Supreme Cultivation System :The Last Survivor

C269 Sin City

C269 Sin City

0Beast King City, East Pole City, Dongxuan City and Sky Dragon City were located in the east, south, west, and north directions of Dongji Stage. Therefore, Dongxuan City was the closest to Dongxuan State. However, Lee Shaoyu didn't dare to enter the city by using the teleportation formation. Instead, he went straight through the mountains and rivers, preparing to cross the Dongji Stage and head towards Beast King City.    


Fortunately, the Dongji Stage was a narrow and narrow terrain. The distance between the Dongxuan State and the Beast King City was the closest. If he rushed with all his might, he would arrive in a few days. If Lee Shaoyu wanted to go to Sky Dragon City or East Pole City, he would probably need several months to travel.    


On the evening of the fourth day, Lee Shaoyu finally saw a giant city standing on the horizon. The giant city looked like a crouching beast lying on the ground. No wonder it was called the Beast King City.    


Although it was close, Lee Shaoyu had to run for another two hours to reach the outside of Beast King City. He finally arrived at his destination before nightfall.    


Standing outside the Beast King City and feeling the Beast King City from afar was a different feeling. A grand and aged aura rushed towards Lee Shaoyu. The ancient green stone wall was dozens of meters tall. The surface of the wall was full of the marks of corrosion of time and external force. It seemed to be telling the people who came later about the long history of this giant city and the bloody battles that they had experienced before this giant city.    


According to the records, the Beast King City had been built for hundreds of thousands of years. The city lord and the Cultivators guarding the city had changed batch after batch. Many people had already turned into a speck of dust in the long river of history, but this giant city had never collapsed, and had always coexisted with this world.    


This kind of giant city was different from the giant cities Lee Shaoyu saw in Dongxuan State. The Beast King City was a real historical relic, and there were traces of history left everywhere. It looked ancient and had a unique historical aura. The giant city located in those prosperous places, although it was magnificent and magnificent, it was only stained with the clamour of the mortal world.    


"Even if it was the peerless Proud Son of Heaven, with his great cultivation and great fortune, with his unparalleled foundation, he would inevitably turn into a pile of yellow soil in the end. After thousands of generations, his name would be forgotten by others."    


Lee Shaoyu couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart when he felt this ancient aura. If he didn't become an immortal one day, he wouldn't be able to resist the scourge of time. In the end, he would turn into a pile of dried bones. That was why so many Cultivators went against the heavens, searching for that illusory opportunity to become an immortal. They fought bitterly in this world.    


"Listening to Fellow Daoist's words, I seem to have a lot of feelings."    


Just as Lee Shaoyu was lost in his thoughts while facing the Beast King City, a clear voice suddenly sounded from behind him, scaring Lee Shaoyu. He seemed to have been too engrossed just now and didn't even notice that someone had come behind him.    


Lee Shaoyu subconsciously jumped forward and turned around quickly. He saw a young Taoist wearing a green Daoist robe smiling at him. The young Daoist looked delicate and pretty. He carried a cloth bag on his back and had an apricot banner on his back. There were four striking black words written on it - Divination of Heaven's Secrets!    


"Haha, don't be too nervous, Fellow Daoist. I was just passing by by by. I just heard Fellow Daoist's sigh and felt it, so I couldn't help but interrupt and disturb you. Please don't blame me."    


The young Daoist looked at Lee Shaoyu and couldn't help but laugh. He explained to Lee Shaoyu in a soft voice.    


"No, no, I was too careful."    


Lee Shaoyu felt embarrassed when he saw that the young Taoist didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards him. He quickly clasped his hands and apologized.    


"When I heard you sigh with emotion just now, you really spoke the thoughts of our generation. It made me sigh with emotion. As the saying goes, it is better to invite someone than to meet someone by chance. " Today, Fellow Daoist and I have become old friends at first sight. How about I invite Fellow Daoist to drink a cup of wine together, and treat it as me compensating for Fellow Daoist's crimes and suppressing my shock? "    


The young Daoist seemed to be very familiar with each other and treated people very warmly. He actually wanted to treat Lee Shaoyu to a meal the first time they met. This made Lee Shaoyu feel even more embarrassed.    


