Pill Sovereign Reborn

C1 His Rebirth!

C1 His Rebirth!

0Dragon Abyss Empire, Lucid Aqua Town, in the mountain behind the backyard of the Ye Family Manor.    


"Young Master Ye, you couldn't have killed him, right?"    


A few of the Ye Family disciples clad in white asked with a weak voice as they glared nervously down at the dumbstruck youth who was covered in wounds all over his body.    


"Humph! A piece of trash like him deserves to be beaten to death!"    


Standing in the middle of the disciples, a young man around the age of seventeen said indifferently.    


This particular young man was called Ye Ran, an infamous disciple of Lucid Aqua Town who was unreasonably arrogant and tyrannical.    




Just as Ye Ran and the other disciples were in the middle of their conversation, the injured young man slowly opened his eyes with great difficulty and uttered faintly.    


"Young Master Ye, look over there! That piece of trash, Ye Lan, has not died yet!"    


Noticing Ye Lan's vague movements, one of the Ye Family disciples exclaimed.    


"Hmm? He's still alive?"    


Upon hearing those words, Ye Ran stepped forward in a flash as he raised his foot and stomped down ferociously on Ye Lan's chest with the intention to finish him off there and then.    


In a moment of desperation, Ye Lan used his little remaining energy to roll away, barely dodging the incoming kick.    




Stunned by his tenacity, Ye Ran opened his eyes wide in shock. He never expected that trash to still have the strength to dodge his attack.    


"Ye Ran?"    


Looking up at the young man standing arrogantly before him, Ye Lan's face carried traces of surprise. Similarly, when he saw the Ye Family disciples behind Ye Ran, he found it difficult to conceal the astonishment in his eyes.    


"This.... Have I actually... been reborn back to the days of my youth?"    


Ye Lan woke up from his daze in disbelief.    


In his previous life, despite being a Lucid Aqua Town disciple, Ye Lan was unable to learn any martial arts due to his blocked meridians. Consequently, he ended up as the bottom-tier trash among the Ye Family disciples.    


However, after a fortuitous encounter, he managed to open his meridians and awaken his Twin Fighting Soul, ultimately being known as the peerless genius born once every tens of thousands of years in the Martial God Continent.    


Relying on his extraordinary talent, Ye Lan quickly broke through the martial realms and even walked down the path of alchemy. In the end, he became known as the number-one martial cultivator and alchemist in the whole continent. Thus, he earned himself the nickname, "Alchemy Saint," and was revered by millions of people around the continent!    


Just when he was on the verge of breaking through and ascending to heaven, a demonic seed was suddenly born in his heart due to all the regrets he had in the past. He failed to pass through the heavenly tribulation and eventually died.    


He never expected to be reincarnated back to his youth after failing the heavenly tribulation.    


Although a long time had passed since this day, Ye Lan nevertheless remembered this exact scene that happened when he was sixteen years old clearly. At this time, Ye Ran led his family's disciples to humiliate and beat him up for no good reason.    


Had Ye Lan died at the hands of Ye Ran, it would have been impossible for him to awaken his Twin Fighting Soul and become the number one cultivator and alchemist in the Martial God Continent in the future! He had truly hit the jackpot in the midst of misfortune.    


The Martial God Continent was a world where the martial way flourished and where the strong were respected.    


The ones who could walk down that martial path were called cultivators.    


Cultivators were mainly divided into nine major realms respectively, the Body Tempering Realm, Qi Gathering Realm, Core Formation Realm, Body Manifestation Realm, True Incarnation Realm, Nether Expert Realm, Yin Yang Realm, Nirvana Realm, and Heavenly God Realm.    


Furthermore, within each major realm were nine other minor realms.    


At the peak of martial arts, cultivators could control the air, overturn the seas, pluck the stars, and even catch the moon. There was absolutely nothing that they could not accomplish.    


It was also because of this exact fact that everyone walked down the path of a martial artist in the Martial God Continent.    


Since only the strong were ever respected in this world, Ye Lan — as someone who had his meridians blocked and could not cultivate — naturally became trash in the eyes of the Ye Family members. Thus, he was frequently bullied and ruthlessly beaten up by them.    


"If I really was reborn, then Yu'er... my father... my brothers... they're all..."    


Ye Lan muttered softly. At that instant, the heart that he had closed off to the world for so many years had finally broken free from its ice prison and embraced the warmth of the sunlight.    


"You worthless trash, you're quite the tough one, huh? You've received such heavy injuries, yet you're still alive?"    


Standing opposite him, Ye Ran sneered and smiled sinisterly.    


His sudden words interrupted Ye Lan's train of thoughts and woke him back up to reality.    


"How could I die first before you, Ye Ran?"    


Wiping off the blood trickling down the corner of his mouth, Ye Lan slowly stood up on his feet and shot a pair of dagger-like glares towards Ye Ran.    


That sudden chilling aura made Ye Ran's heart jump, feeling as if he was being watched by a wild predator on the hunt for its prey.    


For whatever reason, the trash standing before him had somehow changed.    


But why did he sudden undergo such a drastic change? Ye Ran could not figure that out no matter how hard he thought about it.    


"You are bad with your words. No matter, for you will die today!"    


Upon saying those words, Ye Ran's face darkened as he hurriedly dashed forward. His right hand formed a sturdy fist as he shot it towards Ye Lan's chest like a gunshot.    




