Peerless War God

C4258 The Sea Route!

C4258 The Sea Route!

0On the surface of the Endless Sea, there were no clouds.    


“How is the situation?”    


Qin Daoyuan was expressionless. His eyes were as cold as a hawk’s, looking down at the merchant ships that were passing by, looking very serious.    


When Qin He, who was standing beside him, saw this, he immediately said, “Everything is normal, there is nothing unusual.”    


Qin Daoyuan’s eyes flashed, and his Spiritual Sense spread out, passing through the vast sea, passing through every merchant ship.    


The Endless Sea was originally the territory that Violet Cloud City had conquered. Now that the Dragon Palace had been defeated, the Endless Sea had completely returned to the rule of Violet Cloud City, and because of this, the territory had expanded by more than double.    


The larger the control of the sea, the greater the benefits, and the merchant ships that came and went were even more.    


“Qin He.”    


“Yes, what orders does Big Brother Daoyuan have?” Qin He said respectfully.    


“It is naturally welcome for merchant ships to do business. As long as the procedures are complete, there is no need to stop or make things difficult. This is something that must be guaranteed.”    


Qin Daoyuan said sternly.    


“Yes, I will inform the people below.” Qin He nodded and agreed.    


“This is one of the reasons. More importantly, if anyone tries to bypass the smuggling and smuggling, they must be strictly guarded against, and they must not be tolerated. If there is anyone who is bold and reckless, they can be killed on the spot.”    


Qin Daoyuan’s words were cold, and his tone was unquestionable.    


Qin He’s heart shook, and he said, “Yes, I understand.”    


Only then did Qin Daoyuan feel slightly more at ease. He patted Qin He’s shoulder and said, “Very good, I don’t trust the others. You are one of my own, so don’t disappoint me.”    


Qin He nodded excitedly, feeling extremely excited in his heart.    


"Yes, go and do your work."    


Qin He cupped his fists and bowed, then turned around and left.    


Upon seeing this, Senior Sister Huo Yuan, who was at the side, silently leaned over, and a hint of worry flashed across her eyes as she said, "Dao Yuan, you don't need to personally oversee such matters. Instead, you will be wasting your time and effort."    


Huo Yuan's words made sense. Qin Dao Yuan had spent all his energy on managing the affairs of the Heavenly Sea Island, so he had less time to cultivate.    


If this continued, his strength would definitely regress greatly, which was not good.    


Qin Dao Yuan shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do. This is something that Chen Xiao gave me, so I have to do it personally. He doesn't trust anyone else."    


When Huo Yuan heard this, her eyes were filled with heartache. "You are sacrificing too much."    


Qin Dao Yuan chuckled and said indifferently, "Sacrificing too much? Everything has a sacrifice. You can't only think about yourself. You have to think about everyone else. Besides, I feel like I have no hope of breaking through."    


Huo Yuan's expression changed, and she held Qin Dao Yuan's hand. She sighed lightly and said, "Don't push yourself too hard. Just let nature take its course."    


Qin Dao Yuan nodded. "That's right. Let nature take its course. I can't force it. If I really have no hope of breaking through, then that is my fate."    


Huo Yuan's mood was a little downcast. "How difficult is it to break through to the Immortal Realm? Not to mention Violet Cloud City, even in the entire Kui Nan State, there aren't many people like you. You are too harsh on yourself."    


Qin Daoyuan patted the Flame Bird’s hand and smiled.    


“So, sometimes it’s good to do things that you can do, isn’t it?”    




On the sea, there were guards from the Heavenly Sea Island patrolling to prevent any merchant ships from going around. At the same time, with the protection of the guards, it would be much safer.    


Qin He personally sat in command and coldly looked down at the trade route below.    


The guards flew up to the merchant ships one by one to carry out the inspection.    


“Inspect, take out all your storage rings. You’re not allowed to hide them, or else you’ll be severely punished.”    


The guards shouted loudly.    


“Yes, yes, we don’t dare to hide them, we definitely won’t dare to hide them.”    


“Hurry up, take out all your storage rings one by one. Open them and let the guards inspect them. Move quickly, don’t delay.”    


The cultivators on the merchant ships were very cooperative and took out their storage rings to carry out the routine inspection.    


Most of the cultivators on the merchant ships were very cooperative, but there were a few who were unhappy.    


“Hmph, even our storage rings have to be inspected, aren’t they a bit too overbearing?”    


“That’s right, there are many things inside the storage rings that are personal belongings, and they are the secrets of our cultivators. The Heavenly Sea Island is too tyrannical and unreasonable by doing this.”    


“Right, unreasonable, the Heavenly Sea Island is too unreasonable, this isn’t fair.”    


At this time, a cultivator on a merchant ship muttered, venting his dissatisfaction, and even shouted.    


The captain of the guards sneered and took a step forward.    


“What, what are you talking about? I didn’t hear you. If you have the ability, you can say it again. By the way, you are the captain, right? What they said was your idea?”    


The captain stared at the middle-aged cultivator coldly. He was at the late stage of the Prominent Divine Realm.    


The middle-aged cultivator was wearing a purple-golden robe. He had a big belly, and his face seemed to be oily.    


After being questioned, the middle-aged captain’s body quivered, and he immediately sobered up.    


“I, I…”    


He opened his mouth and stuttered. He didn’t know how to answer.    



The captain’s words were very intimidating. He didn’t dare to answer casually. If he didn’t answer well, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


“Think about it carefully before you speak. You have to think about the consequences.”    


“Captain Qin, I completely abide by the rules of Heavenly Sea Island and Purple Cloud City. What they said has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. Captain Qin, please be clear.”    


The middle-aged captain showed a fawning expression and came up. He took out a bag of immortal jades and handed it to the captain.    


The captain sneered and waved his hand. He didn’t take it.    


“Humph, you are smart. Continue to check. Remember, carefully check every corner. Don’t let a single corner go.”    


“Yes, Captain. Don’t worry. We will slowly check.”    


Several of his subordinates smiled sinisterly and replied.    


This time, the middle-aged captain was in trouble. He knew that his words had angered the other party. Although the other party did not turn hostile, it was too easy to create trouble for him.    


For a moment, the speed of the guards’ inspection clearly slowed down. It was likely that they would be delayed for a longer period of time.    


As a result, the middle-aged captain was in trouble.    


His face was filled with bitterness and he found it hard to speak. Both parties were just staring at each other, and neither of them took any further action.    


The middle-aged captain had no choice but to thicken his face and say, “Please make an exception. The lord does not forget the wrongdoings of the lowly. We were the ones who spoke carelessly. They also know that they were in the wrong. What do you think?”    


As he spoke, he handed over a bag of immortal jades.    


“Cough, cough.” Captain Qin coughed twice, but did not take it. He was not moved at all.    


In fact, he still wanted it in his heart, but it was not possible now. After all, Elder Qin He was personally watching over him.    


If he had the slightest inappropriate action, he would probably lose his position.    


For such a small profit, he was not stupid to lose such a fat job.    


“Don’t come up with such a trick. We are just doing official business.”    


“Yes, yes.” The middle-aged captain’s face was bitter, and he did not dare to say anything more.    


In his heart, he was also very helpless. Although this sea route was good, the commission of Tianhai Island was really ruthless.    


Chapter 3 – The Sea Route    


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