"What are you talking about? I am not familiar with the Beast King City, so I can ask you some questions. Let me treat you to this meal. Please lead the way."    


Lee Shaoyu did not have the nerve to ask the young Taoist priest to treat him to a meal, so he decided to treat the young Taoist priest to a meal. This could be considered a good relationship. In the future, he would be able to take care of many people in Beast King City.    


"How can I accept that? You just came to the Beast King City, so I should be the one to treat you..."    


"I should be the one to treat you..."    


"I'll invite you over..."    


"I'll treat..."    


The two of them argued with each other. The young Taoist priest took a step back and decided to let Lee Shaoyu treat them to the meal.    


"Since you insist, if I want to treat you again, it will seem fake. Today, I will treat you again. Next time, I will treat you."    


The young Daoist priest brought Lee Shaoyu to Beast King City. He found a relatively clean restaurant and asked for a single room. The restaurant was very efficient. In a short while, all the dishes were served. Therefore, the two of them started to drink and chat.    


Through simple chit-chat, Lee Shaoyu learned that the young Daoist's name was Shangguan Wenxuan, and he called himself Daoist Xuan Qing. He had stayed in Beast King City for nearly three years, and he had offended the influential people in the sect. That was why he had no choice but to hide in the Beast King City. Shangguan Wenxuan didn't know any martial skills, and he loved studying formations. Normally, he would set up a stall in the Beast King City to read fortunes and earn money. Lee Shaoyu also used his own life here and did not continue using the alias of Snow Feather. Because the alias of Snow Feather could not survive at all.    


"Brother Wenxuan, are you done eating? If you think it's not enough, let's order a few more dishes."    


This Shangguan Wenxuan had never stopped eating ever since the dishes were served. He kept picking up the food on the table with both hands, as if he was a starving ghost who hadn't eaten for days. Lee Shaoyu was stunned when he saw this. He didn't have the chance to ask Shangguan Wenxuan about the proper business until he had finished cleaning up the food on the table.    


"Haha, Brother Shaoyu is amused. This business of mine doesn't have much business in Beast King City, and my own strength is limited. Other people wouldn't take me on a risk. That's why I've been a little nervous recently. It's been a long time since I've seen meat."    


Shangguan Wenxuan burped and said in embarrassment.    


"No worries, no worries. Everyone has times when they are in dire straits. It's just that Brother Wenxuan is so poor that he insisted on treating me to a meal and a drink. Seeing that Brother Wenxuan is a man of character, it really touched Shaoyu's heart."    


Lee Shaoyu said with a smile. He never thought that this Shangguan Wenxuan was really a good man. Lee Shaoyu was really touched that he insisted on treating him to a meal even though he was not full. There were not many people who could do this.    


"I don't have any hobbies. I just like to make friends from all over the world. As the saying goes, it's better to have more friends."    


Shangguan Wenxuan picked up a toothpick and said while picking his teeth.    


"I just arrived in Beast King City, so I don't know much about the rules of Beast King City. Please give me some pointers, Brother Wenxuan."    


Lee Shaoyu said to Shangguan Wenxuan.    


"There are a total of four major powers in Dongji Stage. They are the Xuandao Sect, the Long Family, the Dongji Sect, and the City Lord's Mansion of Beast King City. Of course, the City Lord's Mansion of Beast King City is under the command of Beast King in the Setting Sun Forest. " Therefore, after you come to Dongji Stage, you must choose one power to join. "    


"Brother, since you have come to the Beast King City, you are naturally going to join the City Lord's Mansion. This is also the choice of most people. Because Beast King has the ability to protect us and doesn't have strict restrictions on us, the first thing you need to do is to go to the City Lord's Mansion and obtain a token of protection."    


After all, Shangguan Wenxuan had been crawling around in the Beast King City for three years, so he already knew the rules of the place like the back of his hand.    


