Pill Sovereign Reborn

C721 The Ancient Divine Emperor

C721 The Ancient Divine Emperor

0After taking out the Devil God Pagoda Fragment from the ancient coffin and putting it into his storage bag, Ye Lan sized up the ancient coffin and put it away.    


This ancient coffin had existed for countless years, and it still had a faint divine glow emitting from it. It was definitely not an ordinary item.    


Naturally, Ye Lan would not easily waste such a treasure. It was possible that this thing would be useful in the future!    


He took the Devil God Pagoda Fragment and the crystal ancient coffin.    


Under the lead of the Divine Devil Pagoda, Ye Lan headed to the other side halls.    


Similarly, there were a large number of Immortal Weapons in those side halls that were buried with them. Each Immortal Weapon lost its divinity and turned into a waste, turning into ashes the moment it touched them.    


In each side hall, there was an ancient crystal coffin. In the coffin, there was a Devil God Pagoda Fragment.    


After some exploration, Ye Lan collected a total of ten Devil God Pagoda Fragment and ten crystal ancient coffins that contained a faint divinity.    


"I wonder where Little Fox and the others went?"    


At this time, Ye Lan remembered Zhong Yao and the others, but he was too lazy to look for them.    


Instead, he continued to stroll around the palace to see if he could find other valuable things.    


Unfortunately, after walking for a long time, Ye Lan was unable to find any treasures.    


When he entered the depths of the palace, a scorching energy was faintly emitted from the depths of the palace.    


Curious, Ye Lan took out the Furnace of Life to protect himself and walked towards the place where the scorching energy was coming from.    


It was a fiery red palace. Its entire body was covered in flames, and it was emitting a terrifying heat.    


The palace wasn't big, it was about a third of the size of the side halls.    


Standing at the entrance of the palace, Ye Lan gazed into the distance. He saw a golden Divine Lord sitting cross-legged in the palace.    


The Divine Sovereign was emitting a terrifying aura, and his body was emitting scorching heat. He was like a small sun, and no one dared to approach him.    


"Sun God Emperor?"    


Ye Lan's pupils shrank when he saw the Divine Sovereign sitting with his legs crossed.    


He had never seen the real Sun God Emperor before, but he could vaguely tell that the God Lord in the fiery red palace was indeed the Sun God Emperor of Ancient Times from the various legends and historical records.    


One of the five Divine Emperors in God Realm!    


"Sun God Emperor, he has been dead for a long time. He must not be the real Sun God Emperor. I think he must have left a trace of his Divine Sense after his death."    


Ye Lan muttered.    


With his knowledge and experience, he was naturally able to determine that the Divine Sense was definitely a strand of Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense.    


Otherwise, if it was the real Sun God Emperor, Ye Lan wouldn't be able to get close to him and would be burnt to ashes.    


"It's just a trace of Divine Sense, but it has such divine might. I wonder how powerful the true Divine Sovereign of Ancient Times is."    


Ye Lan sighed with emotion. He truly respected the Divine Emperor of Ancient Times and God Realm from the bottom of his heart.    


"Sun God Emperor's wisp of divine sense is a rare treasure. If I can absorb it and refine it, my Fighting Soul of Black Flame will definitely reach a higher level!"    


For a moment, Ye Lan began to have crooked thoughts.    


While he was deep in thought, in the palace, Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense, which had been sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly opened.    


A terrifying beam of light instantly poured into Ye Lan's Sea of consciousness.    


Ah ~    


With a miserable cry, Ye Lan felt his head swell up, and he felt as if the world was spinning around him.    


In the next second, his divine sense soul arrived at a strange place.    


This was a Nine Heavens palace.    


Battles were happening everywhere. Countless Immortal God were fighting with countless Dark Monster.    


The Immortal God was in a bloodbath, and all the monsters were killed.    


Both sides suffered heavy casualties.    


In the next second, Ye Lan saw a huge and magnificent palace that stretched across the Nine Heavens Ten Earths, and it was emitting a dazzling light.    


It was the Sun God Palace.    


Ye Lan didn't know why he was able to recognize the Sun God Palace at first glance. It was as if there was a voice in the dark telling him that it was the Sun God Palace.    


Rumble ~    


A series of world-shaking explosions were heard.    


Countless Immortal God charged out from the Sun God Palace and clashed fiercely with the countless Dark Monster that fell from the sky.    


The scene changed and Ye Lan saw a huge god standing proudly in the Sun God Palace. Its body was shining with golden light and it was dazzling like a huge sun!    


This god was the Sun God Emperor of Ancient Times.    


