Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C6 Leng Ning Shuang

C6 Leng Ning Shuang



It wasn't an excessive request, but the shopkeeper hesitated. With a bitter face, he said, "This... Young master, this lowly one is waiting for a distinguished guest today. She will be here soon. If she does not see us here, we will wait for her. I am afraid that it will make that lord unhappy. This lowly one... This lowly one cannot bear it."    


Xiao Yun smiled and said, "It's fine. Let's go to the medicine store next door. When the person comes, just let the nearby shops tell him. It won't take long for you to come back."    




The shop owner knew that he could not convince the other party, so he could only helplessly agree.    


After making arrangements, he closed the door and followed Xiao Yun to the medicine store.    


An hour later, the medicine was ready. In the lobby, Xiao Yun carefully took the medicine pot.    


"Bring a clean copper basin and a pot of hot water."    


Very quickly, everything was ready. Xiao Yun poured the pitch-black medicine juice into the copper basin. The shopkeeper and Han Shizhong hurriedly covered their mouths and noses. They even took a few steps back. Clearly, they were frightened by Xiao Yun's words.    


Xiao Yun ignored them. He turned around, took out a small jade bottle from his bosom, and carefully poured some white powder into the copper basin.    


After that, he poured all the hot water into the copper basin.    


The black medicine mixed with clear water had a lighter color, but it was still dark brown and could not be seen through.    


Xiao Yun took a wooden stick and stirred it gently a few times. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he suddenly soaked his hand into the water!    




This gave Shangguan Qing'er a scare. She quickly came up and pulled him.    


Xiao Yun could not help but laugh, "What is it? You know how to care about me?"    


Shangguan Qing'er was stunned. She took back her hand and spat, but she still could not help but ask, "What are you doing?"    


Xiao Yun did not deliberately hide it and said, "This is good stuff. It does not matter whether it is for people who practice martial arts or those who work hard. It is a miracle medicine! It can revive blood and remove blood stasis, remove dead muscles to give birth to tender flesh, and reconnect tendons and bones. Corrosion and expelling poison are the most precious secret medicine that can be used for external purposes!"    


When he said this, the surrounding people were stunned. Naturally, they did not believe him.    


This basin was obviously filled with poison. How could it have such a great effect?    


The group of people clearly did not believe him. Xiao Yun also did not explain much. Instead, he walked in front of the blacksmith worker and asked, "What's your name?"    


The young man said with a muffled voice, "My name is Dog Two..."    


The shop owner beside him hurriedly explained, "Dog Two is a homeless orphan, and his home is in trouble. He fled here, but his parents left in a few days. When the little one saw that he was pitiful, he took him in and could also help out in the shop. Sigh... When his parents died, I didn't even have the time to give him a name. "    


The shop owner sighed.    


Xiao Yun said, "Then just call him Dog Two. It's not a bad name either. Come over and put your hands inside the medicinal liquid."    


Dog Two was a little hesitant.    


"What? Are you afraid?"    


"I... I am not afraid. Even if you let go, I dare to let go!"    


"Then release it. But it will be very painful. You have to persevere. If you take it out at once, it will not have any effect."    


"If you are not afraid of pain, how can I be afraid of pain?"    


Dog Two looked honest on the surface, but it was clear in its heart. It had seen Xiao Yun soak his hand in the medicinal liquid for a long time. Even his young master with tender skin was fine, so what could a pure man like it have to do with him?    


In the end, he naturally extended his hands into the liquid carelessly. He looked around in a fit of pride, showing his manliness.    


But in a few blinks of an eye, its expression froze.    


His confident smile froze and gradually turned into a painful face. The corners of his mouth also cracked open. He even deliberately took a deep breath and opened his mouth to scream!    


Xiao Yun had long been prepared. He grabbed his arms and pressed down fiercely, not letting him pull his hands out.    




But the scream was unavoidable. Dog Two's eyes turned red in pain. As it struggled, sweat instantly covered its body, and it couldn't help but tremble.    


"Coward!" Xiao Yun suddenly cursed and roared, "Didn't you say you weren't afraid of pain just now?"    


"I... I didn't think that it would hurt so much..."    


Dog Two begged with tears in its eyes, and it kept wanting to get out.    


