Pill Sovereign Reborn

C21 Not a Single One Remained!

C21 Not a Single One Remained!

0"You want me to hand it over? You're not joking, are you?"    


In the face of Lin Yu's cold threat, Ye Lan remained unfazed as he stored the Fire Lotus Herb into his robe without any intentions of handing it over.    


Seeing this, Lin Yu revealed a deep frown as his expression turned ashen.    


He did not expect Ye Lan to brush off his death threats just like case.    


"Joking? Do you think someone of my status will actually joke around with you, the trash of the Ye Family?"    


Lin Yu fumed with rising anger as his tone became increasingly cold.    


From what he knew, Ye Lan was infamous for being a useless trash who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians.    


"Let me say it again. Hand the Fire Lotus Herb over at once, or die a graveless death in the Extreme Flame Land!"    


Lin Yu gave him another warning.    


"I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do so!"    


Ye Lan replied without any hesitation.    


"To think a mere trash like you would be arrogant enough to speak to me in such a manner."    


Lin Yu snorted coldly as he waved his hand. At that moment, a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator of the Qin Family brazenly rushed towards Le Yan from behind.    




A muffled sound rang out.    


With a square punch into the face, the cultivator of the Qin Family was instantly sent flying as he crashed heavily onto the ground. As his quivering limbs suddenly turned limp, he died on the spot.    


One punch!    


A Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator actually dead with a single punch!    


Upon witnessing the turn of events, Lin Yu and the other Qin Family cultivators stood petrified in shock.    


Wasn't Ye Lan not able to cultivate?    


When and how did he suddenly attain the ability to kill a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator with a single punch?    


"No wonder you were acting in such an arrogant manner! A piece of trash like you has actually become quite strong, huh? To think that you could actually kill a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator with a single punch!"    


Waking up from his stupor, Lin Yu said as he glared menacingly at Ye Lan. His eyes turned cold as a great killing intent surged from his body.    


"Enough with the nonsense!"    


Ye Lan replied impatiently with a tone full of ridicule.    


"You're simply courting death!"    


With a cold shout, Lin Yu activated the Genuine Qi in his body and bolted towards Ye Lan.    


Never in a million years would he have thought that he would be mocked by a piece of trash like Ye Lan.    


Even if Ye Lan really had the strength to kill a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator with one punch, so what?    


After all, someone of the sixth stage of the Body Tempering Realm would be able to do the same with ease!    




As Lin Yu suddenly charge towards him, Ye Lan snorted coldly as if he expected this to happen.    


In an instant, he charged up his right fist and jabbed it towards Lin Yu.    


With his punch rivaling the speed of a bullet, Lin Yu naturally could not react in time.    




A gut-wrenching crack suddenly resounded in the air.    


At first, everyone from the Qin Family thought that Lin Yu would quickly take care of Ye Lan. Contrary to their expectations, Lin Yu has missed his target entirely and was instead punch in the chest by Ye Lan. With that, he coughed out mouthfuls of blood and collapsed miserably to the ground.    


In that instant, Lin Yu's face contorted due to the unbearable pain as he gasped desperately for air.    


He stared at Ye Lan standing in front of him in utter shock.    


One punch?!    


Despite being at the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm, he was actually defeated by Ye Lan with a single attack?    


Having always thought highly of himself, this fact was extremely difficult for Lin Yu to accept.    


After all, he had already convinced him that Ye Lan was nothing but mere trash.    


Even if Ye Lan had the ability to kill a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator, he believed that Ye Lan couldn't possibly be any stronger than himself.    


However, Lin Yu realized that he had been completely wrong the entire time!    


It certainly was not an easy feat for him to defeat, much less kill Ye Lan.    


Furthermore, Ye Lan's cultivation had definitely surpassed the sixth stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


"The Peak of the Seventh Stage of the Body Tempering Realm!"    


The surrounding members of the Qin Family exclaimed in shock.    


Only after a long while of observation did the expert of the Qin Family at the second stage of the Qi Gathering Realm finally see through Ye Lan's true cultivation level.    


"From the looks of it, the rumors spreading around Lucid Aqua Town about you defeating Zhou Nan with a single punch was actually true!"    


That exact expert of the Qin Family stepped forward and helped the severely injured Lin Yu back up on his feet before saying to Ye Lan with a cold gaze.    


On the previous day, a certain rumor had spread like wildfire around Lucid Aqua Town.    


Zhou Nan of the Taoist Artifacts Hall, a Fourth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator, was defeated by someone with a single attack.    


Upon hearing that piece of news, many people in Lucid Aqua Town found it difficult to see it as the truth.    


Even the members of the Qin Family found it hard to believe in such ridiculous rumors.    


Among those members included this particular expert of the Qin Family who had broken through to the second stage of the Qi Gathering Realm.    


But having just witnessed Ye Lan kill a Fifth Stage Body Tempering Cultivation and heavily injure Lin Yu with a single punch...    


He finally decided to assess Ye Lan's current cultivation.    


Only after doing so did the expert determine the rumors spreading around Lucid Aqua Town yesterday to be real.    


Ye Lan was no longer the same trash of the past!    


