Pill Sovereign Reborn

C27 Any Last Words?

C27 Any Last Words?

0Amidst the dusk of the gloomy forest, the pack of Green Demonic Wolves slowly surrounded Ye Xuan and the other with low growls coming out of their mouths.    




After what felt like an eternity, one of the Green Demonic Wolves suddenly roared and leaped into the air with a kick of its four hooves. Its enormous body quickly pounced forward in the direction of the Ye Family disciples, biting down on one of them.    




The Ye Family disciple at the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm let out a blood-curdling screen before his body was immediately shredded apart by the jaws of the Green Demonic Wolf, instantly dying on the spot.    


With that, the stench of blood thickened and surged through the forest.    


Stimulated by the smell of blood, the surrounding Green Demonic Wolf howled sinisterly in unison as if signaling the start of their hunt.    


In the next instnat, the entire pack dashed madly towards Ye Xuan, Ye Kuang, Ye Tao, Ye Ran, and the other Ye Family disciples.    


Some of them even lunged towards Cui Wuning and the other assassins and sunk their sharp fangs into their bodies.    


Facing the fierce Green Demonic Wolves, Ye Xuan and the other Ye Family disciples could only watch helplessly as they were ripped apart one after another.    


A series of miserable cries resounded through the forest as the Ye Family disciples were eaten alive by the Green Demonic Wolves.    


The ones who weren't eaten alive would, on the other hand, be shredded into mincemeat by their claws.    


As for the group of assassins led by Cui Wuming, a few of them had already died miserably under the brutal attacks of the wolves.    


"Everyone, don't panic! We must work together to stop the attacks of the Green Demonic Wolves!"    


As the first one to regain his composure, Cui Wuming immediately released his Fighting Soul and used a movement technique to deal a fatal blow on one of the wolves.    


With light and nimble footsteps, even the Green Demonic Wolves were caught off guard as he moved like a ghost.    


Despite being a whole stage higher in cultivation, the Green Demonic Wolves would still find such an opponent difficult to deal with.    


Upon hearing Cui Wuming's words, the few dark-cloaked assassins all calmed down and released their Fighting Souls. They gripped their short blades tightly as they fought against the berserk Green Demonic Wolves in an attempt to carve out a path of escape.    


While the group of assassins led by Cui Wuming were capable enough to deal with the Green Demonic Wolves...    


The Ye Family disciples led by Ye Xuan were, on the other hand, quickly overwhelmed in a one-sided massacre.    


With only numbers to boast of, what could cultivators of their level do to stop those Green Demonic Wolves from ripping them to shreds one after another?    


"Ye Lan, why aren't you helping us?"    


Analyzing his surroundings, Ye Xuan witnessed the death of the other disciples under the claws or fangs of the Green Demonic Wolves. His face quickly bleached deathly pale and contorted into an ugly expression.    


At that moment, he swept his gaze across the group of disciples before looking directly towards Ye Lan, who was watching everything unfold with a cold expression from a distance away.    


With no other options available to him, Ye Xuan could only call Ye Lan for help as he was, by far, the strongest cultivator amongst them.    


If Ye Lan were to assist them, they would, at the very least, have been able to resist against the wolves, even by a little, minimizing the deaths of the disciples.    


Thus, Ye Xuan was left with no other choice except to plead Ye Lan for help.    


"You want me to help you? But why should I? Why the hell should I help the people who planned to murder me?"    


Ye Lan sneered upon hearing Ye Xuan's plead.    


"If you don't help us out, you won't be able to escape this place alive either!"    


Ye Tao quickly replied in a deep voice.    


"Oh, really? Then, let's see who will be the one to survive until the end."    


Ye Lan snorted coldly and immediately activated his Eye of Crimson. With that, his pair of dark pupils turned crimson red in an instant, emitting a demonic aura capable of causing even one's soul to tremble in fear.    


Upon releasing his Eye of Crimson, the pack of Green Demonic Wolves that surrounded Ye Xuan and the others suddenly quieted down like a bunch of obedient dogs.    


At the same time, their ferocious emerald green eyes had also been enveloped by a bewitching hue of crimson, similar to the color of Ye Lan's Eye of Crimson.    


"Come here!"    


Ye Lan shouted.    


Upon hearing his commands, the Green Demonic Wolves sprinted and leaped towards him before respectfully prostrating at his feet.    


It was as if a group of minions were worshipping their one and only king!    


Witnessing such a ridiculous scene, all of the Ye Family disciples stood petrified in shock, unable to utter a single word.    


At that instant, their faces also bleached pale in disbelief.    


Standing in the distance, Cui Wuming and his remaining men were dumbstruck upon witnessing the absurd scene of the ferocious Green Demonic Wolves rushing to Ye Lan's side and prostrating themselves at his feet with their very own eyes. It certainly was an unbelievable sight to behold!    


"This... How is this possible? Could it be that this pack of Green Demonic Wolves really was lured here by that young man?"    


Regaining his sense after a long while, Cui Wuming exclaimed in shock.    


He had initially suspected that the sudden appearance of these Green Demonic Wolves was somehow related to Ye Lan.    


However, after pondering about it for a moment, he didn't think such a brat would be capable of such things.    