His strength was also quite great, and Xiao Yun almost couldn't hold it down.    


"You piece of trash!"    


Xiao Yun suddenly cursed again.    


"Only when one is suffering can one be superior to others. Technology is something that can only be obtained through hard work. It is caused by a water bubble and a scar. You can't even endure this little bit of pain. What else can you do? In the future, you can only be an apprentice in such a small blacksmith shop for the rest of your life!"    


Dog Two was scolded silly.    


Then, it gritted its teeth with all its might and really didn't cry again, even though its tears and sweat poured down with all its might.    


Xiao Yun nodded approvingly. In fact, this kind of pain was really hard to bear.    


An hour passed, and Dog Two was in so much pain that it was in a trance. It was on the verge of collapsing.    


At this moment, the door of the medicine store was knocked open with a bang, and a person strode in under everyone's astonished gazes.    


A woman.    


A very beautiful woman.    


She had a cold face and a ruthless expression.    


Just like her sword.    


An unsheathed sword!    


It was bright and shiny.    


It illuminated the room with a cold light.    


Leng Ningshuang was just like her name!    


Leng represented the most powerful family in the capital. In the early years, Leng Guzhu "shook the Blood Cloth Armor with a spear," shook the territory within three thousand miles of the northern border of Qin Country, and also shook the enormous Leng family in the capital.    


Ning, referring to her beauty, her skin as smooth as fat. This kind of description started from her. When she was born, she was as white as jade. Prime Minister Lee had personally sculpted a white jade baby. Compared to her, it was hard to distinguish her for a moment.    


Two was her background. Leng Guozhu was old and had a grandson. The twin brothers had given birth to one child, making her the only daughter of the Leng family. The word Wushuang was bestowed upon her by His Majesty! It also made the original pair of children become unparalleled under the heavens. It was a pity. It was also a stroke of luck.    


That was why she had received unimaginable pampering since she was young. She was born unruly, cold, and did things without any scruples.    


The Cold Moon Sword in her hand had injured countless princes, and she was like a tyrant in the capital!    


When he saw her face clearly, the shopkeeper, who was about to shout angrily, immediately started to tremble. Why did such a lady come? Then, he hurriedly went up to her and squeezed out the most energy-selling smile in his life. He said respectfully, "So it's you, Miss Leng. You've come? I was wondering why I heard the magpie call out so early in the morning! "    


Not only the shopkeeper, even Han Shizhong, who had always been aloof and aloof, also revealed a smile.    


The shopkeeper of the blacksmith's store beside him was even more frightened, and he plopped down on the floor. He said with a trembling voice, "You... Why did you come here personally?"    


Chapter 4, Dog and Dog    


Leng Ningshuang was a very principled person and hated violating the contract.    


Although it was the appointed time for the servants to come to the blacksmith shop when they had nothing to do today, they saw that the blacksmith shop's door was closed and there was no one there. Naturally, they were very angry. If they came in with swords, they would probably hurt people.    


Just as they were about to make a move, they saw Xiao Yun and Dog Two baring their teeth around a copper basin.    


So they asked coldly, "What are you doing?"    


Xiao Yun ignored them and calculated the time. He suddenly said, "Alright, it's about time."    


With that, he let go of Dog Two's hand, and Dog Two's palm immediately pulled out of the copper basin.    


The palm was swollen like pig trotters, red and scary.    


But then, the swelling visibly began to subside like a deflated balloon.    


Dog Two only felt that its hand was extremely smooth, so it clenched its fist. It didn't feel any pain like it usually did, so it compared its hands. The hand that had obviously soaked in the copper basin was now a size smaller than the other hand, and the blisters on it melted. The wound also began to close. There wasn't any pain.    


Leng Ningshuang also came over and forgot to get angry. She stared blankly at Dog Two's two hands and asked, "What's going on? Just now, this hand was so swollen that it was very swollen, but now it's like this?"    


