Pill Sovereign Reborn

C4 Provocation

C4 Provocation

0"Yu'er, forgive me for making the decision before asking for permission from you."    


In the face of the person whom he yearned for day and night in his previous life, Ye Lan could not hide the excitement surging in his heart, especially since he had not seen her for countless years.    


Taking a step forward, Ye Lan high Ye Yu tightly in his embrace, afraid that the young girl standing before him now would leave him once more if he let go.    


Throughout his childhood and teenage years, this girl had always kept him company as they grew up together.    


During the times when he suffered all sort of insults, ridicules, and beatings from the Ye Family's disciples and descended to the level of trash in the eyes of everyone else, she was the only person who had always been silently protecting him and never once looked down on him.    


At some point, Ye Lan no longer saw her as a merely adopted sister but instead more like one of the most important people in his life. As such, she was someone that he strived to protect for the rest of his life.    


But at this moment, history had replayed itself once again. Qin Yijun of the Qin Family had already come to propose marriage with Ye Yu for the third time today.    


How could Ye Lan agree so easily this time around?    


Thus, he vowed that, in this life, he would protect her and never let her suffer the same fate as she did in his previous life no matter what.    


After all, there was no one more precious to him than Ye Yu in his life. In fact, she couldn't ever be replaced by anyone else. How could he just watch as Qin Yijun forced her into marriage? How could he do absolutely nothing as the person he loved most gets taken away?    


"It's okay, Brother Ye Lan. I know that you're just worried about me."    


Being pulled into Ye Lan's embrace, Ye Yu revealed a sweet smile on her beautiful face.    


"Don't worry, I won't let Qin Yijun take you away. One month from now, I will definitely beat him!"    


Ye Lan declared with a firm tone filled with his utmost conviction.    


"I believe you, Brother Ye Lan!"    


Hearing Ye Lan's words, Ye Yu's expression brightened up even more. Her heart felt as if it was about to melt as an indescribable feeling simmered within.    


At the same time, she also realized that her Brother Ye Lan had somehow changed.    


She had never once heard Ye Lan, who usually self-abased, weak, and taciturn, say words filled with such warmth to her before.    


Furthermore, the mellow tone in his words caused Ye Yu to experience a pleasant feeling she had never felt before.    


The only thing she was worried about now was the fact that Ye Lan still could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians.    


Even so, Ye Yu decided to place her trust in him for no other reason other than how Ye Lan was her dear brother who grew up with her, indicating how much he actually meant to her.    




Upon hearng her words, Ye Lan burst into child-like laughter.    


The bright smile on his face immediately lifted up the mood in the hall.    


Ye Yu seemed to be the same as usual. No matter the circumstances, she would always be willing to place her trust in him.    


*Cough! Cough!*    


Amidst the great hall, Ye Zhenqun coughed lightly.    


Jolting awake, Ye Lan and Ye Yu quickly separated from each other's embrace as if they had been electrocuted.    


Unlike the flushed red Ye Yu, Ye Lan was rather calm and composed, as if embracing her was only natural.    


After all, Ye Lan's heart had only ever belonged to her.    


On the other hand, Ye Yu was currently covering her face, flushing in embarrassment. Her heart pounded crazily as she lowered her head, not daring to meet Ye Zhenqun's gaze. At this moment, she felt like a rabbit who could not find a hole to hide in.    


"Why are you just standing there? Make the best use of your remaining time and go cultivate! Otherwise, how will you defeat Qin Yijun in a month, let alone protect Yu'er?"    


Ye Zhenqun shot his gaze towards Ye Lan and spoke with a serious expression.    


With that, he lifted out a bottle of Marrow Cleansing Liquid and threw it to Ye Lan.    


"That's the Marrow Cleansing Liquid. Take it with you and try it out later. It may or may not be able to open your meridians."    


"Father, this Marrow Cleansing Liquid is most likely useless to me."    


Ye Lan said with a gentle smile and returned the item to Ye Zhenqun.    


Standing in silence, Ye Zhenqun knew that Ye Lan's body was quite abnormal as his meridians were completely blocked for whatever reason. Even with the help of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, his meridians could not be opened up.    


Otherwise, Ye Lan would have already opened his meridians instead of ending up as mere trash in the eyes of everyone in Lucid Aqua Town.    


"Your meridian's condition is indeed quite serious. It's such pity that no one in the family knows how to cure it."    


After a long while, Ye Zhenqun said with a serious expression.    


"Leave it to me. I'll think of a way myself."    


Ye Lan laughed.    


"Hmm? You... know a way to unblock your meridians?"    


Ye Zhenqun uttered with a surprised tone.    


"Father, am I not your son? Don't tell me you don't even believe your own son's words?"    


Ye Lan smiled.    


"Alright, I'll trust you. If you need anything, just let Yu'er know. She'll help you think of a way."    


Ye Zhenqun smiled bitterly and shook his head. Then, he turned around and left the hall.    


"Yu'er, I'll go to the family's Medicine Pavilion first."    


"I'll accompany you."    


Ye Yu said with a chuckle.    


With a slight nod, Ye Lan walked straight to the Medicine Pavilion hand-in-hand with her.    


"Look, it's that trash Ye Lan!"    


As they walked down the road to the Medicine Pavilion, many Ye Family disciples passed by and saw Ye Lan.    


"Ye Yu is also with him!"    


"That damned trash actually dares to hold Ye Yu's hand!"    


One of the bypassers shouted with a raging voice.    


In the eyes of all the Ye Family disciples, Ye Yu stood as their goddess.    


