Pill Sovereign Reborn

C3 Challenge!

C3 Challenge!

0"Is your Qin Family truly worthy to marry Yu?"    


A cold and mocking voice suddenly sounded from outside the great hall.    


All the members of the Ye Family inside the hall were greatly taken aback as they swept their gazes towards the direction of the voice.    


At this moment, a young man clad in white — albeit with bruises all over his body — was slowly walking in with a gloomy expression.    


The young man was Ye Lan.    


In the corner of the hall, the members of the Qin Family glared menacingly at Ye Lan as if aiming daggers at him.    


To think that Ye Lan would be bold enough to speak in such a rude manner, belittling the Qin Family!    


"Your stinking brat, know your place! You're simply courting death!"    


One of the experts from the Qin Family fumed with rage as a wave of energy burst out from his body.    


Suddenly vanishing, the expert flashed in front of Ye Lan and raised his palms, preparing to slap down on him.    




Suddenly, a muffled sound resounded through the air.    


Another figure appeared before Ye Lan like a ghost and knocked the expert of the Qin Family back with a single palm.    


That person was Ye Lan's father, Ye Zhenqun.    


"Patriarch Qin, this child truly doesn't understand the situation, Please forgive him for speaking in such a rude manner. If he has offended you, please forgive him for my sake."    


After repelling the expert with a single strike, Ye Zhenqun shifted his gaze towards Qin Zhan and said apologetically while clasping his hands together.    


"Forget it. For the sake of Patriarch Ye, I will let bygones by bygones. However, if there's a next time, I will definitely not show any mercy."    


At the same time, he dismissed the expert of the Qin Family.    


Today, he had led everyone to the door of the Ye Family for the marriage proposal. Thus, he did not want to fall out with the Ye Family at this moment.    


Besides, his Qin Family had yet to fully attain the title as the number-one martial arts family in Lucid Aqua Town. If he went on an all-out war with the Ye Family, it would only bring about losses for his Qin Family.    


"Patriarch Qin, thank you for showing mercy."    


Ye Zhenqun laughed.    


Immediately after, he glanced over at Ye Lan.    


"Lan'er, why are you here?"    


Ye Zhenqun inquired with a bitter smile.    


He never expected Ye Lang to suddenly appear here. After all, he had once gone against the Qin Family and almost gotten himself killed by them.    


"I heard that the Qin Family came over to porpose marriage with Yu'er, so I came to see for myself."    


Ye Lan smiled.    


At that moment, he swept his menacing gaze across the room, particularly at Qin Zhan, Qin Yijun, and the other experts of the Qin Family. His eyes looked as if a terrifying blizzard was blowing within them.    


After all, in his previous life, these were the culprits responsible for killing his dear father, forcing Ye Yu to commit suicide, and causing the collapse of the Ye Family.    


Thus, Ye Lan possessed nothing but an undying hatred against the Qin Family.    


Ever since the arrival of the Qin Family, Ye Lan was the first one who strongly opposed the request of their marriage proposal.    


At this moment, Ye Lan promised that he would do everything in his abilities to stop the Qin Family's marriage proposal this time around. Only after that would he cultivate diligently, raise his strength to a sufficient level, and think of possible ways to eliminate the Qin Family. This way, he would be able to guarantee his family's safety in the coming future.    


"Haiz... this matter isn't something that you can stop by yourself, so don't come her and cause even more trouble."    


Ye Zhenqun sighed as he shook his head.    


"Father, leave this to me. Let me handle this matter."    


Ye Lan said with a confident smile, ignoring his father's words entirely.    


He knew that he was currently nothing but a piece of trash in the eyes of his family members, and even more so, an infamous trash in Lucid Aqua City.    


Although he did not have much strength at the moment, he could nevertheless change the course of events.    


Right now, actingly recklessly and assaulting the Qin Family would only cause more trouble for his Ye Family.    


However, the Ye Lan now was no longer the Ye Lan of the past.    


Ever since his rebirth after ascending to the top of the world, Ye Lan had never placed the Martial God Continent in his eyes, not to mention the insignificant Qin Family.    


With that, Ye Lan ignored his father's words and walked directly towards Qin Yijun.    


He stared at Qin Yijun with an indifferent gaze as if he was looking down on a mere ant.    


Seeing how Ye Lan dared to look down on him in such a manner, Qin Yijun revealed a deep frown as a cold glint flashed in the depths of his eyes.    


He had once heard of a useless piece of trash who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians appearing in the Ye Family. If he recalled correctly, that trash's name was Ye Lan.    


Today, that exact piece of trash actually had the guts to look down on him, the undisputed martial genius in Lucid Aqua Town. Naturally, Qin Yijun felt extremely displeased in his heart.    


At the same time, Qin Zhan and the other members of the Qin Family also harbored a great sense of disdain towards Ye Lan's actions, their hearts filled with rage.    


"In one month, we will have a duel on the center stage of Lucid Aqua Town."    


"If you win, I'll let you marry Yu'er. But if you lose, your Qin Family will no longer come to annoy my Ye Family. How about it?"    