At this time, Xiao Yun turned his head around and pretended to see Leng Ningshuang. He smiled gently and said, "I work, practice martial arts, or often touch cold water. Or I cut a scar on my palm. There must be a meridian knot on my palm. When I was young, I didn't feel anything when I hurt my bones, but when I get old... These old wounds would be found. His fists were like a bowl of vinegar, and his joints were swollen like dates. He felt pain day and night, and if he wanted to treat it, he could only stand after it was broken, allowing his bones to be revitalized. And this secret medicine of mine can cure this disease. Take Dog Two for example. Although it was young, it had accumulated a lot of old injuries over the years. Although it could be cured, it needed to be soaked a few more times. Just this one time is still not enough. "    


Dog Two was stunned for a moment. It looked at its palm in surprise and exclaimed, "This is too miraculous! My hand, my hand is neither numb nor painful!"    


The blacksmith shop owner also hurriedly came over, widened his eyes, and looked at his palm. Then, he raised his thick palm and looked at it...    


The fingers of an old tree root, thick and mottled.    


Forging was an activity of strength. When soaked in boiling water, the hammer would also cause injuries.    


As a craftsman.    


The first thing he did every morning was to boil a pot of hot water.    


There was also a piece of bitter ginger next to the basin. He rubbed every finger on it and then soaked it in hot water.    


Only in this way could he clench his fist.    


Pain? Of course it was pain, but he was used to it.    


Seeing that his apprentice's palm had obviously improved a lot because of a pot of medicine, this was a strong impact on the old shop owner.    


He suddenly turned his head and asked, "This medicine... How much is this medicine for? I want to buy it! "    


Han Shizhong looked embarrassed and said, "This medicine belongs to this young master. We... can't sell it."    


At the same time, Leng Ningshuang also rushed over and loudly asked," Sell this medicine to me! "    


It was rare for such a cold beauty to speak in such a loud voice. Even though she was angry before, her voice was calm and collected.    


But now, anyone could see her excitement.    


Xiao Yun smiled.    


Sure enough, the information he got was correct.    


After more than ten days of investigation, he had a rough idea of what was going on in the capital.    


For example, Leng Ningshuang, the tyrant of the Leng family in the capital.    


And her grandfather, Leng Xiaohan, the pillar of the Qin Country!    


This man had been in war all his life, and he had almost no weaknesses. However, the years of war had brought him unparalleled glory and a huge family business, and at the same time, it had also brought him a lot of pain.    


It was said that he had been unable to get down from the ground for a few days. His hands and feet were like tree roots with tumors and scars, and he could not even pick up his chopsticks.    


As a famous filial granddaughter in the capital, how could she not be excited when she saw this kind of medicine?    


He smiled.    



He said softly, "It's impossible to sell it. After all, this young master is a person who is full of poetry. Our family is also considered to be a family of books. How can we do business like this? Moreover, this is a secret knowledge of the family. How can it be easily revealed to others? Miss, you are really looking down on me."    


After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door.    


He even loudly said, "Shopkeeper, according to what we said earlier, prepare ten doses of medicine for me. After ten days, send ten doses. When you reach home, directly go to the accountant to withdraw money and report my name!"    


When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "Right, you must not try to sell or hand them over to others. The medicinal formula that I gave you lacked the most important medicinal catalyst. With it, this medicine is a good medicine for treating illnesses. Without it, this medicine is a poison that corrodes one's bones! I hope you all do not make a mistake. "    


After saying this, he really walked out of the medicine store, walking towards the corner of the street.    


Shangguan Qing'er had a stunned expression and looked left and right awkwardly. Then, she could only helplessly follow.    


Leng Ningshuang's beautiful eyes were fiery as she sternly shouted, "Which family are you from? "    


Xiao Yun replied loudly without turning his head, "This young master? This young master's name is Xiao Yun, the Xiao family's eldest young master! Also, young lady, don't always call me by my name. It's really impolite to call me young master Yun!"    


After he finished speaking, he did not wait for Leng Ningshuang to get angry and left quickly.    


He left in a carefree manner.    


Leng Ningshuang was stunned for a long time before she remembered to chase after him.    


She ran out of the door and looked forward, but there was no trace of Xiao Yun.    


She stomped her foot hard, and her face turned green with anger. Her eyelids trembled.    


She had never thought that Xiao Yun would really leave without any hesitation.    


"Damn it! Bastard!"    


The dignified young lady of Leng family, the overlord of the capital, Leng Ningshuang, and the elegant and elegant lady who was dancing with her sword, were now so angry that she started cursing on the street.    


If she cared, it would cause chaos!    


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