Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C306 Suffering

C306 Suffering

0"Blue Light" was the name of an entertainment club. It was famous in Haidian District, where not only were the audio and audio decorations advanced, but also many pretty girls were hired as princesses. From time to time, there were even Russian girls dancing Tuoyi Dance to boost their fun.    


By ten o'clock, the number of cars in the parking lot had not only not decreased, there were only a few more than before. It was like a moving car show.    


In a luxurious private room on the top floor of the Entertainment City.    


The dozen young men and women were having a good time. Two or three of them seemed to have taken drugs and were swaying madly to the explosive music.    


As they swayed, the two young men continued to stroke the sexy parts of the two girls.    


After a few minutes, their actions became even crazier and more daring. They directly ripped off the girl's clothes, revealing the tight little bra underneath.    


Not only did the two girls not refuse or get angry, on the other hand, they screamed incessantly like the rising and falling of the tide. They even took the initiative to take off their little bra and shake the two little white rabbits, jumping up and down happily.    


Zhen Datong was lying on a high-class sofa in the middle of the room. After more than ten hours of recovery, his face had finally returned to normal. He was hugging a big-chested girl, with a big hand coming from behind and pinched his butt so hard that it deformed.    


However, his eyes were focused on a girl on the sofa to his right. His eyes were filled with a naked desire for possession.    




Ever since she had entered this place, Lee Xiaorou's heart had been in constant torment. Having lived a life of poverty since she was young, she was extremely resistant to this kind of atmosphere.    


At first, it was nothing, but when those unsightly scenes appeared, her expression finally changed.    


After a slight hesitation, she stood up, walked to the big-chested girl beside Zhen Datong and said weakly, "Zhang Yan, I'll go back first. I still have class tomorrow."    


She sneaked a glance at Zhen Datong and quickly looked away like a frightened rabbit.    


She knew Zhen Datong because when she entered the Polytechnic University and was named as the school beauty by those guys who had nothing to do, Zhen Datong had once pursued her … No, not in pursuit, but in demand, in order to be his lover.    


She refused.    


At that time, she didn't know that Zhang Yan was already one of Zhen Datong's lovers.    


Even when she found out later on, she still treated Zhang Yan as her best friend.    


Three months ago, just a few days before the college entrance exam was going to take place, she experienced the darkest period of her life … On the way home, he was almost raped by a few thugs.    


Fortunately, at that time, a terrifying person had appeared and killed all of those hooligans, and she had luckily survived. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember the assassin's appearance at all. Only those eyes were deeply engraved in her memory.    


She had always kept that matter buried deep in her heart. She hadn't even told her grandma, who was so close to her, about it.    


Two months ago, when she was taking the college entrance exam, she was pestered by Luo Tian and was almost taken away.    


That person taught Luo Tian a lesson and even arranged bodyguards to protect him until the end of the college entrance examination.    


At that time, she knew his name, Zhang Yang!    


For this reason, she felt only deep gratitude. Although she knew that she was unable to repay him, she still deeply engraved this name in her mind.    


A month ago, she had already become a university student. She liked this kind of life and studied even more assiduously.    


However, the heavens had once again messed with this weak girl. His grandmother who was still in Qing Hai had suddenly died, and she didn't even have the money to be buried for her grandma.    


At that time, all her hopes had been dashed, and her life was in its darkest period. She even had the thought of living a light life, and she no longer had any nostalgia towards this world.    


Fortunately, when her roommates found out about this, they helped her out, causing her to cry out in gratitude.    


With the help of the villagers, she decided to drop out of school and prepare to work to support herself after burying her grandmother. She no longer had a source of livelihood.    


At this time, Zhang Yan appeared. She took the initiative to look for her, gave her money, and told her to continue her studies. In Zhang Yan's words, her academic performance was so good that it would be a pity if she didn't study.    


At first, she had refused his offer, but Zhang Yan had told her to take it as a form of support because Zhang Yan's family owned a small office building in Beijing that they could work in after graduation until she had the money to pay him back.    