Ye Lan stared straight into Qin Yijun's eyes and said with a clear voice.    


His tone was firm and filled with an unprecedented confidence.    


Upon hearing those ridiculous words, everyone in the great hall erupted in shock.    


Everyone was greatly taken aback!    


Ye Lan actually wanted to challenge Qin Yijun?!    


A piece of trash who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians actually dared to challenge the number-one genius in Lucid Aqua Town, Qin Yijun?    


How could that not cause everyone present to be astonished?    


Everyone in the Ye Family including Ye Zhenqun and Ye Yu stood petrified upon hearing Ye Lan's bold declaration.    


Qin Zhan, Qin Yijun, and the rest of the Qin Family were also dumfounded by his sudden challenge.    


After a long while, Qin Yijun finally recovered from his initial shock and could not help but reveal a sinister smile on his face.    


"Are you serious?"    


Qin Yijun asked.    


"As a man of my words, I am indeed serious."    


Ye Lan replied.    


"Alright, I'll gladly accept your challenge."    


Qin Yijun sneered and looked at Ye Lan with disdain.    


A worthless bastard who could not cultivate dared to challenge a genius like him? Does he not know his place?    


Obviously, Qin Yijun was confident that Ye Lan would not be able to defeat him even after a month.    


After all, no matter how talented someone might be, it will be impossible for them to break through to the Second Stage of the Qi Gathering Realm from rock-bottom and be placed on the same level as Qin Yijun in just a short month, right?    


"Patriarch Ye, as expected of your son! This young master is truly an ambitious and courageous one! He will definitely become a powerful figure in the future!"    


Having just regained his composure, Qin Zhan looked at Ye Zhenqun and couldn't help but praise him.    


Of course, anyone could clearly hear the mocking tone in his words.    


However, Ye Zhenqun did not reply as brows knitted tightly together.    


"I believe that Young Master Ye has already verified the duel. I wonder whether Patriarch Ye will agree to it or not?"    


Suddenly, Qin Zhan said with a cunning smile.    


Hearing that, Ye Zhenqun's frown waned even further as his complexion darkened.    


How could he possibly agree?    


He fully understood that his own son, Ye Lan, isn't capable of cultivating. How could he possibly defeat a martial genius like Qin Yijun in one short month?    


On the other hand, if Ye Zhenqun doesn't agree, he will only disappoint Ye Lan and make it clear in public that he doesn't even trust his own son.    


All of a sudden, Ye Zhenqun was placed in a dilemma.    


"Big Brother, since Lan'er wants to do this, just agree to the duel."    


Ye Zhenfeng laughed.    


He had never been fond of his nephew and was instead extremely disgusted with him.    


After all, a trash that could not cultivate would only bring shame to his Ye Family.    


If Ye Lan died miserably in Qin Yijun's hands during the challenge a month later, his wish would be fulfilled.    


He's nothing but a piece of trash with no value.    


If he died, so be it!    


Ye Zhenqun turned a deaf ear to Ye Zhenfeng's words and completely ignored him.    


"Father, trust me! Accept the duel!"    


As Ye Lan spoke, his eyes fixated on Ye Zhenqun were filled with the utmost confidence and determination.    


Adding a cherry on top, he even revealed a bright smile on his face.    


Faced with Ye Lan's determined gaze and confident smile, Ye Zhenqun was once again taken aback.    


At this moment, he realized that his son seemed to have undergone some kind of change. Unlike his previous timid self who saw himself as an inferior being, he now possessed a firm resolve and shone brighter than the sun.    


"Alright, I agree to the duel!"    


After a long while, Ye Zhenqun said with a deep voice.    


Since he had no way of effectively refusing Qin Family's repeated marriage proposals at the moment, the only thing he could do now was accept the bet.    


For whatever reason, he truly beleived that his son would be able to defeat Qin Yijun in public after a single month.    


"Patriarch Ye, you must definitely keep your promise as the head of a family!"    


Qin Zhan burst into gales of laughter as he never expected Ye Zhenqun to actually agree to the duel. What a fool!    


Unless... that fool really thought that his good-for-nothing son could defeat his own son, Qin Yijun?    


How ridiculous!    



"I, in the name of the Ye Family, have always kept my promises. Please rest assured, Patriarch Qin."    


"On the other hand, Patriarch Qin, you also better not go back on your promise."    


Ye Zhenqun laughed.    


"Don't worry, I, in the name of the Qin Family, will definitely keep my promise."    


Qin Zhan stood up and responded with a smile.    


Upon finishing the negotiation, Qin Zhan led his son and the experts of the Qin Family away from the Ye Family.    


At the same time, Ye Zhenfeng and the other higher-ups of the Ye Family also began to leave one after another.    


Before taking their leave, however, they all shot disdainful gazes towards Ye Lan.    


How dare a piece of trash like Ye Lan challenge Qin Yijun? What a complete joke!    


Not long after, Ye Lan, Ye Zhenqun, and Ye Yu were the only ones left standing in the midst of the great hall.    


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