Supreme Cultivation System :The Last Survivor

C533 Barefooted Big Man

C533 Barefooted Big Man

0As Lee Shaoyu stepped on the stone steps leading to the fourth floor, he suddenly thought of many things. Ever since he stepped into the Tongtian Tower, he hadn't encountered any decent tests. The difficulty was even lower than the outer test of the Tongtian Tower.    


Was it really because he was too strong? Or was it that there were other secrets hidden in this kind of test? He didn't know, and he couldn't figure it out. However, since he was already here, he could only take it one step at a time.    


The stone steps were very short. Before Lee Shaoyu could figure it out, he had already ascended to the fourth level of Tongtian Tower. Everywhere he looked, there were skeletons piled up on the ground. Clearly, this level's test was much more difficult. A large number of Proud Son of Heaven had died under this level's test.    


Creak! Creak!    


His footsteps made a disturbing sound as he stepped on the skeleton. It was not that he wanted to step on it. But there was no place to land. The ground was covered with white skeletons, and there was no space at all.    


Lee Shaoyu could not help but frown. He wondered how many people had died in order to create such a scene. It seemed like there were more than tens of thousands of these bones. Could it be that there were so many Proud Son of Heaven in history? That genius was really worthless.    


Proud Son of Heaven, who could stand at the peak of an era, would definitely not have more than five fingers. Otherwise, he would not be the real Proud Son of Heaven!    


"Another one has come. Imagining that there will be another fresh corpse on the ground later, I can't help but feel excited. Hahaha..." A wild laughter came from afar. Lee Shaoyu looked in the direction of the sound and his pupils involuntarily shrunk. The scene in front of him was really too horrible to look at.    


At the entrance of the stone stairs leading to the fifth floor, there was a burly man leaning against a large golden blade. There was a huge wooden basin under his feet. He was washing his feet. However, he did not use water to wash his feet. Instead, he used fresh blood!    


There were several corpses of the Human Clan hanging upside down above the wooden basin. A small hole had been opened in their skulls, and they were dripping blood into the basin. Corpses that looked like dried corpses were piled up around the burly man. They were all corpses that had been drained of blood.    


The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood. Lee Shaoyu could be considered someone who had seen many storms and storms. It could be said that he had killed countless people. However, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel his stomach churn. He felt like retching. Although he had been holding it in, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He held onto the wall and vomited loudly.    


Pervert! Lee Shaoyu could not help but think of this word in his heart. The big man in front of him was obviously a pervert! He instantly understood why there were so many corpses on this floor. Not only were there Proud Son of Heaven's corpses, but there were also many ordinary people's corpses!    


"Yi, the blood of this corpse was dried up again. It's not enough. This is far from enough!" Barefoot Man took off an upside-down corpse. It was as if he was a butcher who sold meat to livestock. He casually threw it away and took out a bag shaped spiritual artifact. He took out a shivering Human Clan disciple from inside and knocked him unconscious with one palm. He picked up a huge iron hook and pierced through his thigh, hanging him upside down.    


A spiritual artifact that could hold a living person!    


The unconscious Human Clan suddenly woke up from the pain and let out a miserable scream. However, the big man let out a satisfied laugh. He seemed to enjoy all of this. Blood flowed along the man's body into the wooden basin, causing the blood in the basin to become even brighter!    


He actually didn't kill the human race, but instead let out his blood!    


"You deserve to die!" Lee Shaoyu couldn't help but be furious. He held back the feeling of his stomach churning. He suddenly exerted force with his feet. Countless bones were sent flying by the powerful airflow. His body rushed towards the Barefoot Man like a ray of light. The immortal sword in his hand pierced through the void and appeared in front of Barefoot Man's chest.    


"Don't be in such a hurry. You can only be a backup now." Barefoot Man cracked his big mouth and smiled. He stretched out his hand and gently flicked Lee Shaoyu's sword. A powerful impact burst out and sent him flying away. He fell heavily into the skeleton in the distance.    


A powerful force!    


