Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C180 Depository Order

C180 Depository Order

0His Majesty instantly understood what he didn't understand.    


As long as he interpreted that meat as a copper coin, everything would be explained.    


He also knew why the merchants would increase the price, and why this matter couldn't be avoided.    


More importantly, the only mistake in this matter was that order from His Majesty!    


This policy that seemed to have no problems on the surface, who would have thought that it would cause such a huge commotion?    


His Majesty fell silent.    


He realized that this was his fault.    


At the same time, he also understood why Leng Guozhu wanted to tell this story. This was to avoid pointing out his mistake in front of everyone!    


His Majesty took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "It's a good story..."    


After a long pause, he said, "Those merchants' punishment, remember it for now. There's no need to punish them prematurely. As for the tax collection... For various reasons, we should not force the people to use copper coins to pay taxes for the time being. But now, it was still the same problem, copper coins... Do you have any good ideas?"    


As he spoke, he looked at Leng Guozhu.    


Leng Xiaohan, however, acted as if he did not see the king's gaze at all. He obediently returned to his seat, looking at his nose and mouth, as if nothing had anything to do with him.    


This made His Majesty's teeth itch!    


All of the officials looked at each other. To be honest, they could not think of anything.    


After all, this was a common problem. If they had a solution, they would have brought it up a long time ago.    


At this moment, everyone was looking at the Third Duke.    


As the three people with the highest authority in the Imperial Court, they should be able to receive sufficient expectations at this moment.    


Among the Third Duke, the one who was in charge of this matter was Zhao Wuji.    


He thought for a moment and stepped out from the crowd, saying, "Your Majesty, this old subject has a plan."    


" Oh? Secretary Zhao, please speak."    


" Now, it's not that we don't have enough copper coins, but because of the various large clans. There are also the civilians who have too many copper coins. Even the most ordinary families have a few yuan to save for special occasions. Furthermore, buying houses, buying land, and even marrying and marrying required a lot of money. As a result, the copper coins were stored at home in large quantities. Hiding in the wall and buried in the soil, the copper coins on the market were naturally not enough. Therefore, the most feasible way was to cure the symptoms and root of the problem. To start from the source, for example, to prevent the people of the world from storing too many copper coins. With that, the copper coins would be forced to flow into the market, and the number of copper coins would naturally increase. The problem of not having enough copper coins will also be solved accordingly. "    


His Majesty's eyes instantly lit up.    


He nodded and said, "That's right. Not only do the common people stockpile, but even the aristocratic families. Which family doesn't have large quantities of copper coins?"    


Since he said so, an official immediately echoed, "Your Majesty, I heard that the various large families all have some copper coins. I heard that the copper coins can even fill a few houses in the large merchant families. They are usually not used, but the smell of rust is produced. They can float out for miles! "    


Another official said: "Besides, if we just stock it up, since it has been used up, the copper coin is too embroidered, so it can be directly damaged and cannot be spent. This kind of loss was not a small amount. After a few years, it can take up ten percent of all the copper coins. The amount is quite large! "    


"That's right. Lord Wei is right. There is indeed this kind of loss. This official has also heard of a situation where some jewelry merchants have nowhere to buy copper. They actually smelt copper coins to make various kinds of copper coins. However, he did not know that copper coins were extremely expensive to make. As such, in this way, the Imperial Court will be fully responsible for the cost of forging the copper coins. It was really... Sigh, let's give up everything."    


" Right, right, right! There is indeed such a situation. I heard that some workshops also do the same when there is a shortage of copper!"    


A group of people who did not have any opinions before suddenly understood this matter.    


Moreover, they made sense of the situation.    


Obviously, they'd all thought about this matter, but they had no way to deal with it.    


That was how being an official was.    


There were many people who saw the problem!    


They were not blind.    


They could also see things that everyone could see.    


As for not saying?    


As an official, if he wanted to say this, he couldn't just see it. He had to be able to say a solution. Moreover, this solution had to be very reliable, and it could really solve these problems.    




Why would he say it?    


When he saw that something was not right, he would just say it out loud and throw the problem to His Majesty for His Majesty to do it?    


Isn't this nonsense!    


The most important thing to be an official is not the eyes, but the hands.    


Seeing that the matter was not considered to be capable, but to be able to resolve the matter was the ability!    


Therefore, there were some things that the citizens felt that some officials were blind. They were deaf and did not care about it. In fact, they saw it. However, they had no way to resolve it. What could they do? They could only pretend that they could not see it!    


Playing dumb and pretending to be deaf and mute was originally part of the path of an official.    


When His Majesty heard the various questions that they spoke of, he also had a plan in his heart.    


But he could not immediately give orders.    


Instead, he said, "Since you all have opinions on this matter, do you have any countermeasures?"    


The officials immediately shut their mouths. Indeed, they really had no good ideas.    


Zhao Wuji said again, "Your Majesty, for the sake of today's plan, we need to use a heavy punishment. Punish the nobles and civilians not to stock up on copper coins and spend more."    


After a moment of silence, he continued, "On the other hand, we need a proper punishment. We need to destroy the copper coins as we wish. Those who waste the copper coins too much should also be punished. For example, if a jewelry craftsman refines a copper coin without permission, he should be punished accordingly for his actions. Those who stockpile copper coins and cause the copper coins to rust and mold should be punished according to the amount of loss! "    


His Majesty nodded in satisfaction.    



He couldn't help but think that at this critical moment, he still had to rely on the Minister of Humlar Bones.    


They could directly reach the source, and also make the final decision. It could be said that they were able to plan and make a decision!    


But it was much better than some noisy "kids."    


In particular, these ministers could at least say the matter themselves and not some 'brat'. They would even have to lower themselves to ask!    


Humph! With this comparison, the difference was obvious.    


Another decree was sent out.    


His Majesty was overjoyed. He felt that a problem that had troubled the Imperial Court for so many years had been easily solved by him. This was truly an exciting matter.    


However, after this decree was sent out, it changed its appearance.    


Some of the rich families hurriedly went to check their money banks and discovered that there were indeed many copper coins inside that had decayed and were very difficult to use.    


They hurriedly called the servants over to bring them out. They desperately washed and dried them, but in the end, the losses were still too great.    


Helpless, they could only choose to cheat on the account books.    


They had to avoid the punishment of "damaging the copper coins."    


On the other hand, after the civilians learned of this news, they were at a loss at first.    


But then, it was the wrath of the heavens and the people.    


Some families had saved up for many years and had only saved up a few tens of yuan. They had originally planned to marry their children and buy two acres of land so that their family could live a peaceful life.    


But now, the copper coin had become a sin.    


Smart people hurriedly hid their own copper coins. They dug three feet into the ground and buried them deeply, not letting anyone see them easily.    


As for those officials who were anxious to produce a political achievement, they were unhappy.    


They knew that the Imperial Court wanted the copper coins now, so if they did not have enough copper coins, wouldn't their political achievements be very ugly? At that time, the three year examination, the path of promotion, how would there be any benefits for them?    


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