Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C14 Sea Stabilizing Needle!

C14 Sea Stabilizing Needle!

0Ordinary probing machines couldn't penetrate into the fissure at all. They could only repair the edges while pushing in. Only people with strong physical qualities like Yun San would be able to break in.    


"Is it coming again …" Shen Lang took a deep breath, "Have you analyzed the cause of this abnormal energy?"    


"The result of the preliminary analysis of the God of Heaven System is that there is some external energy being pulled. But where did that energy come from and how did it appear? It hasn't been traced." Feng Ning said.    


"External energy? Could it be that in some corner of the world, there is something that can trigger the energy to explode? " Shen Lang raised his eyebrows.    


"Very likely."    


According to the data, he needed to control the energy within the sea eye as soon as possible. Even if the crack had already been controlled and the repair process was going smoothly, there was still a chance that it would be too late.    


If those unknown creatures were to jump out from the opening of Eastsea City # 1, it would cause even more trouble.    


"Are you sure that only Eastsea's No.1 has such a situation?" Shen Lang asked.    


Feng Ning nodded: "Yes, although there was an abnormality in the 13th deep abyss of South America, it has been solved."    


At this moment, Yu Dun's voice came through Shen Lang's wireless earpiece, "High Lord, the young madam called you. Do you want to answer?"    




Shen Lang heard Qin Mingyue's anxious voice.    


"Where did you run off to? Second Uncle finally has the time to see me, but you haven't returned yet! "    


"I'm busy saving the world in the East China Sea." Shen Lang said casually.    


"Cut the crap! "I'll head into the conference room to report on our cooperation this time. Come back as soon as possible!"    


She hung up.    


Shen Lang looked at his watch: "I'm afraid we won't make it in time for the meeting. Try to make dinner for her at home."    


Feng Ning and Yun San looked at each other and couldn't hold back their laughter. They heard Yu Dun's laughter through their headphones.    


For High Lord, the dignified Kunlun Ruins, to be yelled at by his wife, and to even think of rushing back in time to cook for his wife … Sigh …    


Among these people, only Yu Dun dared to laugh out loud. Because this guy was young, not even 18 years old, and everyone treated him like a little brother, Shen Lang was naturally more tolerant.    


"There's no time to lose, just use your ultimate move." Shen Lang regained his cold expression.    


"Lei Zhiqiang, evacuate all members of the repair team guarding the sea corner within 30 minutes!" Shen Lang ordered.    


After giving the order, huge machines began flying out of the deep sea in quick succession, and the fleets around them methodically distanced themselves. The retreat began.    


"Yu Tun, aim your position at the center of the eye of the sea, maintain at all times!" Ten minutes later, Feng Ning, Yun San and Yu Dun, the three of you come with me to get the Divine Needle of Sealification. Lei Zhen has arranged for a portion of the guards to connect to the God of Heaven System to assist from the side! "    


"Yes, High Lord!"    


At this moment, Qin Mingyue was reporting to Qin Feng about her collaboration in the family meeting room. The more she spoke, the more wonderful the expressions of Qin Feng and the others became.    


They looked at Qin Mingyue as if she was a monster. If it wasn't for the pile of contracts in front of them, they would have thought that this woman was here to brag.    


After an hour of detailed reporting, Qin Mingyue recounted in detail the cooperation methods of each of the cooperating parties. All of them actually gave Qin Family the best resources and the lowest requirements, shocking Qin Feng and the others.    


Qin Mingyue looked at the time and asked, "Second Granduncle, is there anything else you need me to answer?"    


Qin Feng took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, "About that... Mingyue, you said you were tired. Take a rest and have some tea. Everyone, take a rest as well.    


— —    


On the other side of Eastsea No.1    


Shen Lang personally led the four great deacons to a hidden island and entered an ancient and grand cave.    


The cave was brightly lit, with a humanoid sculpture sitting cross-legged in the middle.    


However, this sculpture's appearance was like a monkey's cheeks and ears, attracting the wind. If one looked closely, one would see that it was clearly a monkey's head.    


The sculpture wasn't even one meter tall, and the monkey's eyes were slightly closed. Both of its hands were placed on its knees. On its thighs, there was a completely jet-black, gold, jade, jade and jade staff.    


Although it was a small sculpture, it exuded a formless and overbearing aura. It was as if the moment he opened his eyes, he could turn the entire world upside down.    


"Great Sage, let me borrow the Divine Weapon, Sea Securing Needle!"    


Shen Lang was in front of everyone, and all four of them bowed to the sculpture at the same time.    


"Yunsan, go get it." Shen Lang looked up.    


"Yes, High Lord."    


Yun San stretched his arms a few times before striding towards the sculpture.    


Yun San also felt that it was quite a bit when he held it. It looked like a sea calming divine needle that was about the size of a normal Chiru.    


"Tsk! Tsk! Five tons of Sea Freezing Needles! Sister Yun San is as relaxed as a scoop out of your ear! I'm so envious!" Being nearly two meters tall and as robust as a bear, Lei Zhihe could not help but sigh.    


Feng Ning poked Lei Zhen's thick arm: "This is my innate talent, it's useless even if you're envious."    


"Let's begin." Shen Lang ordered.    


Yu Dun, who had a childish face, sat down on the ground. He raised his palm, and a holographic projection appeared in front of him. He quickly listed out the coordinates.    


"Eye of the sea is unstable, moving in the center of the crack will create dislocations at any time, I will tell you the best time." Yurden touched his earphones.    


Feng Ning spread his hands wide open and his long hair fluttered. He flew up into the air and directly rushed to the sky above the sea. Under the control of his hands, the surging waves were pushed aside by an invisible force and extended to the vicinity of the sea eye.    




Yun San took a few deep breaths, his hands gripping the Soul-Fixing Spike tightly, his eyes staring unblinkingly at the distant sea.    



"Brother Lei Zhi-ge, a group of whales was hit by the energy of the fissure in the northwest direction of Sea Eye. The data has been sent to the garrison there." said Yu Dun, staring at the screen.    


Lei Zhiqiang quickly worked out a plan to issue an order.    


Everyone was cooperating in tacit understanding. Yu Dun told everyone about the changes in the Sea Eye at any time, and Feng Ning and Lei Zhiqiang also coordinated and adjusted until the most suitable opportunity appeared.    


A few minutes later, Yu Dun shouted, "Brother Feng Ning, break the energy barrier immediately. In ten seconds, Sister Yun San can make her move!"    


"Crash ~ ~ ~"    


The surface of the sea rumbled.    


In the sky, a golden light exploded in Feng Ning's eyes. The huge whirlpool that was created by the distant sea eye was torn open by him, and the energy ball that was wrapped around it was torn apart by him.    


After the countdown, Yun San rushed out with the Soul-Fixation Needle in his hand like an arrow released from a bow. He stepped on the ocean waves with unstoppable momentum, his petite body seemed to have the power of a hundred thousand kilograms.    


In one breath, Yun San rushed to the edge of the vortex and leaped up. Feng Ning waved his hand in the distance and with the help of an invisible energy, Yun San flew five hundred meters in the air.    


Afterwards, Yun San forcefully threw down the Sea Solidifying Divine Needle.    


After the Immobilize Divine Needle left his hand, it expanded with the wind, becoming heavier as it struck towards the center of the sea eye whirlpool.    


Accompanying the deafening sound, the Stabilizing Sea Needle, which was already as big as a metal tower and as big as a gigantic mountain, stirred a huge wave over 300 meters tall!    


He watched as the energy that was gushing out from his sea eye was suppressed by the Divine Needle. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound at the bottom of the sea and the Divine Needle was pushed out by the surging energy!    


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