Pill Sovereign Reborn

C22 Yang Fire Pill

C22 Yang Fire Pill

0"Damn it!"    


The Second Stage Qi Gathering Expert could not help but curse upon witnessing such a ridiculous scene. Ye Lan had actually controlled the Scarlet Flame Lion and exterminated many of his Qin Family experts with a single breath of his flames. Even Lin Yu had already died a horrible death.    


Right now, the only remaining survivors of the Qin Family included the few Qi Gathering Cultivators.    


"Everyone, retreat! We cannot stay here any longer!"    


After being stunned for a long while, the Second Stage Qi Gathering Expert gave the order for the remaining survivors to retreat and escape from Ye Lan.    


"You want to escape? Did you think that it would be so easy?"    


Sitting casually on the back of the Scarlet Flame Lion, Ye Lan said with an indifferent expression.    


With that, the Scarlet Flame Lion let out another fierce roar before pouncing forward and directly attacking one of the First Stage Qi Gathering Experts.    


With a wave of its sharp claws.    




At that moment, the First Stage Qi Gathering Expert was immediately sliced into two pieces by the claws of the Scarlet Flame Lion. His blood spurted out from his body uncontrollably on the spot of his death.    


After killing that expert with a strike of its claw, the Scarlet Flame Lion jumped towards another one of the Qin Family cultivators who was fleeing in a panic.    


For a certain period, a series of screams resounded through the large ravine in the valley.    


One after another, the experts of the Qin Family died under the claws and fangs of the Scarlet Flame Lion.    


Before long, only the Second Stage Qi Gathering Expert was left alive.    


"You wicked bastard!"    


Witnessing the massacre of his comrades under the claws of the Scarlet Flame Lion, the middle-aged man's face contorted with pure rage.    


Having lost his mind, he turned around and fashed towards the Scarlet Flame Lion in a flash.    


In the blink of an eye, he drew out a long blade from the scabbard at his waist and reinforced it with his Genuine Qi.    




With a raging cry, the expert of the Qin Family lifted his sword and slashed down at the Scarlet Flame Lion.    


Suddenly, a blade aura more than ten meters long appeared in the air. The terrifying aura truly seemed capable of destroying anything in its path.    


This was the true strength of a Qi Gathering Cultivator. One who has broken through to that realm would be capable of condensing their Genuine Qi into blade aura, using it to kill an enemy over ten meters away.    




Seeing the intimidating blade aura coming in its direction, the Scarlet Flame Lion roared with all its might once again.    


This time, the roar echoed throughout the entire Sky Peak Valley.    


In the next instant, he charged forward and slammed his honed claws into the blade aura.    




The sound of something shattering pierced through the air.    


Upon meeting the claws of the Scarlet Flame Lion, the sword of the expert was easily destroyed as it shattered like glass and dissipated.    


The Scarlet Flame Lion's strength was comparable to that of a Third Stage Qi Gathering Cultivator. Naturally, the might of its claws was not something that a mere Second Stage Qi Gathering Cultivator could easily defend against.    




Upon the shatter of his blade aura, the expert of the Qin Family was forced back several steps as he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


He couldn't help but be astonished the might of the Scarlet Flame Lion's claw.    


As expected of the Scarlet Flame Lion's terrifying strength!    


"You should've listen when I advised you to attack me together. Now, it's already too late for you to regret!"    


Sitting on the back of the Scarlet Flame Lion, Ye Lan looked down at the injured expert with a cold gaze and mocking expression.    


Hearing his words, the expert's faces twisted into an ugly expression.    


Recalling his past words, he truly believed that could take Ye Lan's life by himself, without any help from the other experts of the Qin Family.    


In contrary to his initial expectations, he realized that he may have been far too arrogant and underestimated his opponent's strength. Due to his own pride, he refused the help of the other Qin Family experts, which ultimately resulted in the total annihilation of their group in the end. At this point, he did not have any options of escape either.    


Regretting his past decisions, the expert of the Qin Family felt extremely aggrieved and upset at himself.    


At the same time, he could not help but be puzzled by the fact that the Scarlet Flame Lion was actually listening to Ye Lan's orders.    


How strange...    


This was far to abnormal!    


Even with all the doubts in his heart, it was already impossible for him to figure out the reason behind this phenomenon.    


"You despicable brat, today, I will kill you!"    


After coming back to his senses and calming down, the expert cursed furiously at Ye Lan.    


With all his remaining strength, he leaped into the air and slashed down on Ye Lan with the broken sword in his hand.    




Ye Lan snorted coldly but remained in his spot.    


At that moment, the Scarlet Flame Lion shot out a sudden burst of crimson flames towards the expert of the Qin Family without showing any mercy.    



Facing the scorching flames spewed out by the Scarlet Flame Lion, the expert's expression changed drastically.    


Wounded and dashing into the flames, even if he wanted to dodge using his movement technique, he would definitely not make it in time!    


With that, the crimson flames blazed through the air and engulfed the expert's entire body.    