With Ye Lan's current cultivation level, defeating Zhou Nan with one attack would be as easy as stomping on an ant.    


"What? Could it be that you thought that it was fake?"    


Ye Lan's mouth twitched slightly.    


"That was indeed the case. How could I possibly believe such a ridiculous rumor?"    


"What about now?"    


"I believe it."    


"So... what are you going to do next? Are you going to gang up on me together?"    


Ye Lan asked with a grin. His expression remained indifferent, not showing any signs of panic.    


"Gang up on you together? Don't you think you're thinking too highly of yourself? It's certainly true that you, Ye Lan, have become much stronger now. However, you still aren't strong enough for us to need to attack you together!"    


That expert of the Qin Family sneered with a disdainful gaze.    


"Against you, I alone am enough!"    


He suddenly declared arrogantly.    


With that, he stretched out his hands and grabbed towards Ye Lan's shoulder.    




At that moment, the Scarlet Flame Lion that was lying unconscious on the ground suddenly opened its eyes and let out a fierce roar.    


With a stomp of his feet, his enormous body suddenly charged towards the Second Stage Qi Gathering Expert as it bit down with its jaws.    


Seeing the Scarlet Flame Lion that was originally asleep suddenly take action...    


The expert of the Qin Family turned bleach pale in the midst of his charge towards Ye Lan. Suddenly, a trace of panic appeared in the depths of his eyes.    


After all, the cultivation of the Scarlet Flame Lion was equivalent to that of a Third Stage Qi Gathering Cultivator, a whole stage above that of the expert's cultivation.    


Even with the strength of a Second Stage Qi Gathering Cultivator, he knew that he did not stand a chance against the Scarlet Flame Lion alone.    


As such, the expert of the Qin Family decided to ignore Ye Lan for now.    


In that instant, he forcefully changed the direction of his momentum and moved to the side, barely dodging the Scarlet Flame Lion's attack.    


"Wow! Your reaction is quite fast."    


Seeing how the expert of the Qin Family actually managed to avoid the Scarlet Flame Lion's attack, the corner of Ye Lan's lips curled up into a smile.    


Immediately after, Ye Lan leaped into the air and landed nimbly on the Scarlet Flame Lion's back. Sitting cross-legged, he looked down on the other experts of the Qing and the pale-faced Lin Yu from above.    


Ye Lan's pair of crimson eyes exuded a strange aura that caused others to shudder in fear. Anyone who meets his gaze would feel as if something was peeking through the depths of their souls.    


Although Ye Lan jumped onto the Scarlet Flame Lion's back, it did not show any signs of resistance whatsoever.    


Its pair of vicious eyes continued to stare at the experts of the Qin Family.    


Naturally, Lin Yu and the other experts were all dumbfounded. Their faces filled with disbelief as their hearts were struck by waves of shock.    


"This... How is this possible? Why isn't the Scarlet Flame Lion attacking that brat?"    


Upon regaining his senses, one of the experts of the Qin Family muttered to himself with a puzzled expression.    


As everyone else woke up from their stupor, they too revealed their own dumbstruck faces.    


They simply could not understand why the usually-ferocious Scarlet Flame Lion was acting so abediently towards Ye Lan.    


What they did not know was that, at this very moment, the Scarlet Flame Lion was already being controlled by Ye Lan's Eye of Crimson.    


"Kill them all! Don't leave a single one of them alive!"    


Sitting leisurely on the back of the Scarlet Flame Lion, Ye Lan ordered mercilessly.    


He had always harbored great hatred for the Qin Family and would never give them any chance to grow or expand.    


Thus, he decided to take advantage of this opportunity in Sky Peak Valley and eliminate all the experts of the Qin Family currently present, weakening a portion of the Qin Family.    




The Scarlet Flame Lion lifted its head towards the sky and emitted an violent roar that shook even the lands of this valley.    



The terrifying roar echoed through the ravine as it trembled uncontrollably. The debris from the top of the ravine kept falling down and rolled into the raging magma at the depths.    


At the same time, its ferocious roar contained a terrifying shockwave that disturbed the flow of Genuine Qi within the Body Tempering Cultivators of the Qin Family. Consequently, their seven apertures suddenly erupted with blood, leading to their inevitable death.    


Only the Qi Gathering Cultivators of the Qin Family managed to survive as they barely withstood the effects of the roar.    


As for Lin Yu, he borrowed the power of a mystical jade talisman that activated a defensive spirit array. Only did he manage to block the terrifying shockwaves of the ferocious roar.    




With a single roar, the Scarlet Flame Lion had nearly killed everyone from the Qin Family Herb Collecting Team.    


Without giving them a second to recover, the Scarlet Flame Lion suddenly opened its mouth and shot out a burst of scorching crimson flames towards the remaining experts of the Qin Family.    


The expressions of the Qin Family cultivators turned bleach pale as they attempted to dodge the attack in a panic.    


The injured Lin Yu, having no chance of dodging the incoming attack, immediately turned into a pile of ashes upon contact with the blazing flames.    


What a joke, that young fellow was! To think that he was the one who threatened to kill Ye Lan earlier if he did not hand the Fire Lotus Herb over to them.    


Surely, Lin Yu did not expect to actually be the one to die a graveless death instead.    


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