Pill Sovereign Reborn

C277 Suspended Island

C277 Suspended Island

0In the ocean of Thunder Fire, Ye Lan was sitting with his legs crossed. A Black Blade Token was floating above his head. It was emitting a faint light that blocked the violent lightning force in the ocean of Thunder Fire.    


Ye Lan held a crystal the size of a baby's palm in his hand. It was the Heart of Thunder Fire.    


At this moment, Ye Lan was using the Furnace of Life to refine the Heart of Thunder Fire. He was slowly absorbing the violent lightning force into the Furnace of Life, then absorbing it through his own Spiritual Infant.    


This way, he could ensure that the Spiritual Infant would not have to worry about being struck by the violent thunder energy contained within the Heart of Thunder Fire.    


Secondly, he could ensure that the thunder energy contained within the Heart of Thunder Fire would be purer, and it would also allow the Spiritual Infant to absorb the thunder energy and merge it into his battle soul.    


In short, the Furnace of Life would play the role of a filter at this moment.    


In the ocean of Thunder Fire, Ye Lan was constantly absorbing the Heart of Thunder Fire's energy. He slowly absorbed the energy into his own Fighting Soul of Black Flame bit by bit.    


Just like that, time slowly passed.    


Unknowingly, Ye Lan had already closed his eyes and meditated in the ocean of Thunder Fire for three whole days.    


During these three days, he absorbed the energy within the Heart of Thunder Fire day and night. After absorbing it for three days and three nights, the wild and violent lightning energy contained within the Heart of Thunder Fire became weaker and weaker, and its luster also became dimmer and dimmer.    


On the other hand, Ye Lan's Qi was many times stronger than before. After absorbing the energy from the Heart of Thunder Fire, he had stepped into the Sixth Layer of Raw Infant Stage in one go.    


Behind him, the Fighting Soul of Black Flame was emitting a violent lightning aura. Every time the black flames moved, thunderous sounds would be heard. There were even balls of dark blue flames exploding within the black flames. It was releasing a terrifying destructive force.    


At this moment, if Ye Lan used all his strength, he could easily fight an Eighth Layer of Raw Infant Stage warrior, or even a Ninth Layer of Raw Infant Stage warrior.    


In the ocean of Thunder Fire, Ye Lan let out a long breath of foul air. His whole body felt refreshed, and he felt that there was an endless amount of energy in his body.    


"I have reached the sixth level of Nascent Soul realm, and my Fighting Soul of Black Flame has also improved!"    


Ye Lan could feel the strength in his body, as well as the powerful aura of the Fighting Soul of Black Flame. He smiled.    


After that, he threw out a punch. A fist force that contained violent thunder and fire energy instantly wreaked havoc in the ocean of the Thunder Fire. It caused the ocean of the Thunder Fire to churn and churn.    


This punch was just an ordinary punch from Ye Lan. If he used the Martial Technique, the power of this punch would definitely be more than this!    


"That's right, it's time for me to go to the next level!"    


Ye Lan withdrew his momentum and turned around. He quickly flew away from the ocean of Thunder Fire and frantically searched for the teleportation altar within the Thunder Fire Layer.    


After a long time, he saw a mountain peak. That mountain peak had been baptized by the Thunder Fire all year round, and it was now completely black.    


There was an altar on top of it, and it was the teleportation altar.    


Without any hesitation, he leapt forward and swiftly flew to the teleportation altar. After that, he activated the altar and disappeared into the sky.    


In the next second, Ye Lan appeared in a vast world!    


There was no land in this world. It was vast and boundless, only an endless ocean.    


This ocean was very shallow, and the surging waves were also very clear.    


Through the waves, Ye Lan could clearly see countless corpses piled up at the bottom of the ocean!    


"The water in this ocean should be Weak Water!"    


Ye Lan was deep in thought. He determined that the water in this ocean was the legendary Weak Water. It was extremely heavy, comparable to divine metal. It was enough to easily smash a person into meat paste.    


More importantly, the Weak Water did not have any buoyancy. Once someone sank into the Weak Water, he would eventually drown in it. No matter how high your cultivation base and strength are, even if the Nine Heavens Immortal God fell into the Weak Water, they wouldn't be able to escape the fate of being drowned.    


From this, it could be seen how terrifying this Weak Water was!    


Naturally, Ye Lan didn't dare to be careless. He quickly searched for the teleportation altar in Weak Water Layer. After a long time, he saw a floating island in the sky above Weak Water Layer.    


The floating island didn't take up a large area. It was about a hundred meters wide.    


When one stood on the island, one could see everything on the island with a single glance.    


There was nothing on the island except a pitch-black altar. It sat upright on the island, looking somewhat lonely and defeated.    


Just as Ye Lan was about to step onto the altar, the sound of flowing water could be heard from the island.    


It was as if there was an underground river flowing on the island.    


Ye Lan was suspicious. When he heard the sound of water, he felt a mysterious and powerful force rolling in it.    


"Looks like there's something on this island!"    


Ye Lan smiled, then raised his palm and slammed it down furiously. His palm landed heavily on this small island.    


However, the island didn't collapse on the spot. In the face of Ye Lan's powerful palm, it actually successfully blocked it!    


"This island is indeed extraordinary!"    


Ye Lan's eyes lit up.    


His current cultivation base was at the Sixth Layer of Raw Infant Stage, and his full strength palm strike could easily destroy a mountain, not to mention this small island that was only a hundred meters wide. With just a single palm strike, he could definitely destroy it without leaving even a speck of dust behind.    


However, Ye Lan's previous palm strike didn't shake the island. This was enough to prove the extraordinariness of this island.    


"Eight Extremes Fist!"    


Ye Lan shouted. He suddenly unleashed the Eight Extremes Fist and smashed it towards the island under his feet.    


However, there was still no movement. The island was still safe and sound.    


After that, Ye Lan used the Arts of Sword Dao and Meteor Palm, as well as the Furnace of Life, Fish Scale Sword, and all sorts of other techniques.    


However, no matter what he did, the island remained motionless. There wasn't even a single crack on its surface. It was as solid as a piece of divine metal!    


"If I only use brute force, I don't seem to be able to do anything."    



"Since there is an underground river on this island, there must be an entrance to the island!"    


Ye Lan thought for a while and decided not to use brute force on the island. Instead, he went to find the entrance to the island.    


After that, he released the Eye of Crimson and raised his Perceptual Capability to the extreme. As his cultivation base increased, the Eye of Crimson and Perceptual Capability increased rapidly.    


Under his super powerful Perceptual Capability, the entire island was clearly reflected in Ye Lan's mind. The overall structure of the island appeared in Ye Lan's Sea of consciousness like a 3D map.    


Ye Lan only needed to stand there quietly, then he could store everything on the island into his mind, and then find an entrance hidden somewhere on the island.    


Unfortunately, no matter how Ye Lan searched with the divine sense, he could not find the entrance to the island.    


"Strange, this is impossible!"    


After Ye Lan retracted the divine sense, his face was blank. After that, he slowly walked to the teleportation altar and sized it up. He was surprised to find that there was a small scale formation on the altar.    


This small formation was completely different from the teleportation Formation on the altar. It was a separate Formation. It seemed to be a mechanism Formation that was specially set up to open something.    


"Could it be..."    


Ye Lan pondered for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.    


Immediately, he hurriedly used the Eye of Crimson to analyze the small Formation in front of him.    


After a while, he completely familiarized himself with the small Formation and began to crack it.    


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