In the next second, Ye Lan turned his body and saw Sun God Emperor fighting with a terrifying Dark Monster. The monster had three heads and six arms, and it had a ferocious face. Its body was emitting an extremely strong evil aura.    


It was not at a disadvantage when fighting Sun God Emperor.    


In the end, the Dark Monster died tragically, and Sun God Emperor was also killed. A long wound appeared on his chest, and it had injured his origin.    


The Sun God Palace that stood above the Nine Heavens collapsed along with Sun God Emperor's death.    



A corner of the palace fell from the Nine Heavens, rolled into the mortal world, and crashed into a huge planet.    


That corner was the palace in the center of the Land of the Gods that Ye Lan was currently in.    


"So, the palace in the center of the Land of the Gods is a corner of the Sun Divine Palace in the Ancient Times!"    


Ye Lan was shocked.    


This palace was extremely majestic and vast. However, it was only a corner of the Sun God Palace. It was enough to show how majestic and enormous the real Sun God Palace was in the Ancient Times.    


The Sun God Palace collapsed and countless Immortal God were annihilated.    


Sun God Emperor had fallen, and his body had fallen from the Nine Heavens.    


The Divine Sovereign fell, and he fell into the mortal universe.    


His body was majestic and stretched across the boundless star field. Three thousand strands of hair stretched endlessly. Every single strand of golden hair was glittering and sparkling. When Ye Lan looked closely, he could not help but feel frightened.    


After Sun God Emperor died, his divine body fell into the mortal world's universe. A strand of hair actually extended for countless light years.    


On that strand of hair, sparkling stars were shockingly Star Field after Star Field!    


The originally vast and boundless star field was actually as tiny as dust compared to Sun God Emperor's divine body!    


Ye Lan couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene, and the shock on his face grew thicker and thicker.    


"Ancient Divine Emperor, just how powerful is he?!"    


Ye Lan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.    


"Such a powerful being, how could he die? His divine body was buried in the universe of the mortal world. What is the origin of that black monster with three heads and six arms?"    


Ye Lan continued.    


His heart was extremely solemn. He was very curious about the origin of the Dark Monster that was fighting Sun God Emperor. How could it have such a powerful evil energy? Moreover, it could even kill the Divine Emperor of God Realm!    


Heaven and earth rotated. Ye Lan's divine sense and soul returned to the Sea of consciousness, returning to his original body.    


At this time, his entire body was covered in cold sweat. His clothes were wet.    


Ye Lan could feel Ancient Divine Emperor's mighty power just by seeing some of Sun God Emperor's memories.    


Even though his current cultivation base was very high, and he was invincible in a star region, Ye Lan found that he was still as tiny as an ant compared to Ancient Divine Emperor. In other words, he couldn't even be compared to an ant.    


In his heart, the respect he had for Ancient Divine Emperor was getting stronger and stronger.    


"I wonder why is this Divine Sense showing me these fragments?"    


After a long time, Ye Lan calmed his mind.    


He understood that Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense would never allow him to see the scenes of the fallen deities of Ancient Times.    


There must be a deeper meaning behind this.    


It seemed like the other party was warning him about something!    


"That Dark Monster?"    


Ye Lan pondered in his heart.    


While he was deep in thought, the wisp of Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense within the fiery red palace slowly dissipated, leaving behind only a faint trace of the essence of divinity.    


Although the essence of divinity was far from one billionth of Sun God Emperor's original essence, it was an absolute treasure to Ye Lan.    


"The essence left behind by Sun God Emperor after his Divine Sense passed away, as well as a branch of the Old Fusang Tree.    


Not bad.    


As long as I absorb these two things, the Fighting Soul of Black Flame will definitely advance a step further!"    


With this thought in mind, Ye Lan sat cross-legged. One hand grabbed the branch of the Old Fusang Tree, and the other held onto the divine essence left behind by Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense.    


Silently circulating the Heaven And Earth Creation Art, Ye Lan began to crazily absorb the energy contained within the Old Fusang Tree and Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense. He quickly refined it, strengthening his own cultivation base and the power of the battle soul.    


Among them, the Fighting Soul of Black Flame was constantly changing in quality with the help of the Old Fusang Tree branch and a wisp of Sun God Emperor's Divine Sense.    


The originally dark black flame was now gradually covered with traces of golden light.    


The black and gold flame was burning. The terrifying high temperature easily incinerated the void within a thousand meter radius of Ye Lan, turning it into nothingness.    


In fact, the flames were still burning brightly in the void, as if the void was the best burning body. It could make the Fighting Soul of Black Flame burn freely and never extinguish.    


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