Lee Shaoyu couldn't help but be stunned. The physical strength of the man on the fourth floor was incomparably strong. He had already surpassed the limits of Celestial Stage! Upon closer inspection, he discovered that there was a faint horn on his forehead, and his eyes were slightly different from those of the Human Clan.    


Divine Clan!    


This Barefoot Man was actually a Divine Clan. Why was there a Divine Clan above the Tongtian Tower? Could it be that the Tongtian Tower had already been discovered by the Divine Clan?    


"Little sweetheart, don't look at me like that. You seem to be wondering why I'm here. Hahaha... Back then, I was captured and sealed by someone, but that guy's seal can't seal me for long. After that guy disappeared, I slowly recovered my strength. Although I have not been able to leave for so many years, I can do whatever I want here! However, it has been a long time since a newcomer came. I want to properly keep you and talk to me. "Then I will slowly torture you, hahaha..." The man from the Divine Clan burst into laughter. No wonder he could defeat Lee Shaoyu with just a finger. His strength was not sealed. No wonder no one had been able to leave the Tongtian Tower for countless years. It seemed like they had all died here.    


"I will kill you, you beast!" Lee Shaoyu roared and stood up again. Light was circulating around his body. He quickly formed a seal with his hands and shouted angrily, "Five Elemental World of Life and Death!"    


A huge Array Diagram spun and flew towards the big man from the Divine Clan. He wanted to use his strongest attack to end the life of the big man from the Divine Clan and avenge the death of the Human Clan!    


"Be quiet!" The big man from the Divine Clan suddenly shouted. He opened his mouth and spat out a seal shaped spirit artifact onto the Array Diagram. The Array Diagram instantly collapsed, unable to withstand the might of the seal spirit artifact!    


Heaven Flipping Seal!    


Lee Shaoyu's pupils could not help contracting. The seal shaped spiritual weapon looked like a legendary Immortal Path secret treasure, the Heaven Upheaval Seal. It was extremely powerful and could easily destroy a world. He never thought that a Divine Clan would have such a secret treasure. It seemed like there was an immortal among the people he killed!    


"Tianhuang Dragon Transformation Spell!" Lee Shaoyu was truly enraged this time. He immediately activated the Forbidden Arcane Art, and his combat strength instantly increased dramatically. His body kept moving around Barefoot Man like a phantom. The immortal sword in his hand kept slashing out violent sword lights at Barefoot Man.    


Boom! Boom!    


After using the Tianhuang Dragon Transformation Spell, Lee Shaoyu's strength was extremely terrifying. Although the amplification of the Tianhuang Dragon Transformation Spell was no longer as powerful as before after reaching the Celestial Stage realm, and it seemed to have its limit, it could still increase its strength by more than three times. Its might had already reached the True Immortal Stage realm, and its destructive power could not be underestimated.    


The originally motionless Barefoot Man of Divine Clan was no longer as calm as before. He picked up the golden blade on his back and kept slashing and blocking, but he still sat on the ground without moving. It could be said that he was extremely confident. However, he did have the same strength. None of Lee Shaoyu's sword lights could break through his defense, and they were all blocked outside!    


However, Lee Shaoyu continued to attack crazily as if he had gone mad, until his strength began to dissipate like a tide. The side effects of the Tianhuang Dragon Transformation Spell appeared!    




Lee Shaoyu was hit by Barefoot Man's fist and fell to the ground. The long golden knife was placed on his neck. At this moment, Barefoot Man finally stood up and stepped on his face. The pungent smell of blood seeped into his nose, making his stomach twitch again.    


"Wasn't it pretty fierce just now? Why does it look like a dead dog now? Didn't you want to kill me to avenge them? Come on! Why can't he move? Are you going to give up? " Barefoot Man from the Divine Clan let out a burst of wild laughter. His strength was just too strong. It was very likely that he was Dorje God. Even if he used the Tianhuang Dragon Transformation Spell, he was still no match for him. Lee Shaoyu was willing to be completely abused!    


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