Pill Sovereign Reborn

C15 Defeated in One Punch?

C15 Defeated in One Punch?

0"You worthless piece of trash! Look how arrogant you're starting to become!"    


Seeing how Ye Lan dared to provoke him, Ye Kuang fumed with utter rage.    


From Ye Kuang's previous impressions of him, Ye Lan had always been a spineless coward who could only suffer the constant bullying of the Ye Family disciples.    


However, this was already the second time that useless trash had purposely provoked him, Ye Kuang, in public.    


How could he not be furious?    


"You're saying that I'm arrogant? Alright, I'll be arrogant. So what are you standing there waiting for? Didn't you say you could defeat me with a single punch?"    


Ye Lan mocked with a cunning smirk, not caring one bit about Ye Kuang's expression at all.    






In the face of Ye Lan's brazen provocations, the veins on Ye Kuang's forehead popped out in fury. He then clenched his fists so tightly that his joints crackled and turned white.    


"Hmph! You only dare to act so arrogant because Ye Yu is by your side."    


"If you're a man, tell Ye Yu to stand at the side and not interfere with our battle no matter what. Everyone will get to see just how I'm going to defeat you with a single punch then!"    


Ye Kuang snorted coldly as his gaze swept across the crowd. But when his gaze met the eyes of Ye Yu standing beside Ye Lan, a trace of fear suddenly flashed in the depths of his eyes.    


After being violently beaten up and kicked in the crotch by Ye Lan yesterday, he shriveled up in pain on his bed for the entire night.    


Somehow, Ye Kuang had convinced himself into believing that Ye Yu had been the one secretly helping Ye Lan during their recent battle.    


Thus, in order to avoid something similar from happening again...    


He attempted to persuade Ye Lan to tell Ye Yu to stand aside and not interfere.    


"Since you're being so sincere in your pleas, how can I not agree to your request?"    


Ye Lan replied with a smile.    


He looked at Ye Yu beside him and said in a gentle tone, "Yu'er, stand at the side and don't interfere."    


Ye Yu nodded lightly and retreated decisively to the side.    


Yesterday, she had seen just how easily Ye Lan defeated Ye Kuang, so she did not even consider Ye Lan losing this battle to Ye Kuang whatsoever.    


"How about it? Now, you can feel at ease and defeat me with a single punch in public, right?"    


After asking Ye Yu to stand aside, Ye Lan shifted his gaze towards Ye Kuang with a cunning grin.    


"Hehe! Brat, you certainly have the guts! If I don't beat you up with a single punch in front of everyone today, I will immediately go and eat sh*t!"    


Seeing how Ye Lan had really persuaded Ye Yu to stand aside and not interfere, Ye Kuang revealed a sinister smile as a trace of malevolence flashed in his eyes.    


Everyone in the Banquet Hall had their interests piqued as they were dying to watch a good show unfold before them.    


With sneers in the corners of their lips, they wanted to see just how that piece of trash, Ye Lan, gets ruthlessly beaten up by Ye Kuang.    


In their eyes, without Ye Yu's protection, Ye Lan was nothing but a piece of trash destined to be bullied by others.    


"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up with it! I'm wasting my precious time with you when I could be eating right now!"    


Ye Lan said impatiently.    


"You want to eat? Just eat shit!"    


Ye Kuang roared.    


At that moment, he circulated the Genuine Qi within his body and summoned his Fighting Soul behind him.    


A violent aura suddenly surged forth.    


In the next instance, Ye Kuang pounced fiercely like a mad wolf towards Ye Lan with great killing intent.    


His right fist aimed straight at Ye Lan's chest.    


In response, Ye Lan threw a punch of his own towards Ye Kuang. Using it as a feint to blind Ye Kuang's vision, he swiftly dodged the incoming attack by the sliver of a hair and snuck in a spinning back kick on the side of Ye Kuang's lower abdomen. In the blink of an eye, Ye Kuang was sent flying into a set of tables and chairs, shattering them into pieces.    


Letting out a miserable shriek, Ye Kuang clutched the side of his abdomen tightly with an agonizing expression on his face. His entire body bent like a prawn as he writhed in pain and sweat profusely.    


"Hah! Is that how you, Ye Kuang, planned to defeat me?"    


Leisurely walking towards Ye Kuang, Ye Lan reached out his hand and lifted his limp body up with ease. His lips curved into a sneer as he spoke with a mocking tone.    


Ridiculed by Ye Lan, Ye Kuang's face turned livid in rage, but he had no way of refuting him. Though furious, he was nevertheless greatly taken aback by the turn of events.    


He truly believed that he could defeat Ye Lan with a single punch. Never in a million years would he have thought that Ye Lan would be the one to send him flying and defeat him with such ease.    


Furthermore, he had completely lost all face in front of everyone.    


This time, Ye Kuang could no longer come up with another excuse for his defeat.    


When he was violently beaten up by Ye Lan yesterday, he claimed that Ye Yu had snuck in an attack on him, causing him to be defeated by Ye Lan.    


Despite making sure that everything was in his favor, he ended up being demolished by Ye Lan once again. How could he possibly still say that Ye Yu had helped Ye Lan behind his back?    


After all, Ye Yu had not moved a single inch since the start of the battle. Thus, it would have been impossible for her to help Ye Lan in secret.    


Only now did Ye Kuang realize that the Ye Lan in front of him was no longer the same trash Ye Lan from before!    


He finally understood the Ye Lan could have taught him a lesson whenever he wanted to.    


