Supreme Cultivation System :The Last Survivor

C966 Meet the Envoys from All over the World

C966 Meet the Envoys from All over the World

0When Lee Shaoyu walked out of his seclusion, the first thing he saw was Gate's face. Gate's eyes were bloodshot. He stood in front of Lee Shaoyu's door like a wooden stake. He had been waiting here for an unknown amount of time.    


"Boss, you have finally come out of seclusion!" The moment Gate saw the door open, the expression on his face changed from wooden to wild joy. He said with incomparable excitement.    


"What's wrong with you?" Lee Shaoyu looked at Gate with a puzzled expression. It seemed like he had been standing in front of his door for at least a month. One should know that the Asura Race was different from the Great Universes in Great Universe. Apart from their powerful strength and long lifespans, they were basically no different from ordinary people. They needed to eat and rest every few days, which was why the Asura Stones were so important.    


"If you don't come out in another day, I'm going to smash the door." Gate said in a deep voice, "You don't know how long you have been in seclusion. " The other Lords have sent messengers to our Wangyue Country to congratulate you. They want to see you in person. However, I stopped them at the beginning with the excuse that you are in seclusion. However, the level of the messengers who came in the past month was getting higher and higher. Recently, there were even a few country kings who arrived here. All of them insist on meeting you, I am almost unable to block them. Even if I call you, you still won't agree. I can only wait here every day. "    


"They want to find me. Why are you so nervous?" Lee Shaoyu said with a smile. He had already expected this kind of situation, so he was not surprised at all.    


"They clearly want to see you. In fact, they want to see if you are still here. Each of them is full of evil intentions. A few countries are already at the border of Chen Bing. They seem to be waiting for some kind of signal." Gate said in a deep voice.    


"Of course I know. They are actually just here to see if I am dead or not." Lee Shaoyu's face suddenly darkened. He touched the sword hilt on his back and said, "Go, invite them all to the meeting hall. I will meet them."    


"Okay!" Gate agreed and ran away. He had been very sullen these days. Lee Shaoyu was not here, so he could only serve the envoys and kings of those countries like a lord. He did not dare to show any neglect. Now, it could finally be over.    


Moon Gazing City, Meeting Room.    


Currently, the hall was filled with several white jade tables. The tables were filled with delicious wine and delicacies. The fragrance filled the entire hall. Lee Shaoyu was sitting on the main seat. At this moment, he was slowly pouring himself a cup of wine. After the envoys and kings of the various countries received Gate's notice, they rushed over immediately. They all wanted to see Lee Shaoyu's true appearance immediately. However, when they entered the hall and saw Lee Shaoyu, they all revealed a slightly stunned expression. However, they quickly recovered, because Lee Shaoyu's aura was really too weak.    


Of course, this weakness was relative to them. Compared to them, the weakest of these envoys and kings were all three Mightys. Standing in front of Lee Shaoyu like this, they could naturally feel the aura emitted from Lee Shaoyu's body, which was why they were surprised.    


Twenty-three people!    


The envoys and country kings of the various countries added up to a total of twenty-three people. In other words, there were twenty-three countries who had thoughts about Qiling Country. Of course, Lee Shaoyu didn't think that these people wanted to attack Qiling Country. It was undeniable that some of them wanted to build a good relationship with Qiling Country, but there weren't many of them.    


"Everyone, please take a seat. I have been cultivating in seclusion for the past year. I have neglected everyone. Please forgive me." After everyone had arrived, Lee Shaoyu said in a low voice. However, he was still drinking wine without any intention of getting up.    


"The Qiling Country Lord is so arrogant. Although we are not all rulers of a country, the worst of us are the marshals of a country. The Qiling Country Lord has asked me to stand here for so long, but now he has even waived the courtesy of getting up and welcoming us?" A three Mightys wearing golden armor shouted coldly, expressing the dissatisfaction in his heart.    


"I am no longer the Lord of Qiling Country. If you meet the Lord of Qiling Country and go to see Gate, he will naturally treat Gate with the respect of the country. I am just a carefree wild crane right now. I can't afford to be too restrained. If you think I am rude, you can naturally leave." Lee Shaoyu didn't stop drinking and didn't listen to the dishes. He said coldly.    


"Although you have already removed your position as the king, everyone knows that you are still the one in charge of Qiling Country. Are you trying to humiliate us on purpose?" The golden-armored man was clearly hot-tempered as he berated Lee Shaoyu.    