As the blood-curdling screech filled the air, the Second Stage Qi Gathering Expert turned into ashes in the blink of an eye and disappeared into thin air.    


"You've worked quite hard, my little lion!"    


Having controlled the Scarlet Flame Lion to kill all the experts of the Qin Family, Ye Lan patted it gently on the head and chuckled.    


Soon, his figure flashed as he activated Flashing Shadow Steps and swiftly left the ravine.    


At this moment, Ye Lan still could not control his Eye of Crimson to its fullest potential.    


If time continued to drag on, the Scarlet Flame Lion would regain its consciousness before long. When that time comes, Ye Kan would probably end up in a miserable state similar to that of the other experts of the Qin Family.    


If he did not die under the claws of the Scarlet Flame Lion, he would instead be burnt to death by its crimson flames.    


The moment Ye Lan escaped from the ravine, the Scarlet Flame Lion finally came back to its senses.    


Upon regaining control of its body, it quickly realized that the Fire Lotus Herb had also disappeared.    


Fuming with its utmost rage, it emitted a serious of fierce roars that shook the entire ravine, causing debris and rubble to fall everywhere.    


If it learned that Ye Lan had not only stolen the Fire Lotus Herb but also controlled it to kill the experts of the Qin Family...    


It would definitely lose its mind and chase after that bastard Ye Lan to the ends of the world!    


"Sure enough, my current cultivation level is still not strong enough to utilize my Eye of Crimson to its fullest potential. It seems that controlling the Scarlet Flame Lion consumed too much of my Soul Force."    


After running as fast as he could, Ye Lan hid himself in a hidden cave far away from the Extreme Flame Land.    


Drenched in sweat, he felt extremely fatigued both physically and mentally.    


The Soul Force was a type of spirit energy in the Martial God Continent.    


In fact, one's Soul Force directly affects the strength of their Fighting Soul.    


As such, the stronger one's Soul Force, the more powerful their Fightining Soul would be.    


Since Ye Lan's cultivation was only at the peak of the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm, his Soul Force was still lacking.    


Controlling the Scarlet Flame Lion five stages above his current cultivation level naturally took a great toll on his body as it consumed a large amount of his Soul Force.    


This was also why Ye Lan had to quickly end the battle with the experts of the Qin Family as fast as possible.    


Sitting down cross-legged, Ye Lan started to circulate the Heaven And Earth Creation Art quietly. Constantly channeling the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth, he slowly recovered the Genuine Qi and Soul Force that he previously used to activate his abilities.    


During this period, time crawled by slowly.    


It wasn't until sunset did Ye Lan finally wake up from his cultivating state.    


"The eighth stage of the Body Tempering Realm!"    


Upon opening his eyes, a brilliant flash radiated within his body.    


Ye Lan could feel the creation of the eighth Qi Vortex as it whirled intensely for a short moment before slowly down, increasing his overall strength once again.    


With his increase in cultivation, his Soul Force naturally increased too.    


"It's about time that I finally go back. I need to refine the Yang Fire Pill for Shaoge as soon as possible so that he can get rid of that dark aura lingering in his dantian."    


When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Ye Lan looked into the sky and muttered to himself.    


In the midst of the dusk, his body flickered here and there as he dashed towards the exist of Sky Peak Valley like a panther.    


In the depth of the night.    


Ye Lan successfully exited Sky Peak Valley and returned to the Ye Family.    


As soon as he returned to his residence, he quickly took out his Pill Furnace, as well as various other spirit herbs necessary for the refinement of the Yang Fire Pill.    


Releasing his Soul of the Blazing Flame, Ye Lan ignited the fire under the Pill Furnace and activated the Spirit Concentration Technique. With that, he began the process of refining the Yang Fire Pill.    


Throwing all the spirit herbs into the Pill Furnace, including the Fire Lotus Herb, he swiftly melted and refined them into medicinal essence.    


Next, he condensed the essence and fused them together.    


Having broken through to the eight stage of the Body Tempering Realm, he had become even more proficient in using the Spirit Concentration Technique.    


With his reinforced mental strength, he could easily see through the effects of various spirit herbs such as the Fire Lotus Herb and refine them into a pill.    


After who knows how long, Ye Lan finally opened the Pill Furnace, With a wave of his hand, the refined Yang Fire Pills that formed in the furnace flew towards his hand one after another.    


"Five Yang Fire Pills! That should be enough."    


Ye Lan stared at the five spherical pills in his hands that were emitting waves of warm air and fragrance as he revealed a satisfied smile.    


After successfully refining the Yang Fire Pill, he immediately headed towards the Taoist Artifacts Hall on that very same night as he wanted to hand these Yang Fire Pills over to Yin Shaoge as soon as possible.    


The sooner Yin Zhaoge gets rid of that dark aura in his body, the more at ease Ye Lan would feel about him.    


After all, he did not want to see his sworn brother being humiliated, mocked, and treated as trash any longer.    


He truly wanted to prevent Yin Shaoge from suffering the same fate of his previous life and reconstruct his previous image as a genius!    


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