However, this realization also confused Ye Kuang. How did that trash Ye Lan, who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians, suddenly become so powerful in such a short time?    



The surroundings Ye Family disciples could not figure that out either.    


At the moment, they were all standing petrified in shock of the ridiculous outcome.    


Everyone had initially expected Ye Lan to be beaten to a pulp by Ye Kuang. In contrary to their expectations, Ye Kuang had actually been destroyed in a one-sided battle by Ye Lan instead.    


Some of the spectators even slapped themselves in the face, thinking how they were still dreaming.    


"How is this possible? That piece of trash, Ye Lan, actually defeated Ye Kuang with a single kick?!"    


Recovering from their shocked state, the Ye Family disciples erupted into an uproar.    


"It seems that Ye Lan really did have the ability to defeat Ye Kuang by himself yesterday! Ye Yu had, in fact, not interfered in their battle after all!"    


Some of the Ye Family disciples who witnessed the battle between Ye Lan and Ye Kuang yesterday came to a sudden realization. They finally understood that Ye Lan actually did defeat Ye Kuang with his own ability previously, not relying on Ye Yu's help in the first place.    


"Wait a minute... could the rumor spreading around Lucid Aqua Town about how Ye Lan defeated Zhou Nan with a single punch actually be true?"    


Suddenly, one of the Ye Family disciples exclaimed.    


His eyes were filled with shock.    


Earlier, many of the disciples were discussing the matter regarding how Ye Lan defeated Zhou Nan with a single punch.    


However, most people thought that the rumors were fake. After all, Ye Lan was a piece of trash that couldn't cultivate, so how could he defeat Zhou Nan who was at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm with a single punch?    


After witnessing first-hand how easily he defeated Ye Kuang, however, those Ye Family disciples who still doubted those rumors began to think otherwise.    


Everyone in the Banquet Hall had the same exact thought in their minds... that the rumor about how Ye Lan defeated Zhou Nan with a single punch might actually be real.    


"What a useless piece of trash you are, Ye Kuang. How embarrassing it is for my Ye Family to have someone like you as a disciple. Why don't you go and eat sh*t as you promised?"    


Ye Lan exclaimed, paying little to no attention to Ye Kuang's current thoughts nor the looks of of surprise from the surrounding Ye Family disciples.    


With a mocking grin, he lifted Ye Kuang and ruthlessly threw him into the air.    




Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated through the air.    


With that, Ye Kuang crashed past the door of the Banquet Hall and flew out into the courtyard. At that moment, one of the Ye Family's wolfdogs just so happened to take a dump in the courtyard.    


As Ye Kuang crashed heavily onto the ground, his face landed and smeared against the pile of dog feces.    


It seems that the heavens had heard Ye Kuang's previous words and made sure that he followed through with it.    


"He really ate sh*t?"    


Ye Lan immediately burst into gales of laughter upon witnessing the scene of Ye Kuang crashing into a pile of dog feces.    


Though Ye Kuang may be shameless, he, at the very least, followed through with his words. That was enough to earned him the admiration of others.    


Hearing Ye Lan's loud ridicules, Ye Kuang boiled in rising anger to the point that fell unconscious on the spot.    


Everyone in the vicinity was dead silent. Many Ye Family disciples could not help but feel sorry for Ye Kuang when they saw how he was unlucky enough to land on a pile of dog feces.    


"Even I can't deal with Ye Lan, yet that idiot Ye Kuang actually dares to challenge him? He's only asking for a beating!"    


At the corner of the Banquet Hall, Ye Tao looked at the scene and exclaimed with a calm expression.    


Having gone to cause a ruckus at Ye Lan's house yesterday, Ye Tao ended up being kicked far into the distance by Ye Lan.    


The apparent injuries on his body had yet to fully heal.    


As a cultivator in the first stage of the Body Tempering Realm, how could Ye Kuang possibly hope to win against Ye Lan?    


Since Ye Tao and Ye Ran had personally experienced Ye Lan's actual strength, they were the only ones who were able to maintain their calm amongst the many Ye Family disciples present. They fully understood that Ye Lan was no longer the same trash of the past.    


"Could it be that no one here can go up against Ye Lan?"    


Ye Ran suddenly said with a gloomy expression as he stared at Ye Lan from a distance away — the depth of his eyes fumed with fiery rage.    


Not only did he suffer great injuries at the hands of Ye Lan, but he even had his savings of the past several years stolen by him.    


Thus, it was only natural for Ye Ran to hold a deep grudge against Ye Lan.    


He hoped, by provoking the Ye Family disciples in the room, that someone would be willing to step up and take care of Ye Lan in his stead.    


"Don't worry, Ye Xuan will definitely take action. Seeing one of his followers being humiliated in public, with his ways of doing things, he will certainly not sit idly, but instead, get revenge, right?"    


Ye Tao said cunningly.    


"Oh, right! There's also Ye Xuan. Since Ye Lan dared to beat up one of his followers, he will definitely not let him off the hook that easily. That Ye Lan will get a taste of his own medicine this time!"    


Taking advantage of his brother's setup, Ye Ran added in an ecstatic tone.    


After all, Ye Xuan — currently in the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm — stood as one of the top ten disciples in the Ye Family.    


In Ye Ran's mind, although Ye Lan could easily defeat his big brother, Ye Tao, his cultivation base was definitely not as high as Ye Xuan's.    


If Ye Xuan were to make a move now, Ye Lan would definitely suffer great humiliation under his hands!    


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