enter the Devil Cave of Life and Death by force. We are going deep into the tiger's den.    


But if Fellow Ye goes there, the situation might be reversed! "    


"How can we reverse the situation?"    


"Fellow Ye, do you know the Giant Clan that I mentioned earlier?"    


"I remember, one of the powerful races under the command of the ancient Berserker God Clan!"    


"That's right! And according to what this old man knows, Fellow Ye possesses Power of the God of Berserkers?"    




"If that's the case, we can head to the Devil Cave of Life and Death first. We can go to the territory of the Giant Clan and secretly instigate them to rebel! "    


"How do we instigate them to rebel?"    


"The Giant Clan is actually a close relative of the Berserker God Clan. Although they belong to the Berserker God Clan, they have always regarded the Berserker God Clan as their ancestor god.    


Since you have inherited the Power of the God of Berserkers, you are like a god in the eyes of the Giant Clan.    


Your words will be like an oracle in the Giant Clan. Everyone will listen to you.    


Once we successfully instigate the rebellion of the Giant Clan, it will be a great help to us in breaking into the Devil Cave of Life and Death and rescue the experts from the various clans who are imprisoned!"    


Spirit Turtle Guard said.    


"Senior, is your words reliable? Brother Ye possesses the Power of the God of Berserkers. If those experts from the Giant Clan have evil intentions and want to seize the Power of the God of Berserkers from Brother Ye's body, what should they do?"    


Heavenly Devil Sovereign furrowed his brows, his expression solemn.    


"I have said it before. The Giant Clan values the Berserker God Clan very much. In their eyes, the Berserker God Clan is just like their ancestor, a god.    


Fellow Ye possessed the Power of the God of Berserkers, which meant that he had obtained the inheritance of the Barbarian God Clan, and indirectly, he was the descendant of the Barbarian God Clan.    


The Giant Clan will not casually kill a descendant who has inherited the divine power of the Berserker God Clan! "    


Spirit Turtle Guard said with certainty.    


Heavenly Devil Sovereign remained silent and didn't say anything else. He knew that the other party would never joke about such a thing.    


Because if they didn't succeed, not only would they die, even Spirit Turtle Guard wouldn't be able to escape.    


After all, there was a Ninth Layer of Nirvana Stage expert in the Giant Clan. It was still possible to kill Spirit Turtle Guard.    


"Fellow Ye still needs to cultivate well for the next few days. The Power of the God of Berserkers is far more powerful than you can imagine. Once you fully develop the Power of the God of Berserkers, you will obtain boundless strength."    


Spirit Turtle Guard looked at Ye Lan and said.    


He reached into his pocket and took out another jade pendant, handing it to Ye Lan.    


"This is a divine item obtained by the First Prince when he was traveling outside the realm. It is the God of Berserkers Jade that has been lost in the Berserker God Clan for a long time. Legend has it that there is a Martial Technique left behind by the first ancestor of the Berserker God Clan, the first ancient God of Berserkers King.    


This Martial Technique can only be used by those who truly possess the Power of the God of Berserkers!    


In his early years, the First Prince had seen Fellow Ye possess the Power of the God of Berserkers, but seeing that you have yet to fully grasp it, he was afraid that imparting it to you would bring harm to Fellow Ye.    


Today, Fellow Ye has a profound understanding of the Power of the God of Berserkers. This Power of the God of Berserkers can be given to you, and it can help you unleash the full potential of the Power of the God of Berserkers!"    


Receiving the God of Berserkers Jade, Ye Lan cupped his fists in gratitude.    


He had always felt that the Power of the God of Berserkers in his body seemed to be blocked by something. There was still room for improvement, but no matter what, it couldn't be done easily.    


Now, this God of Berserkers Jade might be able to solve his problem.    


"Senior, junior, I have something to ask you!"    


"There's no harm in saying it."    


"Why was the Barbarian God Clan destroyed? When I obtained this inheritance, I saw the Barbarian God Clan being destroyed."    


"I don't know about this either. Even the First Prince doesn't know the reason behind it."    


"May I ask, what kind of grudge does Chi You and Xuan Yuan have? Why did Xuanyuan die?"    


"Xuan Yuan was once the strongest race in Godlike Clan. The Chi You Race had been jealous of him for a long time. His ancestor, the God of War Chi You, and his ancestor, Xuan Yuan, had been enemies for a long time.    


The battle between the two races had lasted for tens of thousands of years.    


Later on, when Xuanyuan Guanghui wasn't around, Chi You rose to power.    


After a huge battle, Xuanyuan was defeated. The entire clan left Nine Stars Heaven Domain and headed to an unknown place. "    


Spirit Turtle Guard told Ye Lan some of the information he knew.    


"So that's how it is. The Xuanyuan Clan was defeated and their family moved to the Divine Martial!    


Later on, the Chi You Race discovered them and instigated the five noble families to betray Xuanyuan. They killed Xuanyuan and left behind a trace of Yu'er's bloodline!"    


Ye Lan suddenly understood.    


"Actually, I never understood why the Xuanyuan Clan chose the Divine Martial when the world was so big. Why did they migrate there? "    


At this moment, Heavenly Devil Sovereign had a curious look on his face.    


He was once a Super Genius of the Lei Clan, and could be considered to be under the command of Xuanyuan. When he learned about the past of the Xuanyuan Clan, he was shocked as well.    


However, compared to shock, he was even more puzzled.    


The vastness of the universe was unimaginable.    


Divine Martial Continent was just a boundless life star in the vast universe.    


In this boundless universe, in terms of resources, Divine Martial was far from being ranked!    


Heavenly Devil Sovereign had traveled across the outer realms in his early years and had seen many Life Planet. That place possessed a huge amount of resources that far surpassed the current Divine Martial, and it had even given birth to many powerful races and glorious civilizations.    


Since the Xuanyuan Clan had migrated from the Nine Stars Heaven Domain, why didn't they choose those rich resources and powerful races to occupy the magpie's nest, recuperate, and then slaughter their way back to the Nine Stars Heaven Domain?    


Instead, they chose the Life Planet that was extremely scarce in resources in the Divine Martial?    


"If that's the case, you definitely don't understand the Divine Martial!"    


Spirit Turtle Guard smiled.    


"Senior, what do you mean?"    


Ye Lan asked.    


What Heavenly Devil Sovereign was curious about was exactly what he was curious about.    


"Since you obtained the Power of the God of Berserkers in Divine Martial, it means that the Berserker God Clan used to live there as well, right?"    


Spirit Turtle Guard looked at Ye Lan and said.    




Ye Lan nodded.    


In Death Valley, he saw ancient ruins and traces of the Berserker God Clan's life. He also saw ancient stone tablets left behind by the Berserker God Clan, which recorded the history of the Berserker God Clan's survival in the Divine Martial.    


As for why the Berserker God Clan lived in the Divine Martial?    


Ye Lan was very curious!    


"The Berserker God Clan and the Xuanyuan Clan are both one of the nine great foreign races of the Godlike Clan. The reason why they migrated to the Divine Martial is because the Divine Martial is the origin of all the ancient gods!"    


"All the ancient gods came from the Divine Martial!"    


"Just like the Devil Star that we are going to. Although it was destroyed and the ancient devils were no longer there, its glorious history will last forever!"    


"The same goes for the Divine Martial. No one knew why the Xuanyuan Clan migrated to the Divine Martial, but they would never migrate to that place for no reason!    



Perhaps the First Prince could explain the reason behind this.    


Because he has stayed in the Divine Martial for many years!"    


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