"Did you all make a mistake? "I didn't invite you all here. It was you who went all the way to Qiling Country to see me. " It was an exception for me to be able to see you all today. Don't be so noisy anymore. Otherwise, I will have to ask you to leave. " Lee Shaoyu's eyes suddenly turned cold as he spoke to the golden-armored man.    


King Gate, is this how you treat your guests in Qiling Country? " The golden-armored man turned his head and asked Gate.    


"All of you are ambassadors of different countries, and some of you are even the rulers of a country. Qiling Country will naturally receive you with the highest standard. " However, Yati has already retired from his position as the king, and is now wholeheartedly cultivating. Pursuing the path of supremacy, everyone wanted to disturb his cultivation. In order to satisfy everyone's wishes, This ruler had begged him for many days before agreeing to meet everyone. As for his attitude, the ruler could not help it. Even if he scolded everyone here, "I can't care. After all, everyone has come to request an audience with him." Gate said from the side.    


"You... you..." The golden-armored man looked at Lee Shaoyu and Gate, who were singing the same tune. He was so angry that he could not speak. His arm trembled as he pointed at the two of them. Suddenly, he foamed at the mouth and rolled his eyes as he fell down.    


"Aiya, this guy has epilepsy. The guard quickly carried him down. I didn't expect that he would have such a problem at such a young age. It's really pitiful. I can't bear to watch anymore. Hurry up and carry him away... Don't dirty the carpet here." Lee Shaoyu looked at the golden-armored man lying on the ground and kept twitching. He could not help but say to the guards around him.    


The others didn't expect that the final result would be like this. They knew that they couldn't watch the show anymore, so they all took their seats. They knew that it was useless to continue arguing with Lee Shaoyu. He was now a dead pig who wasn't afraid of boiling water. Everything he did was completely wiped out by Qiling Country.    


However, since these people were able to sit in today's seat, naturally, they were all extraordinary people. Soon, the atmosphere became lively, as if the unhappiness from before had already been tossed out of the clouds. * Hong Long... Hong Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long... Long...    


After three rounds of wine and five dishes, everyone was slightly drunk. Finally, someone began to probe.    


"I heard that Mr. Yati's cultivation went awry a while ago. I wonder if this is true or not? Has he recovered?" A middle-aged man in a gray robe held up his wine cup and walked unsteadily to Lee Shaoyu. He asked vaguely.    


Although he was vague, everyone could hear him clearly. The scene instantly quieted down. Each and every one of them pricked up their ears to hear Lee Shaoyu's answer.    


"Haha, it is true that something went wrong and caused my realm to drop. But please rest assured that I have already recovered." Lee Shaoyu said in a low voice. He didn't hide anything, because he knew that no one would believe him if he told the truth now.    


"You are truly worthy of celebration. I also know some medical skills. I really can't bear to see you fall from Quasi-emperor realm to Mighty realm today. I wonder if you can let me make a fool of myself and see if it can help you with your injuries." The gray-robed middle-aged man said in a deep voice.    


"There's no need for that. Our Qiling Country has a famous doctor as well. I've already let them see it. There's no need to trouble you." Lee Shaoyu said with a smile. He was trying to make others suspect that there was something wrong with his body. Only then would he see who was sincere and who was faking it.    


"Ah, what are you talking about, sir? Treating and saving people is the essence of a doctor. There is no need to talk about trouble," Lee Shaoyu said. The grey-robed old man leaned towards Lee Shaoyu and reached out his hand to touch Lee Shaoyu's wrist.    




Lee Shaoyu unsheathed his long sword and slashed at the grey-robed middle-aged man's palm. However, his speed was far slower than usual, so the grey-robed man easily dodged it.    


"Sir, why are you so angry? I just wanted to help you. It's also out of good intentions. How can Sir use his sword against me?" The gray-robed man retreated swiftly and did not probe further. He had already obtained the answer he wanted.    


Not only did the gray-robed man obtain the answer, but the remaining guests also obtained the answer. This was because everything that had happened just now had already fallen into their eyes.    


If Lee Shaoyu was still at his peak, the grey-robed man definitely wouldn't have been able to dodge this sword attack. But now, he was dodged so easily, which meant that there was definitely something wrong with Lee Shaoyu's body, and it was still a big problem. Everyone couldn't help but reveal a trace of joy in their eyes.    


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