Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C99 At Night the Devil Knocks on the Door

C99 At Night the Devil Knocks on the Door

0Qin Mingyue didn't know what Shen Lang was up to, but when she heard him say that, she couldn't help but advise him worriedly: "It's fine to tease them, don't go overboard."    


Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, "No matter how excessive, it can't compare to Zhou Wulue beating someone up."    


Qin Mingyue gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "You said it yourself. The dragon won't crush the snake on the ground. I'm just afraid that you'll be implicated."    


Shen Lang patted Qin Mingyue's small hand, "So my wife is caring for me. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."    


The two of them hid in the forest near the pond. Mosquitoes flew around them, but not a single one of them dared to bite them.    


Qin Mingyue whispered to Shen Lang, "I just found out that your physique is the same as mine, not even mosquitoes would attack."    


"Probably because I'm standing next to you and basking in the light." Shen Lang held Qin Mingyue tighter as he said, "I have to get closer."    


Qin Mingyue's expression couldn't be seen clearly in the darkness, but Shen Lang could feel that the woman's breathing became faster and her heart beat faster. Even through the clothes, he could feel her body temperature rising.    


The two of them had been waiting here for over half an hour. Shen Lang was worried that Qin Mingyue would get impatient from waiting. However, Qin Mingyue did not express such an emotion.    


After another 20 minutes, the lights in Zhou Wulue's house dimmed.    


"It's time to make a move." Shen Lang whispered.    


"Ah, so fast." Qin Mingyue blurted out, "Why do I feel like I've only been waiting for a short while?"    


Shen Lang chuckled and kissed Qin Mingyue on her forehead. Then, he walked out of the forest and headed straight to the edge of the pool.    


Qin Mingyue vaguely saw Shen Lang squatting beside a ditch overgrown with weeds beside the pond. She raised her sleeves, but no one knew what he was fiddling with.    


Ye Zichen also walked over due to her curiosity. The moment she got close, she saw Shen Lang pull out an eel that was as thick as a thumb from the mud.    


Qin Mingyue's head was full of questions. Didn't they say to tease Zhou Wulue? Why did they come here to catch eels?    


"Tsk, top grade wild eel. Good stuff." Shen Lang said in satisfaction.    


"This …" "What in the world are you trying to do …" Qin Mingyue looked at the squirming eel in fear. "Don't say that you're scaring them to death by throwing them into their room. That would be too childish …"    


Shen Lang said mysteriously: "You'll know soon enough."    


As he said that, he turned around and headed for Zhou Wulue's house with the eel in his hand. Qin Mingyue didn't follow him; instead, she saw Shen Lang dancing in front of the house from afar. No one knew what he was doing.    


Not long after that, Shen Lang returned. Qin Mingyue could smell a strong scent of blood.    


"I got the eel blood on his door." Shen Lang shook the eel in his hand.    


Qin Mingyue looked at the decapitated eel, smelling the pungent smell of blood, and felt nauseous in her stomach. "Hurry …" Throw it away quickly... "So disgusting …"    


"As you command, my wife!"    


Shen Lang threw away the eel and washed his hands near the pond.    


Qin Mingyue stared at Shen Lang warily, "Did you learn some evil tricks..." The curse of a demon? "    


Shen Lang almost laughed out loud: "I'm such an upright and good young man, how would I know how to do evil things."    


Inside the small villa —    


A few minutes ago, Zhou Wulue and his wife had already entered the bedroom to rest. After lying down for a while, Zhou Wulue felt a little itchy in his heart.    


"Wife, we haven't had that for days." Zhou Wulue's hand slowly reached into his wife's pajamas.    


Zhou Wulue's wife scolded him softly, "That's a bad thing."    


"Don't tell me you don't want to …" Zhou Wulue slowly exerted force with his palm.    


His wife snorted and slightly twisted her body. Zhou Wulue immediately wanted to get up with a dry mouth. Just as he was about to take his next move, his wife suddenly pushed him away.    


"No …" I'm a little flustered. " Zhou Wulue's wife said uneasily, "When you close your eyes, your dad will appear. That pale face … "How terrifying …"    


Zhou Wulue patiently comforted her, "You dared to scold him while he was still alive, but now you're afraid of death? Nothing to do, wife, come... "Let's be fine …"    


"Wu Zi, do you think your father will blame us for not keeping watch?" Zhou Wulue's wife grabbed the quilt: "People say that ghosts come back within three days after a person dies …" "When your father finds out we're not here, he'll get angry …"    


Zhou Wulue's mind was filled with thoughts about that. Seeing his wife talking to him in a mysterious manner, he got a little impatient: "It's all superstitions, what kind of bullsh * t ghosts! Even if there really is one, I will make sure it finds me and destroy its soul! "    


Zhou Wulue's wife tensed up as soon as she finished her sentence. "Wu Zi, did you hear anything!?"    


"Sound? "What sound —" Zhou Wulue pricked up his ears.    


He was about to say that his wife shouldn't be surprised when he heard something like a knock at the front door downstairs.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


As the two held their breaths, the sound became even more distinct, as if someone was casually knocking on their door.    


"Hua la — —" Outside, a gust of night wind blew, and the branches of the trees beside the house swayed in the wind. Under the moonlight, the mottled shadows were like the claws of monsters, constantly swaying on the curtains of the bedroom.    


"Martial …" Wu Zi … You... You go down... "Let's go down and take a look …" Zhou Wulue's wife was shivering in his arms.    


Zhou Wulue's entire body was drenched in cold sweat. The knocking sound that reverberated in his ears continuously stimulated his tense nerves.    


"Could it really be you …" It's your dad... You came looking for me? " His wife gripped his arm in horror, her nails digging into his flesh.    


Zhou Wulue wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and gritted his teeth, "If it's really him, then I'm not afraid anymore!" I'll go take a look! "    


He quickly turned on the bedside lamp, got up, and rushed out of the bedroom.    


Zhou Wulue's wife who was alone in her bedroom was also very scared. After hesitating for a few seconds, she also decided to follow him out.    


The couple descended from the second floor and entered the hall on the first floor. The closer they got to the door, the more clearly they heard the knocking sound.    


"Who's outside!" Zhou Wulue bravely yelled and quickly turned on the lights in the living room.    



After the roar, there was dead silence outside the door, as if the noise just now was an illusion.    


Zhou Wulue and his wife held their breath and waited for a moment. Just as they were about to let out a sigh of relief, the sound of knocking rang out again. Zhou Wulue's wife was so shocked that her legs went limp and she sat on the ground.    


Zhou Wulue gathered his courage and walked to the door. With trembling hands, he gently unlocked the door and fiercely opened it.    


The knocking stopped abruptly. The door was empty.    


Looking at the darkness, Zhou Wulue's heart skipped a beat and he closed the door again.    


However, not long after he closed the door, the same sound appeared again.    


Zhou Wulue gritted his teeth as he quickly pulled open the door, and the sound disappeared again.    


After repeating this three or four times, there was a clear knock on the door, but no one could tell what it was. The formless fear made Zhou Wulue and his wife almost break down.    


Fear filled the hearts of the couple. Zhou Wulue's face was deathly pale as he looked at his wife, who was also devoid of any color, and muttered: "It's over … It's over …" It's a ghost … "Ghost is knocking on the door …"    


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