Pill Sovereign Reborn

C201 Accelerated Pill!

C201 Accelerated Pill!

0"He took the initiative to ask me to torture him, and I must fulfill his wish"    


Ye Lan clasped his hands behind his back. He was completely unafraid of the scolding of the Law Enforcement Hall's elder. There was a cheerful smile on his face.    


This made many disciples of the Inner Sect sigh with emotion. Ye Lan was truly bold. When faced with the scolding of the Law Enforcement Hall's elder, he actually dared to be so calm and composed.    


"You are talking nonsense. When did I ask you to torture me?"    


After the dust settled, Zhao Yu stood up in a sorry state. He glared at Ye Lan and questioned him loudly.    


"Did I remind you to get lost in front of me as soon as possible?"    


Ye Lan smiled.    


"So what?"    


"Then did I say that if you don't get lost, I will torture you?"    


Ye Lan asked again.    


Zhao Yu was silent.    


"I have already reminded you, but you still don't want to get lost. You are asking me to torture you!"    


Ye Lan said.    


Zhao Yu's face turned pale when he heard that.    


He wanted to retort, but he couldn't find any excuses to do so.    


"You openly attacked your fellow disciples, violating the rules of the sect. Today, I must punish you properly! "    


On the high platform, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall didn't care whether Ye Lan was in the right or not. He shouted angrily.    


He jumped up and stretched out his hand to grab Ye Lan.    


"Today is the alchemy competition held by the Pill Pavilion. Elder Zhao, please spare Ye Lan this time."    


A figure blocked Elder Zhao's path like a ghost.    


This figure was the Great Elder of Pill Pavilion of Inner Sect - Yan Soong.    


Elder Zhao immediately stopped and bowed respectfully to Yan Soong.    


Elder Zhao knew Yan Soong's status in the Thunder Cloud Sect. He was the number one alchemist in the Thunder Cloud Sect. Even if the Sect Chief saw him, he would still be polite to him.    


Although Elder Zhao was one of the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall, he didn't dare offend him.    


"Ye Lan has hurt my Disciple. If I don't pursue this matter, what will the others think of me?"    


On the high platform, another old man in a white robe stood up and looked straight at Yan Soong.    


"Yangchen, what do you plan to do?"    


Yan Soong asked with a smile.    


"I am not the kind of person who likes to use brute force. Since that Ye Lan injured my Disciple in the competition, I want him to compete with my Disciple in the second stage of the competition. Let's see who can concoct better pills.    


If I, Disciple, can concoct better pills than him, then not only will that Ye Lan have to hand over the method he used to concoct pills, he will also have to kowtow in front of everyone and apologize to me, Disciple.    


If that's the case, I won't pursue this matter any further. Old Yan, what do you think? "    


Yangchen smiled kindly.    


Yan Soong did not respond immediately. Instead, he looked at Ye Lan and said, "Ye Lan, this matter started because of you. This is up to you to decide."    


"Alright. If I lose to your Disciple in alchemy, then I will teach him all the alchemy techniques I practice. I will even kowtow and apologize to him in front of everyone.    


But what if I win?"    


Ye Lan said with a smile.    


"You are dreaming. You can't possibly defeat me in alchemy!"    


In the distance, Zhao Yu retorted.    


"Don't be too hasty to come to a conclusion. What I want is your master's promise."    


Ye Lan gave Zhao Yu a cold glance. That glance alone scared Zhao Yu until his face turned pale.    


"If you win, I will teach you all my skills in alchemy."    


On the high platform, Yangchen responded.    


"I don't want to learn your skills. I'm curious if your Disciple grew up eating shit.    


Therefore, if I defeat your Disciple in the second stage of alchemy, I won't ask for too much. Just let him eat shit! "    


Ye Lan smiled.    


These words made Yangchen very angry.    


Yangchen was the Second Elder of Pill Pavilion of Inner Sect . His skill in alchemy was second only to Yan Soong's.    


In Inner Sect, many disciples wanted to learn his skill in alchemy, but none of them had the chance to do so.    


Today, Ye Lan said that he didn't care about Yangchen's skill in alchemy.    