"Get a City Lord's Mansion Guard Token? What is that?"    


Lee Shaoyu asked doubtfully.    


"The token of the City Lord's Mansion guards is a symbol of identity. Although Beast King is protecting us, the one who manages us is the City Lord, Xue Wanqian. Therefore, we have to obey the orders of the City Lord. In order to obtain the token of protection, one must obtain the recognition of City Lord's Mansion. Only by obtaining the recognition of the token can one obtain the protection of Beast King. You can be considered to have chosen this camp in Dongji Stage. At that time, you will have to obey the mission assigned by the City Lord."    


Shangguan Wenxuan explained to Lee Shaoyu in detail.    


Oh, I see. I understand now. Thank you for your guidance, Brother Wenxuan. "    


Lee Shaoyu nodded and said.    


"Of course, there are a lot of people in Beast King City, so there are a lot of people rushing to do the missions. If you don't want to do it, you might not be able to do any missions for a year. The missions are all listed on the mission list outside City Lord's Mansion, so you can go there and take a look when you want to earn some spirit stones from the missions. " That's why even though we have joined City Lord's Mansion, we are still relatively free. "    


Shangguan Wenxuan added.    


"I have learned a thing or two."    


"I have a copy of the rules regarding the Beast King City system. I'll give it to you to study."    



Shangguan Wenxuan took out a piece of yellow paper from his bag and handed it to Lee Shaoyu. Lee Shaoyu looked at it and saw some rules of the Beast King City. He could use them.    


"Brother Shaoyu has just arrived in Beast King City. I don't have anything to give to you. I have a piece of information about Dongji Stage that was bought by Tianji Pavilion at a high price. It records the detailed map of Dongxuan State, as well as some routes of danger that have been cracked. There are also signs of danger that haven't been cracked. " Anyway, I'm not going out to take any risks, so I'll give it to you, brother. "    


Shangguan Wenxuan then took out a crystal clear jade from his cloth bag. Lee Shaoyu immediately recognized that it was a Soul Storage Jade that could store soul information.    


"How can I accept this? Brother Wenxuan didn't buy it because he wanted to take the risk. How can I accept this? I'll just go to Tianji Pavilion tomorrow and buy one myself."    


Lee Shaoyu was too embarrassed to accept this, so he declined the offer.    


Brother, why do you need to spend so much money? I don't need it anyway. If you insist on not accepting it, I will sell it to you. "    


Shangguan Wenxuan was obviously unhappy. He said to Lee Shaoyu.    


"Alright. I don't know how much Brother Wenxuan spent to buy it. I will give it to you at the original price."    


Lee Shaoyu could not refuse it, so he had to say it in a low voice.    


"I bought one hundred Medium-grade Crystals when I bought it. You and my brother are fated, so you can give me ten Medium-grade Crystals."    


Shangguan Wenxuan said indifferently.    


"How can that be? I will accept your kindness, but I will definitely buy it at the original price."    


Lee Shaoyu took the jade and took out a hundred Storage Rings from the Storage Ring and placed them in front of Shangguan Wenxuan. Shangguan Wenxuan declined the offer for a moment and accepted the Shangguan Wenxuans.    


"Brother, you must be tired after traveling for several days. The third floor of this restaurant is the guest room. Brother, take a good night's rest. I will come back tomorrow to have a heart-to-heart talk with you."    


Shangguan Wenxuan said his goodbyes and left. Lee Shaoyu sent him to the door of the restaurant before returning. However, as soon as he entered the restaurant, he found that everyone was looking at him with pity. He felt that something was wrong.    


"Dear guest. Didn't the priest just sell you something? "    


It was the restaurant manager who spoke first, asking Lee Shaoyu.    


How did the restaurant manager know? "    


Lee Shaoyu asked in surprise.    


"He sold you a Soul Storage Jade, right? A hundred Medium-grade Crystals."    


A bearded man sitting not far from Lee Shaoyu said to Lee Shaoyu.    


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