Not only was she talented in martial arts, but she was also extremely beautiful and possessed an extraordinary temperament, certainly an unparalleled beauty in her generation.    


From the perspectives of the Ye Family disciples, Ye Yu was only someone that they could watch from afar. In their hearts, she was someone who could not be desecrated.    


However, a useless trash like Ye Lan actually dared to hold her hand in front of everyone.    


They simply could not tolerate such heathen acts!    


Upon witnessing this scene, a group of Ye Family disciples suddenly began walking towards Ye Lan with gloomy expressions.    


"Stop right there, you trash!"    


At that moment, a disciples around the age of seventeen blocked Ye Lan in his path.    


Despite his young age, the youth possessed a rather sturdy build.    


The muscles throughout his body were as hard as steel, not to mention the explosive power hidden within.    


That youth was called Ye Kuang. After training at the Ye Family Dojo for three years, he managed to awaken his Fighting Soul and even broke through to the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm. With such strength, he could hold his ground against four or five other normal fighters without much trouble.    


"Are you talking about me?"    


Ye Lan kept his calm as he stared at Ye Kuang with a bright smile on his face.    


Just as Ye Yu was about to step in, Ye Lan suddenly held her back and stopped her from doing so.    


"Within my Ye Family, other than you, Ye Lan, who else would claim the title of trash?"    


Ye Kuang stared down at Ye Len in an arrogant manner. Having practiced martial arts non-stop for several years, his physique had greatly improved as he had grown much taller and bigger than Ye Lan.    


"How dare a worthless bastard like you get so close to Ye Yu? What qualifications do you, Ye Lan, even have?"    


"From now on, stay away from Ye Yu! Otherwise, I will beat you into a pulp!"    


Ye Kuang threatened with an intimidating voice.    


"With just you? Are you really worthy of doing so?"    


Ye Lan smiled with a hint of coldness.    


Although he had yet to open his meridians and awaken his Fighting Soul, he nevertheless had thousands of other ways to deal with Ye Kuang, who was only at the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


From his perspective, Ye Kuang was only looking for a beating by provoking him.    


Upon hearing those unexpected words, Ye Kuang's eyes narrowed as a cold glint flashed across his eyes. His heart fumed with undying rage.    


Never in a million year did he expected the good-for-nothing to speak to him in such an arrogant manner!    


If he did not teach him a lesson today, he would simply lose all face.    


He was afraid that he would become a joke in the future.    


"That trash, Ye Lan, sure has guts! How dare he speak to Ye Kuang in such a rude manner!"    


"That's right! Ye Kuang had awakened his Fighting Soul and even broke through to the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm. Dealing with four or five normal fighters would be as simple as flicking an ant away from his arm."    


"To think that a trash with blocked meridians would actually dare to provoke him in public!"    


The surroundings Ye Family disciples who were spectating could not help but mock and ridicule Ye Lan when they saw how he dared to confront Ye Kuang.    


"This will definitely be a good show. I want to see just Ye Lan is going to face Ye Kuang's wrath."    


"I'm afraid that he will end up relying on Ye Yu's presence here. Otherwise, with his personality, would he have dared to challenge Ye Kuang in public?"    


At that moment, the Ye Family disciples had once again erupted into a series of heated discussions.    


They were all certain that the reason why Ye Lan dared to challenge Ye Kuang was due to the presence of Ye Yu. Based on Ye Lan's cowardly character, he would have never been bold enough to do such a thing alone.    


"You worthless trash, your temper has increased quite a bit since the last time we met, huh? I'm afraid that you'll think that I'm easy to bully if I don't teach you a lesson today."    


Ye Kuang said with a gloomy expression.    


With that, he decided that he would ruthlessly teach Ye Lan a lesson to vent the anger accumulated in his heart, regardless of Ye Yu's presence.    


Upon making his resolve, Ye Kuang squared up and sent his fist flying towards Ye Lan with great force.    


Semingly piercing through the air, the wind from his fist whistled loudly.    


The violent wind caused even Ye Lan's hair to fly backwards.    




Suddenly, Ye Kuang shrieked in agony. Clutching tightly onto his arm, his face twitched in pain while his entire body writhed uncontrollably.    





Taking advantage of Ye Kuang's broken guard, Ye Lan quickly stepped forward and flicked his leg towards the area of Ye Kuang's crotch.    


The kick dealt critical damage as Ye Kuang's body curved like a prawn and collapsed onto the ground, cold sweat drenching his entire body.    


This ridiculous scene instrantly stunned all of the surrounding Ye Family disciples.    


"Ye Lan actually defeated Ye Kuang in a matter of seconds?!"    


"How could this be?!"    


From what they knew, Ye Lan was merely a piece of trash who could not cultivate. However, how did he manage to defeat Ye Kuang, who was at the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm, with such ease?    


"This must have been a dream.... Yes, we must be dreaming!"    


"But... why is this dream so real?"    


Aside from the stunned Ye Family disciples, even Ye Yu revealed an astonished expression on her face. She simply could not believe what just took place before her.    


"Tsk... how could he be in the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm? After all, he can't even defeat a piece of trash like me who cannot cultivate due to my blocked meridians. What the hell have you been doing in my Ye Family Dojo during all these years?"    


Ye Lan mocked ruthelessly as he stared down at Ye Kuang with utter disdain.    


Hearing those words, Ye Kuang's face twisted in extreme anger as the fuming rage in his heart grew even more intense. In spite of that, the pain spreading around the area from his crotch left him with no strength to even utter a single word.    


"It hurts!"    


"It hurts so f*cking bad!"    


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