For this, Zhang Yan specially took her to the office building. Lee Xiaorou was very grateful, so they became good friends that could talk about anything.    


From then on, Zhang Yan would lend her living expenses every once in a while. It wasn't a lot, but it only added up to around ten thousand yuan.    


Lee Xiaorou, who had lived a poor life since she was young, was worth more than ten thousand yuan.    


Today, Zhang Yan had found her again. However, she didn't borrow money as usual and instead told her that it was Zhang Yan's birthday and that she was invited to play with her.    


She couldn't make up her mind, so she followed him to this entertainment city. She met Zhen Datong once again, along with his friends. Furthermore, she knew that they were all students of the Aviation Academy.    


However, from the very beginning, she had been very silent. Those girls were looking at her with ridicule and contempt, while the boys were looking at her with thirty percent desire and seventy percent ridicule.    


This gave her a bad feeling.    


She really wanted to leave, but she felt sorry for Zhang Yan. After all, it was her birthday, but … She really couldn't stand Zhen Datong's naked, lascivious gaze.    


Especially when she saw those students taking drugs, those unsightly scenes and the rotten atmosphere, she couldn't bear it any longer.    


In fact, when her grandmother died, she had thought about letting herself go, breaking things down and going her own way.    


However, every time that thought appeared, she couldn't help but think of a person and say a few words.    


"All of your grades are very outstanding, especially in English. You will definitely get high marks."    


His voice was very calm, and his eyes were filled with encouragement. She couldn't understand why he was so sure that the college entrance exam had just ended.    


Just a little more.    


She was almost accepted into Jiangdu University.    


Just a little more.    


She almost walked into the abyss.    


Whenever she was depressed, she couldn't help but think of that person, that face, that gentle smile, faintly encouraging.    


In the end, she didn't let herself fall. Instead, she relied on Zhang Yan's help and braved the hardships that she had passed over and over again until now.    


She also wanted to work as a thrifty student and pay for her actions... She had once used her time as a waitress in a family, but she was frequently teased and bullied by guests. Helplessly, she was able to resign from her job.    


She also worked in the KFC for a few hours, but she was kept out of the way until she was framed and forced to leave.    


She lowered her posture and went to the hotel to do the dishwasher, while the lecherous boss threw him five thousand dollars on the spot and asked her to sleep with him.    


She did not agree and was thrown out.    


Similar experiences happened over and over again. No matter what kind of job she found, not even three days, she would always be fired for all sorts of reasons.    


In the end, she was filled with fear for her career, which was why she had no choice but to accept Zhang Yan's help.    




"Xiao Rou, what did you say?"    


Zhang Yan glanced at Zhen Datong beside her with a blushing face. That hateful big hand had already reached into her inner pocket, causing her to tremble all over.    


Zhen Datong also looked up. His two fingers were already stained with moist mucus. His mind was filled with fantasies as he stared at Lee Xiaorou's two beautiful legs that could be described as devilish.    


He had always been interested in Lee Xiaorou.    


She wasn't the only one. There were also several school nearby. The beauties on the list were all his prey. Lee Xiaorou was one, Zhou Qian was one.    


They all had one thing in common: they were all commoners, with no background or backing.    


If it weren't for the fierce beating that spread throughout the country and his elder brother's repeated warnings, Lee Xiaorou and Zhou Qian would have been ruthlessly destroyed by him long ago.    


Moreover, he had once said something haughty in front of those bunch of dog friends. He wanted those so-called school beauties to go to bed with him while kneeling and crying … That was why they had been delaying until now.    


At this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated. When he saw the number on it, Zhen Datong waved his hand and told a student to turn off the music.    


"Sorry, Second Young Master, we didn't find that guy, and that girl didn't go back to the dorm either."    


Zhen Datong's face immediately darkened and he didn't say anything.    


"However, please be at ease, Second Young Master. As long as that woman appears tomorrow, I promise I will capture her for you."    




Zhen Datong immediately stopped the call. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lee Xiaorou who was standing in front of him. The wild desire in his heart was stirred up and he wanted to vent it out.    