Now that he witnessed the Green Demonic Wolves bowing obediently to Ye Lan as if they were his subjects...    


His initial suspicions about the wolves being lured here by Ye Lan has indeed been proven to be true!    


Such a ridiculous scene shocked and deeply confused Cui Wuming. After all, what kind of ability did Ye Lan possess to be able to obtain the obedience and respect of the fierce Green Demonic Wolves?    


"Have you seen enough? I was the one who specially prepared this pack of Green Demonic Wolves for you!"    


Ye Lan stared menacingly at group of traitors with his devilish crimson eyes as the corners of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile.    


Upon hearing those words, Ye Xuan and the other disciples jolted awake from their stupor.    


Ye Lan... could actually control the Green Demonic Wolves?!    


Then, wouldn't they be...    


With that thought embedded deep into their minds, the lingering fear in the hearts of all the Ye Family disciples surged intensely.    


They finally understood why Ye Lan was able to remain so calm and threatened to kill everyone here even when facing such a dire predicament.    


With the ability to control the Green Demonic Wolves, he could easily kill every single one of them, even if they hired experienced assassins like Cui Wuming.    


What a joke! To think that they mocked Ye Lan for his stupidity and even laughed at how arrogant he was!    


With the secret out of the bag, it seemed that they were the stupid ones, not Ye Lan!    


"Ye... Y-Ye Lan, aren't... we sworn brothers? Yes... right! We are sworn brothers who had a toast with you earlier today!"    


"You... You won't kill us, will you?"    


Frightened out of his wits, Ye Ran pleaded to be spared as he gazed at Ye Lan with a sliver of hope.    


At this point, he had already lost his mind out of fear and was on the verge of total despair.    


Orginally, he believed that today's scheme against Ye Lan would definitely succeed. But oh... how the tables have turned, for everything had surpassed his initial expectations.    


Most importantly, he didn't want to die yet!    


Left with no other choice, Ye Ran could only beg Ye Lan for mercy and remind him about how he drank with him earlier today.    


"Hehe! Who was the one would said that only ghosts would become sworn brothers with me?"    


Ye Lan sneered.    


That one response rendered Ye Ran speechless. Despite his urge to say something, he could even utter a single word in response.    


At this moment, he felt nothing but regret.    


"Since you want to be a brother of mine, then you'll just have to turn into a ghost first. So, die!"    


Ye Lan replied coldly.    


The Green Demonic Wolf sitting beside suddenly let out a piercing howl before pouncing towards Ye Ran with its sharp fangs.    




Ye Ran only had enough time to scream before being bitten into two pieces by the Green Demonic Wolf, instantly dying on the spot.    




Witnessing the scene of Ye Ran being ripped apart by the Green Demonic Wolf controlled by Ye Lan, Ye Tao's eyes turned bloodshot as he screamed in pain.    


As the hatred surged in his heart, he glared menacingly at Ye Lan with utter resentment.    


"Ye Lan, how dare you kill my younger brother!"    


Ye Tao shouted with great animosity.    


"So what? Aside from killing him, I'm looking forward to killing you too!"    


Ye Lan replied with a carefree expression.    


The particular Green Demonic Wolf that bit Ye Ran to death instantly pounced towards Ye Tao.    




As a miserable scream resounded through the air, Ye Tao was shredded into mincemeat by the brandished claws of the wolf, dying a miserable death.    


Having witnessed the brutal deaths of the two brothers, the other Ye Family disciples turned deathly pale as a great sense of doom emerged in their minds.    


Everyone trembled uncontrollably in fear as some of them even lost control of their bladder, wetting their pants.    


Though they wanted to escape this place alive, in the presence of the Green Demonic Wolves, their legs seemed to have rooted into the ground and refused to listen to their commands.    


"Ye Lan, please spare my life. From today onwards, I will follow your orders and be your loyal slave!"    


Ye Kuang suddenly exclaimed as the last line of defense in his heart collapsed entirely with the tragic death of Ye Ran and Ye Tao.    


His knees turned numb as he kneeled with his head down of the ground. With a sullen face, he proceeded to beg Ye Lan for mercy, hoping for his to show mercy.    


"Haiz... Weren't all of us the disciples from the same Ye Family? Why did guys feel the need to plot my death? Since we ultimately came from the same family, I never harbored any ill-intentions against any of you in the first place. In fact, I was going to let bygones by bygones."    


"However, no what what you do or say today, I will never let you go unscathed. No matter how much you beg for mercy now, it's all far too late!"    


Ye Lan shook his head with utter disappointment.    


At that moment, the Green Demonic Wolves let out a series of ear-piercing howls simultaneously.    


In the blink of an eye, they pounced towards Ye Kuang and the other Ye Family disciples, creating a bloodbath in the midst of the dark forest.    




The miserable shrieks reverberated through the forest one after another as every single Ye Family disciple was either bitten to death or ripped into shreds by the Green Demonic Wolves. Even Ye Kuang who kneeled and pleaded for forgiveness was not spared by Ye Lan's wrath.    


At this moment, Ye Xuan was the only disciple left stand in fear.    


"Do you have any last words to say? If you don't say anything now, there won't be any further chances for you to do so."    


Staring straight into the eyes of Ye Xuan, Ye Lan decided to return him the favor.    



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