This made Yangchen feel like he was being looked down upon.    


At the same time, Zhao Yu was also extremely angry. Ye Lan actually dared to mock him in front of everyone.    


He couldn't bear it.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the elder of Law Enforcement Hall was here and he wasn't a match for Ye Lan, Zhao Yu would have already rushed forward and started a fight with Ye Lan.    


"What do you mean by not saying anything? Whether you want to or not, just give me a clear answer!"    


Ye Lan saw that Yangchen did not speak for a long time and could not help but urge him.    


"Zhao Yu!"    


Yangchen woke up and looked at Zhao Yu.    


"Of course I dare!"    


Zhao Yu said confidently.    


He had always thought highly of himself. He never thought that Ye Lan had the ability to surpass him in the field of alchemy.    


That was why Zhao Yu dared to bet with Ye Lan.    


"Very well. Remember your words. If you renege on your words after losing, you will lose face in front of everyone."    


Ye Lan smiled, turned around, and returned to the resting area.    


"I didn't expect that Ye Lan would have a conflict with Zhao Yu."    


Wu Lia couldn't help but look surprised.    


He was worrying about how to deal with Ye Lan in the second stage of the alchemy competition.    


He didn't expect that Zhao Yu would appear.    


This made him happy.    


If Zhao Yu defeated Ye Lan's arrogance in front of everyone and made him kneel and kowtow in front of everyone, he would indirectly vent his anger.    


The second stage of the alchemy competition would begin in half an hour.    


The participating disciples who advanced to the second stage would have half an hour to recover their True Qi and prepare their mental energy for the second round of the alchemy competition.    


Gradually, half an hour passed.    


The second round of pill refinement was also held on time.    


After Ye Lan and Han Dong rested for a while, they once again boarded the tenth Pill Stage.    


This time, the disciple who gave them the medicine had given them a complete set of spirit herbs. All of the spirit herbs were perfect without any problems.    


This made Han Dong secretly relax a lot.    


"Junior Brother Ye, let me refine the Strength Yang Pill for you!"    


Han Dong said.    


"Han Dong, don't interfere. This is a competition between me and him."    


On the other side, Zhao Yu said.    


"Senior Brother Han, there's no need. You should continue to weigh the spirit herbs for me!"    


Ye Lan said with a smile.    


Han Dong sighed and nodded in agreement.    


After that, he turned around and started to categorize, weigh, and arrange the various spirit herbs neatly.    


As for Ye Lan, he once again sat cross-legged on the praying mat. He ignited the Pill Refinement Furnaces and released the Spirit Concentration Technique. He began to send the ingredients related to Strength Yang Pill refinement into the furnace to refine.    


On the other side, Ye Lan began the process of purifying the spirit herbs.    


On the other side, Zhao Yu began to purify the spirit herbs.    


The Strength Yang Pill was a profound rank Middle Grade Spirit Pill.    


This kind of Spirit Pill was extremely difficult to refine for many alchemist. Their success rate was extremely low.    


However, Zhao Yu had followed Yangchen and learned alchemy for many years. He also had ample experience in refining Strength Yang Pill.    


Hence, he was not worried that a situation where he was unable to condense a Strength Yang Pill would occur. He was also not worried that Ye Lan would surpass him in terms of refining Strength Yang Pill.    


On the high platform, that incense stick had yet to burn halfway.    


Many people immediately smelled a rich pill fragrance.    


"It became a pill so quickly?"    


An elder of the Pill Refining Sect was shocked.    


"Who was the one who refined the Strength Yang Pill in such a short period of time?"    


Someone had a face full of surprise and doubt.    


They were all people who had refined Strength Yang Pill before. They knew that the fastest refining speed of this Strength Yang Pill would take fifteen minutes.    


However, the fragrance of the medicinal pill had already spread out in such a short period of time.    


Such a fast speed was simply inconceivable.    


Even Yan Soong and Yangchen were shocked.    



Their gazes simultaneously turned towards the direction where the pill fragrance came from, and they discovered that the one who had successfully condensed the pill was Ye Lan!    


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