Ye Lan snorted coldly and slightly tilted his body, dodging Ye Ran's punch with ease.    


In his previous life, Ye Lan ended up becoming the strongest cultivator in the Martial God Continent. Having been sent back to this particular period in his youth, he had neither awakened his Fighting Soul nor stepped into the Body Tempering Realm yet. Even so, by relying on his rich combat experience gained from his previous life, he managed to dodge Ye Ran's attack without much trouble.    


"How could this be...?"    


Ye Ran uttered as he revealed an expression of utter disbelief. The few Ye Family disciples standing behind him were also greatly taken aback. They did not expect Ye Lan to actually dodge Ye Ran's attack.    


After all, they knew the fact that Ye Lan was still a piece of trash whose meridians were blocked, preventing him from cultivating any martial arts.    



On the contrary, Ye Ran was completely different. Despite having yet to awaken his Fighting Soul, Ye Ran had already stepped into the Body Tempering Realm and trained in the Ye Family Dojo for about two to three years.    


Thus, how did Ye Lan, who did not know any martial arts, manage to dodge Ye Ran's punch with such ease?    


Could it simply be a fluke?    


After thinking about it for a moment, the few Ye Family disciples concluded the dodge to be a fluke.    


Thinking logically, how could someone as weak as Ye Lan avoid Ye Ran's attack?    


"Go to hell!"    


After recovering from his shock, Ye Ran shouted at the top of his lungs. Forming another fist with his left hand, he jabbed it towards Ye Lan's face without mercy.    


In response, Ye Lan remained completely unfazed as he leisurely leaned his body back and stepped away from Ye Ran's next attack. At the same time, he instantly raised his knees and flicked a kick towards Ye Ran's crotch at bullet speed.    




A heart-wrenching shriek echoed through the mountain and only dissipated after a long while.    


Clutching the area of his crotch with his hands, Ye Ran writhed in agony on the ground as his body bent into the shape of a prawn. His complexion turned bleach pale as his expression twisted inwards.    


No one expected Ye Lan to actually be vicious enough to aim for his opponent's crotch!    


Those few Ye Family disciples behind him stood flabberghasted upon witnessing the quick defeat of Ye Ran.    


Only now did they understand that Ye Lan's previous dodge was not a mere fluke, but instead, his actual abilities.    


At this point, the Ye Family disciples began to doubt whether Ye Lan was really the same trash that they had continuously beaten up in the past.    


"Hmm... I didn't use enough strength in that kick. How lucky for you indeed, for your bloodline will not end with you!"    


Ye Lan smiled brightly as he looked at Ye Ran who was still rolling around in pain.    


Despite the urge to respond to his words, Ye Ran did not have the strength to speak as the scorching pain continued to spread around his lower body. Thus, he could only shoot a menacing glare at Ye Lan that indicated his desire to tear that piece of trash into shreds.    


"Aren't the rest of you going to gang up on me? Or do you want me to send you back instead?"    


Ignoring Ye Ran's resentful gaze, Ye Lan shifted his gaze towards the few Ye Family disciples and spoke with a cold expression.    


Stupefied, the Ye Family disciples continued to looking at each other, not knowing what to do or how to respond in such a situation.    


After all, they were all mere juniors from the Ye Family who had yet to learn anything. In their routine, they would simply play around during their training time in the Family Dojo. After that, their minds would have lost all focus on learning martial arts.    


Let alone Ye Lan, they could not dream to defeat Ye Ran even if they ganged up on him.    


Had they not clearly seen how Ye Ran's entire body was twiching in pain after being kicked in the crotch by Ye Lan?    


Thus, they immediately carried Ye Ran and fled away in a sorry state, afraid that Ye Lan would take action against them.    


"Agh... It actually hurts quite a bit. How long has it been since I experienced such pain?"    


As soon as the group of Ye Family disciples ran away, Ye Lang finally breathed in a mouthful of cold air as he grimaced in pain.    


He was no longer the strongest cultivator capable of causing the entire Martial God Continent to tremble with a single stomp. In contrast, he was just a weak little kid from his youth.    


Furthermore, the injuries around his body would require him to recuperate in bed for one or two months.    


Luckily, he now had the tenacity left behind by his previous self after being reincarnated.    


Not to mention competing with Ye Ran, he currently did not even have the strength to move.    


"Yu'er, Father, I'm back. From now on, I will never let anyone bully either of you ever again."    


"I will also personally wipe out all my former enemies!"    


Sitting helplessly on the ground, Ye Lan stared longingly at the Lucid Aqua Town before shifting his gaze down towards his own residence in the Ye Family. Suddenly, the corner of his lips raised into a smile as his eyes filled with determination.    


Seeing how the heavens had given him another chance in this life, Ye Lan had already made up his mind on what to do.    


He would place his former lover, friends, and family under his protection while taking out all of his previous opponents and enemies.    


He, Ye Lan, vowed to never make the same mistakes he did in his previous life. He no longer wanted to watch helplessly from the side as his lover, family, and friends died miserable one by one before his eyes.    


On the other hand, he would use all the knowledge he gained from his past life regarding cultivation and alchemy to change his fate in his second coming!    


From this moment onwards, he shall defy the heavens and change his fate while still ascending to the peak of martial arts!    


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