At this moment, although the music had been turned off, the two men and two women did not stop because of the medicine. Their postures were extremely ambiguous and their bones were exposed to the extreme.    


Lee Xiaorou did not dare to look at the scene behind her. She did not dare to meet Zhen Datong's gaze. Seeing Zhang Yan's drunk yet not drunk face, she gritted her teeth and said, "Zhang Yan, you guys play. I'll go back first."    


"Hahaha, Lee Xiaorou, you're so naive."    


Suddenly, Zhen Datong burst into laughter. In front of Lee Xiaorou, he reached his hand into Zhang Yan's clothes and ruthlessly kneaded a mountain. Zhang Yan, on the other hand, did not resist and instead let out a moaning sound.    


Lee Xiaorou was so shocked that her mouth gaped wide open. It was hard to accept what had happened, but she quickly reacted and left without a word.    


However, two male students stopped her. Their expressions were full of ridicule and contempt, as if they were looking at a fool.    


"You, what do you want to do? "Make way, make way." Lee Xiaorou shuddered uncontrollably. After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Zhang Yan for help.    


"Slut! bitch! Stupid! "    


He slowly stood up and walked over to Lee Xiaorou, licking his lips, "If I told you that I would graze you tonight, would you believe me?"    


The other boys and girls burst into laughter when they heard this. Even Zhang Yan, who was lazily lying on the sofa, laughed. There was a trace of malice in her smile.    


"You …" Lee Xiaorou's face was pale.    


"You what you, I'll f * * k you, do you think your father's money is so easy to spend?"    


Zhen Datong's eyes flashed with lust. He tried to touch Lee Xiaorou's pretty face, but he was evaded, but he didn't get angry, instead he sneered, "Twelve thousand yuan. If I go to the bathroom and take a bath, I can f * cking do you think that the crack between your legs is made of gold?"    


Lee Xiaorou was both embarrassed and angered at the sound of the voice. However, she seemed to have realized something, and her face paled once again, devoid of any color.    


Her delicate body began to tremble uncontrollably.    


Then she stepped back and shook her head, looking at Zhang Yan in disbelief.    


"Lee Xiaorou, what kind of eyes do you have? If it wasn't because Datong wanted me to give you money, I wouldn't f * cking care if you lived or died."    


Zhang Yan's sneer was even richer. Her voice was sharp, and her tone was venomous.    


Naturally, she knew Zhen Datong's ambition... Let those school beauties kneel and cry for his favor.    


Zhou Qian from Aerospace University, Lee Xiaorou from Polytechnic University, Wang Tingting from Peking University's Medical Department, Pan Lei from City Academy, Hu Yafei from Geological University …    


The famous beauties on the list were all his targets.    


These school beauties all had their own characteristics. Some had fiery bodies, some had exquisite curves, some were delicate and pretty, and some were sweet and delicate.    


However, they all had one thing in common. They all didn't have a strong family background, nor did they have a terrifying backer that would make others cower in fear.    


In other words, they were just a bunch of commoner school beauties. That was why Zhen Datong dared to brazenly say such bold words.    


Zhang Yan didn't know if Zhen Datong had succeeded in defeating the commoner school beauties in the other academies.    


However, she knew that the reason why Zhen Datong came to find her was because he wanted to use her to scheme against Lee Xiaorou through the trap of money.    


Before the two of them went to bed, it had been very clear that even though Zhang Yan had given up her body, she had still gained a lot from it.    


First of all, her father's office building had a few impressive projects, and Zhen Datong had promised her that as long as they were successful, he would be able to let her office building into Haidian District.    


Even so, Zhang Yan was still very unhappy. However, she did not dare to show her hatred in front of Zhen Datong. She could only vent it out on Lee Xiaorou.    



Every time Lee Xiaorou showed gratitude to her, Zhang Yan could only sneer hatefully in her heart.    


Now that she saw the incredulous expression on her face, a perverted pleasure welled up within her.    


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